Governor Moonbeam signs bill to ban concealed guns on all California campuses

They are getting sick of it. That's why you see record gun sales. They want to be able to protect themselves.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

What are you protecting yourself from?

As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy and he is us!"

(That's Pogo the cartoon character, not Pogo the poster.)
How about a link to your hyperbole?

A gun doesn't kill anyone. A person kills someone. And if a gun isn't handy, they use a knife, or a hammer, or something to strangle someone with, or a baseball bat, or whatever. People kill people, not guns.
IN fact, unarmed people have stopped more mass shootings than armed civilians have.
Prove it...

Sure- here you go. From the FBI.

■ In 37 incidents (23.1%), the shooter committed suicide at the scene before police arrived.

■ In 21 incidents (13.1%), the situation ended after unarmed citizens safely and successfully restrained the shooter. In 2 of those incidents,24 3 off-duty law enforcement officers were present and assisted.
■ Of note, 11 of the incidents involved unarmed principals, teachers, other school staff and students who confronted shooters to end the threat (9 of those shooters were students).

■ In 5 incidents (3.1%), the shooting ended after armed individuals who were not law enforcement personnel exchanged gunfire with the shooters. In these incidents, 3 shooters were killed, 1 was wounded, and 1 committed suicide. ■
They are getting sick of it. That's why you see record gun sales. They want to be able to protect themselves.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

What are you protecting yourself from?

As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy and he is us!"

(That's Pogo the cartoon character, not Pogo the poster.)

The one time that bad buy makes a mistake of coming in.
I suspect he like Obama, wants more mass shootings. What better way to cede more power to big gov?

I love Libertarians... they are like paranoid retarded children.

we have 33,000 gun deaths a year in this country. Eventually, people are going to get sick of that.
They are getting sick of it. That's why you see record gun sales. They want to be able to protect themselves.
Joey does not want people having the right to protect themselves...he wants big gov to protect them, but he isn't intelligent enough to understand this isn't possible. Even though all of human history screams at him.

As a typical leftist, he wants fewer rights for the people and more power to the central government.
According to those who support gun free zones, safe means there won't be guns there. I know that's not true because criminals don't abide by the laws. You, however, haven't figured that out yet.

Nobody ever made that claim. So you are tearing down a straw man.

Gun free zones are not meant to stop mass shooters. They are meant to stop the drunk at a bar who doesn't like hearing that the Cubbies Suck. they were meant to stop the co-worker who flips out one day.

The determined mass shooter... not much of anything will stop him other than not letting him have a gun to start with.
IN fact, unarmed people have stopped more mass shootings than armed civilians have.
Prove it...

Sure- here you go. From the FBI.

■ In 37 incidents (23.1%), the shooter committed suicide at the scene before police arrived.

■ In 21 incidents (13.1%), the situation ended after unarmed citizens safely and successfully restrained the shooter. In 2 of those incidents,24 3 off-duty law enforcement officers were present and assisted.
■ Of note, 11 of the incidents involved unarmed principals, teachers, other school staff and students who confronted shooters to end the threat (9 of those shooters were students).

■ In 5 incidents (3.1%), the shooting ended after armed individuals who were not law enforcement personnel exchanged gunfire with the shooters. In these incidents, 3 shooters were killed, 1 was wounded, and 1 committed suicide. ■

Good riddance for the shooter that committed suicide. It keeps people like you from blaming the police.
If by some magical means you could make every firearm on the planet DISAPPEAR, there would STILL be mass murders. Killers would just find something else to use, like a bomb, or a machete, or poison, whatever. If a killer wants to kill, they'll find a way regardless. Eliminating guns wouldn't stop it.

What part about that is impossible for some leftards to understand?
Joey does not want people having the right to protect themselves...he wants big gov to protect them, but he isn't intelligent enough to understand this isn't possible. Even though all of human history screams at him.

As a typical leftist, he wants fewer rights for the people and more power to the central government.

All of human history? Really? Oh, wait you are one of those loons who thinks the Nazis banned guns. (they didn't).

Here's the thing. Most of the world limits who can own guns. Most of the world has nowhere near our crime rates.

Most of the world doesn't have mass shootings being such a common thing that we have to invent terms like "Active Shooter' to describe them.
Gun free zones are not meant to stop mass shooters.
WHAT??!!! Then WHY do we have them?

I explained that in the next sentence... Can you not read more than once sentence at a time?

Gun free zones are meant to stop casual shooters who escalate an argument into a tragedy- which actually does describe most of our 11,000 gun homicides. Mass shooting, as bad as they are, are the tip of a very nasty iceberg.
Leftard think that eliminating guns would end mass killings is like taking NyQuil for a cold thinking that the NyQuil will eliminate the cold virus. It's treating the SYMPTOM and not the CAUSE.

