Gov't jobs being cut back to AVOID obamacare

Why yes, we should follow the GOP lead and end up somewhere south of Somolia on health care.

[ame=]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
Why yes, we should follow the GOP lead and end up somewhere south of Somolia on health care.

You should not have fallen for a labor union boondoggle masquerading as "health care reform" that was based on bogus premises, class warfare, a false dichotomy, and a love of socialism.

ObamaCare is not a "solution". It makes things worse.

Live and learn.
Be interesting to see the "union" label on Obamacare.

OC is a corporate boondoggle pure and simple. Bush gave drug companies a license to steal more. Obama did the same for insurance companies.

The funniest part to me is that Kenneday, the nominal "swing" vote on the supreme court understood the law is unconstitutional but the chief judge, the locked down nutball that flew back and forth between James Baker and Rehnquist in 2000, had to be rolled to get the fifth vote upholding it - and then used tax law, perhaps the most absolute power of government, to enforce it.

That puts a big neon Republican thumbprint on Obamacare that isn't going away- even as the law is nibbled away in bits and pieces as it shall be.
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Be interesting to see the "union" label on Obamacare.

OC is a corporate boondoggle pure and simple. Bush gave drug companies a license to steal more. Obama did the same for insurance companies.

The funniest part to me is that Kenneday, the nominal "swing" vote on the supreme court understood the law is unconstitutional but the chief judge, the locked down nutball that flew back and forth between James Baker and Rehnquist in 2000, had to be rolled to get the fifth vote upholding it - and then used tax law, perhaps the most absolute power of government, to enforce it.

That puts a big neon Republican thumbprint on Obamacare that isn't going away- even as the law is nibbled away in bits and pieces as it shall be.
Did you pull a hamstring with that stretch?
Be interesting to see the "union" label on Obamacare.

OC is a corporate boondoggle pure and simple. Bush gave drug companies a license to steal more. Obama did the same for insurance companies.

The funniest part to me is that Kenneday, the nominal "swing" vote on the supreme court understood the law is unconstitutional but the chief judge, the locked down nutball that flew back and forth between James Baker and Rehnquist in 2000, had to be rolled to get the fifth vote upholding it - and then used tax law, perhaps the most absolute power of government, to enforce it.

That puts a big neon Republican thumbprint on Obamacare that isn't going away- even as the law is nibbled away in bits and pieces as it shall be.
Did you pull a hamstring with that stretch?

If you want to be taken seriously challenge it with facts. Maybe you can list the health care insurance companies that signed on as friends of the court against Obamacare? That is the place to start.

Your move.
Be interesting to see the "union" label on Obamacare.

OC is a corporate boondoggle pure and simple. Bush gave drug companies a license to steal more. Obama did the same for insurance companies.

The funniest part to me is that Kenneday, the nominal "swing" vote on the supreme court understood the law is unconstitutional but the chief judge, the locked down nutball that flew back and forth between James Baker and Rehnquist in 2000, had to be rolled to get the fifth vote upholding it - and then used tax law, perhaps the most absolute power of government, to enforce it.

That puts a big neon Republican thumbprint on Obamacare that isn't going away- even as the law is nibbled away in bits and pieces as it shall be.
Did you pull a hamstring with that stretch?

If you want to be taken seriously challenge it with facts. Maybe you can list the health care insurance companies that signed on as friends of the court against Obamacare? That is the place to start.

Your move.

None of them signed on as friends of the court supporting the mandate or the ACA. Nice try.
Labor Unions Get Lion’s Share of Final ACA Waivers

The Obama administration released a final list of waivers from the costly mandates of President Obama’s health care law—a list including an overwhelming number of union members.

The waivers were necessary because the ACA mandates no annual or lifetime limits may be placed on coverage, so insurers cannot afford to offer those plans.

In all, 1,625 plans covering 3,914,356 individuals were exempted from these mandates through 2014.

Labor union cadillac plans were gifted by Obama with huge tax breaks and waivers.
Labor Unions Get Lion’s Share of Final ACA Waivers

The Obama administration released a final list of waivers from the costly mandates of President Obama’s health care law—a list including an overwhelming number of union members.

The waivers were necessary because the ACA mandates no annual or lifetime limits may be placed on coverage, so insurers cannot afford to offer those plans.

