Government Should Teach Traditional Values

Ok, discipline is a TRADITIONAL value.

ONE means of enforcing it is corporal punishment.

Perhaps we could use a wet noodle on your pointed head to emphasize the difference.

for many decades in America is was traditional to enforce the traditional value od discipline in school with traditional coporal punishment.
Both the value and the enforcement method were longheld american traditions.

And we produced stronger citizens when we had those traditions.

For example:

so ur saying their were no teens that were disrespectfull in the old days? Dream on.

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for
authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer
rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,
chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their
legs, and are tyrants over their teachers."
Attributed to Socrates by Plato
Ok, discipline is a TRADITIONAL value.

ONE means of enforcing it is corporal punishment.

Perhaps we could use a wet noodle on your pointed head to emphasize the difference.

for many decades in America is was traditional to enforce the traditional value od discipline in school with traditional coporal punishment.
Both the value and the enforcement method were longheld american traditions.

And we produced stronger citizens when we had those traditions.

For example:

so ur saying their were no teens that were disrespectfull in the old days? Dream on.
Teenage Life in the 1950’s
by Erika Cox

The word Teenager was created in the 1950’s due to the tremendous population of those in this age category and because teenagers started gaining more independence and freedoms. Teenagers were able to buy more things like food, clothes and music because of an increase in spending money.

Teenagers were also becoming more independent in the type of music they preferred to listen to, no more listening to what their parents liked, teens flocked to the new music of the decade, which was rock and roll.

Growing up as a teenager prior to World War II, teenagers were expected to take life seriously. Males were expected to join the military or go out and get a job in order to help bring in money for their family or to take care of their future family.

Females were taught how to take care of the household and prepare themselves to be a dutiful wife and take care of children. Marriage and preparing for a family, more than education or a career, was seen as a definite in the lives of teenagers. Also, teens had very little economic freedom, independence, and input into decision making prior to WWII.

However, in the 1950’s, expectations changed for the teenager. The economy started booming and families experienced a great deal of economic power, freedom and independence, including teenagers.

New medians were created like television and AM radio that attracted teenagers. Also they were able to attend high school dances, create clothing trends, dance fads, and hairstyles to name a few.

Things were starting to change. In the 1950’s, teenagers where more inclined and encouraged to attend college, find a skill, and seek a successful career. Their parents had more than likely gone through the depression and a number of wars, and now wanted something more for their children.

This resulted in teenagers receiving spending money and having more time to socialize with other teenagers. Of course, this newly found independence would often result in conflict between the parents and the child.

The media played on these emotions and often portrayed teenagers as juvenile delinquents. Peers easily influence teenagers, often at that stage in life what peers think and do becomes more important than what parents think and say.

Perhaps, some would say looking at society in general that the first indication or act of teenage rebellion began in the 1950’s.

Before the 1950’s, teenagers listened to the music of their parents, but when rock and roll came on the scene teens swarmed to it. Even though teens were able to purchase rock and roll records because they were receiving extra spending money, their parents were opposed to rock and roll music, they despised it, and thought of it as corrupting their children.

This sometimes caused friction, it seemed as if teenagers were becoming more rebellious, defensive, and at times, disrespectful, and that listening to rock and roll was the root cause of all this rebellion.

However, this belief was often exaggerated because parents didn’t understand the newfound independence and freedom that they never experienced. Yet, rock and roll was something new and parents thought it was shocking and terrible. They felt if their children were listening to this dreadful music that the end must be right around the corner.

Although, this wasn’t the case in every household it was in a large number of them. Because parents had never experienced this they thought their children were doomed never realizing it was just a phase and it would be over with once the teen reached adulthood.

Later on this clash became known as the generation gap. Nevertheless, with the help of adults, radio, rock shows, concerts, and TV shows like American Bandstand opened doors for teens in the 1950’s to experience things teenagers of the past never experienced. Despite all of the uproar, teenagers in the 1950’s played a huge part in the rise of rock and roll music.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
First of all the Civil War occured in the 1860's, decades before the concept of teenagers was developed.

