Govt Cover-up of Hillary Scandal in Full Swing

Too funny. Every time you Right Wingers lose one of your fake scandals you don your tinfoil hats and whine about some kind of coverup rather than growing a pair and admitting you were wrong.

If there is a cover up, how would Matt Drudge know about it? He's a fucking blogger who got ONE story right almost 20 years ago.
Its a question of what law was broken. I mean Hilary is probably a shit tipper also. As wrong as that is, its not against the law.

Do you really not know that it's against the law for our elected officials to conduct official business outside of government channels, Closed? It's something that was passed by Congress way back in the 70's following Tricky Dick's White House misdeeds.

She did not disclose the existence of those two servers at her house until they were discovered in one of the Congressional investigations. Once they were discovered she immediately deleted some 30,000 emails from those servers. That's obstruction of justice.

Sure it is and let me guess...The reason she hasnt been charged is because...??

Because that charge would have to come from the Obama Justice Department? Think that was going to happen any time soon? Come on...get serious, Close!

no indictment instantly morphs into another conspiracy ... COVER UP !!!!!!


Not guilty doesnt even exist to them....its amazing really

well, you know the old saying .... stand an idiot against a wall and what do you have ... an idiot standing against a wall.
Just the title of this thread should alert people it belongs in the conspiracy forum doesn't bother you that the State Department can not find any emails that took place between Hillary and her top IT security appointee? You know, the one who was granted immunity? Actually, they were able to find one....sending his birthday wishes to her.
But as it pertains to his responsibilities in the state department? Not one? Over nearly a 4 year period? And that does not bother you one iota?
Sort of speaks volumes about you and the little credibility I should give your opinion.
A week ago it was reported that the State Department had hidden documents connected to Hillary / Benghazi AFTER they had been subpoenaed.

Now, as Reported on Drudge, the State Department is claiming tbat all e-mails of Hillary's IT Tech, Pagliano, from when she was Secretary of State are suddenly all 'missing'. Not only are the e-mails and documents pertaining to, to/from Hillary missing but Pagliano's entire '.pst' file is missing. The State Department added that it will keep looking....

How convenient...and how strange that the only employee whose '.pst' file is missing happens to be Pagliano, Hillary's IT Technician.

It is so obvious that the Obama administration / State Department is 'all-in' on protecting Hillary, no matter what crimes they have to perpetrate to do it.

So what exactly are you alleging about Obama? Specifically.
Thanks for proving my point, Sonic..
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
That would be true except it's not

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.
Thanks for proving my point, Sonic..
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
That would be true except it's not

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.

Like when Powell used a private email account on a private server.....and entire MONTHS of emails were missing?

Remind was Powell raked through the coals again?
A week ago it was reported that the State Department had hidden documents connected to Hillary / Benghazi AFTER they had been subpoenaed.

Now, as Reported on Drudge, the State Department is claiming tbat all e-mails of Hillary's IT Tech, Pagliano, from when she was Secretary of State are suddenly all 'missing'. Not only are the e-mails and documents pertaining to, to/from Hillary missing but Pagliano's entire '.pst' file is missing. The State Department added that it will keep looking....

How convenient...and how strange that the only employee whose '.pst' file is missing happens to be Pagliano, Hillary's IT Technician.

It is so obvious that the Obama administration / State Department is 'all-in' on protecting Hillary, no matter what crimes they have to perpetrate to do it.

So what exactly are you alleging about Obama? Specifically.
The state department, as with all secretary departments, is his responsibility. He, AND ONLY HE, is the one who appoints those that govern those departments.
Furthermore, during the investigation he declared Hillary as guilty of nothing.
But I guess that's not important.
Thanks for proving my point, Sonic..
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
That would be true except it's not

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.

Like when Powell used a private email account on a private server.....and entire MONTHS of emails were missing?

Remind was Powell raked through the coals again?
he did not use a private email for DOS business. He simply had one for private use.