It's completely retarded thinking. When the leftists get HONEST and start discussing the CAUSE of mass killings, then we can have a decent debate on how to combat it.

But this CONSTANT... "WE MUST DISARM EVERYONE"... bull shit is NEVER going work, and the majority will NEVER let it happen. The left has beat that dead horse for so long now it's about as bad as them calling people RACIST. It's a toothless old dog at this point. It has lost all it's impact and no one wants to hear it.
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Gun free zones are not meant to stop mass shooters.
WHAT??!!! Then WHY do we have them?

I explained that in the next sentence... Can you not read more than once sentence at a time?

Gun free zones are meant to stop casual shooters who escalate an argument into a tragedy- which actually does describe most of our 11,000 gun homicides. Mass shooting, as bad as they are, are the tip of a very nasty iceberg.
That's the problem... you DIDN'T explain it. What you think is an explanation is pure horse dung.

Better try again, and make it rational this time.
Joey does not want people having the right to protect themselves...he wants big gov to protect them, but he isn't intelligent enough to understand this isn't possible. Even though all of human history screams at him.

As a typical leftist, he wants fewer rights for the people and more power to the central government.

All of human history? Really? Oh, wait you are one of those loons who thinks the Nazis banned guns. (they didn't).

Here's the thing. Most of the world limits who can own guns. Most of the world has nowhere near our crime rates.

Most of the world doesn't have mass shootings being such a common thing that we have to invent terms like "Active Shooter' to describe them.
Let me spell it out for you, since you apparently don't get it.,

When gov has all the guns, the people die and suffer. This is true whether government is a monarchy, dictatorship, or whatever.

You might do some research on your heroes, Stalin and Mao for starters.
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Joey does not want people having the right to protect themselves...he wants big gov to protect them, but he isn't intelligent enough to understand this isn't possible. Even though all of human history screams at him.

As a typical leftist, he wants fewer rights for the people and more power to the central government.

All of human history? Really? Oh, wait you are one of those loons who thinks the Nazis banned guns. (they didn't).

Here's the thing. Most of the world limits who can own guns. Most of the world has nowhere near our crime rates.

Most of the world doesn't have mass shootings being such a common thing that we have to invent terms like "Active Shooter' to describe them.
Let me spell it out for you, since you apparently don't get it.,

When gov has all the guns, the people die and suffer. This is true whether government is a monarchy, dictatorship, or whatever.

You might do some research on your heroes, Stalin and Mao for starters.

That is correct whatever government. However what made you think you will stand a chance defending yourself if or whatever reason the government will come and get you.
According to those who support gun free zones, safe means there won't be guns there. I know that's not true because criminals don't abide by the laws. You, however, haven't figured that out yet.

Nobody ever made that claim. So you are tearing down a straw man.

Gun free zones are not meant to stop mass shooters. They are meant to stop the drunk at a bar who doesn't like hearing that the Cubbies Suck. they were meant to stop the co-worker who flips out one day.

The determined mass shooter... not much of anything will stop him other than not letting him have a gun to start with.

Then the claim of a gun free zone is a lie if guns can still get there. Typical Liberal mindset.
Joey does not want people having the right to protect themselves...he wants big gov to protect them, but he isn't intelligent enough to understand this isn't possible. Even though all of human history screams at him.

As a typical leftist, he wants fewer rights for the people and more power to the central government.

All of human history? Really? Oh, wait you are one of those loons who thinks the Nazis banned guns. (they didn't).

Here's the thing. Most of the world limits who can own guns. Most of the world has nowhere near our crime rates.

Most of the world doesn't have mass shootings being such a common thing that we have to invent terms like "Active Shooter' to describe them.
Let me spell it out for you, since you apparently don't get it.,

When gov has all the guns, the people die and suffer. This is true whether government is a monarchy, dictatorship, or whatever.

You might do some research on your heroes, Stalin and Mao for starters.

That is correct whatever government. However what made you think you will stand a chance defending yourself if or whatever reason the government will come and get you.
You clearly do not understand.

If ALL the PEOPLE have the natural right to keep and bear arms, do you think the gov will kill us all?
According to those who support gun free zones, safe means there won't be guns there. I know that's not true because criminals don't abide by the laws. You, however, haven't figured that out yet.

Nobody ever made that claim. So you are tearing down a straw man.

Gun free zones are not meant to stop mass shooters. They are meant to stop the drunk at a bar who doesn't like hearing that the Cubbies Suck. they were meant to stop the co-worker who flips out one day.

The determined mass shooter... not much of anything will stop him other than not letting him have a gun to start with.

Then the claim of "GUN FREE" is a false claim and a lie.
If gun free zones are such a good idea why don't the supporters of the law put 'This Is A Gun Free Zone' sign on their front lawns?

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