Government Programs Are Scams

10. Now….how about a low income worker…..would a private retirement plan be better than the government Social Security plan?

You betcha’!!!

Age 23- annual income $19,768….

“She will pay an estimated $119,426 in Social Security taxes toward a program that will provide her with a $902 monthly benefit in retirement.

If she instead invested that same amount—$119,426—in her own retirement account, she would accumulate $354,731 in savings. That would be enough to purchase an annuity that would provide her with $1,262 per month, or 40 percent more than Social Security can provide.” Daily Signal, Op. Cit.

Yup...politicians are only looking out for the best interests of the American people...and Attila was just sightseeing.
I've done the math for these people many times over

Even with the ups and downs and occasional stock market crashes it always works out better than social insecurity

You make some big assumptions.

1- they are able to maintain investment and not touch it

2- no health issues for them or family .

Very small % would that work for.

Wrong again

All we have to do is allow people to decide where their SS contributions and their employers contributions go and they can be put in an account that no one, not even the fucking government can touch until a predetermined age
And another one bites the dust.....

"Failure: The $1.7 Billion Federal Job Corps Program Doesn’t ‘Demonstrate Beneficial Job Training Outcomes’
The Department of Labor’s Job Corps program receives an annual budget of $1.7 billion dollars. You’d think a program that is a sacred cow to people on both sides of the aisle and with that budget pushes out success after success.

Nope. This Great Society program birthed by JFK’s brother-in-law R. Sargent Shriver has turned into a money pit, a waste of that taxpayer money, according to those close to the program who spoke to The New York Times:

“Job Corps doesn’t work,” said Teresa Sanders, a former teacher at the North Texas center who quit in frustration in 2015 after a rash of violent episodes inside the center, but who keeps in touch with dozens of former students through a Facebook page. “The adults are making money, the politicians are getting photo ops. But we are all failing the students.”

In April, the Labor Department’s own inspector general starkly concluded that “Job Corps could not demonstrate beneficial job training outcomes.”
Failure: The $1.7 Billion Federal Job Corps Program Doesn't 'Demonstrate Beneficial Job Training Outcomes'

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