Govt officials call for lowering drunk driving threshold to BAC of .05

Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicided a person under circumstances still unexplained. Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

The idea that lowering the speed limit to 55MPH will lower highway fatalities is bunk. The German Autobahn has no speed limit and they have far less fatalities than we do.

Nonsense. That only proves that Germans are far better drivers than Americans. Why? The Germans have a 4.5 per 100,000 vehicular death rate to our 12.5. Their alcohol DUI rate is .08, like the USA. List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Crazy shit. So basically you can't even have a single drink and get behind a wheel. Which means nobody will be able to go out to any bar or event that serves alcohol.

More of the nanny state at work.

Nanny state? HAHAHA. Drunk drivers are killers and maimers. Stopping people from harming others is what governments are for, you nitwit.
So are drivers who text or talk on the phone, or fiddle with their touch screens while driving. Road maintenance and not having proper signage for roads under construction can also be killers. The list is long, and endless. Lowering the blood alcohol from .08 to .05 is at the bottom of it, and only contributes to further harassment responsible citizens.
I have never been hit by a drunk driver but I have been hit by a woman putting on make up, a kid looking for a CD, a guy drinking coffee and a guy who fell asleep at the wheel.
I have never been hit by a drunk driver but I have been hit by a woman putting on make up, a kid looking for a CD, a guy drinking coffee and a guy who fell asleep at the wheel.
Same here, most of the accidents I have known to cause death or serious injury, have been because of teenager reckless driving, bad road signage, not paying attention while driving, racing, inexperienced driving, etc.

That is not to say that drunk driving doesn't cause death or injuries, but reducing the alcohol level won't address those crashes at all. Those are the people who shouldn't be having even one drink, because that's where the heavy drinking (and mixing with drugs possibly) usually starts.
So are drivers who text or talk on the phone, or fiddle with their touch screens while driving. Road maintenance and not having proper signage for roads under construction can also be killers. The list is long, and endless. Lowering the blood alcohol from .08 to .05 is at the bottom of it, and only contributes to further harassment responsible citizens.

The government will only succeed in creating more criminals out of otherwise decent people.
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicided a person under circumstances still unexplained. Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

The idea that lowering the speed limit to 55MPH will lower highway fatalities is bunk. The German Autobahn has no speed limit and they have far less fatalities than we do.

Nonsense. That only proves that Germans are far better drivers than Americans. Why? The Germans have a 4.5 per 100,000 vehicular death rate to our 12.5. Their alcohol DUI rate is .08, like the USA. List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which only supports what I said. Thanks.
The idea that lowering the speed limit to 55MPH will lower highway fatalities is bunk. The German Autobahn has no speed limit and they have far less fatalities than we do.

The issue was settled in 1974 when america went to the 55 and highway deaths dropped 16% while miles driven only fell 2%.

Obviously not or we wouldn't be having this discussion now and the federal government wouldn't have stopped extorting states into a national speed limit 20 years ago.

I do, quite well, as a matter of fact. That's why I will always be more intelligent and informed than you can ever hope to be. Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful.
So are drivers who text or talk on the phone, or fiddle with their touch screens while driving. Road maintenance and not having proper signage for roads under construction can also be killers. The list is long, and endless. Lowering the blood alcohol from .08 to .05 is at the bottom of it, and only contributes to further harassment responsible citizens.

The government will only succeed in creating more criminals out of otherwise decent people.
It's going to be a fucking mess. I hope it never passes. There will be a lot of false arrests, harassment, and protests until the law gets repealed, and eventually it will undermine what was originally a good cause "preventing drunk driving".
I have never been hit by a drunk driver but I have been hit by a woman putting on make up, a kid looking for a CD, a guy drinking coffee and a guy who fell asleep at the wheel.

I t-boned an old guy who made a left right in front of me, he was distracted by his passengers, and was taking them for a ride in his brand new car... He had sixty miles on it and it was totaled, I drove away with a broken turn signal, and a pushed in bumper.lowering the BAC does nothing for idiots who don't pay attention, and endanger the rest of us.
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicided a person under circumstances still unexplained. Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

The idea that lowering the speed limit to 55MPH will lower highway fatalities is bunk. The German Autobahn has no speed limit and they have far less fatalities than we do.

Nonsense. That only proves that Germans are far better drivers than Americans. Why? The Germans have a 4.5 per 100,000 vehicular death rate to our 12.5. Their alcohol DUI rate is .08, like the USA. List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which only supports what I said. Thanks.

Silly you, of course it doesn't. Since we can't act maturely like the Germans on the roads, the laws have to get tougher. We are like kids whose attention needs to be caught.

Guess what?
Since it would be illegal to have even two pints of budweiser, think of all the people who will lose their gun rights over this. Libs must be thrilled.
The auto industry will fight this since they love car crashes. Car crashes mean car sales. Obozo will fight it since his beloved daddy was a serial drunk driver who once killed a man.

