Govt Cover-up of Hillary Scandal in Full Swing

Just the title of this thread should alert people it belongs in the conspiracy forum doesn't bother you that the State Department can not find any emails that took place between Hillary and her top IT security appointee? You know, the one who was granted immunity? Actually, they were able to find one....sending his birthday wishes to her.
But as it pertains to his responsibilities in the state department? Not one? Over nearly a 4 year period? And that does not bother you one iota?
Sort of speaks volumes about you and the little credibility I should give your opinion.
Interesting, Guno, that you found my post as funny.
But you did not answer it.
Why is that?
Liberals don't care. They will do anything for power.
True, even falsifying birth certificates for presidents.
Thanks for proving my point, Sonic..
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
That would be true except it's not

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history
Historians have not yet written of the corruption in this current administration. For the most part, this is because the itemized list of corrupt activities has not yet been verified...due to the uncanny ability of one part of the administration to protect the other, and excuse the disappearance of evidence...such as emails. If we had an honest DOJ, Hillary would likely be in jail already, as would Eric Holder and Obama himself.
Thanks for proving my point, Sonic..
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
Where's the indictments?
Ask Obama's DOJ and Valarie Jarrett. They are calling the shots on that.
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
That would be true except it's not

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.

Like when Powell used a private email account on a private server.....and entire MONTHS of emails were missing?

Remind was Powell raked through the coals again?
When did he run for president? When did he get all his intel on it? When did he delete them when he found out he was under investigation? When will you grow an honest bone in your body?

When did you squeal with piglet like outrage at Powell and Rice using private accounts on private servers......and including classified information?

Laughing......pretend you actually give a shit with another round of manufactured 'outrage'. It makes me giggle.

And in the mean time, Hillary is going to be treated the same way Powell was, the same way Rice was. Get used to the idea.
She should be treated the same way Petraeus was treated....with penalty to match the degree of treason she committed.
I don't know. The Reagan Administration saw over 150 charges laid against Reagan's staff - from corruption related to the savings and loan scandals, to Iran/Contra.

As far as I know, not a single member of the Obama staff has been charged with corruption, which is, I think, quite a remarkable record for a two-term President.
Remarkable in lies and cover ups. Emails deleted left and right. A GOP administration will do what this corrupt administration won't.

76 Times Obama's White House Illegally & Unethically Abused Its Power as Documented by Ted Cruz
76 Times Obama’s White House Illegally & Unethically Abused Its Power as Documented by Ted Cruz
Mrs. Tuzla Clinton will skate and the left wing will claim victory. That is how the story is already written. The establishment always wins. LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.

Like when Powell used a private email account on a private server.....and entire MONTHS of emails were missing?

Remind was Powell raked through the coals again?
When did he run for president? When did he get all his intel on it? When did he delete them when he found out he was under investigation? When will you grow an honest bone in your body?

When did you squeal with piglet like outrage at Powell and Rice using private accounts on private servers......and including classified information?

Laughing......pretend you actually give a shit with another round of manufactured 'outrage'. It makes me giggle.

And in the mean time, Hillary is going to be treated the same way Powell was, the same way Rice was. Get used to the idea.
She should be treated the same way Petraeus was treated....with penalty to match the degree of treason she committed.

She didn't walk out 8 binders of classified documents to give to her mistress.

She sent emails to her aides. You may not be able to comprehend any difference. But a rational person could. And prosecutors certainly do.

And I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.
Just the title of this thread should alert people it belongs in the conspiracy forum doesn't bother you that the State Department can not find any emails that took place between Hillary and her top IT security appointee? You know, the one who was granted immunity? Actually, they were able to find one....sending his birthday wishes to her.
But as it pertains to his responsibilities in the state department? Not one? Over nearly a 4 year period? And that does not bother you one iota?
Sort of speaks volumes about you and the little credibility I should give your opinion.
Interesting, Guno, that you found my post as funny.
But you did not answer it.
Why is that?
Liberals don't care. They will do anything for power.
True, even falsifying birth certificates for presidents.

It wasn't the State Department that affirmed Obama's Birth Certificate.

But the State of Hawaii. You're clearly confused by the word 'State' in both 'State Department' and 'State of Hawaii'. Alas, they aren't the same thing. LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.

Like when Powell used a private email account on a private server.....and entire MONTHS of emails were missing?

Remind was Powell raked through the coals again?
When did he run for president? When did he get all his intel on it? When did he delete them when he found out he was under investigation? When will you grow an honest bone in your body?

When did you squeal with piglet like outrage at Powell and Rice using private accounts on private servers......and including classified information?

Laughing......pretend you actually give a shit with another round of manufactured 'outrage'. It makes me giggle.

And in the mean time, Hillary is going to be treated the same way Powell was, the same way Rice was. Get used to the idea.
She should be treated the same way Petraeus was treated....with penalty to match the degree of treason she committed.

She didn't walk out 8 binders of classified documents to give to her mistress.

She sent emails to her aides. You may not be able to comprehend any difference. But a rational person could. And prosecutors certainly do.

And I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.
No, she just made super-classified information available for all hackers to retrieve from her non-government protected, personal server. Technically, not treasonous. It was, however a deliberate act that put the safety of our country in jeopardy for the sole purpose of avoiding transparency of her actions as Secretary of State. She did not want the people to know what she was doing. She wanted no official record of her conversations. She is a dishonest, sleazy bitch and should never again be trusted. LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.

Like when Powell used a private email account on a private server.....and entire MONTHS of emails were missing?

Remind was Powell raked through the coals again?
When did he run for president? When did he get all his intel on it? When did he delete them when he found out he was under investigation? When will you grow an honest bone in your body?

When did you squeal with piglet like outrage at Powell and Rice using private accounts on private servers......and including classified information?

