"Government" is Not the Problem.

Exactly! We give the government power over us, we agree to "follow the rules" and we expect the resources of the government to guarantee our right to pursue happiness within said rules.

Nooo.... We expect the government to defend our liberty and protect our inalienable rights endowed by our Creator. That's really their most perfunctory duty.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bud.... There are reasons why the federal government got the impression in was in business to micro-manage the states. Reasons far more likely to have started with enforcement of emancipation than any other "mandate" received since.

Well I don't give two shits about what impression the federal government got. That has nothing to do with founding intent.
We're a world power with high living standards because we have a government that works for the people. Can you say that about Haiti, Somalia, or the central African republic that doesn't really have much of a government at all? It is insane to want to abolish and do away with government.

Who want's to do that.....? No...the government is not working for the people...they have wracked up 19 trillion in debt and lined their own pockets with a good part of it....government is out of control...and needs to be brought back down..........

You want to keep giving money to men and women who do not spend our money on the things we need, continue to spend our money on making themselves more and more powerful.....and your solution....is to give those same people even more money, expecting them to spend the new money on the things they didn't do with the original money you gave them.......

you are nuts....
Only a democrat believes that we gave our freedom to the government......what a dipstick.....
And in your house - do your tools control you or do you control the tools? That is the problem we have in this country. You liberals believe the government owns us and we are lucky and blessed for anything they permit us to do. Government is a tool. We are the owners of the tools.

That is false. It is conservatives who consistently try to tell people how to live their lives. They oppose abortion, and birth control, and women's right to choose. Conservatives want people to be free to live as they do. They want you to be Christian, women to be subserviant to their men, and employees to be grateful they have work. All power to the oligarchs!

If employees actually were concerned about how they can be a bigger asset to their employer with a goal to produce a quality product under budget, they might be able to create more jobs and opportunities for themselves. To do that, you have to look past complaining about what me, myself, and I don't have.
And in your house - do your tools control you or do you control the tools? That is the problem we have in this country. You liberals believe the government owns us and we are lucky and blessed for anything they permit us to do. Government is a tool. We are the owners of the tools.

That is false. It is conservatives who consistently try to tell people how to live their lives. They oppose abortion, and birth control, and women's right to choose. Conservatives want people to be free to live as they do. They want you to be Christian, women to be subserviant to their men, and employees to be grateful they have work. All power to the oligarchs!

The abortion issue is all you've got. The rest is just leftwing bullshit. On the other hand, leftwingers want to tell us what kind of health insurance we can buy, what kind of light bulbs we can buy, what kind of toilets and shower heads we can buy, water heaters, appliances, cars, houses, gasoline, food, drugs, medical services, yada, yada, yada. Leftwingers have made a thousands rules about just about any product you can name. You can even buy a gas can that actually works anymore because of the left. From the time you get up until the time you go to bed everything you touch or look at that's man made is subject to government regulations.
It's called progression, we build, we use, we learn, and we improve... What a concept! The result, a safer, more inclusive society progressing towards fair practice, equal opportunity and a cleaner environment. The horror!!!!!!

Your belief that it's an improvement is where you made your mistake. Furthermore, you didn't contradict my point that the left tells people how to live, not the right.
Turn on Fox... You'll hear non stop for the next 48 hours how they want to toss away the 1st amendment and have the government test citizens to see if they believe in sharia law then deport them if they do. That means no more privacy, no more freedom of speech, no more freedom of religion... And Big Brother is born!!!! what was it you were complaining about again?

When immigrants come into this country, they are welcomed with their family traditions, their proud heritage, and simulate themselves under how we govern ourselves with respect our nation's laws. This is not a nation where an immigrant with strong religious laws and customs gets to set up shop in this country while demanding that they dictate how we are to govern ourselves under THEIR former government society's point of view. That's not how the Constitution, which established a specific role for our form of government, operates.
That is false. It is conservatives who consistently try to tell people how to live their lives. They oppose abortion, and birth control, and women's right to choose. Conservatives want people to be free to live as they do. They want you to be Christian, women to be subserviant to their men, and employees to be grateful they have work. All power to the oligarchs!

