"Government" is Not the Problem.

How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47?

It't not a question of how. It's a self-evident truth we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights... one of them is the right to self-govern... in order to protect our right to self govern, we have the right to bear arms and form well-regulated militias.

Back in the 20s, machine guns were becoming widespread weapons of choice among gangsters and lots of people were being killed. So THE PEOPLE decided to establish a limitation on the types of weapons an average citizen could purchase or own. This is because we have the god-given right to self-govern.

Today, we have a bunch of activist liberals trying to take all our guns away because their socialist masters have convinced them it's what we should do. But they only represent about 25-30% of the population. So when these gun-grabbing bills are presented in Congress, they get resoundingly defeated... and the liberals whine and moan.
The arguement was that our rights are outlined in the constitution and our rights are endowed by our creator. We had the right to own slaves after the constitution was written. You see the flaw in the arguement?

We had the right to own slaves because slaves were recognized as property and not people at that time. What changed is the recognition of slaves as people and not property, and that came with the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments ratified by the people. Again, our right to self-govern.
That's the trouble with liberals. They think freedom comes from the government instead of the other way around.

Government is a tool.

Freedom comes from he who has the keys to the military.

Now kneel and thank your preferred Deity that you were born when and where you were and not during The Spanish Inquisition.


It's interesting that you believe that every government has the legitimate authority to dispose of us as it sees fit, but you prefer to live under one where that authority has been severely constrained.

It's only "interesting" if you don't understand the effective tool that government could become under The US Constitution and give in to a fear of government that is unwarranted because of the protections spelled out for us in the document we all agree to be governed by.

There is nothing unwarranted about fearing an entity that has the legal right and the ability to kill you and take everything you own.

If fear is what you want to run your life by, that's your American choice. You have my pity.

You are lucky enough to have been born under the best contract for governance and industry in human history and you're whining like a little bitch.


Fear is a healthy emotion. It keeps us alive.

Not when you live in it.

That's the trouble with liberals. They think freedom comes from the government instead of the other way around.

Government is a tool.

Freedom comes from he who has the keys to the military.

Now kneel and thank your preferred Deity that you were born when and where you were and not during The Spanish Inquisition.


It's interesting that you believe that every government has the legitimate authority to dispose of us as it sees fit, but you prefer to live under one where that authority has been severely constrained.

It's only "interesting" if you don't understand the effective tool that government could become under The US Constitution and give in to a fear of government that is unwarranted because of the protections spelled out for us in the document we all agree to be governed by.

There is nothing unwarranted about fearing an entity that has the legal right and the ability to kill you and take everything you own.

If fear is what you want to run your life by, that's your American choice. You have my pity.

You are lucky enough to have been born under the best contract for governance and industry in human history and you're whining like a little bitch.


Fear is a healthy emotion. It keeps us alive.

Not when you live in it.


Meaningless pap.

The only issue here is whether being concerned about Muslim immigrants is justified, and only a retard or a leftwing douche bag would claim it's not justified. The majority of Americans don't want them here.
How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47?

It't not a question of how. It's a self-evident truth we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights... one of them is the right to self-govern... in order to protect our right to self govern, we have the right to bear arms and form well-regulated militias.

Back in the 20s, machine guns were becoming widespread weapons of choice among gangsters and lots of people were being killed. So THE PEOPLE decided to establish a limitation on the types of weapons an average citizen could purchase or own. This is because we have the god-given right to self-govern.

Today, we have a bunch of activist liberals trying to take all our guns away because their socialist masters have convinced them it's what we should do. But they only represent about 25-30% of the population. So when these gun-grabbing bills are presented in Congress, they get resoundingly defeated... and the liberals whine and moan.

Right-wing American Politics:

I understand and agree with the problem....

I'm unwilling to negotiate because I'm afraid.
How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47?

It't not a question of how. It's a self-evident truth we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights... one of them is the right to self-govern... in order to protect our right to self govern, we have the right to bear arms and form well-regulated militias.

