Gov't jobs being cut back to AVOID obamacare

Did you pull a hamstring with that stretch?

If you want to be taken seriously challenge it with facts. Maybe you can list the health care insurance companies that signed on as friends of the court against Obamacare? That is the place to start.

Your move.
My move what? you didn't even get the reference. your logic goes something like, "republicans appointed SCOTUS judges", "SCOTUS Judges approved Obamacare", "Republicans are responsible for Obamacare"....

Have you ever taken a predicate logic class?

I agree. It's difficult to carry on logical debate with someone that uses flawed or no logic in their claims.

ObamaCare did not receive a single Republican vote. ObamaCare is the product of Nancy, Harry and all the lemmings that follow Obama and his Marxist dreams.

Trying to palm it off as a Republican plan now that it has turned to shit before everyone's eyes is pure and simple LYING!

The number of tenacious, lying liberals on USMB increases with the continuing discovery of the unpleasant effects of ObamaCare. Original supporters are being surprised that the utopian health care system did not spring forth from the ill-conceived bill.

The cost of ObamaCare in lost jobs and declining quality of health care is something that Obama expected all along. He is rooting for the ruination of the United States.
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It's so pathetic that the left is using Robert's stupid SCOTUS move to blame ObamaCare on the GOP.

It's called ObamaCare for a very good reason.
It's so pathetic that the left is using Robert's stupid SCOTUS move to blame ObamaCare on the GOP.

It's called ObamaCare for a very good reason.

Who is doing that? You got a gaggle of lefty's there with you?

It is called Obamacare, by the way, because the nutter echo chamber decided early on that they liked how it sounded. They named it.....just like they named themselves teabaggers. It was Lots of fun for them at the time. Obamacare this.....Obamacare that.....death panels and government takeovers. You fuckers had a blast!

But....the stuff in Obamacare is more popular than you nutters thought. And our POTUS decided that he would use the word as well. Credit will be take by President Obama and the Democrats in Congress.
It's so pathetic that the left is using Robert's stupid SCOTUS move to blame ObamaCare on the GOP.

It's called ObamaCare for a very good reason.
The liberal left is beginning to understand the negative consequences of passing the bill before reading it. They MUST find a way to blame all these bad things on someone else. LYING works well for them...keeps them from actually having to criticize Dear Leader and his two stooges, Nancy and Harry.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
It's so pathetic that the left is using Robert's stupid SCOTUS move to blame ObamaCare on the GOP.

It's called ObamaCare for a very good reason.

Who is doing that? You got a gaggle of lefty's there with you?

It is called Obamacare, by the way, because the nutter echo chamber decided early on that they liked how it sounded. They named it.....just like they named themselves teabaggers. It was Lots of fun for them at the time. Obamacare this.....Obamacare that.....death panels and government takeovers. You fuckers had a blast!

But....the stuff in Obamacare is more popular than you nutters thought. And our POTUS decided that he would use the word as well. Credit will be take by President Obama and the Democrats in Congress.

Keep thinking that, if it gives you comfort. When you can't find a doctor because they won't take medicaid any longer or you lose your insurance (and have your hours cut at iHop), maybe you'll start to understand.
It's so pathetic that the left is using Robert's stupid SCOTUS move to blame ObamaCare on the GOP.

It's called ObamaCare for a very good reason.

Who is doing that? You got a gaggle of lefty's there with you?

It is called Obamacare, by the way, because the nutter echo chamber decided early on that they liked how it sounded. They named it.....just like they named themselves teabaggers. It was Lots of fun for them at the time. Obamacare this.....Obamacare that.....death panels and government takeovers. You fuckers had a blast!

But....the stuff in Obamacare is more popular than you nutters thought. And our POTUS decided that he would use the word as well. Credit will be take by President Obama and the Democrats in Congress.

Keep thinking that, if it gives you comfort. When you can't find a doctor because they won't take medicaid any longer or you lose your insurance (and have your hours cut at iHop), maybe you'll start to understand.

I understand just fine. Obamacare is insufficient....but it sure beats what we had. Just a rung on the ladder to single payer.

If all we had was Medicare, those doctors would pretty much have to take it wouldn't they?

IHop, huh? You got something against food service workers? Feel like comparing net worth?
ObamaCare did not receive a single Republican vote. - name not looked at and not mentioned because anyone who can write that is never going to matter

You read the name of the Republican who cast the deciding vote, celebrated my idiocy in a verbal jig, and then wrote that.

Thanks for the laugh of the day.

Moving on...

