Gov't jobs being cut back to AVOID obamacare

Holy shit. Health care IS one size fits all. Thinking otherwise makes you an asshole.

Thinking it's one size fits all makes you a moronic collectivist anti-human.

Health care is one size fits all? Tell me - what is a man going to do with his benefit for an annual pap smear?

And, to state the OBVIOUS: ObamaCare is not HealthCare. It's a perversion of Health Insurance - and Health Insurance is not Health Care.
Holy shit. Health care IS one size fits all. Thinking otherwise makes you an asshole.

Thinking it's one size fits all makes you a moronic collectivist anti-human.

Health care is one size fits all? Tell me - what is a man going to do with his benefit for an annual pap smear?

And, to state the OBVIOUS: ObamaCare is not HealthCare. It's a perversion of Health Insurance - and Health Insurance is not Health Care.

Oh my! How am I ever going to debate such intellect! What is a man going to do with a Pap smear? Der de der der der.
Holy shit. Health care IS one size fits all. Thinking otherwise makes you an asshole.

Thinking it's one size fits all makes you a moronic collectivist anti-human.

Health care is one size fits all? Tell me - what is a man going to do with his benefit for an annual pap smear?

And, to state the OBVIOUS: ObamaCare is not HealthCare. It's a perversion of Health Insurance - and Health Insurance is not Health Care.

Oh my! How am I ever going to debate such intellect! What is a man going to do with a Pap smear? Der de der der der.

The point is, LL, why should I PAY for a plan that covers pap smears or iuds?
Why should a twenty-something yr old PAY for a plan that covers nursing home care?
Why should Boe PAY for a plan that covers Viagra?

ObamaCare is a one-size fits all program.

To keep premium costs low, the Affordable Care Act allows certain individuals (adults under age 30 and people who otherwise have unaffordable coverage) to purchase catastrophic coverage, which still guarantees first dollar coverage of preventive services and primary care check-ups but has higher deductibles and lower AVs [actuarial value].

The Affordable Care Act: Implications for Adolescents and Young Adults
In 2014, young adults under age 30 will have the option to purchase a limited “catastrophic” benefit package to satisfy the requirement that all individuals and families must have insurance coverage for themselves and their dependents, or pay penalties, beginning Jan. 1, 2014. This catastrophic option includes high deductibles but still covers preventive services and three primary care visits. It may appeal to the so-called “young invincibles” who are healthy and unwilling to pay high prices for health insurance, but who will benefit from preventive screenings and primary care services.

Under 30 health insurance through the reform - Apr. 28, 2010
NEW YORK ( -- Healthy twentysomethings may not worry much about insurance, but reform aims to change that -- by creating a low-cost plan just for them.

Legislators crafted a specific provision for the under-30 set because they'll play a critical role in the reform's success -- or failure. About 60 million Americans are uninsured, and about one-third of them are twentysomethings.
Individual plans are getting Much More Expensive, bub:

And it’s not just government that will feel a bigger bite. This week, a new study from the Society of Actuaries found that the changes made by the PPACA will increase claims costs by almost a third for Americans on individual health insurance plans. Those are the plans purchased through Obamacare’s state health-insurance exchanges, whose premiums are also expected to sharply rise next year when the PPACA law takes full effect.

The Cost Explosion of Obamacare Begins to Hit Home
Thinking it's one size fits all makes you a moronic collectivist anti-human.

Health care is one size fits all? Tell me - what is a man going to do with his benefit for an annual pap smear?

And, to state the OBVIOUS: ObamaCare is not HealthCare. It's a perversion of Health Insurance - and Health Insurance is not Health Care.

Oh my! How am I ever going to debate such intellect! What is a man going to do with a Pap smear? Der de der der der.

The point is, LL, why should I PAY for a plan that covers pap smears or iuds?
Why should a twenty-something yr old PAY for a plan that covers nursing home care?
Why should Boe PAY for a plan that covers Viagra?

We should ALL pay for a plan that covers ALL of the same degree for ALL of us. Preventive of it.

We owe it to each other. To say otherwise makes one an asshole.
Oh my! How am I ever going to debate such intellect! What is a man going to do with a Pap smear? Der de der der der.

