Government Shutdown October 1st! Yay Republicans!

IF this was really about deficits and budgets (and it's really about culture wars led by the esteemed coach), then the gop House would pass a CR with ONE SINGLE caveat: set a figure for next year's budget and what can be a reasonably achievable cut to govt spending ... overall)

They'll never be able to actually get to that because gopers want to spend more than the traditional freedom caucus wanted, but they could probably achieve some cuts .... not from defense or social security/medicare, but from around the edges. Agriculture (including food assistance) Dept of Educ, Dept of Energy .... most of us would love to cut the supreme court to part time, which for them would be one month per year .... assistance to police, etc.

We might even be able to up the gas tax a little and fix some potholes.
The far right MAGA folks do not want good faith negotiations, this is the shit they want. That is who those in Congress are playing up to right now to make sure they do not get primaried.

That and their leader Trump is telling them to do this to save him.
What's good faith in $33,000,000,000,000 of debt?
IF this was really about deficits and budgets (and it's really about culture wars led by the esteemed coach), then the gop House would pass a CR with ONE SINGLE caveat: set a figure for next year's budget and what can be a reasonably achievable cut to govt spending ... overall)

Why not do that today? Why wait another year?
and your beloved party is playing right into their hands... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:
The best thing that could happen for the dying democrat party is to play the victim when Biden shuts down the government. Anything republicans do will be perceived by the fawning drooling mainstream media as their fault. It's no secret, that's the way the criminal regime and their minions in the media have it rigged.
You can see it coming. The perfect ploy to take the pressure off the Biden corruption is blaming republicans for (hopefully) a government shutdown.
"Give me more money to waste and pay off special interest or I will tell everybody that you are a meanie that throws grandmothers off the cliff".

Just think how stupid somebody would have to be to believe what the Democrats say.
The only stupid thing is $33,000,000,000,000 of debt.
Sad thing is that at the end of the day the RINOs will give the Democrat filth more debt so they can spend it on worthless things, like electric buses for India and welfare for the damn Illegals.
Sad thing is that at the end of the day the RINOs will give the Democrat filth more debt so they can spend it on worthless things, like electric buses for India and welfare for the damn Illegals.
Something feels a bit different this time around. We'll see.
Something feels a bit different this time around. We'll see.
I don't think the RINOs have the courage to do the right thing and tell the Democrats that enough is enough. They never have been in the past.
I love these government shut downs! There is so much beta drama. For example, the government does not actually shut down. Both sides accuse each other of hurting the country because they did not unequivocally accept their opponents’ demands.

The best thing about these shut downs is how, after a few weeks, you realize we don’t even need all the furloughed federal workers. LOL!!!

I am hoping for a long-term shut down. Just a couple more weeks. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏻
Less traffic too.
The military is not going to miss their paychecks. Social Security is not going to stop. Medicare payments will not cease.

These are the same threats that get trotted out every time this happens. The "shutdown" constitutes roughly 13% of federal government services deemed non-essential. While some federal employees are obviously affected, they always end up getting backpay after the fact (which makes the whole shutdown more absurd). Nobody else in the country even notices a change. The only people it's a big deal to are the politicians and the media who thrive on the drama.
They'll probably close down the parks and piss all over the veterans, while spending billions to bring in new illegals to change the demographics of the country permanently.

Maybe they might even try to poison our water like they did in East Palestine and murder everyone then bulldoze their homes and put in 15 min cities to house their new voters.

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