Govt officials call for lowering drunk driving threshold to BAC of .05


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The auto industry will fight this since they love car crashes. Car crashes mean car sales. Obozo will fight it since his beloved daddy was a serial drunk driver who once killed a man.

US officials recommend lowering drunken driving threshold to .05 blood alcohol to save lives - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — States should cut their threshold for drunken driving by nearly half— from .08 blood alcohol level to .05_matching a standard that has substantially reduced highway deaths in other countries, a federal safety board recommended Tuesday. That’s about one drink for a woman weighing less than 120 pounds, two for a 160-pound man.

More than 100 countries have adopted the .05 alcohol content standard or lower, according to a report by the staff of the National Transportation Safety Board. In Europe, the share of traffic deaths attributable to drunken driving was reduced by more than half within 10 years after the standard was dropped, the report said.

NTSB officials said it wasn’t their intention to prevent drivers from having a glass of wine with dinner, but they acknowledged that under a threshold as low as .05 the safest thing for people who have only one or two drinks is not to drive at all.

A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce of 80-proof alcohol in most studies
Until the drunk driving threshold is .00, people can bitch all they want about drunk driving deaths. Simply lowering the BAC to .05 is still enabling.
This would undoubtedly prevent thousands of highway killings every year. Same with lowering the speed limit to 55 and banning cell phones in cars. But the idiot public says "Hell with it. It's more important to combat terrorism" even though bee stings kill more americans than terrorism.
The auto industry will fight this since they love car crashes. Car crashes mean car sales. Obozo will fight it since his beloved daddy was a serial drunk driver who once killed a man.

US officials recommend lowering drunken driving threshold to .05 blood alcohol to save lives - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — States should cut their threshold for drunken driving by nearly half— from .08 blood alcohol level to .05_matching a standard that has substantially reduced highway deaths in other countries, a federal safety board recommended Tuesday. That’s about one drink for a woman weighing less than 120 pounds, two for a 160-pound man.

More than 100 countries have adopted the .05 alcohol content standard or lower, according to a report by the staff of the National Transportation Safety Board. In Europe, the share of traffic deaths attributable to drunken driving was reduced by more than half within 10 years after the standard was dropped, the report said.

NTSB officials said it wasn’t their intention to prevent drivers from having a glass of wine with dinner, but they acknowledged that under a threshold as low as .05 the safest thing for people who have only one or two drinks is not to drive at all.

A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce of 80-proof alcohol in most studies
Crazy shit. So basically you can't even have a single drink and get behind a wheel. Which means nobody will be able to go out to any bar or event that serves alcohol.
Crazy shit. So basically you can't even have a single drink and get behind a wheel. Which means nobody will be able to go out to any bar or event that serves alcohol.

That's how the rest of the planet does it and the world hasn't come to an end yet. Why do you want to coddle killers?
Are we trying to turn the clock back to the philosophy that seemed to justify the prohibition era? Millions drink socially and in moderation and are able to drive safely. Those who are involved in car crashes are drinking way beyond the current limit, we're talking at least double or even triple sometimes. So in order to stop the crashes, you're basically going to have lower it to ZERO.

What this lowered limit will do is nobody can even have a single drink without having a ride, or risk loosing your drivers license and in many cases their livelihood. As you know police usually look for excuses to pull people over at night over stupid things such as unpaid registration or a burnt brake light, just to give them the drunk drivers test.

We don't need the govt. looking for stupid excuses to pull people over and harass them just to raise more money for cities.
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Won't make any difference in the death rate. Most fatalities occur with a BAC above .15
Crazy shit. So basically you can't even have a single drink and get behind a wheel. Which means nobody will be able to go out to any bar or event that serves alcohol.

Why wouldn't anyone be able to go out to a bar that serves alcohol? The restriction is on how intoxicated you can be while driving, not how intoxicated you can be while in a bar!
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Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicide a person under circumstances still unexplained.

Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year
Won't make any difference in the death rate. Most fatalities occur with a BAC above .15

Just like guns, if you make it illegal people won't do it right? Horse shit.

Enforcement has proven effective for DUI laws. The risk of death or injury due to drunk driving has been substantially decreased in recent decades.

Enforcement however, can only do so much. Unfortunately the problem runs deeper than people driving drunk and its more general. The problem is we've built a society where you can't do much of anything without a car. Viable public transit and/or walkable communities reduce drunk driving. I don't ever drive drunk - but its not because I'm morally superior or because I don't drink alcohol, I just happen to live somewhere that I can get home via cab for an amount of $$ relatively small compared to what it costs to go out in the first place - and its at worse a 3 mile walk and at best a 1 block walk home from the bars and restaurants I might drink at. In the city I previously lived in, however, its not even safe for pedestrians to walk because there are few crosswalks and the city is basically designed as if people did not exist and only cars exist.
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.05 is so low people could be over the limit a d not appear at all inebriated. I bet breathalyzer testing will become standard parts of all traffic stops as a result
This is almost side splittingly funny.

Naturally thousands of potheads can't be added to the number of impaired drivers. The total number of impaired drivers would be too high. They have to make a cut someplace.
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicide a person under circumstances still unexplained.

Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

The idea that lowering the speed limit to 55MPH will lower highway fatalities is bunk. The German Autobahn has no speed limit and they have far less fatalities than we do.

More than half of the 11,000-kilometer (6,835-mile) German Autobahn system has no speed limit. It is perfectly legal there, for example, to pass a police car at 200 km/h (124 mph). In fact, according to Mark Rask, author of 1999’s American Autobahn, the average speed for cars is 130 km/h (81 mph); at any given moment, 15 percent are traveling 155 km/h (96 mph) or faster. Surprisingly, the Autobahn is safer than U.S. highways. In 2001, the death rate there was 27 percent lower (0.59 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled versus 0.81 per million for the U.S. interstates), according to Rask.

Driving the Autobahn
Crazy shit. So basically you can't even have a single drink and get behind a wheel. Which means nobody will be able to go out to any bar or event that serves alcohol.

More of the nanny state at work.
.05 is so low people could be over the limit a d not appear at all inebriated. I bet breathalyzer testing will become standard parts of all traffic stops as a result
Exactly, and if you refuse, in many states you get your license suspended just for that.
The idea that lowering the speed limit to 55MPH will lower highway fatalities is bunk. The German Autobahn has no speed limit and they have far less fatalities than we do.

The issue was settled in 1974 when america went to the 55 and highway deaths dropped 16% while miles driven only fell 2%. THINK
The idea that lowering the speed limit to 55MPH will lower highway fatalities is bunk. The German Autobahn has no speed limit and they have far less fatalities than we do.

The issue was settled in 1974 when america went to the 55 and highway deaths dropped 16% while miles driven only fell 2%. THINK
There are far more factors that contribute more to safety on the roads, than this invasion of lowering the the level to .05%

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