Governor: Boycotts disappointing but won't change new law

Boycotts don't work.

How long has the U.S. been boycotting Cuba?

Boycotts do work, very well. Cuba is a poor example, given that the only country to boycott Cuba is the U.S.

I think I'll schedule a grand canyon trip. I've been trying for years to get the permits to do a rim to rim hike. Now that all you idiots will be boycotting, I should have no trouble.

Go for it, that is a fantastic 'walk' and sense the Grand Canyon is Federal that's okay by me. Actually I really like the town of Flagstaff, nice liberal college town that it is, they even have a downtown street named "San Francisco" and a great micro-brewery.
BOTH Liberals AND conservatives are either FOR or AGAINST this law - it matters not what one is as long as we go there and drop our dollars and support AZ! So to both liberal and conservative places in AZ - here we come!
I predict that all this talk about boycotting this or that will not come to pass. Arizonans should work towards kicking out the Shaptons and the Jacksons out of the state. That would be a great start! It's people like those two who exploit the illegals most of all.....without realizing or caring that illegal migration take jobs from the black community also. Turning latinos against latinos is not too bright. AZ has approximately 1,950,000 latinos and if these boycotts take place, it will hurt them the most!

Still haven't heard Sharpton apologize for what happened to the Duke Lacrosse team.

Dont forget Tawana Brawley. Keep swinging, your missing.
:clap2:PHOENIX - Gov. Jan Brewer emphasized Wednesday that Arizona won't back away from its tough new law aimed at illegal immigrants even if boycotts take business from the state.

She said she is disappointed and surprised at the reaction - much of it from other states - and the calls to impose economic sanctions on Arizona.

"How could further punishing families and businesses, large and small, be a solution viewed as constructive?" she asked.

Brewer was speaking publicly at a summit of Arizona manufacturers, as were legislative leaders. A participant told them customers are threatening to boycott.

"This is all about illegal immigration and we need to get our borders secured," Brewer said, adding: "Even if it means loss of business."

She said just the cost of incarcerating illegal immigrants who have violated state laws costs taxpayers $100 million a year.

The governor said she has personally not heard any company express concerns about moving to Arizona in the wake of national publicity about the law.

But there have been inquiries about the new law at the Department of Commerce, the state agency charged with trying to persuade firms to move or expand in Arizona.

Governor: Boycotts disappointing but won't change new law

You go girl!!!
Arizona is looking better and better for a place to retire.

we have enough of your "type" here already. Please stay away.
:clap2:PHOENIX - Gov. Jan Brewer emphasized Wednesday that Arizona won't back away from its tough new law aimed at illegal immigrants even if boycotts take business from the state.

She said she is disappointed and surprised at the reaction - much of it from other states - and the calls to impose economic sanctions on Arizona.

"How could further punishing families and businesses, large and small, be a solution viewed as constructive?" she asked.

Brewer was speaking publicly at a summit of Arizona manufacturers, as were legislative leaders. A participant told them customers are threatening to boycott.

"This is all about illegal immigration and we need to get our borders secured," Brewer said, adding: "Even if it means loss of business."

She said just the cost of incarcerating illegal immigrants who have violated state laws costs taxpayers $100 million a year.

The governor said she has personally not heard any company express concerns about moving to Arizona in the wake of national publicity about the law.

But there have been inquiries about the new law at the Department of Commerce, the state agency charged with trying to persuade firms to move or expand in Arizona.

Governor: Boycotts disappointing but won't change new law

You go girl!!!
Arizona is looking better and better for a place to retire.

we have enough of your "type" here already. Please stay away.

And just what type is that?

The type who are law abiding and only want everyone else to be law abiding as well.

But if you're really worried about the illegal immigrants why don't you let them live in your house and you can support them. Or you could just buy them a bus ticket to Boston.
Arizona is looking better and better for a place to retire.

we have enough of your "type" here already. Please stay away.

And just what type is that?

The type who are law abiding and only want everyone else to be law abiding as well.

