Governor of 3rd Least Populated State in Union (S.D) Wonders Why Biden Won't Build a Train To Hawaii

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

For the past 40 years Amtrack has never made a proft, their cars are shit, all because their union is fucked up. But you must be sure glad that your tax dollars are going to continue to be wasted, and all you can do is point out the wording of a tweet...Hows your gas prices of late?

Trains are very successful in Europe.

Trains need a lot of subsidizing. Europe has a lot of mid size to smaller nations in which it works better for them then flying. For transporting products and goods in our nation keeping tracks in good shape and having upgrades is good with traditional trains. For people it is expensive. Shorter commuter lines built a century ago lose money in cities. They have to be subsidized by the taxpayers and the people in the cities including the poorer areas by higher bus fares.

Shame.. I love trains.
Why would he build a train to Hawaii, while he can fly on his private jet?

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The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

I join other members & guests in hoping that South Dakota can stay "the 3rd least populated state."

I assume (for a reason that I dare not specify) that it has a very low violent crime rate.

May the people there be lucky enough to keep it that way.

Those of us who live in the populated states and in certain cities are very envious.

Translation: People are bad .. I prefer miles of desolate emptiness :lol:

You should know that the total population in Alaska is 735,000 .. And yet? So much for bullshit theory - - -

Alaska has the fifth-highest murder rate in the U.S. with a rate of 10.6 murders per 100,000 residents. Alaska has the highest violent crime rate of any state of 829 incidents per 100,000 residents. The most dangerous city in Alaska is Anchorage, where the violent crime rate is 1,203 per 100,000 residents and 27 people were murdered in 2017.

I wonder why Alaska has so much violent crime.

Too many white people? ;)

I kid - Apparently a lack of law enforcement, alcoholism and weather factor majorly.
I'd probably drink too much too at times of the year when the sun barely shines and it's too damn cold to go outside.
Native Alaskans disproportionally affected.

“Unfortunately, there are places in rural Alaska that if a woman is raped or a child is beaten, that victim might not get any help whatsoever,” Associate Attorney General Tony West told The Washington Post. “It can take a day and a half before responders show up to the scene of a crime or to a call for help. Imagine if you were a victim of violence and you can’t get help because weather conditions don’t allow you to get out of your village. Where are you supposed to go? You have nowhere to go.”​
Native Alaskans make up 61% of sexual assault victims in the state even though they make up just 15% of the population, The New York Times reported in 2012. Nobody knows for sure why Native American women are so vulnerable to rape. Some experts blame alcoholism and the breakdown of the Native American family.​


The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

I join other members & guests in hoping that South Dakota can stay "the 3rd least populated state."

I assume (for a reason that I dare not specify) that it has a very low violent crime rate.

May the people there be lucky enough to keep it that way.

Those of us who live in the populated states and in certain cities are very envious.

Translation: People are bad .. I prefer miles of desolate emptiness :lol:

You should know that the total population in Alaska is 735,000 .. And yet? So much for bullshit theory - - -

Alaska has the fifth-highest murder rate in the U.S. with a rate of 10.6 murders per 100,000 residents. Alaska has the highest violent crime rate of any state of 829 incidents per 100,000 residents. The most dangerous city in Alaska is Anchorage, where the violent crime rate is 1,203 per 100,000 residents and 27 people were murdered in 2017.

I wonder why Alaska has so much violent crime.

Too many white people? ;)

I kid - Apparently a lack of law enforcement, alcoholism and weather factor majorly.
I'd probably drink too much too at times of the year when the sun barely shines and it's too damn cold to go outside.
Native Alaskans disproportionally affected.

“Unfortunately, there are places in rural Alaska that if a woman is raped or a child is beaten, that victim might not get any help whatsoever,” Associate Attorney General Tony West told The Washington Post. “It can take a day and a half before responders show up to the scene of a crime or to a call for help. Imagine if you were a victim of violence and you can’t get help because weather conditions don’t allow you to get out of your village. Where are you supposed to go? You have nowhere to go.”​
Native Alaskans make up 61% of sexual assault victims in the state even though they make up just 15% of the population, The New York Times reported in 2012. Nobody knows for sure why Native American women are so vulnerable to rape. Some experts blame alcoholism and the breakdown of the Native American family.​

Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

I join other members & guests in hoping that South Dakota can stay "the 3rd least populated state."

