"Government" is Not the Problem.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Question for AVG-Schmoe...

Where do "Blessings" come from? :dunno:

Hard work and personal responsibility.

No, that would be earnings.

Blessing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A blessing (also used to refer to bestowing of such) is the infusion of something withholiness, spiritual redemption, or divine will.

Potato Potato.

You keep depending on your imaginary friend to protect you and yours and I'll keep depending on Naval Intelligence, among others.

You keep depending on your imaginary friend to provide for you and yours and I'll continue to work hard to acquire and maintain the assets that feed me and mine.

Beer? :beer:
You keep depending on your imaginary friend to protect you and yours and I'll keep depending on Naval Intelligence, among others.

Well, my friends Smith and Wesson protect me and mine. But thanks for confirming that you are a little sheep who knows nothing but to follow the other little sheep. When our country was founded, people like you were content to follow along with the crown of England and be little sheep as well. Others were courageous enough to throw off the tyranny of man and declare their god-given right to govern themselves. We won, you lost. That's history. Learn it!

Beer? :beer:

No thanks, but you go right ahead... people who have no belief in something greater than self are often depressed and have to drown their sorrow in alcohol to cope with the emptiness. And save your retort, I know that you don't realize it or recognize it. Lost people never do... that's what makes it so sad.

Still an angry man, eh, Boss? :eusa_eh:

Maybe it's the God you serve.

Government isn't the problem. It's the cancer. The people putting up with it is the problem.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Wow, a phone on the go... Sounds like you got it rough man, I'm sorry. Let me know if you suffer from spotty service or slow wifi and I'll see if I can help. Life gets tough but hang In There
We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
You call it "spoiled". Spoiled by who, ourselves? The reason we have it better than most is because our Founding Fathers were smart enough to put the power of governing in the hands of the people. THE PEOPLE are what made us great, prosperous, and powerful, not some fucking dictator repressive system such as communism. That's why we don't stand in line for toilet paper. It's why homosexuals don't get thrown off rooftops or hanged in public. It's why women aren't stoned for being raped. If the current administration had it's way, none of us would be allowed to defend ourselves, own property, or make decisions regarding our own families.
You can call that being "spoiled" if you like but I don't think you have a clue as to why we ARE. It's not something our benevolent government did for us, it's what we did for OURSELVES despite their efforts.
Do you hear yourself??? Yes it's because of the people... The people who elect leaders, who then create laws, and a system to enforce those laws. The government is made up of the people. It represents the people. It's not your enemy. We are the richest and most powerful country In the world and you bitch about movements that try and feed the poor and take care of the elderly, build roads, keep our water and environmental clean, etc etc etc. grow the fuck up... the world isnt just about you.
Government isn't the problem. It's the cancer. The people putting up with it is the problem.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Wow, a phone on the go... Sounds like you got it rough man, I'm sorry. Let me know if you suffer from spotty service or slow wifi and I'll see if I can help. Life gets tough but hang In There
Am I supposed to have pity for the rest of the world because they don't live in America? Not my problem. Take your pity party and shove it up your ass.

Have a nice day :asshole:
Government isn't the problem. It's the cancer. The people putting up with it is the problem.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Wow, a phone on the go... Sounds like you got it rough man, I'm sorry. Let me know if you suffer from spotty service or slow wifi and I'll see if I can help. Life gets tough but hang In There
Am I supposed to have pity for the rest of the world because they don't live in America? Not my problem. Take your pity party and shove it up your ass.

Have a nice day :asshole:
Not pity because they don't live in America but perhaps some compassion for the real life suffering others go through. Perhaps a little perspective before you bitch about a bunch bullshit and make it out like these things you call problems are significant on a real level.
Government isn't the problem. It's the cancer. The people putting up with it is the problem.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Wow, a phone on the go... Sounds like you got it rough man, I'm sorry. Let me know if you suffer from spotty service or slow wifi and I'll see if I can help. Life gets tough but hang In There
Am I supposed to have pity for the rest of the world because they don't live in America? Not my problem. Take your pity party and shove it up your ass.