But if you're really worried about the illegal immigrants why don't you let them live in your house and you can support them. Or you could just buy them a bus ticket to Boston.

Are the businsses who violate the law by hiring them, law abiding? Why arent you angry at those lawbreakers..or illegals as I call them.

Did you know over 50% of businesses here hire illegals? Did you know there are laws on the books that make this illegal? Do you know what e-verify is?

Americans being illegals hiring illegals, yet you have a problem with pedro in front of home depot.

Interesting. Anger towards browns is easy, anger toward white businesses owners is un hreard of here.

God bless america. Oh and Boston already has enough illegal Irish there but for some reason, no one is going after them! lol
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we have enough of your "type" here already. Please stay away.

And just what type is that?

The type who are law abiding and only want everyone else to be law abiding as well.

But if you're really worried about the illegal immigrants why don't you let them live in your house and you can support them. Or you could just buy them a bus ticket to Boston.

Are the businsses who violate the law by hiring them, law abiding? Why arent you angry at those lawbreakers..or illegals as I call them.

Did you know over 50% of businesses here hire illegals? Did you know there are laws on the books that make this illegal? Do you know what e-verify is?

Americans being illegals hiring illegals, yet you have a problem with pedro in front of home depot.

Interesting. Anger towards browns is easy, anger toward white businesses owners is un hreard of here.

God bless america. Oh and Boston already has enough illegal Irish there but for some reason, no one is going after them! lol

Are you not capable of thinking outside of your political party of choice? Your post is biased and is obviously fueled by your liberal political views. You assume that a person who supports the Arizona immigration law must be a racist because your excellent powers of deduction allow you to determine such things. You are just a big a problem as those that post on here that "brown" people must be deported. The recent immigration law in Arizona will attempt to enforce the federal law because our federal government has failed them.

You are absolutely correct, Americans that hire illegals for work are breaking federal law. If you would read the Arizona immigration law, you will see that the law will attempt to enforce the federal law regarding hiring of illegals; not just find illegals and deport them.

If Americans like you would just take the time to see this from a neutral standpoint and not from your political party's stand point, you may be able to see that this is a matter of law and it is not driven by a political agenda.
And just what type is that?

The type who are law abiding and only want everyone else to be law abiding as well.

But if you're really worried about the illegal immigrants why don't you let them live in your house and you can support them. Or you could just buy them a bus ticket to Boston.

Are the businsses who violate the law by hiring them, law abiding? Why arent you angry at those lawbreakers..or illegals as I call them.

Did you know over 50% of businesses here hire illegals? Did you know there are laws on the books that make this illegal? Do you know what e-verify is?

Americans being illegals hiring illegals, yet you have a problem with pedro in front of home depot.

Interesting. Anger towards browns is easy, anger toward white businesses owners is un hreard of here.

God bless america. Oh and Boston already has enough illegal Irish there but for some reason, no one is going after them! lol

Are you not capable of thinking outside of your political party of choice? Your post is biased and is obviously fueled by your liberal political views. You assume that a person who supports the Arizona immigration law must be a racist because your excellent powers of deduction allow you to determine such things. You are just a big a problem as those that post on here that "brown" people must be deported. The recent immigration law in Arizona will attempt to enforce the federal law because our federal government has failed them.

You are absolutely correct, Americans that hire illegals for work are breaking federal law. If you would read the Arizona immigration law, you will see that the law will attempt to enforce the federal law regarding hiring of illegals; not just find illegals and deport them.

If Americans like you would just take the time to see this from a neutral standpoint and not from your political party's stand point, you may be able to see that this is a matter of law and it is not driven by a political agenda.

How is it an agenda? I say the problem with illegal immigration is, if we provide incentive for them to come, they will. We are the problem. Period.

Them breaking the law is wrong as well, don't get me wrong, but americans who hire them is the bigger problem because they are taking jobs away from americans.

Here is the deal, this country loves cheap labor. This state proves it. Don't believe me? Like I said, over 50% of businesses here hire them....why?