I assume (for a reason that I dare not specify) that it has a very low violent crime rate.

May the people there be lucky enough to keep it that way.

Those of us who live in the populated states and in certain cities are very envious.

Translation: People are bad .. I prefer miles of desolate emptiness :lol:

You should know that the total population in Alaska is 735,000 .. And yet? So much for bullshit theory - - -

Alaska has the fifth-highest murder rate in the U.S. with a rate of 10.6 murders per 100,000 residents. Alaska has the highest violent crime rate of any state of 829 incidents per 100,000 residents. The most dangerous city in Alaska is Anchorage, where the violent crime rate is 1,203 per 100,000 residents and 27 people were murdered in 2017.

I wonder why Alaska has so much violent crime.

Too many white people? ;)

I kid - Apparently a lack of law enforcement, alcoholism and weather factor majorly.
I'd probably drink too much too at times of the year when the sun barely shines and it's too damn cold to go outside.
Native Alaskans disproportionally affected.

“Unfortunately, there are places in rural Alaska that if a woman is raped or a child is beaten, that victim might not get any help whatsoever,” Associate Attorney General Tony West told The Washington Post. “It can take a day and a half before responders show up to the scene of a crime or to a call for help. Imagine if you were a victim of violence and you can’t get help because weather conditions don’t allow you to get out of your village. Where are you supposed to go? You have nowhere to go.”​
Native Alaskans make up 61% of sexual assault victims in the state even though they make up just 15% of the population, The New York Times reported in 2012. Nobody knows for sure why Native American women are so vulnerable to rape. Some experts blame alcoholism and the breakdown of the Native American family.​

Yep. Alaska has a very high rate of alcoholism that contributes to domestic abuse and crime. Russia seems to have the same problem.
Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

High rates everywhere can be attributed largely to poverty - IMHO, race is way down the list.

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

I join other members & guests in hoping that South Dakota can stay "the 3rd least populated state."

I assume (for a reason that I dare not specify) that it has a very low violent crime rate.

May the people there be lucky enough to keep it that way.

Those of us who live in the populated states and in certain cities are very envious.

Translation: People are bad .. I prefer miles of desolate emptiness :lol:

You should know that the total population in Alaska is 735,000 .. And yet? So much for bullshit theory - - -

Alaska has the fifth-highest murder rate in the U.S. with a rate of 10.6 murders per 100,000 residents. Alaska has the highest violent crime rate of any state of 829 incidents per 100,000 residents. The most dangerous city in Alaska is Anchorage, where the violent crime rate is 1,203 per 100,000 residents and 27 people were murdered in 2017.

I wonder why Alaska has so much violent crime.

Too many white people? ;)

I kid - Apparently a lack of law enforcement, alcoholism and weather factor majorly.
I'd probably drink too much too at times of the year when the sun barely shines and it's too damn cold to go outside.
Native Alaskans disproportionally affected.

“Unfortunately, there are places in rural Alaska that if a woman is raped or a child is beaten, that victim might not get any help whatsoever,” Associate Attorney General Tony West told The Washington Post. “It can take a day and a half before responders show up to the scene of a crime or to a call for help. Imagine if you were a victim of violence and you can’t get help because weather conditions don’t allow you to get out of your village. Where are you supposed to go? You have nowhere to go.”​
Native Alaskans make up 61% of sexual assault victims in the state even though they make up just 15% of the population, The New York Times reported in 2012. Nobody knows for sure why Native American women are so vulnerable to rape. Some experts blame alcoholism and the breakdown of the Native American family.​

Yep. Alaska has a very high rate of alcoholism that contributes to domestic abuse and crime. Russia seems to have the same problem.

Wow so that explains all those islamic countries.
Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

High rates everywhere can be attributed largely to poverty - IMHO, race is way down the list.

Thanks for your opinion.

I respectfully disagree.

There was real poverty during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Did most poor Caucasians go around robbing, sucker punching, looting, raping, & murdering?


(P.S. If some of today's bad people are so poor, how come they usually have the money for the latest smart phones, fashionable shoes, and often expensive get-away cars! In plain English, using "poverty" as an excuse for violent crime is [self-censored]).

Have a nice weekend!

The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.

