Governor of US Virgin Islands commands NG to seize all guns and ammo

"It's raining and windy... You don't need your guns." Here we have a clear example of why the government should not have a registry of your personal arms.

Not to mention it was ratified a year after Katrina that the Nationa Guard cannot seize firearms for natural disasters.

Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

NRA threatens lawsuit after US Virgin Islands governor orders weapons seizure

Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

U.S. Virgin Islands seizing guns, ammo in anticipation of Irma

NRA Threatens Lawsuit Over U.S. Virgin Islands Firearm Confiscation Order | One America News Network

The The National Rifle Association prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.
prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.

The NRA argues people need to be able to protect themselves during times of natural disaster.

Of course there's a statist LAND GRAB behind this as well:
Mapp signed the order Monday in preparation for Hurricane Irma. The order allows the Adjutant General of the Virgin Islands to seize private property they believe necessary to protect the islands, subject to approval by the territory’s Justice Department.

Looks like they're afraid someone's gonna shoot back if the government attempts to steal their property.

Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".

Rights shouldn't be dependent on the weather or Government whim? You people are more dangerous than the hurricane

Once again for even more Illiterati --- I've posted nothing about "rights" or the "government". I posted about blinkard self-infatuated sociopathy. THAT's more dangerous than the hurricane, since it condemns the victims to suffer slow and agonizing death.

But that's fine, as long as his fetish fantasy from two thousand miles away gets served, because it's all about that.
Again -- I'm a Katrinite. I know exactly what survival skills are required. And none of them involve firearms in the remotest way.

Yes, you feral inner city savages certainly know how to prey on the meek during disasters. Let's see a pic of your black ass in Katrina. Submit to ghettogaggers.

Oh yes you want us all disarmed.

How many plasma TV's did you net during Katrina?




Use your guns to OBTAIN food and water, and to preserve your food and water from ignorant vermin.

Ah, another sociopath speaks -- this one illustrating the polarized hierarchical social structure at its base.

"We" versus "they". "Humans" versus "subhumans". "We" count; "they" do not.

Yeah thanks for that illustration. It speaks volumes.

Obtain as in hunt for dumbass. Nothing sociopathic about my response.

Oh but there is. Want a clue? Last two words of your post as quoted.

But there is loads of anti social BS in yours.

In a natural disaster, that hungry or drowning or thirsty or deprived stranger becomes my brother or sister, and I theirs. For you they become a "target".

That's sociopathy. Classic.

And it's also suicidal. Dafuck are you gonna do after you've shot everybody and you're the only one left?
you have no survival skills so you wouldn't understand the position the governor has put them in. but that doesn't surprise me, because again, you have no logic.

Again -- I'm a Katrinite. I know exactly what survival skills are required. And none of them involve firearms in the remotest way.
Cool. I'll go to your house first.
Ah, another sociopath speaks -- this one illustrating the polarized hierarchical social structure at its base.

"We" versus "they". "Humans" versus "subhumans". "We" count; "they" do not.

Yeah thanks for that illustration. It speaks volumes.

Obtain as in hunt for dumbass. Nothing sociopathic about my response.

Oh but there is. Want a clue? Last two words of your post as quoted.

But there is loads of anti social BS in yours.

In a natural disaster, that hungry or drowning or thirsty or deprived stranger becomes my brother or sister, and I theirs. For you they become a "target".

That's sociopathy. Classic.

And it's also suicidal. Dafuck are you gonna do after you've shot everybody and you're the only one left?
you have no survival skills so you wouldn't understand the position the governor has put them in. but that doesn't surprise me, because again, you have no logic.

Again -- I'm a Katrinite. I know exactly what survival skills are required. And none of them involve firearms in the remotest way.
Cool. I'll go to your house first.

You do that. You'll get fresh water, dry clothes and outstanding food.

Know what you won't get?

Obtain as in hunt for dumbass. Nothing sociopathic about my response.

Oh but there is. Want a clue? Last two words of your post as quoted.

But there is loads of anti social BS in yours.

In a natural disaster, that hungry or drowning or thirsty or deprived stranger becomes my brother or sister, and I theirs. For you they become a "target".

That's sociopathy. Classic.

And it's also suicidal. Dafuck are you gonna do after you've shot everybody and you're the only one left?
you have no survival skills so you wouldn't understand the position the governor has put them in. but that doesn't surprise me, because again, you have no logic.

Again -- I'm a Katrinite. I know exactly what survival skills are required. And none of them involve firearms in the remotest way.
Cool. I'll go to your house first.

You do that. You'll get fresh water, dry clothes and outstanding food.

Know what you won't get?

I'll (or whoever) will get whatever they want. Because you and your family will be dead. Why? Because you have no way to protect them.
"It's raining and windy... You don't need your guns." Here we have a clear example of why the government should not have a registry of your personal arms.

Not to mention it was ratified a year after Katrina that the Nationa Guard cannot seize firearms for natural disasters.

Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

NRA threatens lawsuit after US Virgin Islands governor orders weapons seizure

Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

U.S. Virgin Islands seizing guns, ammo in anticipation of Irma

NRA Threatens Lawsuit Over U.S. Virgin Islands Firearm Confiscation Order | One America News Network

The The National Rifle Association prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.
prepares for a possible legal battle as Hurricane Irma nears the U.S.

This comes in response to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands ordering its National Guard to seize guns, ammunition, and other weapons from its citizens ahead of Hurricane Irma.

The NRA argues people need to be able to protect themselves during times of natural disaster.

Of course there's a statist LAND GRAB behind this as well:
Mapp signed the order Monday in preparation for Hurricane Irma. The order allows the Adjutant General of the Virgin Islands to seize private property they believe necessary to protect the islands, subject to approval by the territory’s Justice Department.

