Governmnet opens Americans mail (NSA should be tried for treason)

Simple question: Did Alexander of the NSA commit perjury under Federal law?

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Jun 25, 2013
THe NSA program is no different than the US Government going thru every single Americans US Mail. Which is a felony. We would never tolerate that, so why would we tolerate the NSA effectively doing this to every aspect of our lives?

Alexander should be arrested for perjury, tried for treason against the American people, and sent to prison for the rest of his lying pathetic life. As well as anyone in the NSA who knew what was going on and anyone in Government who went along with it. Skip to 6:40 [ame=]Number of Plots Thwarted by NSA Spying Suddenly Changed - YouTube[/ame]

My God, can you imagine the elections that can, and will be rigged with the omniscient and omnipotent power the Government has granted itself? They will know exactly what we're thinking, who we're talking to, how often, how we're thinking of voting, and then be able to manipulate, and know exactly what to do to sway our votes one way or the other with no privacy left. Talk about "programming" If this info is shared with companies selling us various products, we'll be buying things we never wanted but now feel compelled to, as if we couldn't live without these things in our lives. Forget the news. The MSM is bad enuf as it is now.

With no privacy, it will become even more of propaganda mechanism. The limits to what the Government will be able to do with this meta data are only limited by their imagination and morals, and we see they have no morals, so they're not limited at all. What they're capable of with this illegal insight into our everyday lives is chilling to the bone. I don't trust them. Do you? What reason have they given any of us to trust them with such power? None....[ame=]George Carlin The Best 3 Minutes of His Career "The American Dream" - YouTube[/ame]

We should all sue the Government in a class action lawsuit.
they dont go through.....EVERY PIECE of Mail.....only the ones that they may have reason too....
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they dont go through.....EVERY PIECE of Mail.....glad to set you straight....

Only because they haven't hired enough people yet. It's the thought that our rights are completely gone when it comes to privacy, due process and a government by the people, for the people......................

By the way, your answer was a typical deflection of the issue. Instead of commenting on the spying going on, you simply nitpick one little point that not everyone's mail is being spied on. I guess you think that the Obama administration is only partly criminal since they haven't snooped on 100% of us.
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they dont go through.....EVERY PIECE of Mail.....glad to set you straight....

Only because they haven't hired enough people yet. It's the thought that our rights are completely gone when it comes to privacy, due process and a government by the people, for the people......................

By the way, your answer was a typical deflection of the issue. Instead of commenting on the spying going on, you simply nitpick one little point that not everyone's mail is being spied on. I guess you think that the Obama administration is only partly criminal since they haven't snooped on 100% of us.
It's classic subterfuge. We should be used to it by now. I think half these people that post are clueless, or more than likely, willfully misdirect.
they dont go through.....EVERY PIECE of Mail.....glad to set you straight....

Only because they haven't hired enough people yet. It's the thought that our rights are completely gone when it comes to privacy, due process and a government by the people, for the people......................

By the way, your answer was a typical deflection of the issue. Instead of commenting on the spying going on, you simply nitpick one little point that not everyone's mail is being spied on. I guess you think that the Obama administration is only partly criminal since they haven't snooped on 100% of us.
the title of the fucking thread is......" Government opens Americans mail".......what a deflection.......they would never be able to read every ones would be rather hard to do......and it would violate the sanctity of the Mail....which the PO is entrusted to uphold....and is guaranteed by the Constitution.....and you would know if your Mail was opened.....
they dont go through.....EVERY PIECE of Mail.....glad to set you straight....

Only because they haven't hired enough people yet. It's the thought that our rights are completely gone when it comes to privacy, due process and a government by the people, for the people......................

By the way, your answer was a typical deflection of the issue. Instead of commenting on the spying going on, you simply nitpick one little point that not everyone's mail is being spied on. I guess you think that the Obama administration is only partly criminal since they haven't snooped on 100% of us.
It's classic subterfuge. We should be used to it by now. I think half these people that post are clueless, or more than likely, willfully misdirect.

kinda like you......
Only because they haven't hired enough people yet. It's the thought that our rights are completely gone when it comes to privacy, due process and a government by the people, for the people......................

By the way, your answer was a typical deflection of the issue. Instead of commenting on the spying going on, you simply nitpick one little point that not everyone's mail is being spied on. I guess you think that the Obama administration is only partly criminal since they haven't snooped on 100% of us.
It's classic subterfuge. We should be used to it by now. I think half these people that post are clueless, or more than likely, willfully misdirect.

kinda like you......
No, I drew a comparison to what the NSA does with our phone records, emails, all meta data, social media, and showed it's no different than opening all our mail. Pretty simple and to the point. You want to uphold the Constitution, then you concede that the NSA is a treasonous entity in it's current form, and Alexander is a perjurer. You can't have it both ways.
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The NSA is keeping you safe from Al Qaida that the US funded in Libya and now Syria by opening your mail?

