"Government" is Not the Problem.

Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry
Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry

Please point out how that post indicates in any way that I said that the government came before The Constitution.

I said that The Constitution IS the government.

You adamantly insisted it was the government who gave us permission to own firearms.

The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

And The Constitution is the contract under which we are governed. Permission from "the government".

Now, you are still trying to wiggle around and make an incorrect point that you failed making the first time. NO... the Constitution is NOT the government. The Constitution established the government.

Well no shit, Sherlock!

Two gold stars and a cookie for you.

The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

Somewhere between a bb gun and an aircraft carrier loaded with thermonuclear war heads is a list of weapons that an average American Joe like me can own and someone is enforcing that list. I've been looking for a nuke (for defensive purposes :eusa_angel: ) and they are a BITCH to come by.

Boss, I guarantee you that you and Crusader Frank are NOT preventing me from acquiring a nuke, so... by process of elimination, it must be "the government".

We, The Peeps.

Enforced by The FBI and The United States Marine Corps, among others.

The US Constitution: Awesome on paper, but messy when you get down to actually dividing up the resources and protecting those efforts by it's standards.


The Constitution establishes the government which tells you which weapons you can and can't own.

No sir.

The same Constitution which establishes the government and specifically limits it's power, also affirms my god-given right to own a gun which can't be alienated. The government has no such authority in it's enumerated powers to tell me what kind of gun I can own. We The People have the option through our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish boundaries on what kind of guns we can own.
The only God-given right is your right to protect yourself and your family. Guns have nothing to do with it. The government defines what "arms" are and also which are acceptable for our citizens to sell/own/carry

Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling to as if it was a teddy bear is a corporate entity and all of their subsidiaries can be found on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Are you a U.S citizen that pledges allegiance to corporate entity???? or are you an American??? because you can't be both......it's impossible.
I'm a realist and I understand the reality of the system I live in. My allegiance, wants, desires and frustrations are irrelevant to this conversation.
Fat can be cut without cutting the meat.
You all are funny, your freedom is an illusion only permissible by the government. Luckily it is a fluid group of elected officials with checks and balances rather than a ruling dictator, king or family. But make no mistake, you rent the land you live on from the Gov. You rent the right to do business and commerce with the governments dollars, and you rent the right to live free as long as you abide by their contract (laws)... Don't believe me, go break the laws... don't pay your income, business, or property taxes... See what happens
What a sad (and ignorant) way to live one's life. Thank God that people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin didn't share this pitiful and cowardly attitude.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - Thomas Jefferson (July 4, 1776)

The U.S. Constitution makes it very clear - the government answers to the people. The people do not answer to the government.
How does the government answer to the people when the Government is the people. It's made up of elected officials put there by the people. The "People" have a voice in their vote. Those who are elected have a responsibility to lead and create policy that best serves their communities and their country. Yell, kick and scream all you want but this government that you hate so much IS the voice of the people.
The government does have that power and has been enacting it. This is why you can't buy and Uzi with you milk and tampons at Walmart. But you can still go into a gun store and buy a riffle or pistol if you show you are responsible through a background check. Hopefully a system that we can improve on.
Another lie. The decision to not sell Uzis, "assault weapons" and other products is Walmart's decision not Big Brother.

BTW, when I bought my "Peacemaker" six-shooter at Cabela's last week, they had an Uzi for sale. $1200 IIRC. I used to have one. Nice 9mm, but too heavy compared to other 9mm carbines.
Are you really claiming that there are no regulations on weapons?
The government does have that power and has been enacting it. This is why you can't buy and Uzi with you milk and tampons at Walmart. But you can still go into a gun store and buy a riffle or pistol if you show you are responsible through a background check. Hopefully a system that we can improve on.

You're wrong.... Government didn't do that. We The People have the option, via our inalienable right to self-govern, to establish reasonable limitations we all agree upon. That's the only reason you cannot buy an Uzi.
We the people = the Govenment... of the people, by the people, for the people
We the people = the Govenment... of the people, by the people, for the people
So from this, do you agree or disagree that "government" grants rights to "We, the People"?
It doesn't really matter how you look at it, they are both the same. We have rights that are defined by the constitution or the government grants us our rights... exact same thing.

In the end there are laws that tell us what we can and cant do. If we break these laws there are penalties. The government, made up of we the people, makes laws and enforces laws. Civics 101. I don't know what you all are arguing about anymore.
Government isn't the problem. It's the cancer. The people putting up with it is the problem.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
lied about what?

It amazes me how political extremists post a lie, dodge being called on it then, several posts later say something like "What lie? What are you talking about?"

You're a liar, Slade. Playing innocent when you know exactly what I"m talking about only compounds my belief you are a low-down liar.
Government isn't the problem. It's the cancer. The people putting up with it is the problem.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Agreed; it's called minding one's own business.

I post from a netbook on the go.
We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.
You call it "spoiled". Spoiled by who, ourselves? The reason we have it better than most is because our Founding Fathers were smart enough to put the power of governing in the hands of the people. THE PEOPLE are what made us great, prosperous, and powerful, not some fucking dictator repressive system such as communism. That's why we don't stand in line for toilet paper. It's why homosexuals don't get thrown off rooftops or hanged in public. It's why women aren't stoned for being raped. If the current administration had it's way, none of us would be allowed to defend ourselves, own property, or make decisions regarding our own families.
You can call that being "spoiled" if you like but I don't think you have a clue as to why we ARE. It's not something our benevolent government did for us, it's what we did for OURSELVES despite their efforts.
lied about what?

It amazes me how political extremists post a lie, dodge being called on it then, several posts later say something like "What lie? What are you talking about?"

You're a liar, Slade. Playing innocent when you know exactly what I"m talking about only compounds my belief you are a low-down liar.
Dude, I have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Stop wasting my time with these pointless posts. I haven't lied about a thing. If you want to call me a liar then state what you think I'm lying about or shut your trap

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