Secondly, 'teen rebellion' first occurred during the 1920s. For the most part 'teen rebellion' disappeared during the 1930's, but resurfaced at the later part of the decade with the Zoot Suit period. After WWII (1941-1945 for the US), the US economy experienced tremendous growth which resulted in prosperity for most groups. It also made teenage ownership of cars possible. This new sense of freedom was coupled with a desire to avoid the perils of their parents generation - namely the Great Depression and WWII. Suburban growth and the growth of college enrollment allowed for more independence.

Drug use has always been a part of the teenage experience. Most people begin using mood altering substances in their teenage years - from alcohol and tobacco to marijuana and harder drugs. Also at the beginning of the 1950s, marijuana was legal in most places, and LSD wasn't 'invented' until the late 50s or early 60's. The drug craze of the late 50s and 60s was fueled in part by the desire to be free and different and in part by the restricting forces brought to bear by concerned parents and the government. Drugs were an escape from reality and gave an intense sense of control over reality.
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Schools have to go back 60 years to become successful as they once were. Teach the basics. Reading, Writing, 'Rithmetic, Geography, History of the US, History of the World, Civics, Literature.

Stop with the calculators. Do not introduce computers until the 3rd grade when foundations of the basics have been mastered. Homework each night. No open book tests.

Expect parent involvement. Expect the children to meet grade level requirements and let parents know there will be NO SOCIAL PROMOTIONS. Parents have no say in the advancement of their child to the next grade. A child can fail a grade twice in the primary and twice in the intermediate/high school. Psychological testing is required if the student cannot meet the requirements after that time.

Students cannot quit school until their 18th birthday.

If a student is suspended, they receive failing marks for that day's work without an opportunity to make up the work.

Students with truancy problems or not turning in homework will have parents show up with the their child at a hearing with a school hearing officer to determine what fines, penalties will be earned.

No more foolishess.

Alternative schools will be available for those who conduct is dangerous to others with uniformed guards on site.

Parents will learn to be responsible one way or another. Court help will be available.

Make public schools as good as the private schools. That's what we want.

Good, but I would add: must maintaing a 2.5 GPA. If you can't you will be taught how to clean buildings, dig ditches or other menial skills for one year. You can go back in the classroom after that, but if your grades don't make it .... back to hard labor apprenticeship for you.

Yeah, the good ol days. When you could beat your wife and kids because they were your property. Gone are the days when you could put make up on your kids bruises and the teachers would ignroe. In fact, they'd be happy to help you beat your kids while they were at school. Ah, conservative values.

Liberal "values" (lack of values) have been controlling the political systems for about 60 years. In that time, those with "traditional values" made us the most prosperous nation that ever existed on the face of the earth. Since then, what has liberal values done for the planet:
poverty: still here
homelessness: still here
family: under attack by those that want the gov't to have all the authority, but no responsibility
global community: starting to eat itself
socialist based nations: collapsing
communist nations: gone, dying, or adapted to partial "capitalism"
Christianity: under attack around the world
Islam: making every country it goes into a place of deceit, destruction and death
Hindus and Buddahists: being systematically eliminated by the communists or the islamists
education: most children do not have the basic skills to survive when they graduate high school as an "adult", but have to be sent to college for remedial classes in math, communication skills, history (that means our children are not educated as well as they were in the '40s)
women: not safe to walk on American streets
children: not safe to live (perverts everywhere), in many cases, murdered before living outside womb, born into single parent households with a 70% chance of staying in poverty, many with no male parent
men: being marginalized as unecessary "tools" (and we wonder why they just make trouble?)
government: local, state and federal, all, more corrupt
drug abuse: listed at almost 10% of the population does nothing to improve society
alcohol abuse: still here (fewer drunk drivers, but the ones that drive drunk make up for it)

Oh, and we still have domestic violence, and abused children, that has not changed (unless your abuser is white and fairly well off, then the children are taken away and put into even more abusive 'foster care'). And now we have the "religion" islam moving into our neighborhoods with people that are murdering their teenage daughters, and beheading their wife. They mutilate their female children and rape the male children.