For the past 40 years Amtrack has never made a proft, their cars are shit, all because their union is fucked up. But you must be sure glad that your tax dollars are going to continue to be wasted, and all you can do is point out the wording of a tweet...Hows your gas prices of late?

Trains are very successful in Europe.

They were here too....but then the Federal Govt took over industry for civilian transport...and it's failed horribly.
Frankly, I am going to give Xiden a pass's quite possible he didn't realize South Dakota was in the continental United States...I mean the guy can barely stand up....
Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

High rates everywhere can be attributed largely to poverty - IMHO, race is way down the list.

Thanks for your opinion.

I respectfully disagree.

There was real poverty during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Did most poor Caucasians go around robbing, sucker punching, looting, raping, & murdering?


(P.S. If some of today's bad people are so poor, how come they usually have the money for the latest smart phones, fashionable shoes, and often expensive get-away cars! In plain English, using "poverty" as an excuse for violent crime is [self-censored]).

Have a nice weekend!

I thanked you not because I agree - but rather that I respect your opinion and polite responses as you seem to my own.
There are a wealth of scholarly articles written about inner city crime and poverty.
To suggest that blacks have a higher tendency to commit crimes because they are black is simplistic at best.
Hundreds of years of systemic racism (yeah you prolly hate that term ;-) have put most blacks behind the eight ball.
To suggest that a black kid born in a crime ridden ghetto to poverty can easily pick him or herself up by the bootstraps is ignoring history.
Like most of my friends I was born white middle to upper middle class.
That gave us a leg up. I had a small inheritance which I used to buy a nicer home and eliminate my debt.
My Mom and Dad also got small inheritances which ultimately were passed on to us kids. My grandparents the same.
Blacks couldn't even buy a home in a nice neighborhood until 70 or so years ago. Home ownership of any kind was unheard of for the first 150 years of US history.
Can you admit that whites have always had an easier path in life?
Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

High rates everywhere can be attributed largely to poverty - IMHO, race is way down the list.

Thanks for your opinion.

I respectfully disagree.

There was real poverty during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Did most poor Caucasians go around robbing, sucker punching, looting, raping, & murdering?


(P.S. If some of today's bad people are so poor, how come they usually have the money for the latest smart phones, fashionable shoes, and often expensive get-away cars! In plain English, using "poverty" as an excuse for violent crime is [self-censored]).

Have a nice weekend!

I thanked you not because I agree - but rather that I respect your opinion and polite responses as you seem to my own.
There are a wealth of scholarly articles written about inner city crime and poverty.
To suggest that blacks have a higher tendency to commit crimes because they are black is simplistic at best.
Hundreds of years of systemic racism (yeah you prolly hate that term ;-) have put most blacks behind the eight ball.
To suggest that a black kid born in a crime ridden ghetto to poverty can easily pick him or herself up by the bootstraps is ignoring history.
Like most of my friends I was born white middle to upper middle class.
That gave us a leg up. I had a small inheritance which I used to buy a nicer home and eliminate my debt.
My Mom and Dad also got small inheritances which ultimately were passed on to us kids. My grandparents the same.
Blacks couldn't even buy a home in a nice neighborhood until 70 or so years ago. Home ownership of any kind was unheard of for the first 150 years of US history.
Can you admit that whites have always had an easier path in life?

Well, I just saw a documentary about life in Mississippi before the voting rights laws were passed and signed by President Johnson.

The Caucasians in Mississippi were terrified by the thought that they would be governed by African Americans, so they did everything possible to prevent them from voting.

That's when many idealistic Caucasian youth from the North went down there to register African Americans -- and when three of them were murdered.

So, yes, I agree with your last question.

But I feel that there is NO excuse in 2021 for the horrific crimes of violence committed by so many young African American men. How can killing a liquor store clerk or beating up an Asian on the sidewalk help a young man who was raised in a ghetto? And don't forget: probably a lot of those perps come from middle-class families in 2021.

You have your view; I have mine.

Glad that we can both be civil.

That's the goal of a discussion forum.

Have a nice day!
Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

High rates everywhere can be attributed largely to poverty - IMHO, race is way down the list.

Thanks for your opinion.

I respectfully disagree.

There was real poverty during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Did most poor Caucasians go around robbing, sucker punching, looting, raping, & murdering?