Have a nice day :asshole:
Not pity because they don't live in America but perhaps some compassion for the real life suffering others go through. Perhaps a little perspective before you bitch about a bunch bullshit and make it out like these things you call problems are significant on a real level.
My business has lost about 30% of its gross since the crash of 08. I think I have every right to bitch REGARDLESS of some poor schmuck circumstances around the globe. Having said that I don't expect some salary or hourly douche to understand
The government does have that power and has been enacting it. This is why you can't buy and Uzi with you milk and tampons at Walmart. But you can still go into a gun store and buy a riffle or pistol if you show you are responsible through a background check. Hopefully a system that we can improve on.

You're wrong.... Government didn't do that. We The People have the option, via our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish reasonable limitations we all agree upon. That's the only reason you cannot buy an Uzi.
We the people = the Govenment... of the people, by the people, for the people

Well... yes... in OUR country, We The People ARE the government... that was my whole point. The Government doesn't do or allow or disallow a damn thing. The people do. In OUR country, the government has NO power... the power belongs to the PEOPLE.
It doesn't really matter how you look at it, they are both the same. We have rights that are defined by the constitution or the government grants us our rights... exact same thing.

No, it's completely opposite things. The government does not grant us our inalienable god-given rights... those come from our Creator and they are unalienable. That means, they can't be taken or given by man. Our rights are outlined in the constitution, they are not defined by the constitution. The constitution doesn't grant us our rights.... our rights are endowed by our Creator. It is the truth we hold to be self-evident.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Wow, a phone on the go... Sounds like you got it rough man, I'm sorry. Let me know if you suffer from spotty service or slow wifi and I'll see if I can help. Life gets tough but hang In There
Am I supposed to have pity for the rest of the world because they don't live in America? Not my problem. Take your pity party and shove it up your ass.

Have a nice day :asshole:
Not pity because they don't live in America but perhaps some compassion for the real life suffering others go through. Perhaps a little perspective before you bitch about a bunch bullshit and make it out like these things you call problems are significant on a real level.
My business has lost about 30% of its gross since the crash of 08. I think I have every right to bitch REGARDLESS of some poor schmuck circumstances around the globe. Having said that I don't expect some salary or hourly douche to understand
I own 3 companies and have had to make adjustments as well but am still doing just fine. A 30% hit sucks but it sounds like your not to sharp of a businessman if you couldnt make the right adjustments. Either way... First world problems
The government does have that power and has been enacting it. This is why you can't buy and Uzi with you milk and tampons at Walmart. But you can still go into a gun store and buy a riffle or pistol if you show you are responsible through a background check. Hopefully a system that we can improve on.

You're wrong.... Government didn't do that. We The People have the option, via our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish reasonable limitations we all agree upon. That's the only reason you cannot buy an Uzi.
We the people = the Govenment... of the people, by the people, for the people

Well... yes... in OUR country, We The People ARE the government... that was my whole point. The Government doesn't do or allow or disallow a damn thing. The people do. In OUR country, the government has NO power... the power belongs to the PEOPLE.
Sure, whatever, it's all the same thing. Call it people or call it government. It doesn't matter. We have laws, we have the ability to write and change laws, it's not that complicated
It doesn't really matter how you look at it, they are both the same. We have rights that are defined by the constitution or the government grants us our rights... exact same thing.

No, it's completely opposite things. The government does not grant us our inalienable god-given rights... those come from our Creator and they are unalienable. That means, they can't be taken or given by man. Our rights are outlined in the constitution, they are not defined by the constitution. The constitution doesn't grant us our rights.... our rights are endowed by our Creator. It is the truth we hold to be self-evident.
How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47? How did our creator give us the write to own slaves?
116 innocent civilians killed in Obama drone strikes...

'The government is not the problem'
-- Tell that to the victims' families.
It doesn't really matter how you look at it, they are both the same. We have rights that are defined by the constitution or the government grants us our rights... exact same thing.