So, be honest, how are those "liberal values" working for the world?
Good, but I would add: must maintaing a 2.5 GPA. If you can't you will be taught how to clean buildings, dig ditches or other menial skills for one year. You can go back in the classroom after that, but if your grades don't make it .... back to hard labor apprenticeship for you.

Yeah, the good ol days. When you could beat your wife and kids because they were your property. Gone are the days when you could put make up on your kids bruises and the teachers would ignroe. In fact, they'd be happy to help you beat your kids while they were at school. Ah, conservative values.

Liberal "values" (lack of values) have been controlling the political systems for about 60 years. In that time, those with "traditional values" made us the most prosperous nation that ever existed on the face of the earth. Since then, what has liberal values done for the planet:
poverty: still here
homelessness: still here
family: under attack by those that want the gov't to have all the authority, but no responsibility
global community: starting to eat itself
socialist based nations: collapsing
communist nations: gone, dying, or adapted to partial "capitalism"
Christianity: under attack around the world
Islam: making every country it goes into a place of deceit, destruction and death
Hindus and Buddahists: being systematically eliminated by the communists or the islamists
education: most children do not have the basic skills to survive when they graduate high school as an "adult", but have to be sent to college for remedial classes in math, communication skills, history (that means our children are not educated as well as they were in the '40s)
women: not safe to walk on American streets
children: not safe to live (perverts everywhere), in many cases, murdered before living outside womb, born into single parent households with a 70% chance of staying in poverty, many with no male parent
men: being marginalized as unecessary "tools" (and we wonder why they just make trouble?)
government: local, state and federal, all, more corrupt
drug abuse: listed at almost 10% of the population does nothing to improve society
alcohol abuse: still here (fewer drunk drivers, but the ones that drive drunk make up for it)

Oh, and we still have domestic violence, and abused children, that has not changed (unless your abuser is white and fairly well off, then the children are taken away and put into even more abusive 'foster care'). And now we have the "religion" islam moving into our neighborhoods with people that are murdering their teenage daughters, and beheading their wife. They mutilate their female children and rape the male children.

So, be honest, how are those "liberal values" working for the world?
Yeah, the good ol days. When you could beat your wife and kids because they were your property. Gone are the days when you could put make up on your kids bruises and the teachers would ignroe. In fact, they'd be happy to help you beat your kids while they were at school. Ah, conservative values.

Liberal "values" (lack of values) have been controlling the political systems for about 60 years. In that time, those with "traditional values" made us the most prosperous nation that ever existed on the face of the earth. Since then, what has liberal values done for the planet:
poverty: still here
homelessness: still here
family: under attack by those that want the gov't to have all the authority, but no responsibility
global community: starting to eat itself
socialist based nations: collapsing
communist nations: gone, dying, or adapted to partial "capitalism"
Christianity: under attack around the world
Islam: making every country it goes into a place of deceit, destruction and death
Hindus and Buddahists: being systematically eliminated by the communists or the islamists
education: most children do not have the basic skills to survive when they graduate high school as an "adult", but have to be sent to college for remedial classes in math, communication skills, history (that means our children are not educated as well as they were in the '40s)
women: not safe to walk on American streets
children: not safe to live (perverts everywhere), in many cases, murdered before living outside womb, born into single parent households with a 70% chance of staying in poverty, many with no male parent
men: being marginalized as unecessary "tools" (and we wonder why they just make trouble?)
government: local, state and federal, all, more corrupt
drug abuse: listed at almost 10% of the population does nothing to improve society
alcohol abuse: still here (fewer drunk drivers, but the ones that drive drunk make up for it)

Oh, and we still have domestic violence, and abused children, that has not changed (unless your abuser is white and fairly well off, then the children are taken away and put into even more abusive 'foster care'). And now we have the "religion" islam moving into our neighborhoods with people that are murdering their teenage daughters, and beheading their wife. They mutilate their female children and rape the male children.

