Governmnet opens Americans mail (NSA should be tried for treason)

Simple question: Did Alexander of the NSA commit perjury under Federal law?

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kinda like you......
No, I drew a comparison to what the NSA does with our phone records, emails, all meta data, social media, and showed it's no different than opening all our mail. Pretty simple and to the point. You want to uphold the Constitution, then you concede that the NSA is a treasonous entity in it's current form, and Alexander is a perjurer. You can't have it both ways.

then learn to to title your threads to match up with what you are talking about.....thats "willfully misdirecting"......a poster here named Dean does that quite often....and you dont want to be like him....
No, it's an attention getter.
America was attacked. Why would you change your mind about that?
This illegal NSA garbage didn't stop the Boston bomber or underwear bomber. What's your point? You should be ashamed of yourself for voting "no" in this poll. There's really no point in talking with you at all, as you're so out of touch with reality if you can lie to yourself about such an obvious example of perjury..

The surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional.

But you likely already knew that.

Of course this thread isn’t about facts or the truth, it’s about demagoguery and hysteria.
This thread is about fact, truth and justice. Trying Alexander for perjury is just and is not "demagoguery" or "hysteria". Going into detail about what can be done with our meta data is also not "demagoguery" or "hysteria". Nice vocabulary tho. They're not legal just because the Government tells us they're legal. Doesn't work that way. We decide when we vote in the next elections what's legal, and what is not. We must hold them accountable. We decide by bringing class action lawsuits against them for dragnet spying on AMERICAN citizens. We decide, not the the Government.
1. snowdenisahero (sh) is a paranoid personality

2, sh is a paid troll by enemies of the US;

3. sh is a narssistic personality;

4. Both 1 & 3
No, I drew a comparison to what the NSA does with our phone records, emails, all meta data, social media, and showed it's no different than opening all our mail. Pretty simple and to the point. You want to uphold the Constitution, then you concede that the NSA is a treasonous entity in it's current form, and Alexander is a perjurer. You can't have it both ways.

then learn to to title your threads to match up with what you are talking about.....thats "willfully misdirecting"......a poster here named Dean does that quite often....and you dont want to be like him....
No, it's an attention getter.

if you say so.....
This illegal NSA garbage didn't stop the Boston bomber or underwear bomber. What's your point? You should be ashamed of yourself for voting "no" in this poll. There's really no point in talking with you at all, as you're so out of touch with reality if you can lie to yourself about such an obvious example of perjury..

The surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional.

But you likely already knew that.

Of course this thread isn’t about facts or the truth, it’s about demagoguery and hysteria.
This thread is about fact, truth and justice. Trying Alexander for perjury is just and is not "demagoguery" or "hysteria". Going into detail about what can be done with our meta data is also not "demagoguery" or "hysteria". Nice vocabulary tho. They're not legal just because the Government tells us they're legal. Doesn't work that way. We decide when we vote in the next elections what's legal, and what is not. We must hold them accountable. We decide by bringing class action lawsuits against them for dragnet spying on AMERICAN citizens. We decide, not the the Government.


You’re either a troll just trying to cause trouble or a delusional lunatic from the far right fringe with a tinfoil hat and black helicopters on the way.
Did any of these people posting here against Snowden realize George Carlin pegged them so correctly. Keep watching your misinformed news and listening to your corporate paid pundits.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
The surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional.

But you likely already knew that.

Of course this thread isn’t about facts or the truth, it’s about demagoguery and hysteria.
This thread is about fact, truth and justice. Trying Alexander for perjury is just and is not "demagoguery" or "hysteria". Going into detail about what can be done with our meta data is also not "demagoguery" or "hysteria". Nice vocabulary tho. They're not legal just because the Government tells us they're legal. Doesn't work that way. We decide when we vote in the next elections what's legal, and what is not. We must hold them accountable. We decide by bringing class action lawsuits against them for dragnet spying on AMERICAN citizens. We decide, not the the Government.


You’re either a troll just trying to cause trouble or a delusional lunatic from the far right fringe with a tinfoil hat and black helicopters on the way.
Again, nothing but garbage out of your mouth, because you're not intelligent enuf to stick to the topic at hand.
Did any of these people posting here against Snowden realize George Carlin pegged them so correctly. Keep watching your misinformed news and listening to your corporate paid pundits.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Agreed, he was a great tell it like it is man. Which is why I don't waste time with people like Clayton who are just clueless name calling trolls who can't think for themselves.

The American Intelligence Apparatus is staffed and run by evil, murderous, criminal totalitarian shits.

Thanks to the Drug War and the War on terrorism mail is xrayed, sniffed by dogs and sent through other detection processes.
The OP has forgotten that what the NSA is doing is legal, so their can be no prosecution for treason(not even close even if it were not legal) I have yet to see any actions of perjury.
Thanks to the Drug War and the War on terrorism mail is xrayed, sniffed by dogs and sent through other detection processes.
The OP has forgotten that what the NSA is doing is legal, so their can be no prosecution for treason(not even close even if it were not legal) I have yet to see any actions of perjury.
You didn't see Alexander perjure himself? Alexander should be arrested for perjury, tried for treason against the American people, and sent to prison for the rest of his lying pathetic life. As well as anyone in the NSA who knew what was going on and anyone in Government who went along with it. Skip to 6:40 [ame=]Number of Plots Thwarted by NSA Spying Suddenly Changed - YouTube[/ame]

Just because some patriot act garbage says it's legal, does not mean it is. That was all passed under the guise of terrorism and rather quickly. Much of what's in it is unconstitutional and needs to be removed. Also the name they chose for those draconian laws is sick jingoistic propaganda. Nothing "Patriotic" about any of it.

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