"Government" is Not the Problem.

Still can't find any examples of people starving in America, huh?

10 cities where an appalling number of Americans are starving

If Republicans have their way with anti-hunger programs, it'll get a lot worse before it gets better

To bad your computer didn't come with Google. You would seem smarter if it did. You can get someone to help you install it (Google). Maybe a starving person would help.
Still can't find any examples of people starving in America, huh?

10 cities where an appalling number of Americans are starving

If Republicans have their way with anti-hunger programs, it'll get a lot worse before it gets better

To bad your computer didn't come with Google. You would seem smarter if it did. You can get someone to help you install it (Google). Maybe a starving person would help.

Computers don't come with Google, you fucking moron. Google is a website on the Internet. I didn't ask you for some fucking sensationalist liberal headline! I asked for the name of the last person who died of involuntary starvation in America! Can you present that or not? If not, shut the fuck up.

We are currently spending more money than ever before in American history on food programs to feed the hungry. More Americans are on food stamps than any time in history. And STILL you whine and moan about the poor starving children as if nothing is being done. You're pathetic!
Actually I give to my local food bank every time I go to the supermarket.

I don't give to a damn thing anymore. I'm DONE with it. I used to do it all the time... worked my ass off to help people in need. You want to know when and why I quit? It was Thanksgiving a few year ago...

I had just spent 12 hrs. at Jimmie Hale Mission in Birmingham, Alabama, feeding the homeless Thanksgiving dinner. I did this every year for over 15 years and spend thousands of my own dollars in the process. I did it because I cared and wanted to help. I come home from that to log on here and find several little smart ass punk liberals responding to my threads, calling me all sorts of awful names because I am a Conservative. Just bashing and smearing without any regard for me whatsoever. And I just decided, in that moment, what the fuck is the use? It doesn't matter what I do... It's never going to be enough for them. It doesn't matter if I am Mother Teresa, as long as I am a Conservative, nothing I do will ever matter one iota. So fuck it... let the government handle it, they have enough of my money.

And that's how I am about it now... I donate to the animal shelter... dogs and cats appreciate what I do for them. I will never contribute another dime to help other people or any of my time. Until I see some liberals get off their ass and do something to help people instead of whining and bitching about us greedy conservatives who have no heart... I plan to do what I am doing in protest. Fuck you people... you can all go to hell!
Actually I give to my local food bank every time I go to the supermarket.

I don't give to a damn thing anymore. I'm DONE with it. I used to do it all the time... worked my ass off to help people in need. You want to know when and why I quit? It was Thanksgiving a few year ago...

I had just spent 12 hrs. at Jimmie Hale Mission in Birmingham, Alabama, feeding the homeless Thanksgiving dinner. I did this every year for over 15 years and spend thousands of my own dollars in the process. I did it because I cared and wanted to help. I come home from that to log on here and find several little smart ass punk liberals responding to my threads, calling me all sorts of awful names because I am a Conservative. Just bashing and smearing without any regard for me whatsoever. And I just decided, in that moment, what the fuck is the use? It doesn't matter what I do... It's never going to be enough for them. It doesn't matter if I am Mother Teresa, as long as I am a Conservative, nothing I do will ever matter one iota. So fuck it... let the government handle it, they have enough of my money.

And that's how I am about it now... I donate to the animal shelter... dogs and cats appreciate what I do for them. I will never contribute another dime to help other people or any of my time. Until I see some liberals get off their ass and do something to help people instead of whining and bitching about us greedy conservatives who have no heart... I plan to do what I am doing in protest. Fuck you people... you can all go to hell!

So you let a bunch of anonymous assholes stop you from doing a good thing
So you let a bunch of anonymous assholes stop you from doing a good thing

No, I still do good things, I won't ever stop doing that. As I said, I donate to my local animal shelter. I will help personal friends or family when a crisis happens or a neighbor family if their house burns... that kind of thing, I still do. I also contribute a lot of money and time to World Missions Outreach and Feed the Five Thousand, which provide meals for many hungry children in Nicaragua.

I just stopped contributing to food banks and feeding programs here because I've put in enough of my money and effort over the years and I feel like it's time the liberals shut their fucking mouths and step up to do something. I've paid enough in taxes to cover any obligations I may have to help the hungry in America. All I ever get from the left is what a greedy bastard I am... so fuck it. I'm done!
There is nothing unwarranted about fearing an entity that has the legal right and the ability to kill you and take everything you own.
Agreed. That's exactly the situation faced by the Founders and why 1) we have the Constitution to limit the powers of government and 2) why they felt an armed citizenry was the best defense against tyranny.
10 cities where an appalling number of Americans are starving

If Republicans have their way with anti-hunger programs, it'll get a lot worse before it gets better
Memphis? San Francisco? Washington, DC? Philadelphia? Why don't those Liberal cities feed their poor? WTF do the fucking Republicans have to do with state or municipal government where they are in the minority?

Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, Democrat

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, Democrat

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Browser , Democrat

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney , Democrat
how about you? you out there feeding homeless people? or do you just sit and drool over your guns on your front porch?
Translation: The Government should mandate everyone feeds the poor. Guns should be banned, confiscated and gun owners made to pay for the food.

Sorry, baby, but while that wet dream of yours is a common one among the far Left, it ain't going to happen anytime soon and not without a fight.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."
- Gerald R. Ford​
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Reagan’s First Inaugural: “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

Reagan presents himself as a follower of the Constitution. “Our Government,” he emphasizes, “has no power except that granted it by the people. It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed.” The old Constitution, with its restraints and emphasis on limited government, allows individual freedom to work for the common good. “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
That's the trouble with liberals. They think freedom comes from the government instead of the other way around.

Government is a tool.

Freedom comes from he who has the keys to the military.

Now kneel and thank your preferred Deity that you were born when and where you were and not during The Spanish Inquisition.


It's interesting that you believe that every government has the legitimate authority to dispose of us as it sees fit, but you prefer to live under one where that authority has been severely constrained.

It's only "interesting" if you don't understand the effective tool that government could become under The US Constitution and give in to a fear of government that is unwarranted because of the protections spelled out for us in the document we all agree to be governed by.

There is nothing unwarranted about fearing an entity that has the legal right and the ability to kill you and take everything you own.

If fear is what you want to run your life by, that's your American choice. You have my pity.

You are lucky enough to have been born under the best contract for governance and industry in human history and you're whining like a little bitch.


Fear is a healthy emotion. It keeps us alive. The reason Communism was able to slaughter 100 million people is that the people didn't fear it enough. Likewise, people should be afraid of what your peddling. Otherwise we'll end up like the people of Venezuela with no food to eat.
Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry

Bullshit. If government has that power, then the 2nd Amendment is meaningless.
The government does have that power and has been enacting it. This is why you can't buy and Uzi with you milk and tampons at Walmart. But you can still go into a gun store and buy a riffle or pistol if you show you are responsible through a background check. Hopefully a system that we can improve on.
Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry
No they don't.
Yes they do... Go legally buy an Uzi, bazooka, tommy gun and some hand grenades. Without some special license. Regulations are in place and rightfully so
The government does have that power and has been enacting it. This is why you can't buy and Uzi with you milk and tampons at Walmart. But you can still go into a gun store and buy a riffle or pistol if you show you are responsible through a background check. Hopefully a system that we can improve on.
Another lie. The decision to not sell Uzis, "assault weapons" and other products is Walmart's decision not Big Brother.

BTW, when I bought my "Peacemaker" six-shooter at Cabela's last week, they had an Uzi for sale. $1200 IIRC. I used to have one. Nice 9mm, but too heavy compared to other 9mm carbines.
The government does have that power and has been enacting it. This is why you can't buy and Uzi with you milk and tampons at Walmart. But you can still go into a gun store and buy a riffle or pistol if you show you are responsible through a background check. Hopefully a system that we can improve on.

You're wrong.... Government didn't do that. We The People have the option, via our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish reasonable limitations we all agree upon. That's the only reason you cannot buy an Uzi.
So you let a bunch of anonymous assholes stop you from doing a good thing

No, I still do good things, I won't ever stop doing that. As I said, I donate to my local animal shelter. I will help personal friends or family when a crisis happens or a neighbor family if their house burns... that kind of thing, I still do. I also contribute a lot of money and time to World Missions Outreach and Feed the Five Thousand, which provide meals for many hungry children in Nicaragua.

I just stopped contributing to food banks and feeding programs here because I've put in enough of my money and effort over the years and I feel like it's time the liberals shut their fucking mouths and step up to do something. I've paid enough in taxes to cover any obligations I may have to help the hungry in America. All I ever get from the left is what a greedy bastard I am... so fuck it. I'm done!

We should be allowed to direct our volunteer/charity where we please. People who donate to animal shelters aren't just helping animals..they're also helping the owners of animals. Our local shelter is a no-kill one, and they are WONDERFUL. They have wonderful working relationships with the businesses and the police in town, and they provide a huge service by taking in strays and abandoned pets, and helping homeless people or other people care for their pets.
Still can't find any examples of people starving in America, huh?

10 cities where an appalling number of Americans are starving

If Republicans have their way with anti-hunger programs, it'll get a lot worse before it gets better

To bad your computer didn't come with Google. You would seem smarter if it did. You can get someone to help you install it (Google). Maybe a starving person would help.
define starving

is it this


or this

Nobody is starving in the US. If they are, it's because they are being abused and food is withheld, or because their parents are incapable of caring for children. I guess those are the same things.

We have some of that because the progressives refuse to keep criminals and crazy people locked up.

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