Govt Cover-up of Hillary Scandal in Full Swing

Right wingers are salivating at the mouth over Benghazi and her emails

And if she doesn't go to jail, you are going to go nuts!

Rw radio really primed you With allegations and leaks from questionable sources close to the action.

Tell me something
Why do you turn your bs detectors off? You should never do tha
Too funny. Every time you Right Wingers lose one of your fake scandals you don your tinfoil hats and whine about some kind of coverup rather than growing a pair and admitting you were wrong.

Fake scandal? Really, Sonic? There's nothing fake about this coverup. It's like something the Nixon White House would have done.

no it's not a fake scandal, the scandal is real, the charges are BULLSHIT !

Do you ever get tired of covering for people who think you'll believe anything they tell you, Siete?
Too funny. Every time you Right Wingers lose one of your fake scandals you don your tinfoil hats and whine about some kind of coverup rather than growing a pair and admitting you were wrong.

Fake scandal? Really, Sonic? There's nothing fake about this coverup. It's like something the Nixon White House would have done.

no it's not a fake scandal, the scandal is real, the charges are BULLSHIT !

Do you ever get tired of covering for people who think you'll believe anything they tell you, Siete?

I'm tired of idiots ignoring 9 Republican investgations, several CIA reports, and nonpartisan Select Committee findings that haven't found a damn thing, and keep insisting they are covering up for Clinton.
Siete, you said they haven't found anything....

In the last investigation / committee hearing numerous things were found and revealed, such as:

- Hillary's own e-mails showed how she told both a foreign ambassador and her own daughter that she KNEW Benghazi was a terrorist attack and that the film had nothing to do with it BEFORE she went out the next day and lied her ass off to the world, especially to Americans and the family members of the 4 Americans she allowed to needlessly die.

- Confronted with the fact that she and the state department DENIED hundreds of requests for additional security from Stevens - AFTER every other nation had pulled their people out, AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, AFTER learning (according to Hillary) the military could not get there in time if there was a 3rd attack, and AFTER taking away 14 members of Stevens' security team. She even LAUGHED about F*ING HIM OVER by denying those requests, claiming she thought the HUNDREDS of requests were just a joke - part of his sense of humor.

- It was just recently reported that State Department documents / e-mails that were subpoenaed over a year ago - but that went missing only days after they were subpoenaed - were JUST found hidden in a secure office in the State Department.

- It was JUST reported by the State Department that all of Hillary's IT Tech personnel's (Pagliano) e-mails, documents, and even his entire '.pst' file has suddenly gone missing...AFTER being called to testify before the FBI. (D@mn interesting how out of the entire State Department ONLY Pagliano's info/files have gone missing...and suddenly NOW as well.)

Throw in the news today about how it was discovered in the last few days hos Hillary is receiving a large amount of campaign contributions from DOJ personnel....

So your assertion that nothing has been found is complete B$, and to top it off it is being exposed that the Obama administration's attempt to successfully operate ANOTHER Obama administration cover-up is in full swing, from the State Department to the DOJ.

At the very core of this entire thing is how IF IT WERE A REPUBLICAN PARTY MEMBER RATHER THAN HILLARY, liberals would be RABID right now trying not only to force the Republican out of the race but would be screaming for his/her incarceration.

Too funny. Every time you Right Wingers lose one of your fake scandals you don your tinfoil hats and whine about some kind of coverup rather than growing a pair and admitting you were wrong.

Fake scandal? Really, Sonic? There's nothing fake about this coverup. It's like something the Nixon White House would have done.

no it's not a fake scandal, the scandal is real, the charges are BULLSHIT !

Do you ever get tired of covering for people who think you'll believe anything they tell you, Siete?
You mean like Trump?
Siete, you said they haven't found anything....

