"Government" is Not the Problem.

Does the city, county, state, or federal elected officials have the ability to make, modify or eliminate regulations?
What an idiotic question. The answer to that stupid question is it depends on which level of government and what the regulations are. :eusa_doh:
What IS The United States Constitution, if not a contract we are all agreeing to be governed by? :dunno:

If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".

Government is a tool. Monkey Business is the problem.


So you are only allowed to speak and go to church because of permission of the friggin government?

What happen to this concept of Creator endowed rights?
What IS The United States Constitution, if not a contract we are all agreeing to be governed by? :dunno:

If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".

Government is a tool. Monkey Business is the problem.


So you are only allowed to speak and go to church because of permission of the friggin government?

What happen to this concept of Creator endowed rights?
Considering liberals are ignorant heathens...they don't believe in that. They only thing they believe is that they have the right to control you and run your life.
Does the city, county, state, or federal elected officials have the ability to make, modify or eliminate regulations?
What an idiotic question. The answer to that stupid question is it depends on which level of government and what the regulations are. :eusa_doh:
Thanks friend... Go take your pill
Answered like a true buffoon uneducated about American government and the U.S. Constitution.
Does the city, county, state, or federal elected officials have the ability to make, modify or eliminate regulations?
What an idiotic question. The answer to that stupid question is it depends on which level of government and what the regulations are. :eusa_doh:
Thanks friend... Go take your pill
Answered like a true buffoon uneducated about American government and the U.S. Constitution.
Im smarter than you
What IS The United States Constitution, if not a contract we are all agreeing to be governed by? :dunno:

If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".

Government is a tool. Monkey Business is the problem.


So you are only allowed to speak and go to church because of permission of the friggin government?

What happen to this concept of Creator endowed rights?

I don't believe in the concept of a Creator with a capital 'C' Who has any interest in the wet rock in space that you and I share beyond creating it. Ass-u-me-ing a Creator with a capital 'C'.

If you are relying on 'God' to defend your right to carry a weapon in 21st Century America, I laugh :lol:

Which God? :dunno: Jesus?
:eusa_hand: Pass! If there is a God, He seems little interested in the cruelty Monkeys continue to inflict. Our history is much better evidence of Fatherless little bastards surviving and evolving in a dog-eat-dog environment than it is of a Creation being guided by some sort of Celestial Patriarch.

Me and mine?

We're relying on the bond that We all share that is bridged and made into a tangible tool by our shared interest in The United States Constitution and our willingness to pay taxes. You're counting on me and many of us to protest any unreasonable request by All of Us for a reduction in our arsenals and firepower, and I'm counting on you all to do the same for me.

"We, The People." It ain't just words... it's us... All of Us.

It's those of us who participate in politics to the fullest extent of our economic capabilities, to be sure... but we are ALL on the fucking train, and it has left the station.

The most funnest part :thup:

We, The People Who Participate, all get to decide in the privacy of our own minds, what is and what is not an "unreasonable request by All of Us for a reduction in our arsenals and firepower".

Obviously, We already all agree on no household nukes or fully armed F-16's...

Every generation gets to talk about it. Often. Every four years minimum often.

That's the deal with agreeing to be governed by The United States Constitution.

If you claim The Second Amendment to The United States Constitution as your right to bear arms, that permission, or 'right', is guaranteed at this moment on the Timeline by the government that is currently basing its existence on that document, and the various law enforcement agencies and militias at the disposal of the Monkeys making the decisions both required and allowed at any given moment in Time.

So you are only allowed to speak and go to church because of permission of the friggin government?

What happen to this concept of Creator endowed rights?

I don't believe in the concept of a Creator with a capital 'C' Who has any interest in the wet rock in space that you and I share beyond creating it. Ass-u-me-ing a Creator with a capital 'C'.

If you are relying on 'God' to defend your right to carry a weapon in 21st Century America, I laugh :lol:

Which God? :dunno: Jesus?
:eusa_hand: Pass! If there is a God, He seems little interested in the cruelty Monkeys continue to inflict. Our history is much better evidence of Fatherless little bastards surviving and evolving in a dog-eat-dog environment than it is of a Creation being guided by some sort of Celestial Patriarch.


I will 'splain this to you.

Our Founding Fathers did not think that our basic rights should be controlled by the government. They felt we were all endowed with rights by being born a human being.

It is an anti monarch humanist philosophy. Quite revolutionary for the time.

