Governor Moonbeam signs bill to ban concealed guns on all California campuses

If ALL the PEOPLE have the natural right to keep and bear arms, do you think the gov will kill us all?

No, we'd probably end up killing each other. Which actually is what we ARE doing in this country.
Wrong. Major crime rates are down throughout the USA, with exceptions for a few Dem run cities.

You keep believing the lies of the left.
Arm ALL students. All it takes is one good second grader with a gun to stop a bad second grader with a gun.
Wrong. Major crime rates are down throughout the USA, with exceptions for a few Dem run cities.

You keep believing the lies of the left.

guy, we have crime rates that are INSANE compared to other industrialized democracies!

and, no, those numbers are not going down.

Total Homicides-

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

2013: 16,121
2012: 16,688
2011: 16,238
2010: 16,259
2009: 16,799
2008: 17,826

Homicides with Guns

2013: 11,208
2012: 11,622
2011: 11,068
2010: 11,078
2009: 11,493
2008: 12,179

Okay, now, let's compare that to The United Kingdom.

Guns in the United Kingdom — Firearms, gun law and gun control

2011/12: 653
2010/11: 765
2009/10: 712
2008/09: 765
2007/08: 879.

And with guns.

2011: 38
2010: 33
2009: 26
2008: 40
2007: 15
Wrong. Major crime rates are down throughout the USA, with exceptions for a few Dem run cities.

You keep believing the lies of the left.

guy, we have crime rates that are INSANE compared to other industrialized democracies!

and, no, those numbers are not going down.

Total Homicides-

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

2013: 16,121
2012: 16,688
2011: 16,238
2010: 16,259
2009: 16,799
2008: 17,826

Homicides with Guns

2013: 11,208
2012: 11,622
2011: 11,068
2010: 11,078
2009: 11,493
2008: 12,179

Okay, now, let's compare that to The United Kingdom.

Guns in the United Kingdom — Firearms, gun law and gun control

2011/12: 653
2010/11: 765
2009/10: 712
2008/09: 765
2007/08: 879.

And with guns.

2011: 38
2010: 33
2009: 26
2008: 40
2007: 15
My poor boy...I proved you wrong and now you change the subject. Where to lefties go to learn this trick as you all seem to do it so often?

Now my son why do you think our crime rates are higher than other Western nations? Hint: it has a lot to do with the contamination of our society by Leftism.
Wrong. Major crime rates are down throughout the USA, with exceptions for a few Dem run cities.

You keep believing the lies of the left.

guy, we have crime rates that are INSANE compared to other industrialized democracies!

and, no, those numbers are not going down.

Total Homicides-

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

2013: 16,121
2012: 16,688
2011: 16,238
2010: 16,259
2009: 16,799
2008: 17,826

Homicides with Guns

2013: 11,208
2012: 11,622
2011: 11,068
2010: 11,078
2009: 11,493
2008: 12,179

Okay, now, let's compare that to The United Kingdom.

Guns in the United Kingdom — Firearms, gun law and gun control

2011/12: 653
2010/11: 765
2009/10: 712
2008/09: 765
2007/08: 879.

And with guns.

2011: 38
2010: 33
2009: 26
2008: 40
2007: 15
My poor boy...I proved you wrong and now you change the subject. Where to lefties go to learn this trick as you all seem to do it so often?

Now my son why do you think our crime rates are higher than other Western nations? Hint: it has a lot to do with the contamination of our society by Leftism.

That's one thing Joe is good at.
My poor boy...I proved you wrong and now you change the subject. Where to lefties go to learn this trick as you all seem to do it so often?

Now my son why do you think our crime rates are higher than other Western nations? Hint: it has a lot to do with the contamination of our society by Leftism.

Our Murder rate is a LOT higher than other western nations. As are our rates of rape, robbery, etc.

i know you like to pretend they aren't. But the fact is, we are awash in crime. And the next boring talking point will be some racist comments about minorities, so we can just skip over htat part and cut to the chase.

We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world. Deal with it.
If gun free zones are such a good idea why don't the supporters of the law put 'This Is A Gun Free Zone' sign on their front lawns?
Why don't you start that yourself? Fool.
I have a sign on the side of the house that can be seen from the street. Printed over the profile of an AK 47
it reads: "Never Mind The Fucking Dog. Beware of The Owner".
Same sign on the back yard fence.
Funny. I've NEVER had anyone attempt to break in.
Come to think about it all my neighbors have similar signs and or 'NRA' decals on their vehicles.
We are what is termed a 'crime free zone'. No one has ever been broken into in the ten years I've lived in the neighborhood.
I can't remember ever seeing a car full of negro thugs cruising in the neighborhood.
I wonder why?
He bans the very thing that if someone would have had in that classroom, could have possibly stopped or limited the carnage.
The stupid runs deep.

except that never happens. there are never cases where a 'Good guy with a gun" stops a rampage before it starts. Usually because these things are over in seconds, before anyone even processes what is going on.