Back in the 20s, machine guns were becoming widespread weapons of choice among gangsters and lots of people were being killed. So THE PEOPLE decided to establish a limitation on the types of weapons an average citizen could purchase or own. This is because we have the god-given right to self-govern.

Today, we have a bunch of activist liberals trying to take all our guns away because their socialist masters have convinced them it's what we should do. But they only represent about 25-30% of the population. So when these gun-grabbing bills are presented in Congress, they get resoundingly defeated... and the liberals whine and moan.
You had me until the last paragraph... And you were so close to getting a winner Award!
Obama gives thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting inthe deaths of over 500 people, to include 5 US citizens....no one is held accountable...

'The govt is not the problem'.....

Tell that to the families of those 500
The arguement was that our rights are outlined in the constitution and our rights are endowed by our creator. We had the right to own slaves after the constitution was written. You see the flaw in the arguement?

We had the right to own slaves because slaves were recognized as property and not people at that time. What changed is the recognition of slaves as people and not property, and that came with the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments ratified by the people. Again, our right to self-govern.
Yes so when people say an extended magazine clip ban or an assault gun ban is the left taking away their God given rights it's BS. It's our right to self govern according to you. If in that governance the people deem a machine gun or any other gun too dangerous or a problem for whatever reason, they have every right to take it away. Like they did with slavery and machine guns.

Obama has never made an effort to take everybodies guns away. That's all hot air and fear mongering of the slippery slope. In a gun owner, I'm in favor of some gun control, I know many that Have similar beliefs.
How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47?

It't not a question of how. It's a self-evident truth we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights... one of them is the right to self-govern... in order to protect our right to self govern, we have the right to bear arms and form well-regulated militias.

Back in the 20s, machine guns were becoming widespread weapons of choice among gangsters and lots of people were being killed. So THE PEOPLE decided to establish a limitation on the types of weapons an average citizen could purchase or own. This is because we have the god-given right to self-govern.

Today, we have a bunch of activist liberals trying to take all our guns away because their socialist masters have convinced them it's what we should do. But they only represent about 25-30% of the population. So when these gun-grabbing bills are presented in Congress, they get resoundingly defeated... and the liberals whine and moan.

Right-wing American Politics:

I understand and agree with the problem....

I'm unwilling to negotiate because I'm afraid.