Laughing......pretend you actually give a shit with another round of manufactured 'outrage'. It makes me giggle.

And in the mean time, Hillary is going to be treated the same way Powell was, the same way Rice was. Get used to the idea.
She should be treated the same way Petraeus was treated....with penalty to match the degree of treason she committed.

She didn't walk out 8 binders of classified documents to give to her mistress.

She sent emails to her aides. You may not be able to comprehend any difference. But a rational person could. And prosecutors certainly do.

And I don't think 'treason' means what you think it means.

For some reason you folks on the left refuse to grasp what Hillary Clinton is REALLY guilty of and it's not "treason"! We have laws in place that require our officials to work through official channels so that the Congress can keep tabs on what they are doing. It's something that goes all the way back to the Nixon Administration and was something that was bi-partisan when it was enacted. Hillary didn't install those two private servers at her home and conduct the majority of her State Department business through them by accident! She did so purposely so that there wouldn't be a record of how she was conducting business at State. If you don't find THAT troubling, Skylar...then you're a heck of a lot more trusting of Hillary Clinton then I am!
Just the title of this thread should alert people it belongs in the conspiracy forum doesn't bother you that the State Department can not find any emails that took place between Hillary and her top IT security appointee? You know, the one who was granted immunity? Actually, they were able to find one....sending his birthday wishes to her.
But as it pertains to his responsibilities in the state department? Not one? Over nearly a 4 year period? And that does not bother you one iota?
Sort of speaks volumes about you and the little credibility I should give your opinion.
Interesting, Guno, that you found my post as funny.
But you did not answer it.
Why is that?
Liberals don't care. They will do anything for power.
True, even falsifying birth certificates for presidents.

It wasn't the State Department that affirmed Obama's Birth Certificate.

But the State of Hawaii. You're clearly confused by the word 'State' in both 'State Department' and 'State of Hawaii'. Alas, they aren't the same thing.
I am never confused Loren.
Mrs. Tuzla Clinton will skate and the left wing will claim victory. That is how the story is already written. The establishment always wins.

I agree. Nothing will happen to that incompetent POS. She will go along running for POTUS. Lets hope she's never elected. She's an incompetent POS and always will be.

Anyone who thinks she will ever be held accountable for her actions is doomed to disappointment.
Thanks for proving my point, Sonic..
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.


Obviously you never heard of Nixon.

Obviously you have your head so far up Hillary's ass you don't see anything

wrongView attachment 74310

Yup and Nixon was held accountable. He was forced to resign.

Anyone who thinks Hitlery will be held accountable is going to be disappointed. That incompetent POS has never been held accountable for anything she's ever done. Don't hold your breath.
Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills Caught Off Guard During FBI Questioning

Veteran Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was reportedly caught off guard at an FBI question on an "off limits" topic – and bolted from the interview briefly, the Washington Post reports. Mills, a lawyer who served as Clinton's chief of staff during her stint as secretary of state, is cooperating in the protracted FBI probe – but the surprising response hints at the tension surrounding the Democratic presidential front-runner's possible mishandling of classified data on her private email server, the Post notes. According to the Post, which cited unnamed sources, the off-limits questions had to do with "the procedure used to produce emails to the State Department so they could possibly be released ...
Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills Caught Off Guard During FBI Questioning
Must be nice to be able to dictate to the FBI which questions you will answer / they can ask and which ones you won't / they can't.

I'm sure that would work for any one of us as well.

...and the cover-up continues...
Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills Caught Off Guard During FBI Questioning

Veteran Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was reportedly caught off guard at an FBI question on an "off limits" topic – and bolted from the interview briefly, the Washington Post reports. Mills, a lawyer who served as Clinton's chief of staff during her stint as secretary of state, is cooperating in the protracted FBI probe – but the surprising response hints at the tension surrounding the Democratic presidential front-runner's possible mishandling of classified data on her private email server, the Post notes. According to the Post, which cited unnamed sources, the off-limits questions had to do with "the procedure used to produce emails to the State Department so they could possibly be released ...
Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills Caught Off Guard During FBI Questioning

She had to leave to go and ask Mrs. Tuzla Clinton what to say. I would be careful of doing so if I were Mills. Someone might be going to prison and it isn't Mrs. Tuzla. doesn't bother you that the State Department can not find any emails that took place between Hillary and her top IT security appointee? You know, the one who was granted immunity? Actually, they were able to find one....sending his birthday wishes to her.
But as it pertains to his responsibilities in the state department? Not one? Over nearly a 4 year period? And that does not bother you one iota?
Sort of speaks volumes about you and the little credibility I should give your opinion.
Interesting, Guno, that you found my post as funny.
But you did not answer it.
Why is that?
Liberals don't care. They will do anything for power.
True, even falsifying birth certificates for presidents.

It wasn't the State Department that affirmed Obama's Birth Certificate.

But the State of Hawaii. You're clearly confused by the word 'State' in both 'State Department' and 'State of Hawaii'. Alas, they aren't the same thing.
I am never confused Loren.
That should read : I am never not confused.
Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills Caught Off Guard During FBI Questioning

Veteran Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was reportedly caught off guard at an FBI question on an "off limits" topic – and bolted from the interview briefly, the Washington Post reports. Mills, a lawyer who served as Clinton's chief of staff during her stint as secretary of state, is cooperating in the protracted FBI probe – but the surprising response hints at the tension surrounding the Democratic presidential front-runner's possible mishandling of classified data on her private email server, the Post notes. According to the Post, which cited unnamed sources, the off-limits questions had to do with "the procedure used to produce emails to the State Department so they could possibly be released ...
Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills Caught Off Guard During FBI Questioning
Newsmax? :lmao:

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