In fact, more mass shootings have been stopped by unarmed civilians than armed ones.

You're a liar and if you want me to prove is just ask....

My poor boy...I proved you wrong and now you change the subject. Where to lefties go to learn this trick as you all seem to do it so often?

Now my son why do you think our crime rates are higher than other Western nations? Hint: it has a lot to do with the contamination of our society by Leftism.

Our Murder rate is a LOT higher than other western nations. As are our rates of rape, robbery, etc.

i know you like to pretend they aren't. But the fact is, we are awash in crime. And the next boring talking point will be some racist comments about minorities, so we can just skip over htat part and cut to the chase.

We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world. Deal with it.
My poor boy...I proved you wrong and now you change the subject. Where to lefties go to learn this trick as you all seem to do it so often?

Now my son why do you think our crime rates are higher than other Western nations? Hint: it has a lot to do with the contamination of our society by Leftism.

Our Murder rate is a LOT higher than other western nations. As are our rates of rape, robbery, etc.

i know you like to pretend they aren't. But the fact is, we are awash in crime. And the next boring talking point will be some racist comments about minorities, so we can just skip over htat part and cut to the chase.

We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world. Deal with it.


Most of those people are criminals killed by criminals, according to the FBI "Crime in the United States" report. Also, many of those deaths are suicides. If someone is going to kill themselves, and they can't get a gun, they'll try something else. Again, guns are used far more often in self-defence.

There's Liberal logic for you. All that Jerry Brownout's decision is going to accomplish is increase body counts. But we ought to know by now that Liberals don't mind losing lives if it helps advance the agenda. Case in point, the Inner cities.

We lose so many in the inner cities because the gun industry floods our streets with guns.

You don't see this sort of thing in the UK, France, Japan or Australia.

No, its because the criminals who kill each other with guns come from a failed home. THAT is the ROOT CAUSE..... not the gun

Good for Governor Brown.
The campus at Roseburg is open carry and no one stopped the killing.
No it's not. :cuckoo:
Students who have proper paperwork are allowed to carry guns on campus. Oregon is one of seven states where lawmakers have said people with concealed weapons permits must be allowed to bring concealed weapons onto campus
Where is Roseburg, Oregon? What is Umpqua Community College?
You said "open carry".
Good for Governor Brown.
The campus at Roseburg is open carry and no one stopped the killing.

No it's not. :cuckoo:
Students who have proper paperwork are allowed to carry guns on campus. Oregon is one of seven states where lawmakers have said people with concealed weapons permits must be allowed to bring concealed weapons onto campus
Where is Roseburg, Oregon? What is Umpqua Community College?
You are really getting into the weeds pal.
'Open carry' is only allowed on certain parts of the campus.
CC's are HIGHLY restricted.
NO ONE in the classroom had a 'OC' or CC b/c that particular area of the campus was designated a 'GFZ'.
Wise up.
Joey does not want people having the right to protect themselves...he wants big gov to protect them, but he isn't intelligent enough to understand this isn't possible. Even though all of human history screams at him.

As a typical leftist, he wants fewer rights for the people and more power to the central government.

All of human history? Really? Oh, wait you are one of those loons who thinks the Nazis banned guns. (they didn't).

Here's the thing. Most of the world limits who can own guns. Most of the world has nowhere near our crime rates.

Most of the world doesn't have mass shootings being such a common thing that we have to invent terms like "Active Shooter' to describe them.
Let me spell it out for you, since you apparently don't get it.,

When gov has all the guns, the people die and suffer. This is true whether government is a monarchy, dictatorship, or whatever.

You might do some research on your heroes, Stalin and Mao for starters.

That is correct whatever government. However what made you think you will stand a chance defending yourself if or whatever reason the government will come and get you.

Putting it another way, if the people are disarmed, government can do as it wishes. You might research all of human history for the consequences of a disarmed society. Start first with Stalin and Mao. Please let me know what you conclude.
Good for Governor Brown.
The campus at Roseburg is open carry and no one stopped the killing.

No it's not. :cuckoo:
Students who have proper paperwork are allowed to carry guns on campus. Oregon is one of seven states where lawmakers have said people with concealed weapons permits must be allowed to bring concealed weapons onto campus
Where is Roseburg, Oregon? What is Umpqua Community College?

First of all you said the campus is "open carry" which is simply not true.
Second, due to that 2011 court ruling they cannot legally keep you from carrying a concealed gun, but as I have said a million times in the various threads concerning the UCC tragedy, UCC is a gun free zone and you will be asked to leave if it is revealed you have a gun and it's then up to you to pursue your rights.

If you don't believe me hear it from the UCC president herself, it's right about the 3:00 mark.

The government should give Americans tax breaks for the purchase of a firearm for the home. Much like the rebates Cali gave me for new windows


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