In the last investigation / committee hearing numerous things were found and revealed, such as:

- Hillary's own e-mails showed how she told both a foreign ambassador and her own daughter that she KNEW Benghazi was a terrorist attack and that the film had nothing to do with it BEFORE she went out the next day and lied her ass off to the world, especially to Americans and the family members of the 4 Americans she allowed to needlessly die.

- Confronted with the fact that she and the state department DENIED hundreds of requests for additional security from Stevens - AFTER every other nation had pulled their people out, AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, AFTER learning (according to Hillary) the military could not get there in time if there was a 3rd attack, and AFTER taking away 14 members of Stevens' security team. She even LAUGHED about F*ING HIM OVER by denying those requests, claiming she thought the HUNDREDS of requests were just a joke - part of his sense of humor.

- It was just recently reported that State Department documents / e-mails that were subpoenaed over a year ago - but that went missing only days after they were subpoenaed - were JUST found hidden in a secure office in the State Department.

- It was JUST reported by the State Department that all of Hillary's IT Tech personnel's (Pagliano) e-mails, documents, and even his entire '.pst' file has suddenly gone missing...AFTER being called to testify before the FBI. (D@mn interesting how out of the entire State Department ONLY Pagliano's info/files have gone missing...and suddenly NOW as well.)

Throw in the news today about how it was discovered in the last few days hos Hillary is receiving a large amount of campaign contributions from DOJ personnel....

So your assertion that nothing has been found is complete B$, and to top it off it is being exposed that the Obama administration's attempt to successfully operate ANOTHER Obama administration cover-up is in full swing, from the State Department to the DOJ.

At the very core of this entire thing is how IF IT WERE A REPUBLICAN PARTY MEMBER RATHER THAN HILLARY, liberals would be RABID right now trying not only to force the Republican out of the race but would be screaming for his/her incarceration.


bullshit ... 43 and Cheney had 2 private servers during 2 WARS and exchanged over 20 million emails ... THE RIGHT NEVER SAID A DAMN WORD .. EVER !

Rove erased those emails ... THE RIGHT NEVER SAID A DAMN WORD.... EVER !

Siete, you and your pathetic ilk keep screaming about how others had private servers and insist that Hillary's right to have a private server is the only thing in question here....and it's not. What's even more pathetic is that you KNOW that, but it is the only thing you have to cling to in the defense of Hillary.

You also know damn-well that if it was a GOIP nominees under the same conditions as Hillary you WOULD be screaming for their arrest. How do I know? Simple:

Liberals rabidly defended Slick Willey by declaring his private sexual life (which included sexual assaults, sexual harassments, rapes, and adultery) were no one's business and had no impact on whether he was capable of being President.....Yet last Presidential election liberals rabidly argued for the opposite, declaring the un-proven allegations of a black GOP candidate's infidelity was enough for him to be forced out of the race, rendering him incapable of being President.

When I said if it was a Republican in Hillary's shoes Liberals would demand his being jailed it was NOT a 'question' or an 'opinion' - it was FACT based on past proven experience such as this above.

Your fake attempt to sound offended, like the left's hypocrisy, is hilarious!
Siete, you and your pathetic ilk keep screaming about how others had private servers and insist that Hillary's right to have a private server is the only thing in question here....and it's not. What's even more pathetic is that you KNOW that, but it is the only thing you have to cling to in the defense of Hillary.

You also know damn-well that if it was a GOIP nominees under the same conditions as Hillary you WOULD be screaming for their arrest. How do I know? Simple:

Liberals rabidly defended Slick Willey by declaring his private sexual life (which included sexual assaults, sexual harassments, rapes, and adultery) were no one's business and had no impact on whether he was capable of being President.....Yet last Presidential election liberals rabidly argued for the opposite, declaring the un-proven allegations of a black GOP candidate's infidelity was enough for him to be forced out of the race, rendering him incapable of being President.

When I said if it was a Republican in Hillary's shoes Liberals would demand his being jailed it was NOT a 'question' or an 'opinion' - it was FACT based on past proven experience such as this above.