(P.S. If some of today's bad people are so poor, how come they usually have the money for the latest smart phones, fashionable shoes, and often expensive get-away cars! In plain English, using "poverty" as an excuse for violent crime is [self-censored]).

Have a nice weekend!

I thanked you not because I agree - but rather that I respect your opinion and polite responses as you seem to my own.
There are a wealth of scholarly articles written about inner city crime and poverty.
To suggest that blacks have a higher tendency to commit crimes because they are black is simplistic at best.
Hundreds of years of systemic racism (yeah you prolly hate that term ;-) have put most blacks behind the eight ball.
To suggest that a black kid born in a crime ridden ghetto to poverty can easily pick him or herself up by the bootstraps is ignoring history.
Like most of my friends I was born white middle to upper middle class.
That gave us a leg up. I had a small inheritance which I used to buy a nicer home and eliminate my debt.
My Mom and Dad also got small inheritances which ultimately were passed on to us kids. My grandparents the same.
Blacks couldn't even buy a home in a nice neighborhood until 70 or so years ago. Home ownership of any kind was unheard of for the first 150 years of US history.
Can you admit that whites have always had an easier path in life?

Well, I just saw a documentary about life in Mississippi before the voting rights laws were passed and signed by President Johnson.

The Caucasians in Mississippi were terrified by the thought that they would be governed by African Americans, so they did everything possible to prevent them from voting.

That's when many idealistic Caucasian youth from the North went down there to register African Americans -- and when three of them were murdered.

So, yes, I agree with your last question.

But I feel that there is NO excuse in 2021 for the horrific crimes of violence committed by so many young African American men. How can killing a liquor store clerk or beating up an Asian on the sidewalk help a young man who was raised in a ghetto? And don't forget: probably a lot of those perps come from middle-class families in 2021.

You have your view; I have mine.

Glad that we can both be civil.

That's the goal of a discussion forum.

Have a nice day!

Thanks, but remember - Many violent hate crimes are committed by whites who were also born into middle class families.

Additional info though dated:

FBI data for 1999 identifies hate crime offenders by race and by their association with the commission of other crimes. In 1999, nearly 70% of hate crime offenders were white, 16% were black, 4% were multiracial, and 2% were of Asian-Pacific Island origin. Another 1% was Native American and 9% of the offenders were unknown. In terms of other crimes committed, 80% of the reported hate crime offenders in 1999 had also committed other crimes against people; the most frequent of those crimes was intimidation. Another 19% of hate crime offenders were associated with crimes against property such as destruction, damage, or vandalism. In general, most hate crimes are committed by previously law abiding young people harboring some form of disdain or hatred for a member of a particular group. (Source: American Psychological Association; full report available at
Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

High rates everywhere can be attributed largely to poverty - IMHO, race is way down the list.

Thanks for your opinion.

I respectfully disagree.

There was real poverty during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Did most poor Caucasians go around robbing, sucker punching, looting, raping, & murdering?


(P.S. If some of today's bad people are so poor, how come they usually have the money for the latest smart phones, fashionable shoes, and often expensive get-away cars! In plain English, using "poverty" as an excuse for violent crime is [self-censored]).

Have a nice weekend!

I thanked you not because I agree - but rather that I respect your opinion and polite responses as you seem to my own.
There are a wealth of scholarly articles written about inner city crime and poverty.
To suggest that blacks have a higher tendency to commit crimes because they are black is simplistic at best.
Hundreds of years of systemic racism (yeah you prolly hate that term ;-) have put most blacks behind the eight ball.
To suggest that a black kid born in a crime ridden ghetto to poverty can easily pick him or herself up by the bootstraps is ignoring history.
Like most of my friends I was born white middle to upper middle class.
That gave us a leg up. I had a small inheritance which I used to buy a nicer home and eliminate my debt.
My Mom and Dad also got small inheritances which ultimately were passed on to us kids. My grandparents the same.
Blacks couldn't even buy a home in a nice neighborhood until 70 or so years ago. Home ownership of any kind was unheard of for the first 150 years of US history.
Can you admit that whites have always had an easier path in life?

Well, I just saw a documentary about life in Mississippi before the voting rights laws were passed and signed by President Johnson.

The Caucasians in Mississippi were terrified by the thought that they would be governed by African Americans, so they did everything possible to prevent them from voting.

