"Government" is Not the Problem.

I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Agreed; it's called minding one's own business.

I post from a netbook on the go.
You guys ever notice how liberals point to other nations ad nauseam? All they ever talk about is how other nations have this "great" healthcare, and other nations have these "great" labor laws, and other nations spend "x amount" on public assistance, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And yet these buffoons never leave the United States and go live in these other countries that are supposedly so wonderful. You know why? Because conservatism has built the greatest nation in world history and libtards realize without conservatives to mooch off of, they won't be able to survive. These same idiots raved about Greece for years. Well how is that working out now? They have no conservatives to mooch off of so the entire thing imploded.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.

Oh....oh....oh...I do! I do! :desk:

Real world problems is the government (at the demand of libtards) stripping me of basic liberties and guaranteed rights. That is a far bigger problem that a bad economy, a food shortage, or no healthcare. The problem is - libtards are too stupid to know it. They have freedom handed to them on a silver fuck'n platter and as such, they don't appreciate it. All they care about are free benefits - no matter how much they suck.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Agreed; it's called minding one's own business.

I post from a netbook on the go.
You guys ever notice how liberals point to other nations ad nauseam? All they ever talk about is how other nations have this "great" healthcare, and other nations have these "great" labor laws, and other nations spend "x amount" on public assistance, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And yet these buffoons never leave the United States and go live in these other countries that are supposedly so wonderful. You know why? Because conservatism has built the greatest nation in world history and libtards realize without conservatives to mooch off of, they won't be able to survive. These same idiots raved about Greece for years. Well how is that working out now? They have no conservatives to mooch off of so the entire thing imploded.
Which part of our nation was ever conservative?? I think if you look back you will see that we have been one of the most progressive nations in history
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Agreed; it's called minding one's own business.

I post from a netbook on the go.
You guys ever notice how liberals point to other nations ad nauseam? All they ever talk about is how other nations have this "great" healthcare, and other nations have these "great" labor laws, and other nations spend "x amount" on public assistance, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And yet these buffoons never leave the United States and go live in these other countries that are supposedly so wonderful. You know why? Because conservatism has built the greatest nation in world history and libtards realize without conservatives to mooch off of, they won't be able to survive. These same idiots raved about Greece for years. Well how is that working out now? They have no conservatives to mooch off of so the entire thing imploded.
Which part of our nation was ever conservative?? I think if you look back you will see that we have been one of the most progressive nations in history

Only since Progressives perverted the legal system to erode The Constitution.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.

Oh....oh....oh...I do! I do! :desk:

Real world problems is the government (at the demand of libtards) stripping me of basic liberties and guaranteed rights. That is a far bigger problem that a bad economy, a food shortage, or no healthcare. The problem is - libtards are too stupid to know it. They have freedom handed to them on a silver fuck'n platter and as such, they don't appreciate it. All they care about are free benefits - no matter how much they suck.
We live in a nation of laws with the ability to make laws as our society see's fit. The price of security and protection and prosperity mean you abide by and vote to evolve the laws to better our society. You can move to Africa and start a tribe and do whatever the fuck you want. In this country we don't let the savages and bully's take over... We do our best to protect each other, protect our communities, and provide equal opportunity to everybody who shares that vision. And we protect our poor, elderly and mentally ill and do our best to educate our future generations so they can continue our countries prosperity. From the sound of your statements it seems like you have a delusional view of the world... A pretty sad one.
Problem?? Do you even know what real world problems are?? As you sit in front of you own personal computer bitching on a political forum. I call them "First world problems" and they much different than what most people in this world have to deal with.

We are so damn spoiled in this country, the shit we complain about baffles me sometimes.

Oh....oh....oh...I do! I do! :desk:

Real world problems is the government (at the demand of libtards) stripping me of basic liberties and guaranteed rights. That is a far bigger problem that a bad economy, a food shortage, or no healthcare. The problem is - libtards are too stupid to know it. They have freedom handed to them on a silver fuck'n platter and as such, they don't appreciate it. All they care about are free benefits - no matter how much they suck.
We live in a nation of laws with the ability to make laws as our society see's fit. The price of security and protection and prosperity mean you abide by and vote to evolve the laws to better our society. You can move to Africa and start a tribe and do whatever the fuck you want. In this country we don't let the savages and bully's take over... We do our best to protect each other, protect our communities, and provide equal opportunity to everybody who shares that vision. And we protect our poor, elderly and mentally ill and do our best to educate our future generations so they can continue our countries prosperity. From the sound of your statements it seems like you have a delusional view of the world... A pretty sad one.

