Govt officials call for lowering drunk driving threshold to BAC of .05

I am all for this. More Americans convicted of DUI/DWI will mean a bigger Prison Industrial Complex and more Jobs.
Are we trying to turn the clock back to the philosophy that seemed to justify the prohibition era? Millions drink socially and in moderation and are able to drive safely. Those who are involved in car crashes are drinking way beyond the current limit, we're talking at least double or even triple sometimes. So in order to stop the crashes, you're basically going to have lower it to ZERO.

What this lowered limit will do is nobody can even have a single drink without having a ride, or risk loosing your drivers license and in many cases their livelihood. As you know police usually look for excuses to pull people over at night over stupid things such as unpaid registration or a burnt brake light, just to give them the drunk drivers test.

We don't need the govt. looking for stupid excuses to pull people over and harass them just to raise more money for cities.

When you go out you want to make sure that everything is in order on your car, because they'll stop you for just about anything. My son got stopped a few weeks ago because his license plate light was out! Luckily he hadn't been drinking....but that' crazy.

And i don't think lowering it even to "0" will stop drunk driving all together. If they want to drink, they're going to. They know now if they drink 2 to 3 times what they should that they're taking a big chance driving too. Even if it was 0 they're still going to take that chance. But this sucks....I like beer :). I weigh under 120 lbs, and 1 beer with dinner someplace could land me in jail.
I have never been hit by a drunk driver but I have been hit by a woman putting on make up, a kid looking for a CD, a guy drinking coffee and a guy who fell asleep at the wheel.

I have had vehicles rear-ended by...
...a guy who dropped his cigarette in his lap.
...a woman who had a coughing fit. (She was on her way to her doctor & sick as a dog...I kind of felt bad for her.)
...a trucker whose foot slipped off the clutch.
...a woman changing CD's.
...a total moron. She told the cop, "I didn't see those little taillights." My reply was, "Really? Welkl, what about the BIG FUCKING TOW TRUCK?!?!"

Hmm. Having been rear-ended five times, either the drivers in this area REALLY ARE that bad, or someone put a big-ass magnet under my bumper.

Rear ended five times? So you are the one in the passing lane doing 45.

65 in my work truck (governed), 65 in my bus...70 in my F-350, 70-75+ in anything else.

All 5 rear-end hits were on surface streets, all but one at <35MPH.
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicide a person under circumstances still unexplained.

Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

Are you channeling the OP? News flash: 55MPH was tried. It failed (dismally) and is in the Dumpster where it belongs. You want to putt along at 55, go for it. I'll be the one sailing past you at 70. (Or more...I love states with 70MPH speed limits!)

I do my very best to not go over 55. I really prefer 50 as my top speed. I eventually pass the ones going 70, as they run out of gas.

Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas I can get there on one tank of gas going 55. At 70, I have to fill up before I hit the desert. I've done both so I know.

I hope you at least stay out of the left lane!

I could do a trip LA to Vegas in my Caddy without gassing up's only ~275 miles. I have never owned a car with a fuel range less than 350 miles. (My Caddy is good for 450, my truck for close to 800.)
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicide a person under circumstances still unexplained.

Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

Are you channeling the OP? News flash: 55MPH was tried. It failed (dismally) and is in the Dumpster where it belongs. You want to putt along at 55, go for it. I'll be the one sailing past you at 70. (Or more...I love states with 70MPH speed limits!)

I do my very best to not go over 55. I really prefer 50 as my top speed. I eventually pass the ones going 70, as they run out of gas.

Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas I can get there on one tank of gas going 55. At 70, I have to fill up before I hit the desert. I've done both so I know.

I do 90 and get to LA from Vegas in less than four hours.
I am all for this. More Americans convicted of DUI/DWI will mean a bigger Prison Industrial Complex and more Jobs.

We don't have to throw drunk drivers in prison and even i am not in favor of that. But DUI should be classed as a felony since it is a violent drug crime. Felony means many jobs are closed to you and you can't have a gun and even lose the right to vote in some states. That's a big penalty.

