"Government" is Not the Problem.

We have multiple branches of government that make laws, pushes policy and follows a great system of checks and balances. The constitution is the foundation on which the house is built but newsflash, it's ok to propose an unconstitutional law, we have a system that will rule on that. It's because of this system that women can now vote and black men can live free, both things that were once permitted by law

Wow. I mean....just....wow. What an ignorant comment. Is it ok to violate the law and commit a murder since we have a system (evidence, indictment, arrest, and trial) to rule on that? Is it ok to violate the law and commit a rape since we have a system (evidence, indictment, arrest, and trial) to rule on that? Is it ok to violate the law and molest children since we have a system (evidence, indictment, arrest, and trial) to rule on that? :cuckoo:

You're a certified idiot who can't accept when the facts prove he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. A mature adult would simply say "you're right - I didn't realize what the U.S. Constitution said or how our system of government functioned".
It's pretty simple but You obviously don't get it and I don't have the time or desire to explain it to you. Good day
It is simple. Liberals are selfish, greedy, and ungrateful and can't accept the law that prevents them from mooching off of society so they say and do outrageous things in their attempt to justify violating the law.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.

Oh....oh....oh...I do! I do! :desk:

Real world problems is the government (at the demand of libtards) stripping me of basic liberties and guaranteed rights. That is a far bigger problem that a bad economy, a food shortage, or no healthcare. The problem is - libtards are too stupid to know it. They have freedom handed to them on a silver fuck'n platter and as such, they don't appreciate it. All they care about are free benefits - no matter how much they suck.
We live in a nation of laws with the ability to make laws as our society see's fit. The price of security and protection and prosperity mean you abide by and vote to evolve the laws to better our society. You can move to Africa and start a tribe and do whatever the fuck you want. In this country we don't let the savages and bully's take over... We do our best to protect each other, protect our communities, and provide equal opportunity to everybody who shares that vision. And we protect our poor, elderly and mentally ill and do our best to educate our future generations so they can continue our countries prosperity. From the sound of your statements it seems like you have a delusional view of the world... A pretty sad one.

Have you ever heard of The Constitution?

I forget....which comes first in government schooling..

"There is no God"


"There is no Constitution"

What comes first in government schooling: There is no Individual.
That appears to be the one lesson Slade learned in school! :lol:
Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken. They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.

As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.
Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken. They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.

As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.

This is patently ridiculous. Of course the founding fathers envisioned a great and powerful nation. Just because you don't believe they could have doesn't mean they didn't. You're trying to find justification for changing what they established, which is the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet. The formula for that works regardless of size. Of course they realized times would change, that's why they built in a way to amend the constitution for the changing times. You don't like something? Go through the process laid out and make the change.

We're not running around the world kicking down doors and taking over... we've never done that. Tyrant dictators in Marxist-Socialist hellholes do that... because they don't have freedom, capitalism and free enterprise. Their people are starving and they need more slaves in order to keep their despots and cronies supported. Our nation stands up for liberty and protects it's allies like we've always done. We've saved the world TWICE from your kind of fascist socialist authoritarian dictatorships. You don't like that... fucking get the hell out!
Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken. They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.

As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.
Yet they did....
You've got that right - when our government violates the U.S. Constitution, I'm going to criticize them. That's exactly what a responsible citizen does.

:clap2: Exactly!​

Politics, politicians, leadership, vision and various levels of human trust comes and goes like a pendulum every election cycle. The tangible 'thing' that prevents any organization or individual from demanding that we turn in our weapons is the trust that We, The People have in each other.

And by 'We' I mean We, The People who've chosen to live by, or just ended up by dumb luck living by, The United States Constitution.

Responsible Citizenry! :beer:
I take care of my family and donate time and money (over $20K so far this year) to charities in my community... But do I have faith that everybody will do the same? No.

Bingo! Liberalism at its core. In a nutshell - you don't believe people will do what you want them to do so you ask government to force them to do it. And when one has to resort to force to get what they want, they are unquestionably on the wrong side of history.

what do you think I'm asking the government to force people to do? Of course I advocate for community programs and neighborhood watches and PTA involvement with schools... But the government is also responsible for and best equipped to provide infrastructure, law enforcement, fire control, support for veterans, the elderly, the poor, disaster relief etc etc etc... We would not be able to do or afford these things if everybody was out for themselves. We as a collective society decide the rules, investments, and policies that build, protect and grow our country. All of this is in the constitution. I don't know what you are smoking.

Exactly! :clap2:

Government is a tool... Monkey Business is the problem.

Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken. They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.

As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.

What they did envision, in a general sense, was that things would change despite not having the ability to say what specifically. Even they weren't that smart. However, they were smart enough to place the ability to alter, modify, update, etc. the Constitution and make it where it wasn't an easy, everyday thing but not something that is impossible. That means despite their inability to envision the things you mentioned, giving future generations that ability to do what those generations can do to change it, it's the same as if they could have envisioned it.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.

