Governor of US Virgin Islands commands NG to seize all guns and ammo

Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".

If they can take away the second amendment, they can take away the first amendment, or any other constitutional rights we have.

Go forth and whine to somebody who posted about laws or Amendments or Constitutions. I didn't. I posted about how a fucking useless sociopath's mind works. Which is why I ended the post with the word


--- and thanks for providing yet another illustration of the same thing.

Re-read your post.
You posted how your mind works. Like a useless sociopath.


Oh I don't need to re-read it Sparkles -- I wrote it, and it's clear as a day after a hurricane.
Ya, right. Don't try to spin it now. You've already been called out.
If I misunderstood your post, I'll take the hit. But I, and others who've read it, don't seem to think so.

Once again Fartmouth, I don't NEED to 'spin' anything. I knew what I was posting before it got posted. Your own inability to read the words on the page ---- ain't my problem.
Confiscation has always been the dirty little secret behind the left's anti gun stance. I guess the U.S. Constitution doesn't extend to the Virgin Islands but it keeps getting in the way of the democrat party agenda here in the 50 States.
"It's raining and windy... You don't need your guns." Here we have a clear example of why the government should not have a registry of your personal arms.

Not to mention it was ratified a year after Katrina that the Nationa Guard cannot seize firearms for natural disasters.

Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

NRA threatens lawsuit after US Virgin Islands governor orders weapons seizure

Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

U.S. Virgin Islands seizing guns, ammo in anticipation of Irma

NRA Threatens Lawsuit Over U.S. Virgin Islands Firearm Confiscation Order | One America News Network

Of course there's a statist LAND GRAB behind this as well:
Looks like they're afraid someone's gonna shoot back if the government attempts to steal their property.

Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".


People need guns to protect their property from looters.

Is this some trial balloon?

Obviously you've never been through a hurricane either.

What people need is in the immediate moment shelter, followed by basic survival elements of food, water, dry clothing and sometimes medical assistance. In the moments after they may need reconstruction or relocation.

****NONE**** of those involve firearms in any way. ***ALL*** of them involve human cooperation.
guess you didn't watch what happened with all of the looting in houston did ya? funny how the blacks loot after a disaster like everything is now theirs.
my nig-dar is blaring for Pogo


If that's some reference to what you call an erection, go take a shower. Or whatever it is you abject-wastes-of-human-protoplasm sociopaths do.
Last edited:
"It's raining and windy... You don't need your guns." Here we have a clear example of why the government should not have a registry of your personal arms.

Not to mention it was ratified a year after Katrina that the Nationa Guard cannot seize firearms for natural disasters.

Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

NRA threatens lawsuit after US Virgin Islands governor orders weapons seizure

Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

U.S. Virgin Islands seizing guns, ammo in anticipation of Irma

NRA Threatens Lawsuit Over U.S. Virgin Islands Firearm Confiscation Order | One America News Network

The The National Rifle Association prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.
prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.

The NRA argues people need to be able to protect themselves during times of natural disaster.

Of course there's a statist LAND GRAB behind this as well:
Mapp signed the order Monday in preparation for Hurricane Irma. The order allows the Adjutant General of the Virgin Islands to seize private property they believe necessary to protect the islands, subject to approval by the territory’s Justice Department.

Looks like they're afraid someone's gonna shoot back if the government attempts to steal their property.

Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".

I'm sorry, Pogo, but if the societal structure breaks down with a natural disaster, I WANT my guns.
"It's raining and windy... You don't need your guns." Here we have a clear example of why the government should not have a registry of your personal arms.

Not to mention it was ratified a year after Katrina that the Nationa Guard cannot seize firearms for natural disasters.

Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

NRA threatens lawsuit after US Virgin Islands governor orders weapons seizure

Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

U.S. Virgin Islands seizing guns, ammo in anticipation of Irma

NRA Threatens Lawsuit Over U.S. Virgin Islands Firearm Confiscation Order | One America News Network

The The National Rifle Association prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.
prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.

The NRA argues people need to be able to protect themselves during times of natural disaster.

Of course there's a statist LAND GRAB behind this as well:
Mapp signed the order Monday in preparation for Hurricane Irma. The order allows the Adjutant General of the Virgin Islands to seize private property they believe necessary to protect the islands, subject to approval by the territory’s Justice Department.

Looks like they're afraid someone's gonna shoot back if the government attempts to steal their property.

Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".


People need guns to protect their property from looters.

Is this some trial balloon?

Obviously you've never been through a hurricane either.

What people need is in the immediate moment shelter, followed by basic survival elements of food, water, dry clothing and sometimes medical assistance. In the moments after they may need reconstruction or relocation.