The point is, LL, why should I PAY for a plan that covers pap smears or iuds?
Why should a twenty-something yr old PAY for a plan that covers nursing home care?
Why should Boe PAY for a plan that covers Viagra?

We should ALL pay for a plan that covers ALL of the same degree for ALL of us. Preventive of it.

We owe it to each other. To say otherwise makes one an asshole.

Actually, thinking that other people owe you the sweat of their labor makes you the asshole...and a rather smelly one at that.
The point is, LL, why should I PAY for a plan that covers pap smears or iuds?
Why should a twenty-something yr old PAY for a plan that covers nursing home care?
Why should Boe PAY for a plan that covers Viagra?

We should ALL pay for a plan that covers ALL of the same degree for ALL of us. Preventive of it.

We owe it to each other. To say otherwise makes one an asshole.

Actually, thinking that other people owe you the sweat of their labor makes you the asshole...and a rather smelly one at that.

I owe owe fellow Americans.....fellow humans. You greedy fuck.
Oh my! How am I ever going to debate such intellect! What is a man going to do with a Pap smear? Der de der der der.

The point is, LL, why should I PAY for a plan that covers pap smears or iuds?
Why should a twenty-something yr old PAY for a plan that covers nursing home care?
Why should Boe PAY for a plan that covers Viagra?

We should ALL pay for a plan that covers ALL of the same degree for ALL of us. Preventive of it.

We owe it to each other. To say otherwise makes one an asshole.
Ok, let me rephrase.
Why should my government be able to tell me, a man, that I MUST by a health insurance plan that covers intra-vaginal mesh implants?

WADR, I don't owe you shit.
I don't expect you to pay for my cigarettes any more than I expect you to pay for my Chantix
Labor union cadillac plans were gifted by Obama with huge tax breaks and waivers.

When was this?

Hey Snot Beard, don't ask - it never happened. Ask people out in the real world who are doing the work. I never even heard of such a thing and I'm in a union. Cadillac plans?

Unions nab sweetheart health-care deal -

Unions agree to compromise on 'Cadillac tax' for healthcare - Los Angeles Times
We should ALL pay for a plan that covers ALL of the same degree for ALL of us. Preventive of it.

We owe it to each other. To say otherwise makes one an asshole.

Actually, thinking that other people owe you the sweat of their labor makes you the asshole...and a rather smelly one at that.

I owe owe fellow Americans.....fellow humans. You greedy fuck.

What a hypocrite. Calling me greedy for not insisting that other people OWE ME something.

Get a life. SRSLY

Except that didn't actually end up happening. Fast forward to March 2010, two months after your articles were published:

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) on Thursday said White House changes to the tax on high-end insurance plans included in the health reform bill have minimized Democratic opposition to the tax.

“I think the proposal that the White House put on the table resolved a lot of people's concerns,” he said.

President Barack Obama last month proposed raising the tax threshold on so-called “Cadillac” insurance plans from $8,500 to $10,200 for individuals and from $23,000 to $27,500 for families. The tax’s 2013 effective date was also postponed to 2018 and would apply to all plans, including those negotiated by unions.

The excise tax in the law as passed applies to all plans over the threshold, collectively bargained or not.
Too bad for you. We are headed in the direction of single payer. As we should be. Medicare for all....paid for by all....for the benefit of all.
Oh. I get it. Centralized Planning didn't work in the USSR because they didn't have a Unicorn Riding Lightbringer Fully Equipped With Styrofoam Pillars And Golf Clubs.

What a relief we have one to lead us all into the land of free an unlimited everything for everyone!

Except that didn't actually end up happening. Fast forward to March 2010, two months after your articles were published:

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) on Thursday said White House changes to the tax on high-end insurance plans included in the health reform bill have minimized Democratic opposition to the tax.

“I think the proposal that the White House put on the table resolved a lot of people's concerns,” he said.

President Barack Obama last month proposed raising the tax threshold on so-called “Cadillac” insurance plans from $8,500 to $10,200 for individuals and from $23,000 to $27,500 for families. The tax’s 2013 effective date was also postponed to 2018 and would apply to all plans, including those negotiated by unions.

The excise tax in the law as passed applies to all plans over the threshold, collectively bargained or not.

thanks for that update. Glad to hear that the unions weren't only exempt as the Senate would have liked to have seen happen.

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