So, be honest, how are those "liberal values" working for the world?

That has to be the most thought out and concise rebuttal I have ever seen

Liberal "values" (lack of values) have been controlling the political systems for about 60 years. In that time, those with "traditional values" made us the most prosperous nation that ever existed on the face of the earth. Since then, what has liberal values done for the planet:
poverty: still here
homelessness: still here
family: under attack by those that want the gov't to have all the authority, but no responsibility
global community: starting to eat itself
socialist based nations: collapsing
communist nations: gone, dying, or adapted to partial "capitalism"
Christianity: under attack around the world
Islam: making every country it goes into a place of deceit, destruction and death
Hindus and Buddahists: being systematically eliminated by the communists or the islamists
education: most children do not have the basic skills to survive when they graduate high school as an "adult", but have to be sent to college for remedial classes in math, communication skills, history (that means our children are not educated as well as they were in the '40s)
women: not safe to walk on American streets
children: not safe to live (perverts everywhere), in many cases, murdered before living outside womb, born into single parent households with a 70% chance of staying in poverty, many with no male parent
men: being marginalized as unecessary "tools" (and we wonder why they just make trouble?)
government: local, state and federal, all, more corrupt
drug abuse: listed at almost 10% of the population does nothing to improve society
alcohol abuse: still here (fewer drunk drivers, but the ones that drive drunk make up for it)

Oh, and we still have domestic violence, and abused children, that has not changed (unless your abuser is white and fairly well off, then the children are taken away and put into even more abusive 'foster care'). And now we have the "religion" islam moving into our neighborhoods with people that are murdering their teenage daughters, and beheading their wife. They mutilate their female children and rape the male children.

So, be honest, how are those "liberal values" working for the world?

That has to be the most thought out and concise rebuttal I have ever seen


You realize that your sarcasm will bounce off the shit between daws' ears.
Liberal "values" (lack of values) have been controlling the political systems for about 60 years. In that time, those with "traditional values" made us the most prosperous nation that ever existed on the face of the earth. Since then, what has liberal values done for the planet:
poverty: still here
homelessness: still here
family: under attack by those that want the gov't to have all the authority, but no responsibility
global community: starting to eat itself
socialist based nations: collapsing
communist nations: gone, dying, or adapted to partial "capitalism"
Christianity: under attack around the world
Islam: making every country it goes into a place of deceit, destruction and death
Hindus and Buddahists: being systematically eliminated by the communists or the islamists
education: most children do not have the basic skills to survive when they graduate high school as an "adult", but have to be sent to college for remedial classes in math, communication skills, history (that means our children are not educated as well as they were in the '40s)
women: not safe to walk on American streets
children: not safe to live (perverts everywhere), in many cases, murdered before living outside womb, born into single parent households with a 70% chance of staying in poverty, many with no male parent
men: being marginalized as unecessary "tools" (and we wonder why they just make trouble?)
government: local, state and federal, all, more corrupt
drug abuse: listed at almost 10% of the population does nothing to improve society
alcohol abuse: still here (fewer drunk drivers, but the ones that drive drunk make up for it)

Oh, and we still have domestic violence, and abused children, that has not changed (unless your abuser is white and fairly well off, then the children are taken away and put into even more abusive 'foster care'). And now we have the "religion" islam moving into our neighborhoods with people that are murdering their teenage daughters, and beheading their wife. They mutilate their female children and rape the male children.

So, be honest, how are those "liberal values" working for the world?

That has to be the most thought out and concise rebuttal I have ever seen


Hardly. It's just blaming liberals for every social problem that exists in the US or the world. None of these represent liberal values. They represent a hodgepodge of general complaints, rants and whines that conservatives want to blame on liberals.