****NONE**** of those involve firearms in any way. ***ALL*** of them involve human cooperation.

GFY faggot. What hurricane did you go through?

OP isn't answering but you seem to have quoted my post. Obviously you're confused about who's who.

What, you want a list?? I gives you a hint --- Katrina was the first one I ever evacuated for.
"It's raining and windy... You don't need your guns." Here we have a clear example of why the government should not have a registry of your personal arms.

Not to mention it was ratified a year after Katrina that the Nationa Guard cannot seize firearms for natural disasters.

Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

NRA threatens lawsuit after US Virgin Islands governor orders weapons seizure

Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

U.S. Virgin Islands seizing guns, ammo in anticipation of Irma

NRA Threatens Lawsuit Over U.S. Virgin Islands Firearm Confiscation Order | One America News Network

The The National Rifle Association prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.
prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.

The NRA argues people need to be able to protect themselves during times of natural disaster.

Of course there's a statist LAND GRAB behind this as well:
Mapp signed the order Monday in preparation for Hurricane Irma. The order allows the Adjutant General of the Virgin Islands to seize private property they believe necessary to protect the islands, subject to approval by the territory’s Justice Department.

Looks like they're afraid someone's gonna shoot back if the government attempts to steal their property.

Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".

I'm sorry, Pogo, but if the societal structure breaks down with a natural disaster, I WANT my guns.

Good luck getting nutrition out of 'em.

Or water.

Or dry clothes.

Or a place to sleep.

Or a way to contact anybody for help.
Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".


People need guns to protect their property from looters.

Is this some trial balloon?

Obviously you've never been through a hurricane either.

What people need is in the immediate moment shelter, followed by basic survival elements of food, water, dry clothing and sometimes medical assistance. In the moments after they may need reconstruction or relocation.

****NONE**** of those involve firearms in any way. ***ALL*** of them involve human cooperation.
guess you didn't watch what happened with all of the looting in houston did ya? funny how the blacks loot after a disaster like everything is now theirs.
my nig-dar is blaring for Pogo


If that's some reference to what you call an erection, go take a shower. Or whatever it is you abject-wastes-of-human-protoplasm sociopaths do.

Of yes, my nig-dar was correct, as usual. It's stronger than your liberal gaydar.
If they can take away the second amendment, they can take away the first amendment, or any other constitutional rights we have.

Go forth and whine to somebody who posted about laws or Amendments or Constitutions. I didn't. I posted about how a fucking useless sociopath's mind works. Which is why I ended the post with the word


--- and thanks for providing yet another illustration of the same thing.

Re-read your post.
You posted how your mind works. Like a useless sociopath.


Oh I don't need to re-read it Sparkles -- I wrote it, and it's clear as a day after a hurricane.
Ya, right. Don't try to spin it now. You've already been called out.
If I misunderstood your post, I'll take the hit. But I, and others who've read it, don't seem to think so.

Once again Fartmouth, I don't NEED to 'spin' anything. I knew what I was posting before it got posted. Your own inability to read the words on the page ---- ain't my problem.
Oh - but it is, fuckface. You seem to be the only one on this board that can interpret your post. Before you spew, review.
Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".


Wrong fuck face, it's about letting people protect themselves from pieces of shit like you.

Trust me Hunior --- I've been through many a hurricane and the last thing in the world you need is a firearm. Although it is marginally interesting to imagine what happens when you fire a bullet into a 185mph wind.

Natural disasters are where people cooperate to help each other, not point fucking GUNS.

This is the childhood-fixated fantasy of an ASSHOLE sociopath who lives safely out of hurricane paths in his little sheltered bubble in Chicago, pissing and moaning about the lives of people with which he has zero relationship, just so he can feed his equally childish partisan hack ego on a message board because he has no life.

Fuck him and fuck you with the same dildo without even wiping it off.

And btw I changed your pretentious baby-blue :gay: text into its proper color --- shit brown.
so why does the governor want all firearms?

What makes you believe that he does want all the firearms?

Doesn't anyone bother to read any of the actual source materials?

So the Virgin Islands Code is the law for the Virgin Islands- and that law specifically provides for among other things- exactly what the governor is doing.

Not the seizing of all guns and ammo- but authorizing the National Guard to seize guns, and ammo, and explosives and incendiary material- that 'may be required' for the performance of this emergency mission.

What will this mean in practical terms?

I predict nothing- at least in terms of guns and ammo. Some property might be temporarily seized during the emergency. But the National Guard likely has all the guns and ammo it needs.

I predict in the end- not a single private citizen has his personal firearms seized under this measure- though probably some will lose their firearms for other reasons.
Confiscation has always been the dirty little secret behind the left's anti gun stance. I guess the U.S. Constitution doesn't extend to the Virgin Islands but it keeps getting in the way of the democrat party agenda here in the 50 States.