Throwing all DUIs in prison would cost too much.
I do my very best to not go over 55. I really prefer 50 as my top speed. I eventually pass the ones going 70, as they run out of gas.

Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas I can get there on one tank of gas going 55. At 70, I have to fill up before I hit the desert. I've done both so I know.
As someone else pointed out, this is insanely stupid.

With you going 55 mph and another going 70 mph in one hour they'd be 15 miles ahead, in two hours 30 miles ahead. So even if they stopped for gas after 2 hours you'd already be 30 miles back, which would take you over half an hour to cover going 55 mph. In trip from LA to Vegas they could probably stop to gas up, change their oil, and rotate their ties while still beating you.

Furthermore that distance is what 270 miles? I submit quite a few modern cars could make that trip on one tank of gas at 70 mph, given a 13 gallon gas tank you'd only need to average about 21 mph.
I am all for this. More Americans convicted of DUI/DWI will mean a bigger Prison Industrial Complex and more Jobs.

We don't have to throw drunk drivers in prison and even i am not in favor of that. But DUI should be classed as a felony since it is a violent drug crime. Felony means many jobs are closed to you and you can't have a gun and even lose the right to vote in some states. That's a big penalty.

Throwing all DUIs in prison would cost too much.

how can it be a violent crime when no one is hurt?
I do my very best to not go over 55. I really prefer 50 as my top speed. I eventually pass the ones going 70, as they run out of gas.

Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas I can get there on one tank of gas going 55. At 70, I have to fill up before I hit the desert. I've done both so I know.
As someone else pointed out, this is insanely stupid.

With you going 55 mph and another going 70 mph in one hour they'd be 15 miles ahead, in two hours 30 miles ahead. So even if they stopped for gas after 2 hours you'd already be 30 miles back, which would take you over half an hour to cover going 55 mph. In trip from LA to Vegas they could probably stop to gas up, change their oil, and rotate their ties while still beating you.

Furthermore that distance is what 270 miles? I submit quite a few modern cars could make that trip on one tank of gas at 70 mph, given a 13 gallon gas tank you'd only need to average about 21 mph.

Did I ever mention that time was a consideration? One time? Just once, admit you made it up.

The faster you go, the more gas you use. It's a fact of physics.

Gas Mileage Tips - Driving More Efficiently
Won't make any difference in the death rate. Most fatalities occur with a BAC above .15

Just like guns, if you make it illegal people won't do it right? Horse shit.

Enforcement has proven effective for DUI laws. The risk of death or injury due to drunk driving has been substantially decreased in recent decades.

Nonsense. The only real effects enforcement has had is to enrich municipalities and lawyers, break up families and criminalize people with a medical problem.
I do my very best to not go over 55. I really prefer 50 as my top speed. I eventually pass the ones going 70, as they run out of gas.

Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas I can get there on one tank of gas going 55. At 70, I have to fill up before I hit the desert. I've done both so I know.
As someone else pointed out, this is insanely stupid.

With you going 55 mph and another going 70 mph in one hour they'd be 15 miles ahead, in two hours 30 miles ahead. So even if they stopped for gas after 2 hours you'd already be 30 miles back, which would take you over half an hour to cover going 55 mph. In trip from LA to Vegas they could probably stop to gas up, change their oil, and rotate their ties while still beating you.

Furthermore that distance is what 270 miles? I submit quite a few modern cars could make that trip on one tank of gas at 70 mph, given a 13 gallon gas tank you'd only need to average about 21 mph.

Did I ever mention that time was a consideration? One time? Just once, admit you made it up.

The faster you go, the more gas you use. It's a fact of physics.

Gas Mileage Tips - Driving More Efficiently

Yea you did you said you would beat them when they would stop for gas...... And Bullshit on the faster you go the more gas you use. Put up a 72' Corvette up against a 2013 corvette. the 72' does 55 mph and the 2013 does 70 mph, I bet you a dollar the 72' runs out of gas 1st.
I'm 57, been drinking since I was 17. Always drive home, never ever even gotten stopped by the cops. No tickets, nothing. I'm a more careful driver when I've been drinking than when sober.

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