There is no negotiating my inalienable rights... sorry.
We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
You call it "spoiled". Spoiled by who, ourselves? The reason we have it better than most is because our Founding Fathers were smart enough to put the power of governing in the hands of the people. THE PEOPLE are what made us great, prosperous, and powerful, not some fucking dictator repressive system such as communism. That's why we don't stand in line for toilet paper. It's why homosexuals don't get thrown off rooftops or hanged in public. It's why women aren't stoned for being raped. If the current administration had it's way, none of us would be allowed to defend ourselves, own property, or make decisions regarding our own families.
You can call that being "spoiled" if you like but I don't think you have a clue as to why we ARE. It's not something our benevolent government did for us, it's what we did for OURSELVES despite their efforts.
Do you hear yourself??? Yes it's because of the people... The people who elect leaders, who then create laws, and a system to enforce those laws. The government is made up of the people. It represents the people. It's not your enemy. We are the richest and most powerful country In the world and you bitch about movements that try and feed the poor and take care of the elderly, build roads, keep our water and environmental clean, etc etc etc. grow the fuck up... the world isnt just about you.
Ok, time for you to back up your bullshit and post some quotes of me opposing feeding the poor or caring for the elderly and the other two overused talking points you threw out there that you can't back up. Do it or STFU.
We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
You call it "spoiled". Spoiled by who, ourselves? The reason we have it better than most is because our Founding Fathers were smart enough to put the power of governing in the hands of the people. THE PEOPLE are what made us great, prosperous, and powerful, not some fucking dictator repressive system such as communism. That's why we don't stand in line for toilet paper. It's why homosexuals don't get thrown off rooftops or hanged in public. It's why women aren't stoned for being raped. If the current administration had it's way, none of us would be allowed to defend ourselves, own property, or make decisions regarding our own families.
You can call that being "spoiled" if you like but I don't think you have a clue as to why we ARE. It's not something our benevolent government did for us, it's what we did for OURSELVES despite their efforts.
Do you hear yourself??? Yes it's because of the people... The people who elect leaders, who then create laws, and a system to enforce those laws. The government is made up of the people. It represents the people. It's not your enemy. We are the richest and most powerful country In the world and you bitch about movements that try and feed the poor and take care of the elderly, build roads, keep our water and environmental clean, etc etc etc. grow the fuck up... the world isnt just about you.
Ok, time for you to back up your bullshit and post some quotes of me opposing feeding the poor or caring for the elderly and the other two overused talking points you threw out there that you can't back up. Do it or STFU.
I dont need a quote, we can clear it up right now... If you support entitlement programs and spending and the work of the environmental protection programs say so and I'll apologize for my statement.
We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
You call it "spoiled". Spoiled by who, ourselves? The reason we have it better than most is because our Founding Fathers were smart enough to put the power of governing in the hands of the people. THE PEOPLE are what made us great, prosperous, and powerful, not some fucking dictator repressive system such as communism. That's why we don't stand in line for toilet paper. It's why homosexuals don't get thrown off rooftops or hanged in public. It's why women aren't stoned for being raped. If the current administration had it's way, none of us would be allowed to defend ourselves, own property, or make decisions regarding our own families.
You can call that being "spoiled" if you like but I don't think you have a clue as to why we ARE. It's not something our benevolent government did for us, it's what we did for OURSELVES despite their efforts.
Do you hear yourself??? Yes it's because of the people... The people who elect leaders, who then create laws, and a system to enforce those laws. The government is made up of the people. It represents the people. It's not your enemy. We are the richest and most powerful country In the world and you bitch about movements that try and feed the poor and take care of the elderly, build roads, keep our water and environmental clean, etc etc etc. grow the fuck up... the world isnt just about you.
Ok, time for you to back up your bullshit and post some quotes of me opposing feeding the poor or caring for the elderly and the other two overused talking points you threw out there that you can't back up. Do it or STFU.
I dont need a quote, we can clear it up right now... If you support entitlement programs and spending and the work of the environmental protection programs say so and I'll apologize for my statement.
Which programs? Be specific.
How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47?

It't not a question of how. It's a self-evident truth we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights... one of them is the right to self-govern... in order to protect our right to self govern, we have the right to bear arms and form well-regulated militias.

Back in the 20s, machine guns were becoming widespread weapons of choice among gangsters and lots of people were being killed. So THE PEOPLE decided to establish a limitation on the types of weapons an average citizen could purchase or own. This is because we have the god-given right to self-govern.

Today, we have a bunch of activist liberals trying to take all our guns away because their socialist masters have convinced them it's what we should do. But they only represent about 25-30% of the population. So when these gun-grabbing bills are presented in Congress, they get resoundingly defeated... and the liberals whine and moan.

Right-wing American Politics:

I understand and agree with the problem....

I'm unwilling to negotiate because I'm afraid.

There is no negotiating my inalienable rights... sorry.

Somewhere between sling-shots and fully armed aircraft carriers is a list of weapons that the general public should have access to. You can either be part of the process that negotiates that list or you can dig in your two right heels and get dragged kicking and screaming like a little girl in to the 21st Century any way.

Time marches on.
How does our creator give us the right to own an AK-47?

It't not a question of how. It's a self-evident truth we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights... one of them is the right to self-govern... in order to protect our right to self govern, we have the right to bear arms and form well-regulated militias.

Back in the 20s, machine guns were becoming widespread weapons of choice among gangsters and lots of people were being killed. So THE PEOPLE decided to establish a limitation on the types of weapons an average citizen could purchase or own. This is because we have the god-given right to self-govern.