Liberal values include civil rights, reproductive choice, free access to public education, separation of church and state, anti-war, abolition of the death penalty, health care reform, privacy, affirmative action, legislation to break business monopolies, workers rights, tolerance of difference, protecting minorities against the tyranny of the majority, helping those less fortunate, not allowing the government to act on the basis of sectarian faith, courts have a responsibility to protect individual liberties, government should protect the safety and security of it's citizens without sacrificing constitutional values.
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I've already lost interest.

I'm not surprised. You are not interested in a free exchange of viewpoints, only in bashing.

Or you're a bore.


Ditto. Try contributing something substantial to the thread. Liberal values include individual liberty, an individual’s right to chose who to marry, upholding the First Amendment, freedom of and from religion and preserving a social safety net to protect families in need.
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Samson, you do no favor to your claims by showing such immaturity. Refusing to read someone else's argument is the equivalent of shoving your fingers in your ears.
I'm not surprised. You are not interested in a free exchange of viewpoints, only in bashing.

Or you're a bore.


Ditto. Try contributing something substantial to the thread. Liberal values include individual liberty, an individual’s right to chose who to marry, upholding the First Amendment, freedom of and from religion and preserving a social safety net to protect families in need.

Finally decided to list 'em huh?

I cannot see why it was so painful.

Nothing there terribly original.

The question then becomes how these values are relative to the question: Should government teach them?

Additionally: How?

From a practical POV, there is the conflict between the liberal values for individual rights (actually libertarianism), and the liberal value that has Big Brother government defining what a "social safety net" is, and what "preserve" means, and who "families in need" are.

How do schools teach the individual, dependent on government, that he has the liberty to be independent?

That has to be the most thought out and concise rebuttal I have ever seen


Hardly. It's just blaming liberals for every social problem that exists in the US or the world. None of these represent liberal values. They represent a hodgepodge of general complaints, rants and whines that conservatives want to blame on liberals.

Liberal values include civil rights, reproductive choice, free access to public education, separation of church and state, anti-war, abolition of the death penalty, health care reform, privacy, affirmative action, legislation to break business monopolies, workers rights, tolerance of difference, protecting minorities against the tyranny of the majority, helping those less fortunate, not allowing the government to act on the basis of sectarian faith, courts have a responsibility to protect individual liberties, government should protect the safety and security of it's citizens without sacrificing constitutional values.

Let's see, how I understand that:

civil rights: vote to legally steal off of people that have worked for wealth and give it to people that have no interest in improving themselves

reproductive choice: remove the father from the family, allow women to be used as penis receptacles (Dr. Laura S), and allow irresponsible women that won't use birth control correctly to murder their "mistakes"

free access to public education: where the "children" will be taught what is socially "acceptable", and to ignore their parents' beliefs, sex is taught before math, reading, and writing, history is selectively taught and ignored (this is still the greatest nation (not communism, not socialism) that ever existed on the face of the planet, and it improved life for people world wide because anyone that has ever heard of the freedoms here, want the same where they live)

separation of church and state: elimination of any public statements about Christianity, but WICCA and islam are all good

anti-war: bankrupt the nation, until there is no way to defend the borders, and then we all become slaves to the most ruthless

abolition of the death penalty: it is okay to murder babies, but it is not okay to kill those that commit the most awful crimes against their fellow man (ensuring the crimes are NOT repeated)

health care reform: give the government (anyone that is in charge) complete control over your bodies' health choices, and the power to say "who" gets treatments and "who" doesn't

privacy: all your personal information is monitored by the federal gov't, with health records open to the IRS. Is it now close to 25% of the population that works for gov't, and will have "access" to all citizens' information

affirmative action: This may have made things better when it started, but now is being used by people that have no intention of doing the actual job, to sue employers, and abuse the "system"

legislation to break business monopolies: the gov't gets to choose which companies succeed and which companies are punished (using regulations) making the government lawmakers wide open for corruption