Logic? Logic starts with evidence. Folks unable to admit the evidence don't need no steenking logic.
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Be interesting to see the "union" label on Obamacare.

OC is a corporate boondoggle pure and simple. Bush gave drug companies a license to steal more. Obama did the same for insurance companies.

The funniest part to me is that Kenneday, the nominal "swing" vote on the supreme court understood the law is unconstitutional but the chief judge, the locked down nutball that flew back and forth between James Baker and Rehnquist in 2000, had to be rolled to get the fifth vote upholding it - and then used tax law, perhaps the most absolute power of government, to enforce it.

That puts a big neon Republican thumbprint on Obamacare that isn't going away- even as the law is nibbled away in bits and pieces as it shall be.

This crap about Bush drug companies is so cliched, so fully baloney!
And I know because my business is helping providers determine if they'll be paid by Medicare so I know Medicare better then maybe every single person on this forum!
A) The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 had 3 parts
1) Medicare Advantage PlAN which in the past Obama wanted to do away with because gasp they made profits!!!
My Medicare plan is the model which NOW as of Today 3/29/13 Obama is buying into and instead doing away with wants to expand.. something we
that knew better then him at the time he wanted to do away with them was trying to explain!
My advantage plan IS cost savings to Medicare in that the ONLY cost they have is writing a check to my advantage plan of $800/month.
Out of it my plan pays my doctor (no co-pays for me!) provides me lower hospital co-pays (then regular Medicare) my plan calls me badgers me to have
checkups, diet monitoring all for Preventative health as it is cheaper for them to do that then me be hospitalized!
OH did I mention I don't have $96.40 deducted each month from my SS as those of you on traditional Medicare must have!

2) Modernization of Medicare.. Before this act there were NEARLY 500 contractors processing claims working with providers.
After the streamlining there are 9 contractors for Part A/B 2 for DME and SNF, Home health!
This streamlining has saved literally billions in contract money duplicate efforts, etc...

3) Part D prescriptions.. Again most of you are so dumb about Medicare you don't seem to understand IT CAME in 45% Below projections!
Now in its eighth year, Medicare Part D is exceeding expectations. An extensive body of research attests to the program's successes.

Overall cost is 45 percent or $346 billion below initial projections
Satisfaction rate among beneficiaries is 90 percent
Low-income beneficiaries have access to medicines at little or no cost
Recent studies also show Part D has lowered Medicare spending by helping patients avoid costly hospitalizations and other health care services
Medicare: Part D a Success Story for Seniors | PhRMA
Here is a fact: only filthy god damned scum support government buying goods or services without a rigorous competitive bidding process.

The Bush League insisted that the government buy pills from pill pushers without competitive bidding/ bargaining.

Ergo, they and 100% of parasites profiting from that malfeasance are filthy god damned scum.

That is all anyone needs to know.
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Be interesting to see the "union" label on Obamacare.

OC is a corporate boondoggle pure and simple. Bush gave drug companies a license to steal more. Obama did the same for insurance companies.

The funniest part to me is that Kenneday, the nominal "swing" vote on the supreme court understood the law is unconstitutional but the chief judge, the locked down nutball that flew back and forth between James Baker and Rehnquist in 2000, had to be rolled to get the fifth vote upholding it - and then used tax law, perhaps the most absolute power of government, to enforce it.

That puts a big neon Republican thumbprint on Obamacare that isn't going away- even as the law is nibbled away in bits and pieces as it shall be.

Boy, THAT'S the bloody damned truth there! Just another sellout to the medical industry lobbyists. But as for the OP, I'm a teacher in a prison - yea, one of those "evil" government workers - and no one has informed us about hours being cut and increasing premiums. To be sure, Kasich stripped our gears when he became Ohio's Czar, er, I mean Governor and we'll never see another raise and continue to do the work of 3 to 5 people. Last raise - 2008 I think (Democratic Governor froze them - so much for bully unions!). I don't complain though, I don't complain. I'm free to leave but like the teaching I do (yea, I'm nuts).
Labor union cadillac plans were gifted by Obama with huge tax breaks and waivers.

When was this?

"Mini-med plans have lower limits than allowed under the Affordable Care Act."

Those are cadillac plans? If sub-par pseudo-plans are their draw, no wonder unionization numbers have fallen. No worries, mini-med plans won't exist in eight months.
What if people want mini-med plans?

Most young, healthy people would benefit most from low cost catastrophic care plans. But of course, ObamaCare rests of forcing them to pay far more than they need for health care they won't use.

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