That's when many idealistic Caucasian youth from the North went down there to register African Americans -- and when three of them were murdered.

So, yes, I agree with your last question.

But I feel that there is NO excuse in 2021 for the horrific crimes of violence committed by so many young African American men. How can killing a liquor store clerk or beating up an Asian on the sidewalk help a young man who was raised in a ghetto? And don't forget: probably a lot of those perps come from middle-class families in 2021.

You have your view; I have mine.

Glad that we can both be civil.

That's the goal of a discussion forum.

Have a nice day!

Thanks, but remember - Many violent hate crimes are committed by whites who were also born into middle class families.

Additional info though dated:

FBI data for 1999 identifies hate crime offenders by race and by their association with the commission of other crimes. In 1999, nearly 70% of hate crime offenders were white, 16% were black, 4% were multiracial, and 2% were of Asian-Pacific Island origin. Another 1% was Native American and 9% of the offenders were unknown. In terms of other crimes committed, 80% of the reported hate crime offenders in 1999 had also committed other crimes against people; the most frequent of those crimes was intimidation. Another 19% of hate crime offenders were associated with crimes against property such as destruction, damage, or vandalism. In general, most hate crimes are committed by previously law abiding young people harboring some form of disdain or hatred for a member of a particular group. (Source: American Psychological Association; full report available at

Have no idea why this is relevant.

Most black crime is black on black.
Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

High rates everywhere can be attributed largely to poverty - IMHO, race is way down the list.

Thanks for your opinion.

I respectfully disagree.

There was real poverty during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Did most poor Caucasians go around robbing, sucker punching, looting, raping, & murdering?


(P.S. If some of today's bad people are so poor, how come they usually have the money for the latest smart phones, fashionable shoes, and often expensive get-away cars! In plain English, using "poverty" as an excuse for violent crime is [self-censored]).

Have a nice weekend!

I thanked you not because I agree - but rather that I respect your opinion and polite responses as you seem to my own.
There are a wealth of scholarly articles written about inner city crime and poverty.
To suggest that blacks have a higher tendency to commit crimes because they are black is simplistic at best.
Hundreds of years of systemic racism (yeah you prolly hate that term ;-) have put most blacks behind the eight ball.
To suggest that a black kid born in a crime ridden ghetto to poverty can easily pick him or herself up by the bootstraps is ignoring history.
Like most of my friends I was born white middle to upper middle class.
That gave us a leg up. I had a small inheritance which I used to buy a nicer home and eliminate my debt.
My Mom and Dad also got small inheritances which ultimately were passed on to us kids. My grandparents the same.
Blacks couldn't even buy a home in a nice neighborhood until 70 or so years ago. Home ownership of any kind was unheard of for the first 150 years of US history.
Can you admit that whites have always had an easier path in life?

Well, I just saw a documentary about life in Mississippi before the voting rights laws were passed and signed by President Johnson.

The Caucasians in Mississippi were terrified by the thought that they would be governed by African Americans, so they did everything possible to prevent them from voting.

That's when many idealistic Caucasian youth from the North went down there to register African Americans -- and when three of them were murdered.

So, yes, I agree with your last question.

But I feel that there is NO excuse in 2021 for the horrific crimes of violence committed by so many young African American men. How can killing a liquor store clerk or beating up an Asian on the sidewalk help a young man who was raised in a ghetto? And don't forget: probably a lot of those perps come from middle-class families in 2021.

You have your view; I have mine.

Glad that we can both be civil.

That's the goal of a discussion forum.

Have a nice day!

Thanks, but remember - Many violent hate crimes are committed by whites who were also born into middle class families.

Additional info though dated:

FBI data for 1999 identifies hate crime offenders by race and by their association with the commission of other crimes. In 1999, nearly 70% of hate crime offenders were white, 16% were black, 4% were multiracial, and 2% were of Asian-Pacific Island origin. Another 1% was Native American and 9% of the offenders were unknown. In terms of other crimes committed, 80% of the reported hate crime offenders in 1999 had also committed other crimes against people; the most frequent of those crimes was intimidation. Another 19% of hate crime offenders were associated with crimes against property such as destruction, damage, or vandalism. In general, most hate crimes are committed by previously law abiding young people harboring some form of disdain or hatred for a member of a particular group. (Source: American Psychological Association; full report available at

Have no idea why this is relevant.

