Government Should Teach Traditional Values

Where are your links?

The quality visualized by the Founders was not in place before the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Perhaps you aren't old enough to remember swollen bellies from hunger in the US, but I am.

Without food stamps many children and elderly would go hungry in our country today.

Our government has built schools, highways, defense, law enforcement, libraries, low cost medical clinics and more. I am proud of our accomplishments.

It is not just the priveleged rich or the white folks who benefit now.

If you want "traditional values" prior to 1964, go to India and get off on how the poor have to manage there. I suspect that is how you'd like to see our poor. No social services, no public libraries, no public works, no public schools, no protective police force etc etc etc.

Traditional values are a myth, one that is promoted by the religious right, whose agenda is theocracy.

1. "Where are your links?"
Don't by a know you are impervious to education.

2. Clean off your specs...
The post includes the reference to FDR's Second Bill of Rights, Charles Murray's book and Robert Caro's book.

3. You actually made the ignornat statement "Equality is NOT a traditional value. It is new, since the 1964 Civil Rights Act."
Buy a ticket on the Clue Train.

4. Did they actually give you a diploma when you graduated from Clown College?

Ah, the weak resort to insults. You should provide links, otherwise we'll just assume you're talking off your head.

I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.'re a delicate child?
You must wash in Woolite.

"You should provide links.."
I did....they're called "books."
What is this inordinate fear you have of books?
See if anybody you know has a library card....they can explain the phenomenon
to you.
1. "Where are your links?"
Don't by a know you are impervious to education.

2. Clean off your specs...
The post includes the reference to FDR's Second Bill of Rights, Charles Murray's book and Robert Caro's book.

3. You actually made the ignornat statement "Equality is NOT a traditional value. It is new, since the 1964 Civil Rights Act."
Buy a ticket on the Clue Train.

4. Did they actually give you a diploma when you graduated from Clown College?

Ah, the weak resort to insults. You should provide links, otherwise we'll just assume you're talking off your head.

I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.'re a delicate child?
You must wash in Woolite.

"You should provide links.."
I did....they're called "books."
What is this inordinate fear you have of books?
See if anybody you know has a library card....they can explain the phenomenon
to you.

I read plenty. I also live in a rural area and I have to order most of my books. When there is an on-line source for me to check your facts I appreciate it.

I don't appreciate the personal attacks in every one of the posts you write to me.

You seem to have complete disdain for anyone who isn't rich or whose politics lean left of yours.

I think you should open a blog and only invite the uberright, like you are.
Ah, the weak resort to insults. You should provide links, otherwise we'll just assume you're talking off your head.

I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.'re a delicate child?
You must wash in Woolite.

"You should provide links.."
I did....they're called "books."
What is this inordinate fear you have of books?
See if anybody you know has a library card....they can explain the phenomenon
to you.

I read plenty. I also live in a rural area and I have to order most of my books. When there is an on-line source for me to check your facts I appreciate it.

I don't appreciate the personal attacks in every one of the posts you write to me.

You seem to have complete disdain for anyone who isn't rich or whose politics lean left of yours.

I think you should open a blog and only invite the uberright, like you are.

I am at a disadvantage when debating with you, or anyone of your ilk.

The problem for me is that I actually value both erudition and credibilty.

You, on the other hand, are free to blather away, claiming whatsoever you wish, whether there is any truth, or connection to reality.

A boon.

Here, let me document same.

1. "...complete disdain for anyone who isn't rich...'
Document that claim?

2. "...complete disdain for anyone ...whose politics lean left of yours."
Well, your case that's true...but it is because you make statements that
anyone with an education knows is untrue.

3. " should open a blog and only invite the uberright, like you are."
See, here you have exposed a complete misunderstanding of my design:
I come here to debate, with the belief that in the marketplace of ideas,
conservative ideas will be revealed as correct.

So, you have it backwards: I love to invite only those with whom I disagree.

4. "When there is an on-line source for me to check your facts I appreciate it."
I read a great deal as well. Often, five books a week. And I take notes....such as you
see in several of the posts.
If I find my souce on line, I give you the link. If from a book, well, you are on your
own. often have you gone to the source when I give you a link?
Have you found my links to be in error, wrong?
If so, when?
Because I doubt that happens.
Its nice to see people want to preserve america for all the things that made it great instead of fundamentally transforming it into something else.


I wish I was in the land of cotton,
Old times they are not forgotten;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
In Dixie Land where I was born,
Early on one frosty mornin,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land!

Wow you think slavery made america great and not the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution through limiting the power of the govt?

be careful you're talking above his comprehension level.

I wish I was in the land of cotton,
Old times they are not forgotten;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
In Dixie Land where I was born,
Early on one frosty mornin,
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land!