The Right has for the last 50 years used it's pro-gun stance to scare Americans into thinking that the gobmint is coming to take away everyone's guns. And the gun industry thanks you for your fear.

Remember how you all predicted President Obama was going to take away all of your guns? And then put you all in FEMA camps?

Lets check back after the Virgin Islands gets through this emergency.

I bet no private citizens have their guns or ammo seized under this measure.
People need guns to protect their property from looters.

Is this some trial balloon?

Obviously you've never been through a hurricane either.

What people need is in the immediate moment shelter, followed by basic survival elements of food, water, dry clothing and sometimes medical assistance. In the moments after they may need reconstruction or relocation.

****NONE**** of those involve firearms in any way. ***ALL*** of them involve human cooperation.
guess you didn't watch what happened with all of the looting in houston did ya? funny how the blacks loot after a disaster like everything is now theirs.
my nig-dar is blaring for Pogo


If that's some reference to what you call an erection, go take a shower. Or whatever it is you abject-wastes-of-human-protoplasm sociopaths do.

Of yes, my nig-dar was correct, as usual. It's stronger than your liberal gaydar.

Glad that all worked out, now be sure to clean up. And use bleach.
Go forth and whine to somebody who posted about laws or Amendments or Constitutions. I didn't. I posted about how a fucking useless sociopath's mind works. Which is why I ended the post with the word


--- and thanks for providing yet another illustration of the same thing.

Re-read your post.
You posted how your mind works. Like a useless sociopath.


Oh I don't need to re-read it Sparkles -- I wrote it, and it's clear as a day after a hurricane.
Ya, right. Don't try to spin it now. You've already been called out.
If I misunderstood your post, I'll take the hit. But I, and others who've read it, don't seem to think so.

Once again Fartmouth, I don't NEED to 'spin' anything. I knew what I was posting before it got posted. Your own inability to read the words on the page ---- ain't my problem.
Oh - but it is, fuckface. You seem to be the only one on this board that can interpret your post. Before you spew, review.

So you're actually trying to tell us "everybody else is as illiterate as you and therefore my post doesn't mean what it says".

Rotsa ruck getting that off the ground, Dirtball.
Trade your guns for food and water

Use your guns to OBTAIN food and water, and to preserve your food and water from ignorant vermin.

Ah, another sociopath speaks -- this one illustrating the polarized hierarchical social structure at its base.

"We" versus "they". "Humans" versus "subhumans". "We" count; "they" do not.

Yeah thanks for that illustration. It speaks volumes.

If that's some reference to what you call an erection, go take a shower. Or whatever it is you abject-wastes-of-human-protoplasm sociopaths do.

You're the sociopath you malignant piece of shit. You're the one who wants to take other people's shit for your own political objectives.

Fucking parasite.

Considering you're clueless as to the scope of my ridicule you're pretty quick on the partisan assumptions, ain'tcha Cleatus..........

I usually ignore you entirely. On the off chance I'm exposed to your idiocy I ridicule it and move on.
Well good for you. I bet you're so proud of yourself. Pat yourself on the back and make believe I'm losing sleep over it.........
ah, another with no self esteem.
You really shouldn't refer to yourself that way, it's not psychologically healthy.
Considering you're clueless as to the scope of my ridicule you're pretty quick on the partisan assumptions, ain'tcha Cleatus..........

I usually ignore you entirely. On the off chance I'm exposed to your idiocy I ridicule it and move on.
Well good for you. I bet you're so proud of yourself. Pat yourself on the back and make believe I'm losing sleep over it.........
ah, another with no self esteem.
You really shouldn't refer to yourself that way, it's not psychologically healthy.
then why do all the left behave the way they do? oh yes, no self esteem. LOL.
Left....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: keep swingin' there Sparkette, two more strikes to go!! :thup:

If that's some reference to what you call an erection, go take a shower. Or whatever it is you abject-wastes-of-human-protoplasm sociopaths do.

You're the sociopath you malignant piece of shit. You're the one who wants to take other people's shit for your own political objectives.

Fucking parasite.

Once again Brownstain, I've posted nothing about anything "political" here, nothing about anybody "taking" anything, nothing about anybody's "rights" or "laws" at all. I've posted about the fucked-up psychology that enables a vermin sociopath like the OP to post a thread like this completely oblivious to the human suffering element.

Nothing has changed that. Except apparently he got a boner out of my pointing it out.
then why do all the left behave the way they do? oh yes, no self esteem. LOL.

If they were self aware they would kill themselves.

They're mindless drones. The sort of tools sociopaths like hitler, stalin, mao, pol pot et al used to conquer nations politically and slaughter millions.


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