workers rights: force "people"(that would be employers) to give more than someone's work is worth, inflating prices

tolerance of difference: legislate misbehaviour as acceptable

protecting minorities against the tyranny of the majority: allow minorities to break the law, while requiring tax payers to subsidize them

helping those less fortunate: allowing the "government" to decide who is less fortunate, opening the gov't to widespread corruption

not allowing the government to act on the basis of sectarian faith: eliminating any trace of Judeo/Christian values and embracing corruption

courts have a responsibility to protect individual liberties: re-define the purpose of the courts, originally made to see that the law was upheld, equally.

government should protect the safety and security of it's citizens without sacrificing constitutional values: re-write the Constitution into socialism (that ends up collapsing and installing dictators in the "gov't")

I know what you said sounded so good, but it just doesn't turn out that way.
That has to be the most thought out and concise rebuttal I have ever seen


Hardly. It's just blaming liberals for every social problem that exists in the US or the world. None of these represent liberal values. They represent a hodgepodge of general complaints, rants and whines that conservatives want to blame on liberals.

Liberal values include civil rights, reproductive choice, free access to public education, separation of church and state, anti-war, abolition of the death penalty, health care reform, privacy, affirmative action, legislation to break business monopolies, workers rights, tolerance of difference, protecting minorities against the tyranny of the majority, helping those less fortunate, not allowing the government to act on the basis of sectarian faith, courts have a responsibility to protect individual liberties, government should protect the safety and security of it's citizens without sacrificing constitutional values.

Let's see, how I understand that:

civil rights: vote to legally steal off of people that have worked for wealth and give it to people that have no interest in improving themselves
reproductive choice: remove the father from the family, allow women to be used as penis receptacles (Dr. Laura S), and allow irresponsible women that won't use birth control correctly to murder their "mistakes"

free access to public education: where the "children" will be taught what is socially "acceptable", and to ignore their parents' beliefs, sex is taught before math, reading, and writing, history is selectively taught and ignored (this is still the greatest nation (not communism, not socialism) that ever existed on the face of the planet, and it improved life for people world wide because anyone that has ever heard of the freedoms here, want the same where they live)

separation of church and state: elimination of any public statements about Christianity, but WICCA and islam are all good

anti-war: bankrupt the nation, until there is no way to defend the borders, and then we all become slaves to the most ruthless

abolition of the death penalty: it is okay to murder babies, but it is not okay to kill those that commit the most awful crimes against their fellow man (ensuring the crimes are NOT repeated)

health care reform: give the government (anyone that is in charge) complete control over your bodies' health choices, and the power to say "who" gets treatments and "who" doesn't

privacy: all your personal information is monitored by the federal gov't, with health records open to the IRS. Is it now close to 25% of the population that works for gov't, and will have "access" to all citizens' information

affirmative action: This may have made things better when it started, but now is being used by people that have no intention of doing the actual job, to sue employers, and abuse the "system"

legislation to break business monopolies: the gov't gets to choose which companies succeed and which companies are punished (using regulations) making the government lawmakers wide open for corruption

workers rights: force "people"(that would be employers) to give more than someone's work is worth, inflating prices

tolerance of difference: legislate misbehaviour as acceptable

protecting minorities against the tyranny of the majority: allow minorities to break the law, while requiring tax payers to subsidize them

helping those less fortunate: allowing the "government" to decide who is less fortunate, opening the gov't to widespread corruption

not allowing the government to act on the basis of sectarian faith: eliminating any trace of Judeo/Christian values and embracing corruption

courts have a responsibility to protect individual liberties: re-define the purpose of the courts, originally made to see that the law was upheld, equally.

government should protect the safety and security of it's citizens without sacrificing constitutional values: re-write the Constitution into socialism (that ends up collapsing and installing dictators in the "gov't")

I know what you said sounded so good, but it just doesn't turn out that way.

I stopped reading after your first one. Wow.

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