In all, 1,625 plans covering 3,914,356 individuals were exempted from these mandates through 2014.
Labor union cadillac plans were gifted by Obama with huge tax breaks and waivers.

And the surprise is?

Who has the most influence in congress? Labor unions or insurance companies?

It tickles me how few understand the lack of insurance company opposition. It wasn't a "nice try"; it was hook, line and sinker for insurance companies behind the law.
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Be interesting to see the "union" label on Obamacare.

OC is a corporate boondoggle pure and simple. Bush gave drug companies a license to steal more. Obama did the same for insurance companies.

The funniest part to me is that Kenneday, the nominal "swing" vote on the supreme court understood the law is unconstitutional but the chief judge, the locked down nutball that flew back and forth between James Baker and Rehnquist in 2000, had to be rolled to get the fifth vote upholding it - and then used tax law, perhaps the most absolute power of government, to enforce it.

That puts a big neon Republican thumbprint on Obamacare that isn't going away- even as the law is nibbled away in bits and pieces as it shall be.
Did you pull a hamstring with that stretch?

If you want to be taken seriously challenge it with facts. Maybe you can list the health care insurance companies that signed on as friends of the court against Obamacare? That is the place to start.

Your move.
My move what? you didn't even get the reference. your logic goes something like, "republicans appointed SCOTUS judges", "SCOTUS Judges approved Obamacare", "Republicans are responsible for Obamacare"....

Have you ever taken a predicate logic class?

Labor Unions Get Lion’s Share of Final ACA Waivers

The Obama administration released a final list of waivers from the costly mandates of President Obama’s health care law—a list including an overwhelming number of union members.

The waivers were necessary because the ACA mandates no annual or lifetime limits may be placed on coverage, so insurers cannot afford to offer those plans.

In all, 1,625 plans covering 3,914,356 individuals were exempted from these mandates through 2014.
Labor union cadillac plans were gifted by Obama with huge tax breaks and waivers.

And the surprise is?

Who has the most influence in congress? Labor unions or insurance companies?

It tickles me how few understand the lack of insurance company opposition. It wasn't a "nice try"; it was hook, line and sinker for insurance companies behind the law.

Busted! Health Insurers Secretly Spent Huge To Defeat Health Care Reform While Pretending To Support Obamacare

According to the National Journal’s Influence Alley, at the very same time the American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)—the health insurance industry super lobby—was cutting a deal with the White House leading to its stated support of the proposed Obamacare legislation, they were secretly funneling huge amounts money to the Chamber of Commerce to be spent on advertising designed to convince the public that the legislation should be defeated.

How much money?

A stunning $102.4 million spent over just 15 months.

From the report:

For example, in its 2009 IRS filing, AHIP reported giving almost $87 million to unnamed advocacy organizations for “grassroots outreach, education and mobilization, print, online, and broadcast advertising and coalition building efforts” on health care reform. That same year, the chamber reported receiving $86.2 million from an undisclosed group. Bloomberg’s Drew Armstrong first reported the AHIP-chamber link. The $86 million accounted for about 42 percent of the total contributions and grants the chamber received.

The next year followed a similar pattern. In 2010, AHIP reported giving $16.5 million to unnamed advocacy organizations working on health care reform and the chamber reported receiving about $16.2 million from an undisclosed source, which the Alley has learned was AHIP. The $16.2 million accounted for about 8.6 percent of the total contributions and grants the chamber received that year.

Because I watched an interview with 2 governors that brought it up as a fact that they must face. I then searched online for a story to link because I knew a tool like you would question the validity of it.

Oh? What two governors? I'd like to check out that interview.

The dude who wrote that article is a nutter hack. He loaded it with rhetoric and bullshit interpretations of recent history. Did you follow the link that he used to substantiate his claims about Virginia? Did you?

In that link, we learn that Gov. McDonnel did this:

"The 29-hour limit is on its way to becoming state law, thanks to language inserted into the state budget at the request of Gov. Bob McDonnell's administration. The language appears in both versions of the budget adopted Thursday by the Senate and House of Delegates.

The language limits wage employees - the state's term for those paid by the hour - in all branches of state government to an average of 29 hours a week over the course of a year."

Further comment?

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