"Government" is Not the Problem.

If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".
Will the liberals ever get tired of repeating this lie over and over?

Probably not, since they haven't anything else.
If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution,
It isn't.

I had that right long before the 2nd amendment (or the Constitution) was written.

Will the liberals ever get tired of repeating this lie over and over?...
Many of them don't consider it a lie. They actually believe it to be true out of ignorance.

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of the United States
The unique position of the Supreme Court stems, in large part, from the deep commitment of the American people to the Rule of Law and to constitutional government. The United States has demonstrated an unprecedented determination to preserve and protect its written Constitution, thereby providing the American "experiment in democracy" with the oldest written Constitution still in force.

The Constitution of the United States is a carefully balanced document. It is designed to provide for a national government sufficiently strong and flexible to meet the needs of the republic, yet sufficiently limited and just to protect the guaranteed rights of citizens; it permits a balance between society's need for order and the individual's right to freedom. To assure these ends, the Framers of the Constitution created three independent and coequal branches of government. That this Constitution has provided continuous democratic government through the periodic stresses of more than two centuries illustrates the genius of the American system of government.
The Governing Contract.

Government of The People, by The People and for The People.

If y'all really want to know who all y'all ultimately get permission to keep guns in your houses from, it's all y'all.

We, The Peeps.

Ultimately I'm trusting every American who owns guns not to allow them to be used in an inappropriate manner, and y'all are all trusting me to keep the 9 mm that I carry most of the time safely concealed under my shirt, unless I truly believe that I'm involved in a situation that calls for a good guy with a gun.

And you continue to be WRONG!

Our rights are inalienable. They are derived from our Creator... not Government... not Man! One of our inalienable rights is the right to SELF-GOVERN.... we don't need no stinking contract! We sure as fuck don't need "permission" to have our endowed and inalienable rights.

You've simply not made your case and whenever you've tried to make your case, you've been slapped upside your goofy head with facts you can't refute. It doesn't seem to bother you, we continue to watch you spin, distort, lie, twist and regurgitate the same idiocy that was already refuted.

All I can say is, you are a walking testament to the abject failure of our public education system.
This one likes to play little word games... Don't dig to deep it gets exhausting

you mean SJ? yeah, I know.

but, for the record, the court parses words, too.
Which is total valid when making a legal argument... If thats what you two were doing then I retract my statement. I thought this was more of an ideological/moral argument, where the word games get real old.

he was claiming that the legislature is not charged with the providing for the general welfare of the citizenry and claims some distinction based upon the word "promote" as used in the constitution.

given the caselaw, (however limited on the subject of the general welfare clause) I pointed out it was a distinction without a difference.
I agree... To promote entails providing something... What that something is should be determined by our elected leaders
Wrong. Follow the law, not the twisting of meaning by politicians.
the definition of promote
the definition of provide
Thank you for that, now I understand... With this new found knowledge I have a proposal. Cut all welfare funding and in its place we can open congress with a round of applause and supportive statements from our government leaders encouraging the poor to find a job, shelter and hot meal. Prayers for our elderly to feel better from their medical ailments, and a salute to our vets for all they've sacrificed.

Hows that sound to you?!
If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".
Will the liberals ever get tired of repeating this lie over and over?

Probably not, since they haven't anything else.
If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution,
It isn't.

I had that right long before the 2nd amendment (or the Constitution) was written.

Also had the right to own a slave before the constitution was written. Amen to freedom, right?!
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.
last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
I can his name is John Doe... Call your local mortuary and you can go take a look.

last I checked promoting the general welfare doesn't include letting children starve to death.

Shut up, moron. You cannot name the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America.
Agreed. I don't know of any starving. If they are, then it's outside of the cities in those "white trash" states Jillian hates so much.

There's no one starving anywhere in America and it's an absolutely ludicrous claim. We spend hundreds of billions on programs to feed the hungry... by both the state and federal government as well as thousands of charity organizations. I'll bet you money the last time a person legitimately starved to death involuntarily in this country was prior to the 1940s.

This is what these nitwits do! They tug on our heart strings with these emotive bleats like a bunch of sad sheep. They are just mindless idiots who wouldn't have a thought in their heads if the Socialist Marxists didn't put one there.
It is somewhat ironic that you make a claim that nobody is starving to death because we are spending money on programs to feed the hungry... but then you advocate to cut spending and shrink government.
It is somewhat ironic that you make a claim that nobody is starving to death because we are spending money on programs to feed the hungry... but then you advocate to cut spending and shrink government.

I didn't make any claim... I challenged you to cite the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America. You weren't able to do that. Go ahead and take a few days if you need to research it.... you still won't find a single example. It doesn't happen in this country.

Our general budget is currently running about a trillion dollars a year over what we take in. Maybe your math skills are as deplorable as your history and social studies skills, but even a retarded person should understand why this dynamic cannot continue indefinitely. It has nothing to do with feelings or benevolence. It will not matter one iota how much heartbreaking sympathy you have for a hungry person when you are out of money. So... do we ride our horse into the dust here? Let's just spend like five-year-olds in a candy store and disregard the consequences? Or maybe.... just maybe... we put our heads together and figure out some solutions that don't end with us going tits up? Wouldn't THAT be a better idea?
What IS The United States Constitution, if not a contract we are all agreeing to be governed by? :dunno:

If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".

The Governing Contract.

Government of The People, by The People and for The People.

If y'all really want to know who all y'all ultimately get permission to keep guns in your houses from, it's all y'all.

We, The Peeps.

Ultimately I'm trusting every American who owns guns not to allow them to be used in an inappropriate manner, and y'all are all trusting me to keep the 9 mm that I carry most of the time safely concealed under my shirt, unless I truly believe that I'm involved in a situation that calls for a good guy with a gun.


You should go argue with the idiot who wrote the OP, he thinks the government bestows rights upon us

If the government is yours, you have a say.

If the government isn't yours, you're doin' it wrong.
The constitution exists to protects our right to bear arms...it does not grant us the right. And in fact the constitution itself says that we have rights that are nit listed in the constitution.
It is somewhat ironic that you make a claim that nobody is starving to death because we are spending money on programs to feed the hungry... but then you advocate to cut spending and shrink government.

I didn't make any claim... I challenged you to cite the last person to die of involuntary starvation in America. You weren't able to do that. Go ahead and take a few days if you need to research it.... you still won't find a single example. It doesn't happen in this country.

Our general budget is currently running about a trillion dollars a year over what we take in. Maybe your math skills are as deplorable as your history and social studies skills, but even a retarded person should understand why this dynamic cannot continue indefinitely. It has nothing to do with feelings or benevolence. It will not matter one iota how much heartbreaking sympathy you have for a hungry person when you are out of money. So... do we ride our horse into the dust here? Let's just spend like five-year-olds in a candy store and disregard the consequences? Or maybe.... just maybe... we put our heads together and figure out some solutions that don't end with us going tits up? Wouldn't THAT be a better idea?
That is a great idea. I was just messing around about John Doe. Sarcasm doesn't really translate via text though.

As for the economics, that's a whole different discussion save that for another thread

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