That is a bit of information your news media deemed not important enough for you to know.
Thanks for proving my point, Sonic..
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
That would be true except it's not

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.

Like when Powell used a private email account on a private server.....and entire MONTHS of emails were missing?

Remind was Powell raked through the coals again?
When did he run for president? When did he get all his intel on it? When did he delete them when he found out he was under investigation? When will you grow an honest bone in your body?
Just the title of this thread should alert people it belongs in the conspiracy forum doesn't bother you that the State Department can not find any emails that took place between Hillary and her top IT security appointee? You know, the one who was granted immunity? Actually, they were able to find one....sending his birthday wishes to her.
But as it pertains to his responsibilities in the state department? Not one? Over nearly a 4 year period? And that does not bother you one iota?
Sort of speaks volumes about you and the little credibility I should give your opinion.
Interesting, Guno, that you found my post as funny.
But you did not answer it.
Why is that?
Just the title of this thread should alert people it belongs in the conspiracy forum doesn't bother you that the State Department can not find any emails that took place between Hillary and her top IT security appointee? You know, the one who was granted immunity? Actually, they were able to find one....sending his birthday wishes to her.
But as it pertains to his responsibilities in the state department? Not one? Over nearly a 4 year period? And that does not bother you one iota?
Sort of speaks volumes about you and the little credibility I should give your opinion.
Interesting, Guno, that you found my post as funny.
But you did not answer it.
Why is that?
Liberals don't care. They will do anything for power.
Thanks for proving my point, Sonic..
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
That would be true except it's not

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the wcoals.
How'd I know you'd say that. ?
It's absolutely false
That’s how.
I don't know. The Reagan Administration saw over 150 charges laid against Reagan's staff - from corruption related to the savings and loan scandals, to Iran/Contra.

As far as I know, not a single member of the Obama staff has been charged with corruption, which is, I think, quite a remarkable record for a two-term President.
A week ago it was reported that the State Department had hidden documents connected to Hillary / Benghazi AFTER they had been subpoenaed.

Now, as Reported on Drudge, the State Department is claiming tbat all e-mails of Hillary's IT Tech, Pagliano, from when she was Secretary of State are suddenly all 'missing'. Not only are the e-mails and documents pertaining to, to/from Hillary missing but Pagliano's entire '.pst' file is missing. The State Department added that it will keep looking....

How convenient...and how strange that the only employee whose '.pst' file is missing happens to be Pagliano, Hillary's IT Technician.

It is so obvious that the Obama administration / State Department is 'all-in' on protecting Hillary, no matter what crimes they have to perpetrate to do it.

So what exactly are you alleging about Obama? Specifically.
The state department, as with all secretary departments, is his responsibility. He, AND ONLY HE, is the one who appoints those that govern those departments.
Furthermore, during the investigation he declared Hillary as guilty of nothing.
But I guess that's not important.
One, I wasn't asking you.

Two, those aren't specific allegations.

Try again. This time reading for comprehension.
What point?
The point being that Obama is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest Son-of-a-Bitch that has ever occupied the White House...and that Hillary is THE MOST corrupt, dishonest bitch that has ever sought occupation of the Oval Office.
That would be true except it's not

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history LOL. Some smarmy asshole lib site, I'm sure. If a Republican gets into the WH you will see this corrupt administration raked through the coals.

Like when Powell used a private email account on a private server.....and entire MONTHS of emails were missing?

Remind was Powell raked through the coals again?
When did he run for president? When did he get all his intel on it? When did he delete them when he found out he was under investigation? When will you grow an honest bone in your body?

When did you squeal with piglet like outrage at Powell and Rice using private accounts on private servers......and including classified information?

Laughing......pretend you actually give a shit with another round of manufactured 'outrage'. It makes me giggle.

And in the mean time, Hillary is going to be treated the same way Powell was, the same way Rice was. Get used to the idea.

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