Your fake attempt to sound offended, like the left's hypocrisy, is hilarious!

its documented the Right didn't give a shit about Republicans and their private servers, it's not my opinion.
That, dear Siete, is because not one of them ever did any of the things Hillary has done. THAT has already been documented as well, just as it has been proven / documented that Hillary has done far worse than Patraeus, who was found guilty after being brought up on charges. You still continue to insist, incorrectly, that Hillary's scandal is solely based on her right to have her own server. It has been proven to be about so much more...but I can understand why you refuse to acknowledge that - to do so is tantamount to ceding the fact that Hillary truly is guilty.
A week ago it was reported that the State Department had hidden documents connected to Hillary / Benghazi AFTER they had been subpoenaed.

Now, as Reported on Drudge, the State Department is claiming tbat all e-mails of Hillary's IT Tech, Pagliano, from when she was Secretary of State are suddenly all 'missing'. Not only are the e-mails and documents pertaining to, to/from Hillary missing but Pagliano's entire '.pst' file is missing. The State Department added that it will keep looking....

How convenient...and how strange that the only employee whose '.pst' file is missing happens to be Pagliano, Hillary's IT Technician.

It is so obvious that the Obama administration / State Department is 'all-in' on protecting Hillary, no matter what crimes they have to perpetrate to do it.

'Accidently' moving Sect of State Clinton's documents to an obscure office in the State Dept AFTER they receive a Subpoena demanding the State Department turn them over...found a year later purely by luck.....

The '.pst' file, all e-mails, and Hillary-associated documents of Sect of State Clinton's IT Tech, Pagliano - who handled / maintained her private server, all suddenly conveniently missing....

Only Liberals could try to argue there is nothing to this...

Obama continues to set the record for being the most secretive, obstructionist, cover-up-engaging, criminally FOUA non-compliant administration in US history.

If it was not for the Obama administration's assistance Hillary would be in jail by now.


Too funny. Every time you Right Wingers lose one of your fake scandals you don your tinfoil hats and whine about some kind of coverup rather than growing a pair and admitting you were wrong.

Fake scandal? Really, Sonic? There's nothing fake about this coverup. It's like something the Nixon White House would have done.

no it's not a fake scandal, the scandal is real, the charges are BULLSHIT !

Do you ever get tired of covering for people who think you'll believe anything they tell you, Siete?
You mean like Trump?

If Trump gets into the White House and lies like Barry and his minions have...the Main Stream Media have my blessing to go after him hammer and tongs!
Siete, you said they haven't found anything....

In the last investigation / committee hearing numerous things were found and revealed, such as:

- Hillary's own e-mails showed how she told both a foreign ambassador and her own daughter that she KNEW Benghazi was a terrorist attack and that the film had nothing to do with it BEFORE she went out the next day and lied her ass off to the world, especially to Americans and the family members of the 4 Americans she allowed to needlessly die.

- Confronted with the fact that she and the state department DENIED hundreds of requests for additional security from Stevens - AFTER every other nation had pulled their people out, AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, AFTER learning (according to Hillary) the military could not get there in time if there was a 3rd attack, and AFTER taking away 14 members of Stevens' security team. She even LAUGHED about F*ING HIM OVER by denying those requests, claiming she thought the HUNDREDS of requests were just a joke - part of his sense of humor.

- It was just recently reported that State Department documents / e-mails that were subpoenaed over a year ago - but that went missing only days after they were subpoenaed - were JUST found hidden in a secure office in the State Department.

- It was JUST reported by the State Department that all of Hillary's IT Tech personnel's (Pagliano) e-mails, documents, and even his entire '.pst' file has suddenly gone missing...AFTER being called to testify before the FBI. (D@mn interesting how out of the entire State Department ONLY Pagliano's info/files have gone missing...and suddenly NOW as well.)

Throw in the news today about how it was discovered in the last few days hos Hillary is receiving a large amount of campaign contributions from DOJ personnel....

