"Government" is Not the Problem.

Did I say our constitution was rule of majority? No I didn't... our government is comprised of leaders elected by the majority of people... They make laws and enact laws by majority vote... Laws and actions are bound by the constitution which is enforced by the Supreme Court. The constitution can be amended by majority rule, yes, but there is a process for all the above. Why do I need to spell all of this out for you?
Let's cut to the chase since you are obviously backtracking again: Are our rights given by government or not? If given by government, then majority rules can change those rights at any time, correct?
I guess the same goes for those that wanted to abolish slavery and give women the right to vote... Damn those constitution haters. At least they have clean asses
And, according to you, "We, the People" can reinstitute slavery and deprive women, gays and/or Muslims of their right to vote by majority rule.
Technically we can by amending the constitution. Same way we enacted those laws and rights in the first place.
If you don't understand the difference between "promote" and "provide", I can't help you. There are dictionaries and encyclopedias you can reference if you need help.
You already did and your point still does not make practical sense. I responded and you dodged... So how about you answer now with something of substances
I didn't dodge a damn thing, you just don't understand the meaning of the words. Don't blame me for your inability to understand the difference.
another dodge... Are you trying to be funny
Are you pretending to be stupid?
Let's play a game called answer questions that are asked of you... Only rule is you can't ask a question until you answer what's been asked of you... I'll go first: how would you like to see our government promote entitlements that is different then how YOU say they provide?
I would rather you educated yourself. If you do, you'll see that I've already answered you. It's not my job to be your tutor.
The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

You illustrate your ignorance of the Constitution. The guns in our houses are there because the Founding Fathers (not the government) put it in the Constitution so the government could not deny us that right.
Why do you pretend the floundering fathers were not the government?
Technically we can by amending the constitution. Same way we enacted those laws and rights in the first place.
That's not what Joe was pushing nor you, earlier. Nice dodge though.

Are you saying Joe's OP is wrong? Yes or no, please. No more dodging.
Did I say our constitution was rule of majority? No I didn't... our government is comprised of leaders elected by the majority of people... They make laws and enact laws by majority vote... Laws and actions are bound by the constitution which is enforced by the Supreme Court. The constitution can be amended by majority rule, yes, but there is a process for all the above. Why do I need to spell all of this out for you?
Let's cut to the chase since you are obviously backtracking again: Are our rights given by government or not? If given by government, then majority rules can change those rights at any time, correct?
Correct, if they are able to amend the constitution
You already did and your point still does not make practical sense. I responded and you dodged... So how about you answer now with something of substances
I didn't dodge a damn thing, you just don't understand the meaning of the words. Don't blame me for your inability to understand the difference.
another dodge... Are you trying to be funny
Are you pretending to be stupid?
Let's play a game called answer questions that are asked of you... Only rule is you can't ask a question until you answer what's been asked of you... I'll go first: how would you like to see our government promote entitlements that is different then how YOU say they provide?
I would rather you educated yourself. If you do, you'll see that I've already answered you. It's not my job to be your tutor.
That's your third dodge... You could have answered with all the time you've spent spinning around it
Technically we can by amending the constitution. Same way we enacted those laws and rights in the first place.
That's not what Joe was pushing nor you, earlier. Nice dodge though.

Are you saying Joe's OP is wrong? Yes or no, please. No more dodging.
The OP is correct and falls in line with what I've been saying. Our rights are outlined in our constitution, which can be modified by the will of the people. I've used examples with slavery and women... And wasn't booze once prohibited as well? I don't know why you are arguing so adimantly against this, thought it was pretty basic common knowledge
You all are funny, your freedom is an illusion only permissible by the government. Luckily it is a fluid group of elected officials with checks and balances rather than a ruling dictator, king or family. But make no mistake, you rent the land you live on from the Gov. You rent the right to do business and commerce with the governments dollars, and you rent the right to live free as long as you abide by their contract (laws)... Don't believe me, go break the laws... don't pay your income, business, or property taxes... See what happens
According to you, if the government decides to deprive women, blacks and Muslims the right to vote, it's "Constitutional". If the government decides to make homosexuality and abortion a death penalty offense, it's "Constitutional".
I haven't read everything joe has said, nor to I check with him for approval to make my own points. If you point to a post I can't tell you if I agree or disagree
Of course you don't. Why bother to read the OP when your opinion is all that matters?
You all are funny, your freedom is an illusion only permissible by the government. Luckily it is a fluid group of elected officials with checks and balances rather than a ruling dictator, king or family. But make no mistake, you rent the land you live on from the Gov. You rent the right to do business and commerce with the governments dollars, and you rent the right to live free as long as you abide by their contract (laws)... Don't believe me, go break the laws... don't pay your income, business, or property taxes... See what happens
According to you, if the government decides to deprive women, blacks and Muslims the right to vote, it's "Constitutional". If the government decides to make homosexuality and abortion a death penalty offense, it's "Constitutional".
I never said that, you have my statement right in front of you and you distort it.... I didn't say it was constitutional, but if the government decides to amend the constitution, which they have done and can do, they can make any actions legal or illegal, including all that you listed.
I never said that, you have my statement right in front of you and you distort it.... I didn't say it was constitutional, but if the government decides to amend the constitution, which they have done and can do, they can make any actions legal or illegal, including all that you listed.
Thanks for backpedaling from your "You all are funny, your freedom is an illusion only permissible by the government" statement and recognizing that it takes a Constitutional amendment to do things like Joe's OP. You do know, of course, amendments require state ratification?

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