Wow you think slavery made america great and not the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution through limiting the power of the govt?

be careful you're talking above his comprehension level.

nah it was just sampson having some sampson style fun with me :razz:
I get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.'re a delicate child?
You must wash in Woolite.

"You should provide links.."
I did....they're called "books."
What is this inordinate fear you have of books?
See if anybody you know has a library card....they can explain the phenomenon
to you.

I read plenty. I also live in a rural area and I have to order most of my books. When there is an on-line source for me to check your facts I appreciate it.

I don't appreciate the personal attacks in every one of the posts you write to me.

You seem to have complete disdain for anyone who isn't rich or whose politics lean left of yours.

I think you should open a blog and only invite the uberright, like you are.

I am at a disadvantage when debating with you, or anyone of your ilk.

The problem for me is that I actually value both erudition and credibilty.

You, on the other hand, are free to blather away, claiming whatsoever you wish, whether there is any truth, or connection to reality.

A boon.

Here, let me document same.

1. "...complete disdain for anyone who isn't rich...'
Document that claim?

2. "...complete disdain for anyone ...whose politics lean left of yours."
Well, your case that's true...but it is because you make statements that
anyone with an education knows is untrue.

3. " should open a blog and only invite the uberright, like you are."
See, here you have exposed a complete misunderstanding of my design:
I come here to debate, with the belief that in the marketplace of ideas,
conservative ideas will be revealed as correct.

So, you have it backwards: I love to invite only those with whom I disagree.

4. "When there is an on-line source for me to check your facts I appreciate it."
I read a great deal as well. Often, five books a week. And I take notes....such as you
see in several of the posts.
If I find my souce on line, I give you the link. If from a book, well, you are on your
own. often have you gone to the source when I give you a link?
Have you found my links to be in error, wrong?
If so, when?
Because I doubt that happens.

See you.
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Government is not responsible for teaching whatever you believe " traditional values " might be,
but they sure and hell should lead by example and I have yet to see this principle being practiced,
by anybody in public imagery, or by those of previous generations.

Traditional values:
don't cheat in school
don't tell lies
be frugal
honor your family, and their values
don't cheat in sports
integrity is the most important thing you can have
be courteous

Yes, I would love to see these encouraged!
If you get your impressions from the Old Left Media, the following Gallup poll may come
as a shock!

This Gallup poll certainly came as a surprise to me...

In terms of expressing the view that view that government should do what it can to promote traditional values in society guess which age group showed the highest support!!!


"In most of Gallup's Governance surveys from 2001 through 2010, older generations of Americans were more likely than those in Generations X or Y to say they want government to sanction and protect traditional values. However, the percentage of young adults -- aged 18 to 34 -- who want government to promote traditional values has been steadily increasing in recent years, rising from 38% in 2008 to 53% today."
As a result -- and owing to declines in older adults' support for government's promoting traditional values -- young adults are now the most likely to favor it.
Americans Divided on Gov't Role in Promoting Values

The end is near for the Left!


The left also like traditional values. What traditional values are you talking about anyway?
Schools have to go back 60 years to become successful as they once were. Teach the basics. Reading, Writing, 'Rithmetic, Geography, History of the US, History of the World, Civics, Literature.

Stop with the calculators. Do not introduce computers until the 3rd grade when foundations of the basics have been mastered. Homework each night. No open book tests.

Expect parent involvement. Expect the children to meet grade level requirements and let parents know there will be NO SOCIAL PROMOTIONS. Parents have no say in the advancement of their child to the next grade. A child can fail a grade twice in the primary and twice in the intermediate/high school. Psychological testing is required if the student cannot meet the requirements after that time.

Students cannot quit school until their 18th birthday.

If a student is suspended, they receive failing marks for that day's work without an opportunity to make up the work.

Students with truancy problems or not turning in homework will have parents show up with the their child at a hearing with a school hearing officer to determine what fines, penalties will be earned.

No more foolishess.

Alternative schools will be available for those who conduct is dangerous to others with uniformed guards on site.

Parents will learn to be responsible one way or another. Court help will be available.

Make public schools as good as the private schools. That's what we want.

Good, but I would add: must maintaing a 2.5 GPA. If you can't you will be taught how to clean buildings, dig ditches or other menial skills for one year. You can go back in the classroom after that, but if your grades don't make it .... back to hard labor apprenticeship for you.
The value is discipline.

The means is coporal punishment.

As with so many things, you are confusing the two.

It is a traditional value.

Not just a value.

Ok, discipline is a TRADITIONAL value.

ONE means of enforcing it is corporal punishment.

Perhaps we could use a wet noodle on your pointed head to emphasize the difference.

for many decades in America is was traditional to enforce the traditional value od discipline in school with traditional coporal punishment.
Both the value and the enforcement method were longheld american traditions.