US officials recommend lowering drunken driving threshold to .05 blood alcohol to save lives - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — States should cut their threshold for drunken driving by nearly half— from .08 blood alcohol level to .05_matching a standard that has substantially reduced highway deaths in other countries, a federal safety board recommended Tuesday. That’s about one drink for a woman weighing less than 120 pounds, two for a 160-pound man.

More than 100 countries have adopted the .05 alcohol content standard or lower, according to a report by the staff of the National Transportation Safety Board. In Europe, the share of traffic deaths attributable to drunken driving was reduced by more than half within 10 years after the standard was dropped, the report said.

NTSB officials said it wasn’t their intention to prevent drivers from having a glass of wine with dinner, but they acknowledged that under a threshold as low as .05 the safest thing for people who have only one or two drinks is not to drive at all.

A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce of 80-proof alcohol in most studies
Crazy shit. So basically you can't even have a single drink and get behind a wheel. Which means nobody will be able to go out to any bar or event that serves alcohol.

Not just crazy shit. The OP is also a STUPID shit.
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicide a person under circumstances still unexplained.

Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

Are you channeling the OP? News flash: 55MPH was tried. It failed (dismally) and is in the Dumpster where it belongs. You want to putt along at 55, go for it. I'll be the one sailing past you at 70. (Or more...I love states with 70MPH speed limits!)
I have never been hit by a drunk driver but I have been hit by a woman putting on make up, a kid looking for a CD, a guy drinking coffee and a guy who fell asleep at the wheel.

I have had vehicles rear-ended by...
...a guy who dropped his cigarette in his lap.
...a woman who had a coughing fit. (She was on her way to her doctor & sick as a dog...I kind of felt bad for her.)
...a trucker whose foot slipped off the clutch.
...a woman changing CD's.
...a total moron. She told the cop, "I didn't see those little taillights." My reply was, "Really? Welkl, what about the BIG FUCKING TOW TRUCK?!?!"

Hmm. Having been rear-ended five times, either the drivers in this area REALLY ARE that bad, or someone put a big-ass magnet under my bumper.
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This would undoubtedly prevent thousands of highway killings every year. Same with lowering the speed limit to 55 and banning cell phones in cars. But the idiot public says "Hell with it. It's more important to combat terrorism" even though bee stings kill more americans than terrorism.

55 mph is way to fast A.J. Foyt, we should lower it to 25 mph....
I have never been hit by a drunk driver but I have been hit by a woman putting on make up, a kid looking for a CD, a guy drinking coffee and a guy who fell asleep at the wheel.

I have had vehicles rear-ended by...
...a guy who dropped his cigarette in his lap.
...a woman who had a coughing fit. (She was on her way to her doctor & sick as a dog...I kind of felt bad for her.)
...a trucker whose foot slipped off the clutch.
...a woman changing CD's.
...a total moron. She told the cop, "I didn't see those little taillights." My reply was, "Really? Welkl, what about the BIG FUCKING TOW TRUCK?!?!"

Hmm. Having been rear-ended five times, either the drivers in this area REALLY ARE that bad, or someone put a big-ass magnet under my bumper.

Rear ended five times? So you are the one in the passing lane doing 45.
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicide a person under circumstances still unexplained.

Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

We should also mandate all drivers and pasengers of cars wear helmets and fire suits also the cars should all have roll bars and fire extinguisher systems and the roads should have soft walls like Nascar! Hell if Danny Hamilton can survie a 200 mph wreak on the race course, We should do the same !!!!
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicide a person under circumstances still unexplained.

Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

Are you channeling the OP? News flash: 55MPH was tried. It failed (dismally) and is in the Dumpster where it belongs. You want to putt along at 55, go for it. I'll be the one sailing past you at 70. (Or more...I love states with 70MPH speed limits!)

I do my very best to not go over 55. I really prefer 50 as my top speed. I eventually pass the ones going 70, as they run out of gas.

Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas I can get there on one tank of gas going 55. At 70, I have to fill up before I hit the desert. I've done both so I know.
Not the admin's fault, or Obama's daddy, or Laura Bush who vehicular homicide a person under circumstances still unexplained.

Why do we have so many driving deaths? Because the pubic does not insist on 55mph and no cell phone use in cars. Those two measures would probably cut the mortality rate in auto crashes by 50 to 60% in the first year

Are you channeling the OP? News flash: 55MPH was tried. It failed (dismally) and is in the Dumpster where it belongs. You want to putt along at 55, go for it. I'll be the one sailing past you at 70. (Or more...I love states with 70MPH speed limits!)

I do my very best to not go over 55. I really prefer 50 as my top speed. I eventually pass the ones going 70, as they run out of gas.

Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas I can get there on one tank of gas going 55. At 70, I have to fill up before I hit the desert. I've done both so I know.

? they would be an hour ahead of you, it doesnt take an hour to fill up on gas..... try again.....

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