Governor Rick Scott of Florida requested aid from the Feds and Obama hasn't responded yet

The governor wanted the declaration from Obama this morning in order to better prepare for the worst hurricane in over a decade to hit them. Obama has not responded to the governors request as of the time of this post.

FEMA Urges Residents to Take Evacuation Orders Seriously Ahead of Hurricane Matthew |
Release date:
October 5, 2016

FEMA liaisons are deployed to the state emergency operation centers in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina to assist state responses, as needed in advance of the storm. FEMA stands ready to assist additional states and tribes, as needed and requested.

FEMA Incident Management Assistance Teams (IMAT) are deployed to emergency operations centers (EOC) in Florida and North Carolina. Additional IMATs are scheduled to arrive at the EOCs in South Carolina and Virginia today to support preparation activities and ensure there are no unmet needs. Additional teams from around the country are ready to deploy to affected states and tribes as necessary.
So FEMA does what Obama hasn't yet. No declaration has been made according to the governor. FEMA telling people to be wise=/=a declaration from Obama.

I'm not a liar, you're just uninformed
The Governor is misrepresenting the facts by causing confusion about the difference between declaring a state of emergency and declaring an area a disaster. A state of emergency has been declared but a state of disaster can not be declared until and if a disaster actually occurs. Multiple states and regions may be in need when the hurricane hits land. Why would you want to focus all your AFTERMATH resources in one state before the expected disaster occurs?
This gives me a little more clarity, thank you. I still think the recovery resources need to be expedited but it appears that Governor Scott may be playing a bit of partisan politics.
Thank you for not calling me a liar & the explanation.

Maybe you should have actually taken a moment to figure that out before droling "Golleee Governor Scott, sure I'll take a bridge! You take credit cards?"

The governor wanted the declaration from Obama this morning in order to better prepare for the worst hurricane in over a decade to hit them. Obama has not responded to the governors request as of the time of this post.

Relax Gramps, as soon as he gets off the golf course he will get to it.
"Governor Rick Scott of Florida requested aid from the Feds and Obama hasn't responded yet"


Because there nothing to "respond" to
The governor wanted the declaration from Obama this morning in order to better prepare for the worst hurricane in over a decade to hit them. Obama has not responded to the governors request as of the time of this post.

FEMA Urges Residents to Take Evacuation Orders Seriously Ahead of Hurricane Matthew |
Release date:
October 5, 2016

FEMA liaisons are deployed to the state emergency operation centers in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina to assist state responses, as needed in advance of the storm. FEMA stands ready to assist additional states and tribes, as needed and requested.

FEMA Incident Management Assistance Teams (IMAT) are deployed to emergency operations centers (EOC) in Florida and North Carolina. Additional IMATs are scheduled to arrive at the EOCs in South Carolina and Virginia today to support preparation activities and ensure there are no unmet needs. Additional teams from around the country are ready to deploy to affected states and tribes as necessary.
So FEMA does what Obama hasn't yet. No declaration has been made according to the governor. FEMA telling people to be wise=/=a declaration from Obama.

I’m not a liar, you're just uninformed

FEMA doesn’t act on it’s own…the White House sends FEMA into disaster areas.

Likely what Scott is talking about is disaster declarations before the fact. They tried that in some of the storms before and it lead to confusion. If you say County A is a disaster area and County B isn’t today and the storm hits County C where the models said it wasn’t going, the aid to home owners is in the wrong spot
Less than 24 hours till landfall and Obama leaving a GOP governor out to hang till the last minute
You're an ignorant, ridiculous ODS scumbag, trying to exploit a dangerous storm for some perceived partisan gain.
Fuck off

Have you ever noticed how all of your posts ends up with you saying “fuck off”?

That or an ignore threat, yup, standard.
Bush waited until Katrina was long gone then flew over New Orleans and said "what damage? All I see down there are a bunch of ants, I don't see any people. Let's go home."
Love how the anti big gov nanny state GOP suddenly have their hand out for welfare .

Hypocrisy much ?
Less than 24 hours till landfall and Obama leaving a GOP governor out to hang till the last minute
You're an ignorant, ridiculous ODS scumbag, trying to exploit a dangerous storm for some perceived partisan gain.

I love the way the OP finally figures out that his own thread is bullshit, then whines about "it appears that Governor Scott may be playing a bit of partisan politics" ---- as if Rick Scott created this thread.
The governor wanted the declaration from Obama this morning in order to better prepare for the worst hurricane in over a decade to hit them. Obama has not responded to the governors request as of the time of this post.

FEMA Urges Residents to Take Evacuation Orders Seriously Ahead of Hurricane Matthew |
Release date:
October 5, 2016

FEMA liaisons are deployed to the state emergency operation centers in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina to assist state responses, as needed in advance of the storm. FEMA stands ready to assist additional states and tribes, as needed and requested.

FEMA Incident Management Assistance Teams (IMAT) are deployed to emergency operations centers (EOC) in Florida and North Carolina. Additional IMATs are scheduled to arrive at the EOCs in South Carolina and Virginia today to support preparation activities and ensure there are no unmet needs. Additional teams from around the country are ready to deploy to affected states and tribes as necessary.
So FEMA does what Obama hasn't yet. No declaration has been made according to the governor. FEMA telling people to be wise=/=a declaration from Obama.

I'm not a liar, you're just uninformed
The Governor is misrepresenting the facts by causing confusion about the difference between declaring a state of emergency and declaring an area a disaster. A state of emergency has been declared but a state of disaster can not be declared until and if a disaster actually occurs. Multiple states and regions may be in need when the hurricane hits land. Why would you want to focus all your AFTERMATH resources in one state before the expected disaster occurs?
This gives me a little more clarity, thank you. I still think the recovery resources need to be expedited but it appears that Governor Scott may be playing a bit of partisan politics.
Thank you for not calling me a liar & the explanation.
In fairness, while various agencies were declaring an emergency and preparing for one, the actual formal declaration was not signed by the President until less than an hour ago.
The governor wanted the declaration from Obama this morning in order to better prepare for the worst hurricane in over a decade to hit them. Obama has not responded to the governors request as of the time of this post.

FEMA Urges Residents to Take Evacuation Orders Seriously Ahead of Hurricane Matthew |
Release date:
October 5, 2016

FEMA liaisons are deployed to the state emergency operation centers in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina to assist state responses, as needed in advance of the storm. FEMA stands ready to assist additional states and tribes, as needed and requested.

FEMA Incident Management Assistance Teams (IMAT) are deployed to emergency operations centers (EOC) in Florida and North Carolina. Additional IMATs are scheduled to arrive at the EOCs in South Carolina and Virginia today to support preparation activities and ensure there are no unmet needs. Additional teams from around the country are ready to deploy to affected states and tribes as necessary.
So FEMA does what Obama hasn't yet. No declaration has been made according to the governor. FEMA telling people to be wise=/=a declaration from Obama.

I'm not a liar, you're just uninformed
The Governor is misrepresenting the facts by causing confusion about the difference between declaring a state of emergency and declaring an area a disaster. A state of emergency has been declared but a state of disaster can not be declared until and if a disaster actually occurs. Multiple states and regions may be in need when the hurricane hits land. Why would you want to focus all your AFTERMATH resources in one state before the expected disaster occurs?
This gives me a little more clarity, thank you. I still think the recovery resources need to be expedited but it appears that Governor Scott may be playing a bit of partisan politics.
Thank you for not calling me a liar & the explanation.
In fairness, while various agencies were declaring an emergency and preparing for one, the actual formal declaration was not signed by the President until less than an hour ago.
Thanks for the update but I doubt it will make the others rescind their accusations of me lying.

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