GQ Puff Piece on Pocahontas: "The Summer of Warren" sorry Beto, the press now want Pocahontas Warren

Pocahontas' big idea: abolish the 94 crime bill

i bet she'll attack Biden at the debate on that!
" In February, just as her campaign was beginning, she forswore big-dollar fundraisers and said she wouldn’t be spending her time courting deep-pocketed donors, a move so controversial that her first finance director resigned in protest. It turned out that the pledge didn’t cost her, at least not much. In the second quarter of the year, Warren raised over $19 million, almost as much as the other front-runners. The average contribution to her campaign was $28. Warren highlights her grassroots donor base by randomly calling the people who have given her money—sometimes getting hung up on by people who believe that they are being pranked. (There is, of course, always a camera rolling when the calls go out.) “It’s revolutionary—I think voters don’t understand that,” says Jess McIntosh, a political commentator and Warren fan. “She’s working on policy proposals and taking 40,000 selfies because she’s not spending eight hours a day with rich people. And that’s huge.”

The Massachusetts senator was rising inexorably in the polls, gleefully capturing electoral territory from Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, two white men who many despairing Democrats believed in hindsight might’ve saved the country from Trump, had either been the nominee in 2016. Though the first primaries were still months off, Warren’s high-octane campaign had been scoring wins and gathering energy. By the end of August, she’d visited 27 states and Puerto Rico, held 128 town halls, dominated her opponents in two primary debates, and was holding steady at third place in most national polls. She had vaulted into first place in Iowa, and most head-to-head matchups with Trump had her winning."
"Her trick isn’t to just read the energy in the room, it’s to feel the people there. And like all of her plans and strategies, she leaves nothing to chance, ensuring that the faces in her audiences are lit, that the crowds are never obscured to her by the curtain of darkness one sees from a bright stage. “It’s very important to me to be able to see faces when I’m doing a town hall,” Warren said. “I don’t want to be in a theater where I’m on stage and the audience is in the dark. This is not a performance, this is a chance to engage, for all of us in the room to think about what’s happening to our country, to our lives, and I need to see faces when I’m talking through that.”"
"Her program for what she calls “economic patriotism” is so eerily similar to what Trump ran on in 2016 that Tucker mentioned the plan approvingly on his Fox show."

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