Have you ever heard of The Constitution?
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Agreed; it's called minding one's own business.

I post from a netbook on the go.
You guys ever notice how liberals point to other nations ad nauseam? All they ever talk about is how other nations have this "great" healthcare, and other nations have these "great" labor laws, and other nations spend "x amount" on public assistance, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And yet these buffoons never leave the United States and go live in these other countries that are supposedly so wonderful. You know why? Because conservatism has built the greatest nation in world history and libtards realize without conservatives to mooch off of, they won't be able to survive. These same idiots raved about Greece for years. Well how is that working out now? They have no conservatives to mooch off of so the entire thing imploded.
Which part of our nation was ever conservative?? I think if you look back you will see that we have been one of the most progressive nations in history
Oh yeah....Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin were real "progressive". You really should try reading the U.S. Constitution some time. And I would add the Federalist Papers as well. Their entire focus was on limiting governments power and their interference in the lives of people.

And...if the U.S. has a history of being so "progressive" why is it that you people constantly point to other nations who do idiotic socialist nonsense long before we do (if we do it at all). Some nations have had universal healthcare for 30/40 years now. The U.S. still doesn't have it (thank God).
The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

No....the guns are in my house because the U.S. Constitution guarantees that the government answers to me. I don't answer to them. But you certainly have assumed your submissive liberal role like a good little minion. I bet the liberal masters are beaming proud of you.
We live in a nation of laws with the ability to make laws as our society see's fit.
First of all you ignorant tool - we don't live in a nation of laws. If we did, Barack Obama would be in prison for violating the U.S. Constitution and Hitlery Clinton would be in prison for violating a host of federal laws. We stopped being a nation of laws with the rise of liberalism over 100 years ago. That's when your side of the aisle started pissing on the U.S. Constitution and laughing while doing it.
The price of security and protection and prosperity mean you abide by and vote to evolve the laws to better our society.
Second of all you ignorant tool....

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” - Benjamin Franklin.

Maybe you want to surrender liberty for "security and protections" (being the helpless and cowardly liberal that you are), but the rest of us don't.
You can move to Africa and start a tribe and do whatever the fuck you want. In this country we don't let the savages and bully's take over...
You're the one who hates the United States and the U.S. Constitution. You're also the asshole who has said "look at how great these other countries are because they do X". So you're the one who can move to Africa. I'm the one who supports this country and the Constitution. Sadly, I'm also the one who supports liberal mooches such as yourself.
We do our best to protect each other, protect our communities, and provide equal opportunity to everybody who shares that vision. And we protect our poor, elderly and mentally ill and do our best to educate our future generations so they can continue our countries prosperity.
Who is this "we" shit?!? You don't do anything but sit on your lazy ass and demand that the United States federal government violate the Constitution so that you can get a free ride. You can take your communist "we" shit and shove it up your lazy, communist ass. The United States was built on - and designed specifically for - the individual. Nobody cares that you don't like that or that you're not capable of making it in this world as an individual. Too bad. Cuba is waiting for you. You also seem to like Africa - so maybe you can head there.
From the sound of your statements it seems like you have a delusional view of the world... A pretty sad one.
Leave it to a liberal loon to think that the U.S. Constitution is a (and I quote) "delusional view". Fuck'n mooch here would trade the liberty that someone else died to give him for government table scraps just so he doesn't have to provide for himself. You're disgusting. And a complete and total disgrace to the United States.
You can move to Africa and start a tribe and do whatever the fuck you want. In this country we don't let the savages and bully's take over... We do our best to protect each other, protect our communities, and provide equal opportunity to everybody who shares that vision. And we protect our poor, elderly and mentally ill and do our best to educate our future generations so they can continue our countries prosperity.

You can do all of that yourself if you weren't so greedy and lazy. Why do you need government and laws for any of that? You can educate children in your community (unless your illiterate or don't know your shapes and colors - which wouldn't surprise me a bit). You can protect anyone you choose to protect (again, unless your too selfish and lazy to do it). You can help the elderly anytime you want. Share you food with them. Your home with them. Your wealth with them.

