"Government" is Not the Problem.

Detroit is a State? That must be one of the other 7 Obama mentioned when he said we had 57 States. Where is it on the map?

Whose Regan?
Were you a middle child?

I know you are a bastard child.

You said Detroit is a State - Post #614
Yeah I did, I made a typo, so what?

Typo? Bullshit. You're just full of excuses for your stupidity.
Well it is settled then... You've been calling me stupid for a while now... How about I concede, you are right I'm totally stupid... There, you can move on to somebody else, I really have no interest in engaging with you any longer.

You think prices skyrocketed because of government regulations?! While they do play a factor, you are forgetting about the main culprits which are the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
Prices skyrocketed because of government intervention in two ways:

1.) Medicare & Medicaid: Once the consumer was no longer on the hook for the cost, the healthcare systems knew that they could exponentially increase costs and it wouldn't matter. It doesn't matter to the consumer when someone else is paying.

2.) The regulation requiring medical attention regardless of the ability to pay: Since hospitals could not deny the individual who was rushed to the emergency room and required a $65,000 open heart surgery, they had to fin da way to cover that cost (they sure as hell aren't going to eat it). That means charging $10 per aspirin and $100 for an ace bandage wrap.

This is basic economics - and the fact that liberals need it explained to them is absurd. Here is a quick lesson in Economics 101 for you. Listen closely:

You're right... The billions of dollars that insurance and pharmaceutical companies make have nothing to do with the problem, i'm shocked that they are even profitable... It's too bad as I'm sure they would love to be able to afford to pay for advertisements and lobbying in Washington... those poor bastards
Were you a middle child?

I know you are a bastard child.

You said Detroit is a State - Post #614
Yeah I did, I made a typo, so what?

Typo? Bullshit. You're just full of excuses for your stupidity.
Well it is settled then... You've been calling me stupid for a while now... How about I concede, you are right I'm totally stupid... There, you can move on to somebody else, I really have no interest in engaging with you any longer.

Talking with you is like talking to a 5th grader... Petty insults, and gotchya attacks. I'm not here for that shit... I'm here to have intelligent conversations. Debate with and learn from others to expand my knowledge on these subjects... I prefer doing this with a level of integrity and respect. So far my discussions with you end up in the gutter, partly my fault, but i'd prefer to not go there anymore.
I know you are a bastard child.

You said Detroit is a State - Post #614
Yeah I did, I made a typo, so what?

Typo? Bullshit. You're just full of excuses for your stupidity.
Well it is settled then... You've been calling me stupid for a while now... How about I concede, you are right I'm totally stupid... There, you can move on to somebody else, I really have no interest in engaging with you any longer.

Talking with you is like talking to a 5th grader... Petty insults, and gotchya attacks. I'm not here for that shit... I'm here to have intelligent conversations. Debate with and learn from others to expand my knowledge on these subjects... I prefer doing this with a level of integrity and respect. So far my discussions with you end up in the gutter, partly my fault, but i'd prefer to not go there anymore.

I did teach you something. You said that going from 11,208 gun homicides to 11,207 would be successful because you said just ONE life being save would justify background checks. You later said otherwise after being taught a math lesson.
Yeah I did, I made a typo, so what?

Typo? Bullshit. You're just full of excuses for your stupidity.
Well it is settled then... You've been calling me stupid for a while now... How about I concede, you are right I'm totally stupid... There, you can move on to somebody else, I really have no interest in engaging with you any longer.

Talking with you is like talking to a 5th grader... Petty insults, and gotchya attacks. I'm not here for that shit... I'm here to have intelligent conversations. Debate with and learn from others to expand my knowledge on these subjects... I prefer doing this with a level of integrity and respect. So far my discussions with you end up in the gutter, partly my fault, but i'd prefer to not go there anymore.

I did teach you something. You said that going from 11,208 gun homicides to 11,207 would be successful because you said just ONE life being save would justify background checks. You later said otherwise after being taught a math lesson.
I didn't say otherwise... I said saving a life is a success. You are the epitome of whats wrong with our political system now a days. People who act like little bully's, twisting and distorting their opponents point of view to win an argument or try and make them look stupid, its utter nonsense. The only person you are fooling is yourself if you think you are proving anything. Go back to your cave and let the grown ups talk.
Typo? Bullshit. You're just full of excuses for your stupidity.
Well it is settled then... You've been calling me stupid for a while now... How about I concede, you are right I'm totally stupid... There, you can move on to somebody else, I really have no interest in engaging with you any longer.