If this country has a Bill of Rights and you have to get permission from the government to enjoy that right then the Bill of Rights is not worth the paper it is written on.
If you claim The Second Amendment to The United States Constitution as your right to bear arms, that permission, or 'right', is guaranteed at this moment on the Timeline by the government that is currently basing its existence on that document, and the various law enforcement agencies and militias at the disposal of the Monkeys making the decisions both required and allowed at any given moment in Time.

The Constitution is just a document that explains the nature of our rights. The rights themselves come from our Creator, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence. No one can grant or take away those rights... that's what "inalienable" means. This is why that strange and unusual word is used.

The government was established by the Constitution, not our inalienable rights. The Constitution outlines specifically what the government can and can't do. There are slightly more than a dozen things listed in Article I Section 8 which are commonly referred to as "enumerated" powers. Another strange and unusual word which means limited and numbered.

Now... All of this bluster about given moments in time, who is interpreting what, who is in power, what SCOTUS justices say... all of that is irrelevant to the facts which I have just explained. I don't understand why so many people have trouble comprehending this. I realize some big words are used which are unusual and strange but I think most people who are adults should have enough literacy to figure them out. So what is the problem and why do we constantly have to debate this?
I don't believe in the concept of a Creator with a capital 'C' Who has any interest in the wet rock in space that you and I share beyond creating it.

And that is the beauty of our Constitution. It allows for you to freely hold that belief. Your belief does not change the fundamental basis of our founding. It's one of those ironic deals where you don't believe in the very thing that gives you the right to disbelieve. I know, crazy, right?
Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken. They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.

As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.

This is patently ridiculous. Of course the founding fathers envisioned a great and powerful nation. Just because you don't believe they could have doesn't mean they didn't. You're trying to find justification for changing what they established, which is the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet. The formula for that works regardless of size. Of course they realized times would change, that's why they built in a way to amend the constitution for the changing times. You don't like something? Go through the process laid out and make the change.

We're not running around the world kicking down doors and taking over... we've never done that. Tyrant dictators in Marxist-Socialist hellholes do that... because they don't have freedom, capitalism and free enterprise. Their people are starving and they need more slaves in order to keep their despots and cronies supported. Our nation stands up for liberty and protects it's allies like we've always done. We've saved the world TWICE from your kind of fascist socialist authoritarian dictatorships. You don't like that... fucking get the hell out!

It doesn't matter what the Founding Fathers envisioned... that vision was driven off the rails when The Republican Party prosecuted a successful Civil War to ensure that the federal government would be managing things from the top.

Funny how the NRA is the one organization that 'gets' what republicanism is all about.

It doesn't matter what the Founding Fathers envisioned... that vision was driven off the rails when The Republican Party prosecuted a successful Civil War to ensure that the federal government would be managing things from the top.

Funny how the NRA is the one organization that 'gets' what republicanism is all about.

Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken. They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.

As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.

This is patently ridiculous. Of course the founding fathers envisioned a great and powerful nation. Just because you don't believe they could have doesn't mean they didn't. You're trying to find justification for changing what they established, which is the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet. The formula for that works regardless of size. Of course they realized times would change, that's why they built in a way to amend the constitution for the changing times. You don't like something? Go through the process laid out and make the change.

We're not running around the world kicking down doors and taking over... we've never done that. Tyrant dictators in Marxist-Socialist hellholes do that... because they don't have freedom, capitalism and free enterprise. Their people are starving and they need more slaves in order to keep their despots and cronies supported. Our nation stands up for liberty and protects it's allies like we've always done. We've saved the world TWICE from your kind of fascist socialist authoritarian dictatorships. You don't like that... fucking get the hell out!

It doesn't matter what the Founding Fathers envisioned... that vision was driven off the rails when The Republican Party prosecuted a successful Civil War to ensure that the federal government would be managing things from the top.

Funny how the NRA is the one organization that 'gets' what republicanism is all about.


I am sorry you misunderstand the ramifications of the Civil War. It most certainly didn't nullify the Constitution or our founding principles. It did not rescind the 10th Amendment or change the structure of our government in any way. It did not grant the Federal government any more enumerated powers. Following the Civil War, Congress passed and the several states ratified the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, giving black slaves freedom. There was absolutely nothing in there which ceded State powers over to Federal government.

For a brief time, Congress allowed a temporary period of Federal autonomy over the Southern states to ensure proper reconstruction.... this was called "Reconstruction." Pretty self-explanatory. The fact that there was a very clear and distinct end to Reconstruction, is evidence your viewpoint is totally invalid. Furthermore, if what you claimed were true, there would be no need for ANY state government, as these would be completely and totally redundant and we would simply be the United STATE of America with a single universal Capitol in Washington D.C.
If you claim The Second Amendment to The United States Constitution as your right to bear arms, that permission, or 'right', is guaranteed at this moment on the Timeline by the government that is currently basing its existence on that document, and the various law enforcement agencies and militias at the disposal of the Monkeys making the decisions both required and allowed at any given moment in Time.