Today, we have a bunch of activist liberals trying to take all our guns away because their socialist masters have convinced them it's what we should do. But they only represent about 25-30% of the population. So when these gun-grabbing bills are presented in Congress, they get resoundingly defeated... and the liberals whine and moan.

Right-wing American Politics:

I understand and agree with the problem....

I'm unwilling to negotiate because I'm afraid.

There is no negotiating my inalienable rights... sorry.

Somewhere between sling-shots and fully armed aircraft carriers is a list of weapons that the general public should have access to. You can either be part of the process that negotiates that list or you can dig in your two right heels and get dragged kicking and screaming like a little girl in to the 21st Century any way.

Time marches on.

Since the average person cannot afford to build maintain and staff an aircraft carrier or anything a thousand levels below that your statement is ridiculous

And really the second amendment has been restricted quite a bit in the past 50 years

It has to stop somewhere and It must stop at semiautomatic rifles and handguns. And FYI an AR 15 is nothing but your average everyday semiauto with some cosmetic doodads

the current liberal definition of negotiate was written by Obama and it's I want what I want. if you don't give it to me I'll call you an obstructionist and write an executive order.
The United States Constitution is a Social Contract. It’s as simple as that.

If you claim the Second Amendment as documentation of your right to bear arms, you are agreeing to live by The Social Contract of governance called The United States Constitution. It’s as simple as that.

If you take advantage of your US Citizenship or legal alien status and the Social Security Number that goes along with it and exchange money for fun and profit, you are agreeing to live by The Social Contract called The United States Constitution. It’s as simple as that.

The Constitution is “the government” and “the government” is The Constitution.

Permission to own deadly weapons is a privilege given to all of us by all of us through the dynamic and ongoing implementation of The Contract by people that we hire to police us in the enforcement of The Contract. Sure we have issues, but 21st Century life is better than 500 years ago when permission for everything came from the asshole who could afford the biggest army of well armed sociopaths.

The Constitution, like “the government” is merely a tool. Tools don’t kill Monkeys or take away their rights, Monkeys with tools kill Monkeys and take away their rights.
That's why I've always liked you Skull Pilot , You are a right-winger who is willing to negotiate.


I know I lean right on many things but I am a true liberal when it comes to individual liberty.

One of the most troubling things I have seen in my lifetime is that the collective good is starting to have more value than individual freedoms.
The United States Constitution is a Social Contract. It’s as simple as that.

If you claim the Second Amendment as documentation of your right to bear arms, you are agreeing to live by The Social Contract of governance called The United States Constitution. It’s as simple as that.

If you take advantage of your US Citizenship or legal alien status and the Social Security Number that goes along with it and exchange money for fun and profit, you are agreeing to live by The Social Contract called The United States Constitution. It’s as simple as that.

The Constitution is “the government” and “the government” is The Constitution.

Permission to own deadly weapons is a privilege given to all of us by all of us through the dynamic and ongoing implementation of The Contract by people that we hire to police us in the enforcement of The Contract. Sure we have issues, but 21st Century life is better than 500 years ago when permission for everything came from the asshole who could afford the biggest army of well armed sociopaths.

The Constitution, like “the government” is merely a tool. Tools don’t kill Monkeys or take away their rights, Monkeys with tools kill Monkeys and take away their rights.
Yes so when people say an extended magazine clip ban or an assault gun ban is the left taking away their God given rights it's BS. It's our right to self govern according to you. If in that governance the people deem a machine gun or any other gun too dangerous or a problem for whatever reason, they have every right to take it away. Like they did with slavery and machine guns.

Obama has never made an effort to take everybodies guns away. That's all hot air and fear mongering of the slippery slope. In a gun owner, I'm in favor of some gun control, I know many that Have similar beliefs.
So, according to you, government gives rights and can take them away. Therefore, if 74% vote to enslave 13% of the population or ban a 2% religion, you're good with that? You think that's Constitutionally legal?

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