governor walker pranked

except he didnt ACTUALLY say that

KOCH: Right, right. We’ll back you anyway we can. But uh, what we’re thinking about the crowds was, a, was planting some troublemakers.

WALKER: You know, the well [sighs] the only problem with – because we thought about that.

again, he was being POLITE

So if I asked if you every considered murdering your child, and you told me you'd thought about it, that would be okay because you were just "being polite"?
did you actually expect a politician to say, no, thats fucking stupid to someone he thought was a contributer?

No, I would have expected him to change the topic, but even accepting your point, that's a pretty damning statement about Walker's character.
Fake Koch: Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Man of Integrity: You know, the, well, the only problem with that — because we thought about that.

Maybe he was just being polite, and in his mind he was thinking--what a fucking terrible idea.

I'm not a mind reader, so maybe.

But I do know what I expect from a politician. Someone who sees that idea as bad form, which all politicians SHOULD regardless of who they're speaking to, should represent some principle. Dem or Rep, I would've like to have seen this man of integrity say something to the effect of--that's not how I roll, sorry.
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Walker must be taken at his words. He means to break unions for reasons that he won't elaborate. The divecons of the world don't count about any of this. dive would defend the devil if he were the WI governor and GOP.
Fake Koch: Well, I tell you what, Scott: once you crush these bastards I’ll fly you out to Cali and really show you a good time.

Man of Integrity: All right, that would be outstanding.
wasnt the first time you posted it, and it wont be the next either

I know! It's all just a bad dream!

Fake Koch: Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Man of Integrity: You know, the, well, the only problem with that — because we thought about that.
run with it art, shout if from the roof tops
it will only continue to make you look like an even bigger moron
KOCH: Right, right. We’ll back you anyway we can. But uh, what we’re thinking about the crowds was, a, was planting some troublemakers.

WALKER: You know, the well [sighs] the only problem with – because we thought about that.

again, he was being POLITE

So if I asked if you every considered murdering your child, and you told me you'd thought about it, that would be okay because you were just "being polite"?
i'm not a politician
no YOU, DiveCon

It's being shouted from the rooftops and the pressure is mounting on Walker.

MADISON, Wis. — Hundreds of off-duty police officers and deputies joined protests today against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill that would strip most collective bargaining powers from about 170,000 public employees.

Police, state troopers and firefighters are exempt from Walker's proposal, but even as some marched on the downtown Capitol Square, hundreds of other officers from around the state provided security.

Off-duty cops join protests in Wisconsin -

"We have been ordered by the legislature to kick you all out at 4:00 today. But we know what’s right from wrong. We will not be kicking anyone out, in fact, we will be sleeping here with you!"

BREAKING: Wisconsin Police Have Joined Protest Inside State Capitol « Red Ant Liberation Army News
no YOU, DiveCon

It's being shouted from the rooftops and the pressure is mounting on Walker.

MADISON, Wis. — Hundreds of off-duty police officers and deputies joined protests today against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill that would strip most collective bargaining powers from about 170,000 public employees.

Police, state troopers and firefighters are exempt from Walker's proposal, but even as some marched on the downtown Capitol Square, hundreds of other officers from around the state provided security.
Off-duty cops join protests in Wisconsin -

"We have been ordered by the legislature to kick you all out at 4:00 today. But we know what’s right from wrong. We will not be kicking anyone out, in fact, we will be sleeping here with you!"
BREAKING: Wisconsin Police Have Joined Protest Inside State Capitol « Red Ant Liberation Army News

none of that has anything to do with the prank call, idiot
no YOU, DiveCon

It's being shouted from the rooftops and the pressure is mounting on Walker.

MADISON, Wis. — Hundreds of off-duty police officers and deputies joined protests today against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill that would strip most collective bargaining powers from about 170,000 public employees.

Police, state troopers and firefighters are exempt from Walker's proposal, but even as some marched on the downtown Capitol Square, hundreds of other officers from around the state provided security.
Off-duty cops join protests in Wisconsin -

"We have been ordered by the legislature to kick you all out at 4:00 today. But we know what’s right from wrong. We will not be kicking anyone out, in fact, we will be sleeping here with you!"
BREAKING: Wisconsin Police Have Joined Protest Inside State Capitol « Red Ant Liberation Army News

none of that has anything to do with the prank call, idiot

It might. Where you asking how this might change the outcome? Walker looked like an ass after that call. The unions now appear more sympathetic.

none of that has anything to do with the prank call, idiot

It might. Where you asking how this might change the outcome? Walker looked like an ass after that call. The unions now appear more sympathetic.
Walker may have looked like an ass to you after the call, but my guess is that he looked like an ass to you before the call. The unions now appear more sympathetic? Really?
Most people in Wi. know that their state is broke.
governor walker pranked

pranked into taking a call he thought was from the koch brothers

Walker is a real Koch-sucker, you say?

He's hardly alone in that respect.

none of that has anything to do with the prank call, idiot

It might. Where you asking how this might change the outcome? Walker looked like an ass after that call. The unions now appear more sympathetic.
Walker may have looked like an ass to you after the call, but my guess is that he looked like an ass to you before the call. The unions now appear more sympathetic? Really?
Most people in Wi. know that their state is broke.