But you don't do any of that - do you? Because you're a typical selfish, greedy liberal. You're too lazy to help anyone - but you'll scream at at the top of your lungs to have the government place a gun to my head and force me to help. Get off the sidelines and get in the game junior. You don't need government for anything you are whining about like a little bitch here in your post. That is, unless you're too selfish and lazy to do it yourself. Then you do need government for it.
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Agreed; it's called minding one's own business.

I post from a netbook on the go.
You guys ever notice how liberals point to other nations ad nauseam? All they ever talk about is how other nations have this "great" healthcare, and other nations have these "great" labor laws, and other nations spend "x amount" on public assistance, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And yet these buffoons never leave the United States and go live in these other countries that are supposedly so wonderful. You know why? Because conservatism has built the greatest nation in world history and libtards realize without conservatives to mooch off of, they won't be able to survive. These same idiots raved about Greece for years. Well how is that working out now? They have no conservatives to mooch off of so the entire thing imploded.
Which part of our nation was ever conservative?? I think if you look back you will see that we have been one of the most progressive nations in history

Only since Progressives perverted the legal system to erode The Constitution.
When was this golden time that we were a conservative country and everything was as it should be?
I live in this country and deal with its problems. For the most part I don't give two shits about the problems everywhere else unless they impact us. And I don't post from a computer at home. I post from a phone on the go.
Agreed; it's called minding one's own business.

I post from a netbook on the go.
You guys ever notice how liberals point to other nations ad nauseam? All they ever talk about is how other nations have this "great" healthcare, and other nations have these "great" labor laws, and other nations spend "x amount" on public assistance, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And yet these buffoons never leave the United States and go live in these other countries that are supposedly so wonderful. You know why? Because conservatism has built the greatest nation in world history and libtards realize without conservatives to mooch off of, they won't be able to survive. These same idiots raved about Greece for years. Well how is that working out now? They have no conservatives to mooch off of so the entire thing imploded.
Which part of our nation was ever conservative?? I think if you look back you will see that we have been one of the most progressive nations in history
Oh yeah....Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin were real "progressive". You really should try reading the U.S. Constitution some time. And I would add the Federalist Papers as well. Their entire focus was on limiting governments power and their interference in the lives of people.

And...if the U.S. has a history of being so "progressive" why is it that you people constantly point to other nations who do idiotic socialist nonsense long before we do (if we do it at all). Some nations have had universal healthcare for 30/40 years now. The U.S. still doesn't have it (thank God).
Because you don't just put everything under one blanket... You don't want the government limiting peoples lives however for years in your conservative utopia black people could be bought and sold, women couldn't vote, there was prohibition etc etc... We move on to more recent times with the civil rights movement, women's choice, LGBT rights... all of these are progressive movements that limit governments control over real human freedoms... What is it exactly you are bitching about? Welfare? Homeless shelters? Is that really your grip?
We live in a nation of laws with the ability to make laws as our society see's fit.
First of all you ignorant tool - we don't live in a nation of laws. If we did, Barack Obama would be in prison for violating the U.S. Constitution and Hitlery Clinton would be in prison for violating a host of federal laws. We stopped being a nation of laws with the rise of liberalism over 100 years ago. That's when your side of the aisle started pissing on the U.S. Constitution and laughing while doing it.
The price of security and protection and prosperity mean you abide by and vote to evolve the laws to better our society.
Second of all you ignorant tool....

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” - Benjamin Franklin.