The abortion issue is all you've got. The rest is just leftwing bullshit. On the other hand, leftwingers want to tell us what kind of health insurance we can buy, what kind of light bulbs we can buy, what kind of toilets and shower heads we can buy, water heaters, appliances, cars, houses, gasoline, food, drugs, medical services, yada, yada, yada. Leftwingers have made a thousands rules about just about any product you can name. You can even buy a gas can that actually works anymore because of the left. From the time you get up until the time you go to bed everything you touch or look at that's man made is subject to government regulations.
It's called progression, we build, we use, we learn, and we improve... What a concept! The result, a safer, more inclusive society progressing towards fair practice, equal opportunity and a cleaner environment. The horror!!!!!!

Your belief that it's an improvement is where you made your mistake. Furthermore, you didn't contradict my point that the left tells people how to live, not the right.
Turn on Fox... You'll hear non stop for the next 48 hours how they want to toss away the 1st amendment and have the government test citizens to see if they believe in sharia law then deport them if they do. That means no more privacy, no more freedom of speech, no more freedom of religion... And Big Brother is born!!!! what was it you were complaining about again?

When immigrants come into this country, they are welcomed with their family traditions, their proud heritage, and simulate themselves under how we govern ourselves with respect our nation's laws. This is not a nation where an immigrant with strong religious laws and customs gets to set up shop in this country while demanding that they dictate how we are to govern ourselves under THEIR former government society's point of view. That's not how the Constitution, which established a specific role for our form of government, operates.
What are you talking about?? Where do you think I implied that this is happening or where do you think this is happening in our nation?

So you are only allowed to speak and go to church because of permission of the friggin government?

What happen to this concept of Creator endowed rights?

I don't believe in the concept of a Creator with a capital 'C' Who has any interest in the wet rock in space that you and I share beyond creating it. Ass-u-me-ing a Creator with a capital 'C'.

If you are relying on 'God' to defend your right to carry a weapon in 21st Century America, I laugh :lol:

Which God? :dunno: Jesus?
:eusa_hand: Pass! If there is a God, He seems little interested in the cruelty Monkeys continue to inflict. Our history is much better evidence of Fatherless little bastards surviving and evolving in a dog-eat-dog environment than it is of a Creation being guided by some sort of Celestial Patriarch.


I will 'splain this to you.

Our Founding Fathers did not think that our basic rights should be controlled by the government. They felt we were all endowed with rights by being born a human being.

It is an anti monarch humanist philosophy. Quite revolutionary for the time.

If this country has a Bill of Rights and you have to get permission from the government to enjoy that right then the Bill of Rights is not worth the paper it is written on.
What defines the "basic rights" that you refer to?
The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

Wrong....on all levels...the government only has power because we grant it power, not the other way around......
Yes we comprise and control the government, which in turn makes and enforces our laws. If "we" decided we didn't want guns in this country and wanted to eliminate the 2nd amendment then we could do so.... Paint it however you want, it's the chicken and the egg, I don't really see why it matters
Exactly! We give the government power over us, we agree to "follow the rules" and we expect the resources of the government to guarantee our right to pursue happiness within said rules.

Nooo.... We expect the government to defend our liberty and protect our inalienable rights endowed by our Creator. That's really their most perfunctory duty.
This "inalienable rights endowed by our creator" line is all fairy dust. At some point man defined what those are. Unless you got the stone tablets from mt sinai
This "inalienable rights endowed by our creator" line is all fairy dust. At some point man defined what those are. Unless you got the stone tablets from mt sinai

Which fully explains why you don't get our founding principles and never have. This one short and simple post reveals why you and your ilk need to be absolutely marginalized in politics and the judiciary. You simply are incapable of understanding the basis and foundation of our nation and you never will be capable.
This "inalienable rights endowed by our creator" line is all fairy dust. At some point man defined what those are. Unless you got the stone tablets from mt sinai