Oh....oh....oh...I do! I do! :desk:

Real world problems is the government (at the demand of libtards) stripping me of basic liberties and guaranteed rights. That is a far bigger problem that a bad economy, a food shortage, or no healthcare. The problem is - libtards are too stupid to know it. They have freedom handed to them on a silver fuck'n platter and as such, they don't appreciate it. All they care about are free benefits - no matter how much they suck.
We live in a nation of laws with the ability to make laws as our society see's fit. The price of security and protection and prosperity mean you abide by and vote to evolve the laws to better our society. You can move to Africa and start a tribe and do whatever the fuck you want. In this country we don't let the savages and bully's take over... We do our best to protect each other, protect our communities, and provide equal opportunity to everybody who shares that vision. And we protect our poor, elderly and mentally ill and do our best to educate our future generations so they can continue our countries prosperity. From the sound of your statements it seems like you have a delusional view of the world... A pretty sad one.

Have you ever heard of The Constitution?

I forget....which comes first in government schooling..

"There is no God"


"There is no Constitution"

:wink_2: "There is no spoon....."
Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken. They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.

As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.

Even if true, how does that justify violating the Constitution.
Nobody is violating the constitution dumbshit.

Seriously man - you're ignorance of the U.S. Constitution is both astounding and appalling.
  • The NSA currently intercepts every single phone call, text, email, keystroke, etc. of each and every American without a warrant. And sadly, this isn't new. This has been going on for many decades. Operation CHAOS and Project MINARET are just two examples.
  • On November 21, 2014 Barack Obama issued two Presidential Memorandums granting amnesty. He altered our immigration laws and only the legislative branch can create, alter, or abolish law. Obama is part of the executive branch, stupid, and must enforce all laws.
  • The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and healthcare is not one of them. Therefore, the federal government creating ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. legislation is completely unconstitutional.
Nobody is violating the constitution, uh genius? I could go on all day but this is enough to show that you have no idea what you're talking about.


Just 'cause The Constitution doesn't spell something out explicitly doesn't mean We, The People can't employ the tool of government to solve a collective problem.

Oh, and Medicare, as bad as it is, gets pretty favorable reviews among users and runs at just 3% overhead (for every dollar collected 97 cents is used for patient care).

The best private insurance companies can boast is 22% overhead and 78% of premiums collected being spent on patient care, but advertising is expensive... so are profits and executive bonuses.

The amount that Americans are willing to spend on the bureaucracies that track our health care is just one of the things making us look this stupid from space.
Nobody is violating the constitution dumbshit.

Seriously man - you're ignorance of the U.S. Constitution is both astounding and appalling.
  • The NSA currently intercepts every single phone call, text, email, keystroke, etc. of each and every American without a warrant. And sadly, this isn't new. This has been going on for many decades. Operation CHAOS and Project MINARET are just two examples.
  • On November 21, 2014 Barack Obama issued two Presidential Memorandums granting amnesty. He altered our immigration laws and only the legislative branch can create, alter, or abolish law. Obama is part of the executive branch, stupid, and must enforce all laws.
  • The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and healthcare is not one of them. Therefore, the federal government creating ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. legislation is completely unconstitutional.
Nobody is violating the constitution, uh genius? I could go on all day but this is enough to show that you have no idea what you're talking about.


Just 'cause The Constitution doesn't spell something out explicitly doesn't mean We, The People can't employ the tool of government to solve a collective problem.

Dead wrong. The Constitution is a list of enumerated powers. That means government can do only the specific things listed in the Constitution. There wouldn't be any point in listing them if the document gave government carte blanch to do whatever it wanted.

Oh, and Medicare, as bad as it is, gets pretty favorable reviews among users and runs at just 3% overhead (for every dollar collected 97 cents is used for patient care).

The best private insurance companies can boast is 22% overhead and 78% of premiums collected being spent on patient care, but advertising is expensive... so are profits and executive bonuses.

Of course the people who are utterly dependent on Medicare in the last few years of their life are not going to say anything bad about the program that keeps them alive.

The amount that Americans are willing to spend on the bureaucracies that track our health care is just one of the things making us look this stupid from space.

You think Medicare doesn't have bureaucracy? You cost estimate doesn't include that cost of all the fraud in Medicare. Furthermore, It's complete bullshit:

In general, the minimum percentage of premium health plans must spend on health care is 85 percent for large groups and 80 percent for small groups and individual policyholders. Some states have higher minimum MLR percentages.

The remaining 15 to 20 percent can be spent on other types of expenses, such as customer service, network development and information technology. That 15 to 20 percent also has to cover things like developing new products and preventing fraud, waste and abuse.
What IS The United States Constitution, if not a contract we are all agreeing to be governed by? :dunno:

If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".

Government is a tool. Monkey Business is the problem.


The constitution was written in mind of a government that is submissive servants to the will of the people, that are subject to the authority of those citizens who allow them to remain in power. This is why serving the people was originally considered a privilege and not a financial means to obtain power over the people. This is also why the Constitution gives a right for the people to abolish and institute a new form of government when it becomes destructive in its purpose.

