Gracie Questionaire: Ask Me Anything


Why is god still pissed off at us for something that Adam and Eve did several hundreds of thousands of years ago? Is there some reason why he/she doesn't chill out? Would Valium help?
He needs some wine. Maybe a joint. And perhaps He IS chilled out cuz He has pretty much left us to ourselves and look what happened.
If you could live in any other country in the world, which would it be? Also - I have to correct myself about my comment on blue - I love all shades of blue -sky blue is not the only favorite - the other would be the Blue you see in your name and on that bar that divides posts. That shade of blue is perfect to me. One more question - if you could live on a deserted island and have 5 things granted to you (any five things) to make your stay a pleasant one, what would they be?

Why is god still pissed off at us for something that Adam and Eve did several hundreds of thousands of years ago? Is there some reason why he/she doesn't chill out? Would Valium help?
He needs some wine. Maybe a joint. And perhaps He IS chilled out cuz He has pretty much left us to ourselves and look what happened.
No, God doesn't need any of that. That is what people need when they don't have God. Without God, people will look for anything to fill that empty void.
If I fart a magical rainbow out of my rear and a leprechaun jumps out singing " Hello my Darlin' " while holding a box of Luck Charms should I consult a Doctor, Priest, or a Mental Health Professional?

If I fart a magical rainbow out of my rear and a leprechaun jumps out singing " Hello my Darlin' " while holding a box of Luck Charms should I consult a Doctor, Priest, or a Mental Health Professional?

None of the above. Give a gentlemanly bow and hop on her.

Why is god still pissed off at us for something that Adam and Eve did several hundreds of thousands of years ago? Is there some reason why he/she doesn't chill out? Would Valium help?
He needs some wine. Maybe a joint. And perhaps He IS chilled out cuz He has pretty much left us to ourselves and look what happened.
No, God doesn't need any of that. That is what people need when they don't have God. Without God, people will look for anything to fill that empty void.
Would you please take your Westboro preaching ass out of my thread and go to your own? Thanks in advance.
If I fart a magical rainbow out of my rear and a leprechaun jumps out singing " Hello my Darlin' " while holding a box of Luck Charms should I consult a Doctor, Priest, or a Mental Health Professional?

None of the above. Give a gentlemanly bow and hop on her.

Alright, I was born during the Zodiac sign Sagittarius and my Family last name is MacEachern which mean " Sons of the Horse Lords " does those two things make me a Horse's Ass?

Also born in the year of the rat so you can see the underlying issue of why I am built with so much sarcasm and satire...

Why is god still pissed off at us for something that Adam and Eve did several hundreds of thousands of years ago? Is there some reason why he/she doesn't chill out? Would Valium help?
He needs some wine. Maybe a joint. And perhaps He IS chilled out cuz He has pretty much left us to ourselves and look what happened.
No, God doesn't need any of that. That is what people need when they don't have God. Without God, people will look for anything to fill that empty void.
Would you please take your Westboro preaching ass out of my thread and go to your own? Thanks in advance.

After reading your response is it wrong to throw my feet in the air while wiggling my toes and screaming praise the lord I have been found?
I want to apologize to Jeremiah. She is welcome in this thread...I just don't want to be sitting in a pew when she enters. This is supposed to be a fun thread. Talking religion in the way she does will not make it fun any more.
Is there any type of living thing you think does not have a soul?
What's your favorite type of music? (Even if you like all kinds, or maybe, just a few of your favorite songs)?

Why is god still pissed off at us for something that Adam and Eve did several hundreds of thousands of years ago? Is there some reason why he/she doesn't chill out? Would Valium help?
He needs some wine. Maybe a joint. And perhaps He IS chilled out cuz He has pretty much left us to ourselves and look what happened.
No, God doesn't need any of that. That is what people need when they don't have God. Without God, people will look for anything to fill that empty void.
Would you please take your Westboro preaching ass out of my thread and go to your own? Thanks in advance.

After reading your response is it wrong to throw my feet in the air while wiggling my toes and screaming praise the lord I have been found?
Depends on the pitch of your screaming.;)
What's your favorite type of music? (Even if you like all kinds, or maybe, just a few of your favorite songs)?
Easy listening. Like Enya, or native american flutes or yoga calming music. I used to be a hard rock and roller. Now its just too damn noisey for me.

Thusly ^. Wolves, free, running, great music. Love it.

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