Talking with you is like talking to a 5th grader... Petty insults, and gotchya attacks. I'm not here for that shit... I'm here to have intelligent conversations. Debate with and learn from others to expand my knowledge on these subjects... I prefer doing this with a level of integrity and respect. So far my discussions with you end up in the gutter, partly my fault, but i'd prefer to not go there anymore.

I did teach you something. You said that going from 11,208 gun homicides to 11,207 would be successful because you said just ONE life being save would justify background checks. You later said otherwise after being taught a math lesson.
I didn't say otherwise... I said saving a life is a success. You are the epitome of whats wrong with our political system now a days. People who act like little bully's, twisting and distorting their opponents point of view to win an argument or try and make them look stupid, its utter nonsense. The only person you are fooling is yourself if you think you are proving anything. Go back to your cave and let the grown ups talk.

You said it would be successful if it save only one life.

I proved you were an idiot. You even admitted today on a post.
Well it is settled then... You've been calling me stupid for a while now... How about I concede, you are right I'm totally stupid... There, you can move on to somebody else, I really have no interest in engaging with you any longer.

Talking with you is like talking to a 5th grader... Petty insults, and gotchya attacks. I'm not here for that shit... I'm here to have intelligent conversations. Debate with and learn from others to expand my knowledge on these subjects... I prefer doing this with a level of integrity and respect. So far my discussions with you end up in the gutter, partly my fault, but i'd prefer to not go there anymore.

I did teach you something. You said that going from 11,208 gun homicides to 11,207 would be successful because you said just ONE life being save would justify background checks. You later said otherwise after being taught a math lesson.
I didn't say otherwise... I said saving a life is a success. You are the epitome of whats wrong with our political system now a days. People who act like little bully's, twisting and distorting their opponents point of view to win an argument or try and make them look stupid, its utter nonsense. The only person you are fooling is yourself if you think you are proving anything. Go back to your cave and let the grown ups talk.

You said it would be successful if it save only one life.

I proved you were an idiot. You even admitted today on a post.
yes you did and i conceded my idiocracy so you won... good for you go get yourself a trophy
Talking with you is like talking to a 5th grader... Petty insults, and gotchya attacks. I'm not here for that shit... I'm here to have intelligent conversations. Debate with and learn from others to expand my knowledge on these subjects... I prefer doing this with a level of integrity and respect. So far my discussions with you end up in the gutter, partly my fault, but i'd prefer to not go there anymore.

I did teach you something. You said that going from 11,208 gun homicides to 11,207 would be successful because you said just ONE life being save would justify background checks. You later said otherwise after being taught a math lesson.
I didn't say otherwise... I said saving a life is a success. You are the epitome of whats wrong with our political system now a days. People who act like little bully's, twisting and distorting their opponents point of view to win an argument or try and make them look stupid, its utter nonsense. The only person you are fooling is yourself if you think you are proving anything. Go back to your cave and let the grown ups talk.

You said it would be successful if it save only one life.

I proved you were an idiot. You even admitted today on a post.
yes you did and i conceded my idiocracy so you won... good for you go get yourself a trophy

I'm good with knowing that idiots like you can and are willing to learn. I don't have to receive a trophy. Success is reward enough for me. My motivation doesn't come from what I get but what I do.
Talking with you is like talking to a 5th grader... Petty insults, and gotchya attacks. I'm not here for that shit... I'm here to have intelligent conversations. Debate with and learn from others to expand my knowledge on these subjects... I prefer doing this with a level of integrity and respect. So far my discussions with you end up in the gutter, partly my fault, but i'd prefer to not go there anymore.

I did teach you something. You said that going from 11,208 gun homicides to 11,207 would be successful because you said just ONE life being save would justify background checks. You later said otherwise after being taught a math lesson.
I didn't say otherwise... I said saving a life is a success. You are the epitome of whats wrong with our political system now a days. People who act like little bully's, twisting and distorting their opponents point of view to win an argument or try and make them look stupid, its utter nonsense. The only person you are fooling is yourself if you think you are proving anything. Go back to your cave and let the grown ups talk.

You said it would be successful if it save only one life.

I proved you were an idiot. You even admitted today on a post.
yes you did and i conceded my idiocracy so you won... good for you go get yourself a trophy

I'm good with knowing that idiots like you can and are willing to learn. I don't have to receive a trophy. Success is reward enough for me. My motivation doesn't come from what I get but what I do.
Your prize is you get to never talk to me again... just ignore my posts in the future. Congrats and goodbye
I did teach you something. You said that going from 11,208 gun homicides to 11,207 would be successful because you said just ONE life being save would justify background checks. You later said otherwise after being taught a math lesson.
I didn't say otherwise... I said saving a life is a success. You are the epitome of whats wrong with our political system now a days. People who act like little bully's, twisting and distorting their opponents point of view to win an argument or try and make them look stupid, its utter nonsense. The only person you are fooling is yourself if you think you are proving anything. Go back to your cave and let the grown ups talk.