So your assertion that nothing has been found is complete B$, and to top it off it is being exposed that the Obama administration's attempt to successfully operate ANOTHER Obama administration cover-up is in full swing, from the State Department to the DOJ.

At the very core of this entire thing is how IF IT WERE A REPUBLICAN PARTY MEMBER RATHER THAN HILLARY, liberals would be RABID right now trying not only to force the Republican out of the race but would be screaming for his/her incarceration.


bullshit ... 43 and Cheney had 2 private servers during 2 WARS and exchanged over 20 million emails ... THE RIGHT NEVER SAID A DAMN WORD .. EVER !

Rove erased those emails ... THE RIGHT NEVER SAID A DAMN WORD.... EVER !


Twenty million e-mails? Really, Siente? You really do buy everything that this Administration shovels at you...don't you?

Hillary Clinton put two servers in her private residence and then conducted virtually ALL of her State Department e-mails through them. It's illegal. Hillary KNEW it was illegal...but she did it anyways. Why? Because she doesn't want the American people to know how she operates.
Too funny. Every time you Right Wingers lose one of your fake scandals you don your tinfoil hats and whine about some kind of coverup rather than growing a pair and admitting you were wrong.

Fake scandal? Really, Sonic? There's nothing fake about this coverup. It's like something the Nixon White House would have done.

no it's not a fake scandal, the scandal is real, the charges are BULLSHIT !

Do you ever get tired of covering for people who think you'll believe anything they tell you, Siete?
You mean like Trump?

If Trump gets into the White House and lies like Barry and his minions have...the Main Stream Media have my blessing to go after him hammer and tongs!
he's already lying and you clowns are slurping it up.
Ahh repub logic.

She'll be found guilty!

And just in case she isnt found guilty lets float a govt conspiracy angle to cover our asses.
A week ago it was reported that the State Department had hidden documents connected to Hillary / Benghazi AFTER they had been subpoenaed.

Now, as Reported on Drudge, the State Department is claiming tbat all e-mails of Hillary's IT Tech, Pagliano, from when she was Secretary of State are suddenly all 'missing'. Not only are the e-mails and documents pertaining to, to/from Hillary missing but Pagliano's entire '.pst' file is missing. The State Department added that it will keep looking....

How convenient...and how strange that the only employee whose '.pst' file is missing happens to be Pagliano, Hillary's IT Technician.

It is so obvious that the Obama administration / State Department is 'all-in' on protecting Hillary, no matter what crimes they have to perpetrate to do it.

'Accidently' moving Sect of State Clinton's documents to an obscure office in the State Dept AFTER they receive a Subpoena demanding the State Department turn them over...found a year later purely by luck.....

The '.pst' file, all e-mails, and Hillary-associated documents of Sect of State Clinton's IT Tech, Pagliano - who handled / maintained her private server, all suddenly conveniently missing....

Only Liberals could try to argue there is nothing to this...

Obama continues to set the record for being the most secretive, obstructionist, cover-up-engaging, criminally FOUA non-compliant administration in US history.

If it was not for the Obama administration's assistance Hillary would be in jail by now.

Obama promised to fundamentally transform America. Obama and his minions have succesfully transformed America into a Banana Republic.
You Plagerize that to?

His future at 94 isn't on this side of the dirt in America
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Ahh repub logic.

She'll be found guilty!

And just in case she isnt found guilty lets float a govt conspiracy angle to cover our asses.

She's already admitted she's guilty...we're simply trying to determine what it is she was trying to hide when she broke the law. You folks on the left don't want to know that you, Closed?
Ahh repub logic.

She'll be found guilty!

And just in case she isnt found guilty lets float a govt conspiracy angle to cover our asses.

She's already admitted she's guilty...we're simply trying to determine what it is she was trying to hide when she broke the law. You folks on the left don't want to know that you, Closed?

She admitted she was guilty? Of what exactly did she confess?

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