No, it's completely opposite things. The government does not grant us our inalienable god-given rights... those come from our Creator and they are unalienable. That means, they can't be taken or given by man. Our rights are outlined in the constitution, they are not defined by the constitution. The constitution doesn't grant us our rights.... our rights are endowed by our Creator. It is the truth we hold to be self-evident.
How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47? How did our creator give us the write to own slaves?

We have the right to bear arms, NOT own slaves. Welcome to 2016!
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Wow, a phone on the go... Sounds like you got it rough man, I'm sorry. Let me know if you suffer from spotty service or slow wifi and I'll see if I can help. Life gets tough but hang In There
Am I supposed to have pity for the rest of the world because they don't live in America? Not my problem. Take your pity party and shove it up your ass.

Have a nice day :asshole:
Not pity because they don't live in America but perhaps some compassion for the real life suffering others go through. Perhaps a little perspective before you bitch about a bunch bullshit and make it out like these things you call problems are significant on a real level.
My business has lost about 30% of its gross since the crash of 08. I think I have every right to bitch REGARDLESS of some poor schmuck circumstances around the globe. Having said that I don't expect some salary or hourly douche to understand
I own 3 companies and have had to make adjustments as well but am still doing just fine. A 30% hit sucks but it sounds like your not to sharp of a businessman if you couldnt make the right adjustments. Either way... First world problems
I'm in the home construction industry. Contract new builds & remodels. It has sucked for some time. There are areas in the country that have bounced back but the Midwest is not one of them.
And they are not first world problems they are my problems. Comparing the success of a wealthy country to that of the shitholes around the globe only goes to show just how disingenuous you are.
4 Americans are needlessly dead....

'The govt is not the problem.'
- Tell that to Ambassador Stephens' family and those of the other 3.
The Obama administration's vetting process completely failed, he mocked Americans' concerns over our national security and their own security, then the terrorist to whom he gave a visa killed 1w Americans in a terorist attack...

'The govt is not the problem'
- Tell that to the family members of the 12 murdered
It doesn't really matter how you look at it, they are both the same. We have rights that are defined by the constitution or the government grants us our rights... exact same thing.

No, it's completely opposite things. The government does not grant us our inalienable god-given rights... those come from our Creator and they are unalienable. That means, they can't be taken or given by man. Our rights are outlined in the constitution, they are not defined by the constitution. The constitution doesn't grant us our rights.... our rights are endowed by our Creator. It is the truth we hold to be self-evident.
How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47? How did our creator give us the write to own slaves?

We have the right to bear arms, NOT own slaves. Welcome to 2016!
The arguement was that our rights are outlined in the constitution and our rights are endowed by our creator. We had the right to own slaves after the constitution was written. You see the flaw in the arguement?
Wow, a phone on the go... Sounds like you got it rough man, I'm sorry. Let me know if you suffer from spotty service or slow wifi and I'll see if I can help. Life gets tough but hang In There
Am I supposed to have pity for the rest of the world because they don't live in America? Not my problem. Take your pity party and shove it up your ass.

Have a nice day :asshole:
Not pity because they don't live in America but perhaps some compassion for the real life suffering others go through. Perhaps a little perspective before you bitch about a bunch bullshit and make it out like these things you call problems are significant on a real level.
My business has lost about 30% of its gross since the crash of 08. I think I have every right to bitch REGARDLESS of some poor schmuck circumstances around the globe. Having said that I don't expect some salary or hourly douche to understand
I own 3 companies and have had to make adjustments as well but am still doing just fine. A 30% hit sucks but it sounds like your not to sharp of a businessman if you couldnt make the right adjustments. Either way... First world problems
I'm in the home construction industry. Contract new builds & remodels. It has sucked for some time. There are areas in the country that have bounced back but the Midwest is not one of them.
And they are not first world problems they are my problems. Comparing the success of a wealthy country to that of the shitholes around the globe only goes to show just how disingenuous you are.
I feel for your problems... I've been there before multiple times. I'm just saying that we can all use a little perspective at times

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