You said it would be successful if it save only one life.

I proved you were an idiot. You even admitted today on a post.
yes you did and i conceded my idiocracy so you won... good for you go get yourself a trophy

I'm good with knowing that idiots like you can and are willing to learn. I don't have to receive a trophy. Success is reward enough for me. My motivation doesn't come from what I get but what I do.
Your prize is you get to never talk to me again... just ignore my posts in the future. Congrats and goodbye

I haven't talked to you yet. I've talked down to you like you deserve. You couldn't figure that out?
I didn't say otherwise... I said saving a life is a success. You are the epitome of whats wrong with our political system now a days. People who act like little bully's, twisting and distorting their opponents point of view to win an argument or try and make them look stupid, its utter nonsense. The only person you are fooling is yourself if you think you are proving anything. Go back to your cave and let the grown ups talk.

You said it would be successful if it save only one life.

I proved you were an idiot. You even admitted today on a post.
yes you did and i conceded my idiocracy so you won... good for you go get yourself a trophy

I'm good with knowing that idiots like you can and are willing to learn. I don't have to receive a trophy. Success is reward enough for me. My motivation doesn't come from what I get but what I do.
Your prize is you get to never talk to me again... just ignore my posts in the future. Congrats and goodbye

I haven't talked to you yet. I've talked down to you like you deserve. You couldn't figure that out?
I have, which is why I'm saying adios. Don't need to waste my time dealing with ignorant assholes
You said it would be successful if it save only one life.

I proved you were an idiot. You even admitted today on a post.
yes you did and i conceded my idiocracy so you won... good for you go get yourself a trophy

I'm good with knowing that idiots like you can and are willing to learn. I don't have to receive a trophy. Success is reward enough for me. My motivation doesn't come from what I get but what I do.
Your prize is you get to never talk to me again... just ignore my posts in the future. Congrats and goodbye

I haven't talked to you yet. I've talked down to you like you deserve. You couldn't figure that out?
I have, which is why I'm saying adios. Don't need to waste my time dealing with ignorant assholes

You haven't talked to me. You've been talked down to by me like you deserve.

You keep saying goodbye yet keep responding. Sounds to me as if you either don't know what goodbye means or you're too stupid to learn.
You're right... The billions of dollars that insurance and pharmaceutical companies make have nothing to do with the problem, i'm shocked that they are even profitable... It's too bad as I'm sure they would love to be able to afford to pay for advertisements and lobbying in Washington... those poor bastards
Ask yourself a simple common sense question. What the heck does what I pay my insurance company have to do with what the hospital charges? Those are two separate companies that aren't even remotely linked. That's as stupid as blaming the cost of gas on your auto insurance company. :eusa_doh:
yes you did and i conceded my idiocracy so you won... good for you go get yourself a trophy

I'm good with knowing that idiots like you can and are willing to learn. I don't have to receive a trophy. Success is reward enough for me. My motivation doesn't come from what I get but what I do.
Your prize is you get to never talk to me again... just ignore my posts in the future. Congrats and goodbye

I haven't talked to you yet. I've talked down to you like you deserve. You couldn't figure that out?
I have, which is why I'm saying adios. Don't need to waste my time dealing with ignorant assholes

You haven't talked to me. You've been talked down to by me like you deserve.

You keep saying goodbye yet keep responding. Sounds to me as if you either don't know what goodbye means or you're too stupid to learn.
Another point for you, man I'm such an idiot, so glad I'm learning all this from you. You feeling pretty happy about it?
You're right... The billions of dollars that insurance and pharmaceutical companies make have nothing to do with the problem, i'm shocked that they are even profitable... It's too bad as I'm sure they would love to be able to afford to pay for advertisements and lobbying in Washington... those poor bastards
Ask yourself a simple common sense question. What the heck does what I pay my insurance company have to do with what the hospital charges? Those are two separate companies that aren't even remotely linked. That's as stupid as blaming the cost of gas on your auto insurance company. :eusa_doh:
Does your auto insurance pay for your gas? Damn, what company? I need to get on that plan!
Are none of you right wingers smart enough to factor in the effect of the auto industry moving to Mexico on the economy and tax base for the City of Detroit, prior to the bankruptcy? Or even consider that said loss of the entire economic foundation of the "Motor City" was possibly the real reason why the City went bankrupt?