The Constitution is just a document that explains the nature of our rights. The rights themselves come from our Creator, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence. No one can grant or take away those rights... that's what "inalienable" means. This is why that strange and unusual word is used.

The government was established by the Constitution, not our inalienable rights. The Constitution outlines specifically what the government can and can't do. There are slightly more than a dozen things listed in Article I Section 8 which are commonly referred to as "enumerated" powers. Another strange and unusual word which means limited and numbered.

Now... All of this bluster about given moments in time, who is interpreting what, who is in power, what SCOTUS justices say... all of that is irrelevant to the facts which I have just explained. I don't understand why so many people have trouble comprehending this. I realize some big words are used which are unusual and strange but I think most people who are adults should have enough literacy to figure them out. So what is the problem and why do we constantly have to debate this?

Again with an historically impotent deity being the defender of and guarantor of your right to be armed? :rolleyes:

Good luck with that, Bud :thup:

Until Jesus returns and splits The Mount of Olives with guns blazing, you and your Sharia cousins can kiss my free American ass. :cool-45:

;) I'm going to keep betting my tax money on The US Constitution and The FBI to defend my right to keep guns in my house.

:beer: Beer?
The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

Wrong....on all levels...the government only has power because we grant it power, not the other way around......
It doesn't matter what the Founding Fathers envisioned... that vision was driven off the rails when The Republican Party prosecuted a successful Civil War to ensure that the federal government would be managing things from the top.

Funny how the NRA is the one organization that 'gets' what republicanism is all about.

Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken. They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.

As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.

This is patently ridiculous. Of course the founding fathers envisioned a great and powerful nation. Just because you don't believe they could have doesn't mean they didn't. You're trying to find justification for changing what they established, which is the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet. The formula for that works regardless of size. Of course they realized times would change, that's why they built in a way to amend the constitution for the changing times. You don't like something? Go through the process laid out and make the change.

We're not running around the world kicking down doors and taking over... we've never done that. Tyrant dictators in Marxist-Socialist hellholes do that... because they don't have freedom, capitalism and free enterprise. Their people are starving and they need more slaves in order to keep their despots and cronies supported. Our nation stands up for liberty and protects it's allies like we've always done. We've saved the world TWICE from your kind of fascist socialist authoritarian dictatorships. You don't like that... fucking get the hell out!

It doesn't matter what the Founding Fathers envisioned... that vision was driven off the rails when The Republican Party prosecuted a successful Civil War to ensure that the federal government would be managing things from the top.

Funny how the NRA is the one organization that 'gets' what republicanism is all about.


I am sorry you misunderstand the ramifications of the Civil War. It most certainly didn't nullify the Constitution or our founding principles. It did not rescind the 10th Amendment or change the structure of our government in any way. It did not grant the Federal government any more enumerated powers. Following the Civil War, Congress passed and the several states ratified the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, giving black slaves freedom. There was absolutely nothing in there which ceded State powers over to Federal government.

For a brief time, Congress allowed a temporary period of Federal autonomy over the Southern states to ensure proper reconstruction.... this was called "Reconstruction." Pretty self-explanatory. The fact that there was a very clear and distinct end to Reconstruction, is evidence your viewpoint is totally invalid. Furthermore, if what you claimed were true, there would be no need for ANY state government, as these would be completely and totally redundant and we would simply be the United STATE of America with a single universal Capitol in Washington D.C.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bud.... There are reasons why the federal government got the impression in was in business to micro-manage the states. Reasons far more likely to have started with enforcement of emancipation than any other "mandate" received since.
The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

Wrong....on all levels...the government only has power because we grant it power, not the other way around......

Exactly! We give the government power over us, we agree to "follow the rules" and we expect the resources of the government to guarantee our right to pursue happiness within said rules.
We're a world power with high living standards because we have a government that works for the people. Can you say that about Haiti, Somalia, or the central African republic that doesn't really have much of a government at all? It is insane to want to abolish and do away with government.
Government is a tool that Monkeys can use to build an economy that their children can drive to the stars.

True Story! :thup:
The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

Wrong....on all levels...the government only has power because we grant it power, not the other way around......

Exactly! We give the government power over us, we agree to "follow the rules" and we expect the resources of the government to guarantee our right to pursue happiness within said rules.

I never agreed to give the government power over me.

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