Looks like they're afraid someone's gonna shoot back if the government attempts to steal their property.

Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".

/----/ Never let a disaster go to waste- Saul Alynski. Wanna bet most will never get their guns back?
Obtain as in hunt for dumbass. Nothing sociopathic about my response.

Oh but there is. Want a clue? Last two words of your post as quoted.

But there is loads of anti social BS in yours.

In a natural disaster, that hungry or drowning or thirsty or deprived stranger becomes my brother or sister, and I theirs. For you they become a "target".

That's sociopathy. Classic.

And it's also suicidal. Dafuck are you gonna do after you've shot everybody and you're the only one left?
you have no survival skills so you wouldn't understand the position the governor has put them in. but that doesn't surprise me, because again, you have no logic.

Again -- I'm a Katrinite. I know exactly what survival skills are required. And none of them involve firearms in the remotest way.
Cool. I'll go to your house first.

You do that. You'll get fresh water, dry clothes and outstanding food.

Know what you won't get?

/---/ What more could a looter ask for --- besides your jewelry, watches and cash?
Fascists using a natural disaster as an excuse for violating civil rights.

I am sure the people planning on looting will happily hand over their guns and ammo.
Absolutely. Disarming law-abiding citizens arms criminals. Fact.
That's why Pogo supports this. He already admitted he was among the feral savages during Katrina. This was already predicted by my nig-dar, good to see it's still in working order.
Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".


Partly, but mostly it's about protecting the Constitution of the United States.

If true, one would think the governor of the Virgin Islands would have learned something from the results of the gun confiscation in New Orleans after Katrina.
Interesting to note that the current Virgin Is. governor, Kenneth Mapp is a registered republican born in Brooklyn NY and a former NYPD officer.
I've never been to the US Virgin Islands, but geez it sounds like people must be pretty violent there? Why else would the governor be thinking first of disarming the populace?

I could see it happening POST violence in N.O. but prior to the hurricane hitting? Well, he's a former cop, so he probably knows what he's about.
And in New Orleans after Katrina the local Wal-Mart had its guns stolen. Obviously there were those with the same sociopath mentality as the OP here.

Of course -- if Mal-Wart hadn't been stocking guns in the first place there would have been none to steal. They've never lived that down.

Did New Orleans live down their unconstitutional confiscation of guns after Katrina and the aftermath?
Use your guns to OBTAIN food and water, and to preserve your food and water from ignorant vermin.

Ah, another sociopath speaks -- this one illustrating the polarized hierarchical social structure at its base.

"We" versus "they". "Humans" versus "subhumans". "We" count; "they" do not.

Yeah thanks for that illustration. It speaks volumes.

Obtain as in hunt for dumbass. Nothing sociopathic about my response.

Oh but there is. Want a clue? Last two words of your post as quoted.

But there is loads of anti social BS in yours.

In a natural disaster, that hungry or drowning or thirsty or deprived stranger becomes my brother or sister, and I theirs. For you they become a "target".

That's sociopathy. Classic.

And it's also suicidal. Dafuck are you gonna do after you've shot everybody and you're the only one left?
you have no survival skills so you wouldn't understand the position the governor has put them in. but that doesn't surprise me, because again, you have no logic.

Again -- I'm a Katrinite. I know exactly what survival skills are required. And none of them involve firearms in the remotest way.

Yeah, bull poo. You know nothing about survival in a catastrophe. As evidenced by your assertion that guns are useless. Here is the real world experience of the people who lived it. Unlike your fantasy life.

"Rumor to Fact in Tales of Post-Katrina Violence

The narrative of those early, chaotic days — built largely on rumors and half-baked anecdotes — quickly hardened into a kind of ugly consensus: poor blacks and looters were murdering innocents and terrorizing whoever crossed their path in the dark, unprotected city.

“As you look back on it, at the time it was being reported, it looked like the city was under siege,” said Russel L. Honoré, the retired Army lieutenant general who led military relief efforts after the storm.

Today, a clearer picture is emerging, and it is an equally ugly one, including white vigilante violence, police killings, official cover-ups and a suffering population far more brutalized than many were willing to believe. Several police officers and a white civilian accused of racially motivated violence have recently been indicted in various cases, and more incidents are coming to light as the Justice Department has started several investigations into civil rights violations after the storm."

Tales of Post-Katrina Violence Go From Rumor to Fact
Trade your guns for food and water

Use your guns to OBTAIN food and water, and to preserve your food and water from ignorant vermin.

Ah, another sociopath speaks -- this one illustrating the polarized hierarchical social structure at its base.

"We" versus "they". "Humans" versus "subhumans". "We" count; "they" do not.

Yeah thanks for that illustration. It speaks volumes.

Obtain as in hunt for dumbass. Nothing sociopathic about my response.

Oh but there is. Want a clue? Last two words of your post as quoted.

But there is loads of anti social BS in yours.

In a natural disaster, that hungry or drowning or thirsty or deprived stranger becomes my brother or sister, and I theirs. For you they become a "target".

That's sociopathy. Classic.

And it's also suicidal. Dafuck are you gonna do after you've shot everybody and you're the only one left?

Yeah, the last two words apply to ignorant twats, like you, who ignore warnings in the belief that they, the vermin (color is immaterial, vermin have no color, they are judged by their ACTIONS) will be able to prey at will on the undefended. It has always happened to some degree or other in any catastrophe.
I've never been to the US Virgin Islands, but geez it sounds like people must be pretty violent there? Why else would the governor be thinking first of disarming the populace?

I could see it happening POST violence in N.O. but prior to the hurricane hitting? Well, he's a former cop, so he probably knows what he's about.

Just read an article and it is in St Croix, lots of gang violence and that is primarily why he did it. But I am sure the gangs didn't turn them in.

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