Maybe you want to surrender liberty for "security and protections" (being the helpless and cowardly liberal that you are), but the rest of us don't.
You can move to Africa and start a tribe and do whatever the fuck you want. In this country we don't let the savages and bully's take over...
You're the one who hates the United States and the U.S. Constitution. You're also the asshole who has said "look at how great these other countries are because they do X". So you're the one who can move to Africa. I'm the one who supports this country and the Constitution. Sadly, I'm also the one who supports liberal mooches such as yourself.
We do our best to protect each other, protect our communities, and provide equal opportunity to everybody who shares that vision. And we protect our poor, elderly and mentally ill and do our best to educate our future generations so they can continue our countries prosperity.
Who is this "we" shit?!? You don't do anything but sit on your lazy ass and demand that the United States federal government violate the Constitution so that you can get a free ride. You can take your communist "we" shit and shove it up your lazy, communist ass. The United States was built on - and designed specifically for - the individual. Nobody cares that you don't like that or that you're not capable of making it in this world as an individual. Too bad. Cuba is waiting for you. You also seem to like Africa - so maybe you can head there.
From the sound of your statements it seems like you have a delusional view of the world... A pretty sad one.
Leave it to a liberal loon to think that the U.S. Constitution is a (and I quote) "delusional view". Fuck'n mooch here would trade the liberty that someone else died to give him for government table scraps just so he doesn't have to provide for himself. You're disgusting. And a complete and total disgrace to the United States.
Wow man, you sure have a boner for the constitution... Funny how you consider yourself a patriot and me an communist despite the fact that you are incessantly dogging on our government, calling our president a criminal and spouting your ignorant banter all over this board.
You can move to Africa and start a tribe and do whatever the fuck you want. In this country we don't let the savages and bully's take over... We do our best to protect each other, protect our communities, and provide equal opportunity to everybody who shares that vision. And we protect our poor, elderly and mentally ill and do our best to educate our future generations so they can continue our countries prosperity.

You can do all of that yourself if you weren't so greedy and lazy. Why do you need government and laws for any of that? You can educate children in your community (unless your illiterate or don't know your shapes and colors - which wouldn't surprise me a bit). You can protect anyone you choose to protect (again, unless your too selfish and lazy to do it). You can help the elderly anytime you want. Share you food with them. Your home with them. Your wealth with them.

But you don't do any of that - do you? Because you're a typical selfish, greedy liberal. You're too lazy to help anyone - but you'll scream at at the top of your lungs to have the government place a gun to my head and force me to help. Get off the sidelines and get in the game junior. You don't need government for anything you are whining about like a little bitch here in your post. That is, unless you're too selfish and lazy to do it yourself. Then you do need government for it.
You don't know shit about me so you can stop with the presumptive asshole act. I take care of my family and donate time and money (over $20K so far this year) to charities in my community... But do I have faith that everybody will do the same? No. Do I want to ensure that my sister and nieces and mother who live half a country away are protected by their community and have a city, state, and nation that is working for them and our future generations... Hell yes.
Oh yeah....Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin were real "progressive". You really should try reading the U.S. Constitution some time. And I would add the Federalist Papers as well. Their entire focus was on limiting governments power and their interference in the lives of people.

And...if the U.S. has a history of being so "progressive" why is it that you people constantly point to other nations who do idiotic socialist nonsense long before we do (if we do it at all). Some nations have had universal healthcare for 30/40 years now. The U.S. still doesn't have it (thank God).

What the shitstains like to do is conflate modern liberalism with classical liberals, which the founders were. What the modern progressives are was very precisely what our founders were escaping from in England... top-down authoritarianism and statism. It was a very (classical) liberal idea to self-govern.

It's also interesting to note, we are all familiar with the Federalist Papers (or at least, some of us are) but there was also the Anti-federalist Papers. In those, were the outline for what would eventually become Socialist Communism. Although it had not yet been completely ironed out and articulated as such at the time, the principles of communal property ownership as opposed to private property rights was very much the basis for the argument opposed to Federalism.

So with all due respect to what these abject morons say, it was actually the very things they advocate today that our founding fathers rejected in favor of the type of government we have.

The reason for all these glowing statistics they praise on nationalized health care abroad is simple. In those countries, you die before you ever get to see a doctor. Convenient for the statistics... if you die, you don't get counted as one of the sick who was treated successfully. Their statistics are all predicated on people who actually got to see a doctor and if you manage to live long enough to see a doctor, your chance of survival are pretty good.
I take care of my family and donate time and money (over $20K so far this year) to charities in my community... But do I have faith that everybody will do the same? No.

Bingo! Liberalism at its core. In a nutshell - you don't believe people will do what you want them to do so you ask government to force them to do it. And when one has to resort to force to get what they want, they are unquestionably on the wrong side of history.
The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

No Sir,

They are in our house because the government isn't allowed to take them away without just cause, and by Right we may keep and bear them in defense of self, community, and ultimately Country. We ALLOW the government to govern us....to a point.

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