Governor Newsom Warns Illegal Immigrants Ahead of Scheduled Raids

Doesn't surprise me one bit..............the Far left are a bunch of Wankers who want open borders............

Only care about the laws of this country if they agree...........warning of ICE raids by gov't officials is aiding and abetting criminals.......As illegals are breaking our laws..........2 offenses and they are FELONS.................BY LAW........

But the left doesn't care about that............He should be charged for Obstruction of Justice.......LOL

OH..........and an open ended investigation of him.......kick in the door while he's taking a shower..........look for any crime instead of investigate a the left does it.


I'm going through the posts backwards and stopped here. Nothing this guy said was illegal or wrong.

First off, he never addressed illegals or undocumented immigrants. He simply said "people" have rights. They do.

Secondly, he stated that nobody has to answer their door unless there is a warrant, nor can agents bust into a dwelling without a warrant. This is also true, but he would have to be stupid to believe the agents don't already have that before they start.

Third, he is not warning anybody about anything they didn't hear or see in the news already. He may be aiding and abetting if this was a clandestine operation. But the President of the United States told the media exactly what was going to happen.

This guy is putting on a political show and nothing more.
Democrats are globalist who don't respect national laws or borders.
Republicans are child rapists who want to emulate Fascist Italy.


You mean Republicans like Jeff Epstein?
Mr. Businessman is going to be very unhappy come Monday morning when he opens shop to find his worker bees have been deported.
Mr. Businessman is going to be very unhappy come Monday morning when he opens shop to find his worker bees have been deported.

That's what you get for breaking our laws. No sympathy here. I think Trump can afford to lose a few votes from those kinds of businesses, who's owners are likely voting Democrat anyway.
Mr. Businessman is going to be very unhappy come Monday morning when he opens shop to find his worker bees have been deported.

Actually that labor racketeer playing ' businessman' should be locked up in the same jail with them. Prosecuting the employer and gangsters is how you drastically reduce the problem.
The modern Democratic Party circa now has flipped its lid. Watch the governor of California aid and abet fugitives from justice, overtly on the national stage. There's just no way Democrats can spin this for damage control without lying to the faces of the American People. In order to be a registered Democrat in 2019 you've got to be anti-American everything. The entire Democratic Party has become public enemy #1.

Governor Newsom Warns Illegal Immigrants Ahead of Scheduled Raids


That an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

Governor Newsom is correct to make immigrants aware of their rights; his actions are perfectly consistent with the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

Unlike most Republicans, Democrats understand the law and respect the Constitution and defend the rights of all persons living in the United States.
The modern Democratic Party circa now has flipped its lid. Watch the governor of California aid and abet fugitives from justice, overtly on the national stage. There's just no way Democrats can spin this for damage control without lying to the faces of the American People. In order to be a registered Democrat in 2019 you've got to be anti-American everything. The entire Democratic Party has become public enemy #1.

Governor Newsom Warns Illegal Immigrants Ahead of Scheduled Raids


That an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

Governor Newsom is correct to make immigrants aware of their rights; his actions are perfectly consistent with the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

Unlike most Republicans, Democrats understand the law and respect the Constitution and defend the rights of all persons living in the United States.

Unlike most Democrats, we understand their main target are people who had their cases heard and closed in court, and ICE is simply carrying out the orders of the courts for them to be deported.
Incredible to watch. And just a few years ago, Obama, Pelosi and Schumer were speaking out against illegal immigration.

This is an entirely different party.
Incredible to watch. And just a few years ago, Obama, Pelosi and Shumer were speaking out against illegal immigration.

This is an entirely different party.

Yeah, well words are cheap, anybody can buy them. Actions are totally another thing.
Why is this allowed in the USA?

this is against the Law!

why is this allowed?
What shouldn’t be allowed is Republicans violating the due process rights of immigrants.

That most on the right have an unwarranted fear of immigrants – the consequence of their ignorance, bigotry, and hate – doesn’t warrant immigrants’ rights being violated.
One can only pray that the good governor and his family...(is he a fag?) are home invaded....gang raped and murdered by the very people he has worked so hard to conceal.

This fact my deepest prayer and wish for every white liberal...yes you.
You are one very sick person. Don't mention prayer, which I understand to be a request to the Supreme Being, to grant your wish for a heinous crime to be committed against any person.

You might consider attending a church, synagogue, mosque, Native American congregation, Buddhist temple, Sikh temple, Hindu temple, Pagan congregation to straighten out your thoughts.
You forgot the Zoroastrians and Scientologists...white!
Ohmmmmmmm...I bet you're a boomer too. Gross.
Another bullshit thread. Newsom warned non-citizens. They’re not all undocumented immigrants, but ICE isn’t making that distinction.

The folks he is warning have received final deportation orders. That means they've already had due process and judgement, which in my opinion ought to be reserved for American Citizens only, and now there's nothing left for them but be deported.
Mr. Businessman is going to be very unhappy come Monday morning when he opens shop to find his worker bees have been deported.

Actually that labor racketeer playing ' businessman' should be locked up in the same jail with them. Prosecuting the employer and gangsters is how you drastically reduce the problem.
Republicans had 2 years to pass whatever they wanted. They refused to do a thing about immigration. They’ve held absolute power for many of the years since 1994. They’ve never passed a law with serious consequences for hiring non-citizens.
A side note:

If a southern hemisphere spanning global conflict was raging from South America to the Congo; a shooting war the likes of which history had not seen since the days of WW2, perhaps I myself would volunteer personal time and effort to assist displaced refugees fleeing from it in mass human waves to the safety of northern nations. Instead, what we're witnessing is a worldwide ideological battle, a battle between a group of ideologues who's aim it is to transform the cultures and traditions and demographics of Western Civilization forever, and those who wish to preserve Western Civilization and its centuries old way of life. This conflict we are currently losing is about cultural replacement and the tearing down of Western Civilization purely for ideological-political purposes; an ideological war waged out of vengeance and self-hatred . . . a form of assisted civilizational suicide.

To all those who opine for the benefit and welfare of the immigrant over that of the generational citizen, ask yourselves why you find yourselves on the side of wanting to drastically and forever culturally change your nation for the worst. Why do you want to bring down our American civilization and see the rights and freedoms and cultures of your fellow countrymen replaced, destroyed, banished from the present day and the future.
Mr. Businessman is going to be very unhappy come Monday morning when he opens shop to find his worker bees have been deported.

Actually that labor racketeer playing ' businessman' should be locked up in the same jail with them. Prosecuting the employer and gangsters is how you drastically reduce the problem.
Republicans had 2 years to pass whatever they wanted. They refused to do a thing about immigration. They’ve held absolute power for many of the years since 1994. They’ve never passed a law with serious consequences for hiring non-citizens.

Yeah, Trump did nothing and it's all his fault.

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Mr. Businessman is going to be very unhappy come Monday morning when he opens shop to find his worker bees have been deported.

Actually that labor racketeer playing ' businessman' should be locked up in the same jail with them. Prosecuting the employer and gangsters is how you drastically reduce the problem.
Republicans had 2 years to pass whatever they wanted. They refused to do a thing about immigration. They’ve held absolute power for many of the years since 1994. They’ve never passed a law with serious consequences for hiring non-citizens.

So what? Most who voted for Trump were voting against both Parties' globalist establishments, so your dumb attempt at a making a point fails all around.

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