Also if you look at our nation's early history, it was a tyrant authority that wished to control the colonists through possession of gunpowder and muskets that actual pushed the colonies towards the uprising of a revolutionary war. This is why the second ammendment in bearing arms was instituted as a right of the people under the Constitution (for all you history buffs)
Much of what was written in the US Constitution did not envision the economic and military world superpower that the US has become, and in many ways, I think the Founding Fathers would be appalled by the course the nation has taken.
Now that is the truth. They would be absolutely disgusted by how the Constitution has been egregiously violated.
They were opposed to the continual wars of Europe and sought to work in an atmosphere of peace and commerce with the rest of the world. They saw a standing army for defense of the nation, not the world dominating superpower.
Amen! You speak the truth.
As well, the United States was originally a nation of 3,000,000. That number has increased more than a hundred fold. The Founding Fathers could not possibly have envisioned the nation today, and what would be required to run it, federally.
It takes no more to govern a nation of 330 million than it does a nation of 3 million (aside from basic logistics like more courts might be required, etc.). But your premise appears to be that since we've become a larger nation we need to violate the Constitution. That is complete nonsense. Even if there were some truth to that - then the founders would insist that the American people legally amend the Constitution to meet those new needs.
Nobody is violating the constitution dumbshit.

Seriously man - you're ignorance of the U.S. Constitution is both astounding and appalling.
  • The NSA currently intercepts every single phone call, text, email, keystroke, etc. of each and every American without a warrant. And sadly, this isn't new. This has been going on for many decades. Operation CHAOS and Project MINARET are just two examples.
  • On November 21, 2014 Barack Obama issued two Presidential Memorandums granting amnesty. He altered our immigration laws and only the legislative branch can create, alter, or abolish law. Obama is part of the executive branch, stupid, and must enforce all laws.
  • The federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and healthcare is not one of them. Therefore, the federal government creating ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. legislation is completely unconstitutional.
Nobody is violating the constitution, uh genius? I could go on all day but this is enough to show that you have no idea what you're talking about.


Just 'cause The Constitution doesn't spell something out explicitly doesn't mean We, The People can't employ the tool of government to solve a collective problem.

Well you're right and you're wrong here. The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Anything else is left to the states and the people themselves. So you're correct in that the people could employ state and local government if they so wish. But you are dead wrong if you believe they can do it at the federal level.
Oh, and Medicare, as bad as it is, gets pretty favorable reviews among users and runs at just 3% overhead (for every dollar collected 97 cents is used for patient care).
Be that as it may, it is still illegal. I'm sure in 1870's shortly after Emancipation, the lynching of African-American's would have been quite favorable among a certain sector of the population - but it was still illegal and still wrong.
The best private insurance companies can boast is 22% overhead and 78% of premiums collected being spent on patient care, but advertising is expensive... so are profits and executive bonuses. The amount that Americans are willing to spend on the bureaucracies that track our health care is just one of the things making us look this stupid from space.
But there is no arguing with the results. Our healthcare is world-class. The ultimate. Our physicians, nurses, equipment, facilities, etc. are second to none. People come from all over the world to the United States for healthcare. In short - you get what you pay for. I'm baffled why liberals want shitty, dirt-cheap Cuban healthcare. Frankly - I want the most expensive healthcare in the world. I'd rather get Lamborghini healthcare than Ford Taurus healthcare.
What IS The United States Constitution, if not a contract we are all agreeing to be governed by? :dunno:

If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".
Government is a tool. Monkey Business is the problem.


The constitution was written in mind of a government that is submissive servants to the will of the people, that are subject to the authority of those citizens who allow them to remain in power. This is why serving the people was originally considered a privilege and not a financial means to obtain power over the people. This is also why the Constitution gives a right for the people to abolish and institute a new form of government when it becomes destructive in its purpose.

Also if you look at our nation's early history, it was a tyrant authority that wished to control the colonists through possession of gunpowder and muskets that actual pushed the colonies towards the uprising of a revolutionary war. This is why the second ammendment in bearing arms was instituted as a right of the people under the Constitution (for all you history buffs)
What IS The United States Constitution, if not a contract we are all agreeing to be governed by? :dunno:
It is the law. And one which outlines the roles and responsibilities of government and limits their power.
If your right to keep weapons in your house is based on the Second Amendment to The US Constitution, you have weapons because you have permission from "The Government".
Not true. It's a right that they can't touch. They could try - but I would be Constitutionally justified in refusing to comply, resorting to lethal force, and even attempting to overthrow the government.
Government is a tool. Monkey Business is the problem.
And in your house - do your tools control you or do you control the tools? That is the problem we have in this country. You liberals believe the government owns us and we are lucky and blessed for anything they permit us to do. Government is a tool. We are the owners of the tools.
And in your house - do your tools control you or do you control the tools? That is the problem we have in this country. You liberals believe the government owns us and we are lucky and blessed for anything they permit us to do. Government is a tool. We are the owners of the tools.

That is false. It is conservatives who consistently try to tell people how to live their lives. They oppose abortion, and birth control, and women's right to choose. Conservatives want people to be free to live as they do. They want you to be Christian, women to be subserviant to their men, and employees to be grateful they have work. All power to the oligarchs!

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