Right, the question is; does he look like an ass to people who would otherwise have thought he was doing the right thing?

In that call, he admitted this was about political ideology. He still hasn't connected the dots on how taking away collective bargaining rights will fill the state coffers.

Considering that he took a call from a billionaire backer, you are damn right he lost sympathy points on that call. You are delusional if you think otherwise.

If Wisconsin is broken, I doubt the fault lies entirely on public unions. I highly doubt even a significant percentage of the fault lies on public unions.

If Walker was serious about the budget and really wanted to make a hard stand, he would have raised taxes on top of this to go full bore on putting the state in the black.

At the very least, he wouldn't be handing out tax breaks.
It might. Where you asking how this might change the outcome? Walker looked like an ass after that call. The unions now appear more sympathetic.
Walker may have looked like an ass to you after the call, but my guess is that he looked like an ass to you before the call. The unions now appear more sympathetic? Really?
Most people in Wi. know that their state is broke.

Right, the question is; does he look like an ass to people who would otherwise have thought he was doing the right thing?

In that call, he admitted this was about political ideology. He still hasn't connected the dots on how taking away collective bargaining rights will fill the state coffers.

Considering that he took a call from a billionaire backer, you are damn right he lost sympathy points on that call. You are delusional if you think otherwise.

If Wisconsin is broken, I doubt the fault lies entirely on public unions. I highly doubt even a significant percentage of the fault lies on public unions.

If Walker was serious about the budget and really wanted to make a hard stand, he would have raised taxes on top of this to go full bore on putting the state in the black.

At the very least, he wouldn't be handing out tax breaks.

A billionare backer? You must really be disappointed with obama.
The public unions are very much PART of Wi. problems. Not all but, I don't think he's stopping with the unions. The public unions are a major problem in most states, as the benefit and pension packages are not fully funded, and the tax payers pick up the difference....that IS known as a major problem.
A billionare backer? You must really be disappointed with obama.

I would be if a tape of him on the phone showing favoritism to someone he perceived to be a billionaire backer popped up.

The public unions are very much PART of Wi. problems. Not all but, I don't think he's stopping with the unions. The public unions are a major problem in most states, as the benefit and pension packages are not fully funded, and the tax payers pick up the difference....that IS known as a major problem.

The tax payers pick up everything with public employees. That's the definition of being a public employee.

How much a problem are the public unions to WI? Can you quantify it?

And why is it not sufficient that they've already willingly conceded financial benefits to help the state out? Why do they have to concede their right to collectively bargain at a future date?

none of that has anything to do with the prank call, idiot

It might. Where you asking how this might change the outcome? Walker looked like an ass after that call. The unions now appear more sympathetic.
Walker may have looked like an ass to you after the call, but my guess is that he looked like an ass to you before the call. The unions now appear more sympathetic? Really?
Most people in Wi. know that their state is broke.

The state is so broke it needs to slash benefits for teachers, but not so broke that it can't afford a massive tax cut for businesses.
Let the teachers keep their collective bargaining rights, reduce their benefits and pay, along with canceling the corporate tax breaks. Guess what: the deficit is almost fixed. What a thought.

Bankers with teachers gotta take the hurt.
A billionare backer? You must really be disappointed with obama.

I would be if a tape of him on the phone showing favoritism to someone he perceived to be a billionaire backer popped up.

The public unions are very much PART of Wi. problems. Not all but, I don't think he's stopping with the unions. The public unions are a major problem in most states, as the benefit and pension packages are not fully funded, and the tax payers pick up the difference....that IS known as a major problem.

The tax payers pick up everything with public employees. That's the definition of being a public employee.

How much a problem are the public unions to WI? Can you quantify it?

And why is it not sufficient that they've already willingly conceded financial benefits to help the state out? Why do they have to concede their right to collectively bargain at a future date?

And of course, George Soros hasn't bent obama's ear, has he? Or, how about Trumka at the White House several issues with these two, huh?

You do realize that even though they are state employees they do make a living wage, where they do pay for some of their own bills right? Are you suggesting that the tax payers buy their cars and grocerys, also?

Wisconsin's 267,000 public workers pay next to nothing out-of-pocket toward their pensions. State and local governments are supposed to pay half the retirement contribution, with employees paying the rest. But in Wisconsin, many union contracts stipulate that the employer -- which means taxpayers -- picks up the employee's share.
Walker's proposal would raise employee pension contributions to nearly 6 percent. In making his pitch, he noted that amount is equal to what most private-sector workers contribute to their 401(k)s.
Walker also would double state workers' health care contributions to 12 percent -- slightly less than what many Minnesota government workers already pay for health care coverage.
In pension and benefits, Wisconsin tops Minnesota |

Are you saying a one time give back is going to solve the problems of the state? This is a new era where states are broke and changes need to be made going forward. I persoanlly don't believe that there should be state unions, but since there is, let them bargain for pay increases.

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