WE are taking jobs away from Americans, not pedro in front of Home Depot. Still don't get it?
Zona do have a point here. America (meaning government, corporations and citizens) has a schizophrenic relationship with illegal immigration.

One side of her mouth demmands that all illegal immigrants be immediately deported while the other begs them to jump the fence and work their asses off for peanuts.
José;2282256 said:
Zona do have a point here. America (meaning government, corporations and citizens) has a schizophrenic relationship with illegal immigration.

One side of her mouth demmands that all illegal immigrants be immediately deported while the other begs them to jump the fence and work their asses off for peanuts.

I wonder how she will feel when she finds out how much money this place will lose because we will lose the all star game next year.

MLK birthday all over again and we know how that turned out. She is so done.

so Zona whats your solution?.....if the feds wont enforce the law....what should the States do?.....and hey Zona....if you lose the All star game im sure your State aint going to collapse...its just one fucking worthless game....
BTW this is still America and you cant KICK people out of your state because you dont like their ideas.

when are you going to finally start telling just a little bit of has nothing to do with Latino you even understand what this whole thing is about? you even know what an Illegall Alien is? me ONE anti-immigration protester saying "get out..we dont like your ideas"...
As long as the current administration views each illegal immigrant that crosses the border as a "vote", they will continue to paint the majority of Arizona AND the majority of Americans as racist biggots until they are voted out of office. If we are truly a nation of laws, then we don't get to pick which ones we want to enforce/adhere to, and which ones we don't. The silent majority is rising up, and I have news for all you progressive/liberal idiots,...... your days are numbered. On the bright side, I hear they've already started living the progressive utopian dream over in Greece,.... Why don't you move there and take as many of your kooky friends with you as you can!!
we have enough of your "type" here already. Please stay away.

And just what type is that?

The type who are law abiding and only want everyone else to be law abiding as well.

But if you're really worried about the illegal immigrants why don't you let them live in your house and you can support them. Or you could just buy them a bus ticket to Boston.

Are the businsses who violate the law by hiring them, law abiding? Why arent you angry at those lawbreakers..or illegals as I call them.

Did you know over 50% of businesses here hire illegals? Did you know there are laws on the books that make this illegal? Do you know what e-verify is?

Americans being illegals hiring illegals, yet you have a problem with pedro in front of home depot.

Interesting. Anger towards browns is easy, anger toward white businesses owners is un hreard of here.

God bless america. Oh and Boston already has enough illegal Irish there but for some reason, no one is going after them! lol

Go after the businesses too. I don't know why you assume anyone would not support that.( BTW you can thank Obama for not enforcing that law. Just one more abdication of governmental responsibilities.)

But don't stop there.

Effective enforcement of a law happens on more than one front.

And stop calling this a racially motivated law; it's not.
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And just what type is that?

The type who are law abiding and only want everyone else to be law abiding as well.

But if you're really worried about the illegal immigrants why don't you let them live in your house and you can support them. Or you could just buy them a bus ticket to Boston.

Are the businsses who violate the law by hiring them, law abiding? Why arent you angry at those lawbreakers..or illegals as I call them.

Did you know over 50% of businesses here hire illegals? Did you know there are laws on the books that make this illegal? Do you know what e-verify is?

Americans being illegals hiring illegals, yet you have a problem with pedro in front of home depot.

Interesting. Anger towards browns is easy, anger toward white businesses owners is un hreard of here.

God bless america. Oh and Boston already has enough illegal Irish there but for some reason, no one is going after them! lol

Go after the businesses too. I don't know why you assume anyone would not support that.THE ACLU DOES NOT SUPPORT THAT. ( BTW you can thank Obama for not enforcing that law. Just one more abdication of governmental responsibilities.)

But don't stop there.

Effective enforcement of a law happens on more than one front.

And stop calling this a racially motivated law; it's not.

Illegals arent above the law!!!

but they think they are...

Anybody see that live broadcasting when the admitted illegal said "we vote too"?

I can't believe the interviewer didn't call him out on it....yes I can...look at our media.

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