And we produced stronger citizens when we had those traditions.

For example:
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It is a traditional value.

Not just a value.

Ok, discipline is a TRADITIONAL value.

ONE means of enforcing it is corporal punishment.

Perhaps we could use a wet noodle on your pointed head to emphasize the difference.

for many decades in America is was traditional to enforce the traditional value od discipline in school with traditional coporal punishment.
Both the value and the enforcement method were longheld american traditions.

And we produced stronger citizens when we had those traditions.

For example:

I knew you'd eventually catch on, but you still seem confused by the difference between cause and effect; means and end.

It is possible to have traditional values for discipline WITHOUT corporal punishment.

Has the light come on yet?
Ok, discipline is a TRADITIONAL value.

ONE means of enforcing it is corporal punishment.

Perhaps we could use a wet noodle on your pointed head to emphasize the difference.

for many decades in America is was traditional to enforce the traditional value od discipline in school with traditional coporal punishment.
Both the value and the enforcement method were longheld american traditions.

And we produced stronger citizens when we had those traditions.

For example:

I knew you'd eventually catch on, but you still seem confused by the difference between cause and effect; means and end.

It is possible to have traditional values for discipline WITHOUT corporal punishment.

Has the light come on yet?

You are the one with the lumen deficiency.
for many decades in America is was traditional to enforce the traditional value od discipline in school with traditional coporal punishment.
Both the value and the enforcement method were longheld american traditions.

And we produced stronger citizens when we had those traditions.

For example:

I knew you'd eventually catch on, but you still seem confused by the difference between cause and effect; means and end.

It is possible to have traditional values for discipline WITHOUT corporal punishment.

Has the light come on yet?

You are the one with the lumen deficiency.

Realizing you have a problem will be your first step toward recovery.
Schools have to go back 60 years to become successful as they once were. Teach the basics. Reading, Writing, 'Rithmetic, Geography, History of the US, History of the World, Civics, Literature.

Stop with the calculators. Do not introduce computers until the 3rd grade when foundations of the basics have been mastered. Homework each night. No open book tests.

Expect parent involvement. Expect the children to meet grade level requirements and let parents know there will be NO SOCIAL PROMOTIONS. Parents have no say in the advancement of their child to the next grade. A child can fail a grade twice in the primary and twice in the intermediate/high school. Psychological testing is required if the student cannot meet the requirements after that time.

Students cannot quit school until their 18th birthday.

If a student is suspended, they receive failing marks for that day's work without an opportunity to make up the work.

Students with truancy problems or not turning in homework will have parents show up with the their child at a hearing with a school hearing officer to determine what fines, penalties will be earned.

No more foolishess.

Alternative schools will be available for those who conduct is dangerous to others with uniformed guards on site.

Parents will learn to be responsible one way or another. Court help will be available.

Make public schools as good as the private schools. That's what we want.

Good, but I would add: must maintaing a 2.5 GPA. If you can't you will be taught how to clean buildings, dig ditches or other menial skills for one year. You can go back in the classroom after that, but if your grades don't make it .... back to hard labor apprenticeship for you.

Yeah, the good ol days. When you could beat your wife and kids because they were your property. Gone are the days when you could put make up on your kids bruises and the teachers would ignroe. In fact, they'd be happy to help you beat your kids while they were at school. Ah, conservative values.
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Government is not responsible for teaching whatever you believe " traditional values " might be,
but they sure and hell should lead by example and I have yet to see this principle being practiced,
by anybody in public imagery, or by those of previous generations.

Traditional values:
don't cheat in school
don't tell lies
be frugal
honor your family, and their values
don't cheat in sports
integrity is the most important thing you can have
be courteous

Yes, I would love to see these encouraged!

Wait a minute.....Is your name Moses????
I think I've read your stuff before!!
Government is not responsible for teaching whatever you believe " traditional values " might be,
but they sure and hell should lead by example and I have yet to see this principle being practiced,
by anybody in public imagery, or by those of previous generations.

Traditional values:
don't cheat in school
don't tell lies
be frugal
honor your family, and their values
don't cheat in sports
integrity is the most important thing you can have
be courteous

Yes, I would love to see these encouraged!

Wait a minute.....Is your name Moses????
I think I've read your stuff before!!

I'm waiting for the movie to come out.
It is a traditional value.

Not just a value.

Ok, discipline is a TRADITIONAL value.

ONE means of enforcing it is corporal punishment.

Perhaps we could use a wet noodle on your pointed head to emphasize the difference.

for many decades in America is was traditional to enforce the traditional value od discipline in school with traditional coporal punishment.
Both the value and the enforcement method were longheld american traditions.

And we produced stronger citizens when we had those traditions.

For example:

so ur saying their were no teens that were disrespectfull in the old days? Dream on.

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