Let's clearly understand .... the effect of the auto industry moving to Mexico is determined, solely, by the city of Detroit. It is the City of Detroit that CHOOSES its tax impact on the corporations. It is the City of Detroit that knowingly increases the tax load on the auto companies causing them to consider moving. It is the City of Detroit that drives the cost of labor up by intentionally raising the tax rates paid by its citizens.

You fail to admit that the answer is much simpler ... and much crueler. The government of the City of Detroit intentionally and knowingly created an adverse financial environment for the auto companies. They intentionally and knowingly chose to disregard the long term impact of their policies, believing that the Golden Goose would stay. They decided to sacrifice long term security for short term greed. Then, they, and their minions, have the audacity to complain when the company seeks a more beneficial financial environment.
The guns in your house are there because you have permission to have them from the government.

Somewhere along the line, you failed to grasp the very essence of our democracy.

The government does not control the people - the people control the government. With the permission of the people, the government is assigned certain activities that we, in turn, agree to follow. The 'common defense' is obviously the easiest example.

However, for the past 60 years, the government has been usurping, and assigning to itself, the responsibilities of the people. By our inaction, we have allowed the government to amass significant power and control over the people.

This illegal activity is the very essence of the upcoming election. Progressives believe that a strong government is needed to control the people. Conservatives believe that a weak government is needed so it can be controlled BY the people. Both views are Utopian. The answer, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

The last 8 years have seen a massive push to government control. Four more years, particularly with the SCOTUS hanging in the balance, would be catastrophic to the concept of self-government. In fact, it is fair to say that if the Progressives are successful, the American democracy, as our forefathers intended and our fathers gave their lives for, will morph into a socialist democracy, and fade into the background of history.
When you say "the people" who do you mean? How is that voice heard?

That was exactly the point ... the "people" - you and me - sat on our fat asses and ignored what they were doing. As long as it didn't directly affect us, we ignored it. Instead, we should have made ourselves informed, elected officials who supported our point of view, and directly made our voices heard.

Once, we controlled the government ... WE decided what the policies were going to be. Then, we got fat and lazy ... ignoring our responsibility as citizens, and allowed the government to take over.

Now, it is time to take control back ... by whatever means necessary.
I'm good with knowing that idiots like you can and are willing to learn. I don't have to receive a trophy. Success is reward enough for me. My motivation doesn't come from what I get but what I do.
Your prize is you get to never talk to me again... just ignore my posts in the future. Congrats and goodbye

I haven't talked to you yet. I've talked down to you like you deserve. You couldn't figure that out?
I have, which is why I'm saying adios. Don't need to waste my time dealing with ignorant assholes

You haven't talked to me. You've been talked down to by me like you deserve.

You keep saying goodbye yet keep responding. Sounds to me as if you either don't know what goodbye means or you're too stupid to learn.
Another point for you, man I'm such an idiot, so glad I'm learning all this from you. You feeling pretty happy about it?

You're also a liar. More than once you've said "goodbye", "adios", you weren't going to waste your time, etc. yet you keep coming back. If you ever wonder why you're considered stupid and a liar, read your posts then look at how you don't do what YOU say you're going to do.
You think prices skyrocketed because of government regulations?! While they do play a factor, you are forgetting about the main culprits which are the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

Sorry, your ignorance is showing ... you lack even a basic understanding of the insurance company business model.

1) Insurance companies do not make massive profits on the sale of insurance. In 2015, the average profit margin on health insurance was less than 5%.

2) Insurance premiums are designed to meet the insurance claims, cost of business, and a small (3-5%) margin for risk and variations in the claim load.

3) Insurance companies make their profits by using your money as investments. You give them your money, and they buy stocks, bonds, invest in businesses, etc. When a claim is made, they liquidate part of their investment portfolio and pay the claim. Insurance companies are, by definition, very conservative investors, but their typical return on investment runs about 12-16% per annum. Given the current stock market volatility, they have been making significantly more in recent years.

4) Insurance companies do NOT raise their premiums in order to make greater profits. They raise their rates in order to cover their costs, and rely on their investment portfolios to generate the "massive profits" you apparently don't understand.
Last edited:
You think prices skyrocketed because of government regulations?! While they do play a factor, you are forgetting about the main culprits which are the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
Sorry, your ignorance is showing ... you lack even a basic understanding of the insurance company business model.
You'll have to excuse him - he's a liberal so all he knows is the propaganda that his masters in Washington have spoon fed to him...

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