Which fully explains why you don't get our founding principles and never have. This one short and simple post reveals why you and your ilk need to be absolutely marginalized in politics and the judiciary. You simply are incapable of understanding the basis and foundation of our nation and you never will be capable.
Weak argument man... I fully understand what and why you believe in these magic God given rights but that doesn't make them true or fact. Our government was created as a seperate entity as religion. We've seen how political systems that are driven by religion have turned out... Ours allows for the practice and acceptance of all religions and calls for a seperation of the two when it comes to laws and governing.
This "inalienable rights endowed by our creator" line is all fairy dust. At some point man defined what those are. Unless you got the stone tablets from mt sinai

Which fully explains why you don't get our founding principles and never have. This one short and simple post reveals why you and your ilk need to be absolutely marginalized in politics and the judiciary. You simply are incapable of understanding the basis and foundation of our nation and you never will be capable.
Weak argument man... I fully understand what and why you believe in these magic God given rights but that doesn't make them true or fact. Our government was created as a seperate entity as religion. We've seen how political systems that are driven by religion have turned out... Ours allows for the practice and acceptance of all religions and calls for a seperation of the two when it comes to laws and governing.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Government is a good thing as it is the peoples way to organize their society. We choose who governs it and if the ones we choose are corrupt. Well, it is us that should look in the mirror.
And stop voting democrat.
This "inalienable rights endowed by our creator" line is all fairy dust. At some point man defined what those are. Unless you got the stone tablets from mt sinai

Which fully explains why you don't get our founding principles and never have. This one short and simple post reveals why you and your ilk need to be absolutely marginalized in politics and the judiciary. You simply are incapable of understanding the basis and foundation of our nation and you never will be capable.
Weak argument man... I fully understand what and why you believe in these magic God given rights but that doesn't make them true or fact. Our government was created as a seperate entity as religion. We've seen how political systems that are driven by religion have turned out... Ours allows for the practice and acceptance of all religions and calls for a seperation of the two when it comes to laws and governing.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Beautiful philosophy and foundation for our government... Still it says nothing about how the specific laws, rules and regulations that support these truths. The specifics like the articles, the amendments, and the laws that support them are created by the people. The have been and will continue to be modified, interpreted, and evolved as our society sees fit.
"Government is not the problem"? The educated people in this country vehemently disagree with you...

Nancy Allamon said the couple literally can’t afford to get sick. After the passage of Obamacare, their health insurance deductible spiked to $5,000—money they don’t have. They also saw their monthly insurance payments rise.

2 Ohio Counties, Red and Blue, Ready for Obama Era’s End
Educated people fall on both sides of the issue. And despite the many issues with Obamacare you seem to conveniently ignore the many many many people that it has help get insured. How about we work to make it better and cheaper and stop the distorting partisan attacks and ridiculous calls to "tear it to shreds" Yall can be smarter than that... I hope.
"Government is not the problem"? The educated people in this country vehemently disagree with you...

Nancy Allamon said the couple literally can’t afford to get sick. After the passage of Obamacare, their health insurance deductible spiked to $5,000—money they don’t have. They also saw their monthly insurance payments rise.

2 Ohio Counties, Red and Blue, Ready for Obama Era’s End
Educated people fall on both sides of the issue. And despite the many issues with Obamacare you seem to conveniently ignore the many many many people that it has help get insured. How about we work to make it better and cheaper and stop the distorting partisan attacks and ridiculous calls to "tear it to shreds" Yall can be smarter than that... I hope.
How about we restore Constitutional government and completley get rid of Obamacare? Certainly you're smart enough to realize that it's not only illegal - but that it has been a spectacular failure.
"Government is not the problem"? The educated people in this country vehemently disagree with you...

Nancy Allamon said the couple literally can’t afford to get sick. After the passage of Obamacare, their health insurance deductible spiked to $5,000—money they don’t have. They also saw their monthly insurance payments rise.

2 Ohio Counties, Red and Blue, Ready for Obama Era’s End
Educated people fall on both sides of the issue. And despite the many issues with Obamacare you seem to conveniently ignore the many many many people that it has help get insured. How about we work to make it better and cheaper and stop the distorting partisan attacks and ridiculous calls to "tear it to shreds" Yall can be smarter than that... I hope.

You ignore how many many many more people it has harmed. People can't afford to use their healthcare any longer because their deductibles are $7000 per family member.
As a libertarian, I agree that government is not the problem. The problem is the assumption that every problem can, or should, be solved by government.

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