Most black crime is black on black.
No it's not.
Very informative.


In plain English, in the 48 contiguous states, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicities X and Y, not to Caucasians.

In Alaska, if I understand your comments, the high rate of violent crime is due to ethnicity Z, not to the Caucasian residents.

High rates everywhere can be attributed largely to poverty - IMHO, race is way down the list.

Thanks for your opinion.

I respectfully disagree.

There was real poverty during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Did most poor Caucasians go around robbing, sucker punching, looting, raping, & murdering?


(P.S. If some of today's bad people are so poor, how come they usually have the money for the latest smart phones, fashionable shoes, and often expensive get-away cars! In plain English, using "poverty" as an excuse for violent crime is [self-censored]).

Have a nice weekend!

I thanked you not because I agree - but rather that I respect your opinion and polite responses as you seem to my own.
There are a wealth of scholarly articles written about inner city crime and poverty.
To suggest that blacks have a higher tendency to commit crimes because they are black is simplistic at best.
Hundreds of years of systemic racism (yeah you prolly hate that term ;-) have put most blacks behind the eight ball.
To suggest that a black kid born in a crime ridden ghetto to poverty can easily pick him or herself up by the bootstraps is ignoring history.
Like most of my friends I was born white middle to upper middle class.
That gave us a leg up. I had a small inheritance which I used to buy a nicer home and eliminate my debt.
My Mom and Dad also got small inheritances which ultimately were passed on to us kids. My grandparents the same.
Blacks couldn't even buy a home in a nice neighborhood until 70 or so years ago. Home ownership of any kind was unheard of for the first 150 years of US history.
Can you admit that whites have always had an easier path in life?

Well, I just saw a documentary about life in Mississippi before the voting rights laws were passed and signed by President Johnson.

The Caucasians in Mississippi were terrified by the thought that they would be governed by African Americans, so they did everything possible to prevent them from voting.

That's when many idealistic Caucasian youth from the North went down there to register African Americans -- and when three of them were murdered.

So, yes, I agree with your last question.

But I feel that there is NO excuse in 2021 for the horrific crimes of violence committed by so many young African American men. How can killing a liquor store clerk or beating up an Asian on the sidewalk help a young man who was raised in a ghetto? And don't forget: probably a lot of those perps come from middle-class families in 2021.

You have your view; I have mine.

Glad that we can both be civil.

That's the goal of a discussion forum.

Have a nice day!

Thanks, but remember - Many violent hate crimes are committed by whites who were also born into middle class families.

Additional info though dated:

FBI data for 1999 identifies hate crime offenders by race and by their association with the commission of other crimes. In 1999, nearly 70% of hate crime offenders were white, 16% were black, 4% were multiracial, and 2% were of Asian-Pacific Island origin. Another 1% was Native American and 9% of the offenders were unknown. In terms of other crimes committed, 80% of the reported hate crime offenders in 1999 had also committed other crimes against people; the most frequent of those crimes was intimidation. Another 19% of hate crime offenders were associated with crimes against property such as destruction, damage, or vandalism. In general, most hate crimes are committed by previously law abiding young people harboring some form of disdain or hatred for a member of a particular group. (Source: American Psychological Association; full report available at

Have no idea why this is relevant.

Most black crime is black on black.
No it's not.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the majority of violent crime happens within the same race. A 2018 national survey found offenders were the same race as the victim 70 percent of the time for Blacks and 62 percent for Whites.

Any other way we can help your ignorance ? Just let us know.
Have no idea why this is relevant.

Most black crime is black on black.

And most white crime including murder is white on white - DERP

Have no idea why this is relevant.

Most black crime is black on black.

And most white crime including murder is white on white - DERP


I don't recall saying it wasn't.

So hate crime statistics are meaningless.
"Infrastructure is USELESS! What a waste of money to build rails!"

"Okay, we won't build one to your state no worries"

"You SOCIALIST! You'd better build that rail I don't want through my state!"

You retards keep pushing rail lines, as if anyone wants to travel in a train car where DemoKKKrats allow junkies to shoot up, hookers to do business, and gangbangers to rob people. Fuck you.
Really? I always wanted to travel at least once by train, but I've never been able to arrange it. Maybe it wouldn't have been so good after all.

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