Only in America! Thanks Vets!
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THe NSA program is no different than the US Government going thru every single Americans US Mail.
Actually it is.

There is no expectation of privacy once you release personal information to a third party, such as a wireless or internet provider. See: United States v. Miller (1976), Smith v. Maryland (1979).

Moreover, there’s little point in complaining about the surveillance programs given the government isn’t using that information to prosecute citizens for an alleged crime.
Snowden is a traitor, should have a trial, and if found guilty should be executed.

Why's Snowden a traitor and not Alexander? Alexander's the one who lied under oath, perjured himself, and is a traitor against the American people, yet you voted "no" in this poll. So you're already 100% wrong about Alenxder not perjuring himself. You must be deeply out of touch with reality. Their first duty to the American people is to uphold the Constitution, and the only one who did that was Snowden.
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THe NSA program is no different than the US Government going thru every single Americans US Mail.
Actually it is.

There is no expectation of privacy once you release personal information to a third party, such as a wireless or internet provider. See: United States v. Miller (1976), Smith v. Maryland (1979).

Moreover, there’s little point in complaining about the surveillance programs given the government isn’t using that information to prosecute citizens for an alleged crime.
Actually it isn't.

Smith vs Maryland is no precedent at all in regards to Government surveillance, and has nothing to do with Government surveillance. The private sector is supposed to be separate form the Government sector; unless your'e a supporter of fascism. What you cited is in regards to communication thru the phone and sharing that data with the company providing your phone service. It says nothing about the Government having access to what your phone provider or isp has access to. What a personal business has access to is no business of the Government's, only you and that business, such as social security numbers, and other personal info they need to conduct business with you. Obviously your phone provider has access to every phone number you've ever and will call. That's the be expected. Don't muddy the waters with nonsense.

Absurd. Whether the Government uses it or not, is not the issue. It's the fact they have access to it at any time that's the problem. It's paramount to them saying, we'll put a video camera and microphone in your home, but don't worry cause we'll never look at it unless we suspect you of something.

With your warped logic, once the mail leaves our home, is sent thru UPS, Fed Ex, USPS, etc you think it's in the Government's hands, and our expectation of privacy should be thrown out the window. More and more people are going to use email and less are using the USPS. That's why they're talking about no mail on Saturdays and why postage is getting so expensive. It's inevitable that more and more communication will be electronic. I guess faxes shouldn't be private either? So again, with your logic, anything we do electronically the Government should have access to.

My God, can you imagine the elections that can, and will be rigged with the omniscient and omnipotent power the Government has granted itself? They will know exactly what we're thinking, who we're talking to, how often, how we're thinking of voting, and then be able to manipulate, and know exactly what to do to sway our votes one way or the other with no privacy left. Talk about "programming" If this info is shared with companies selling us various products, we'll be buying things we never wanted but now feel compelled to, as if we couldn't live without these things in our lives. Forget the news. The MSM is bad enuf as it is now. With no privacy, it will become even more of a propaganda mechanism. The limits to what the Government will be able to do with this meta data are only limited by their imagination and morals, and we see they have no morals, so they're not limited at all. What they're capable of with this illegal insight into our everyday lives is chilling to the bone. I don't trust them. Do you? What reason have they given any of us to trust them with such power? None....

Great speech, and this does not change with the advent of technology:
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Where you complaining about this n 9/12/01?
^ This ^.

No one is allowed to change their mind about something, ever.

America was attacked. Why would you change your mind about that?
This illegal NSA garbage didn't stop the Boston bomber or underwear bomber. What's your point? You should be ashamed of yourself for voting "no" in this poll. There's really no point in talking with you at all, as you're so out of touch with reality if you can lie to yourself about such an obvious example of perjury..
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It's classic subterfuge. We should be used to it by now. I think half these people that post are clueless, or more than likely, willfully misdirect.

kinda like you......
No, I drew a comparison to what the NSA does with our phone records, emails, all meta data, social media, and showed it's no different than opening all our mail. Pretty simple and to the point. You want to uphold the Constitution, then you concede that the NSA is a treasonous entity in it's current form, and Alexander is a perjurer. You can't have it both ways.

then learn to to title your threads to match up with what you are talking about.....thats "willfully misdirecting"......a poster here named Dean does that quite often....and you dont want to be like him....
^ This ^.

No one is allowed to change their mind about something, ever.

America was attacked. Why would you change your mind about that?
This illegal NSA garbage didn't stop the Boston bomber or underwear bomber. What's your point? You should be ashamed of yourself for voting "no" in this poll. There's really no point in talking with you at all, as you're so out of touch with reality if you can lie to yourself about such an obvious example of perjury..

The surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional.

But you likely already knew that.

Of course this thread isn’t about facts or the truth, it’s about demagoguery and hysteria.

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