Grade the President - 2 1/2 years in

Grade the President

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What do you give Obama for his over all performance?

Overall, I gave him a C. With the mess he inherited, coupled with the new conservative rookies he gets to deal with in the House, he has managed to still get some things accomplished. Had he not engaged in shady backroom deals during the Healthcare overhaul debate, not sent more troops to die in Afghanistan, not gotten us involved in Libya, and not caved to the right on extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, his grade probably would have been higher.

This is what defines his presidency.

Adding to that his war on whistleblowers and Wikileaks, his attempt to assassinate an American citizen without charge or trial, his obeisance to Israel even when they killed an American citizen in cold blood, filling his cabinet with the cronies and lobbyists he promised to rid Washington of - especially his Goldman Sachs Treasury Department, his opposition to equal rights for all citizens (including homosexuals), fierce opposition to sensible drug policy, his politicization of the DOJ and outright violation of the law in protecting known criminals on Wall Street and in the last Administration, and especially the fact that the incredible level of illegality on display in his domestic surveillance programs and unapproved war on Libya would make even career criminal George Bush blush means he gets a big fat, well-earned F though likely for opposite reasons as most of the people here giving him low marks.

He's to the right of Richard Nixon and even less concerned with the law.
Hmm, he didn't kill Bush when he could claim the magic bullet, he didn't prosecute Bush Inc. for the murder, torture & rape of innocent chained & detained human beings, he didn't give the stimulus to the people who elected him, and he didn't bring the troops home. He doesn't get my next vote.
Gave him an A. Last President we had couldn't stop a hair brained scheme of a religious nut to destroy some major real estate in NYC..killing over 3,000 people.

and so you think Obama or anyone else could have stopped this from happening Sallow?.....
Hmm, he didn't kill Bush when he could claim the magic bullet, he didn't prosecute Bush Inc. for the murder, torture & rape of innocent chained & detained human beings, he didn't give the stimulus to the people who elected him, and he didn't bring the troops home. He doesn't get my next vote.

What an idiot.
Gave him an A. Last President we had couldn't stop a hair brained scheme of a religious nut to destroy some major real estate in NYC..killing over 3,000 people.

and so you think Obama or anyone else could have stopped this from happening Sallow?.....

What - Did you miss the promises from the ruins of a greek god temple acceptance speech?

I thought Emporor Obama could do anything?


Did America get suckered?
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What do you give Obama for his over all performance?

Overall, I gave him a C. With the mess he inherited, coupled with the new conservative rookies he gets to deal with in the House, he has managed to still get some things accomplished. Had he not engaged in shady backroom deals during the Healthcare overhaul debate, not sent more troops to die in Afghanistan, not gotten us involved in Libya, and not caved to the right on extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, his grade probably would have been higher.

This. Though to be honest he only got a grade as high as a C because he's still far more sane than most of his political opponents who would take the worst of Bush and Obama and crank it up to 10.

If the GOP gives me a credible candidate in 2012 I'll likely vote against him. However with the vast majority of the field on the GOP side quite literally insane, I'll likely hold my nose and vote for Obama just like I held my nose and voted for Bush.
What do you give Obama for his over all performance?

Overall, I gave him a C. With the mess he inherited, coupled with the new conservative rookies he gets to deal with in the House, he has managed to still get some things accomplished. Had he not engaged in shady backroom deals during the Healthcare overhaul debate, not sent more troops to die in Afghanistan, not gotten us involved in Libya, and not caved to the right on extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, his grade probably would have been higher.

This. Though to be honest he only got a grade as high as a C because he's still far more sane than most of his political opponents who would take the worst of Bush and Obama and crank it up to 10.

If the GOP gives me a credible candidate in 2012 I'll likely vote against him. However with the vast majority of the field on the GOP side quite literally insane, I'll likely hold my nose and vote for Obama just like I held my nose and voted for Bush.

Dr.Traveler gives the Marxist a C. What an idiot!!!

Dr.? If you have a PHD, it must stand for Post Hole Digger

Obama gets an F for Fail
Overall, I gave him a C. With the mess he inherited, coupled with the new conservative rookies he gets to deal with in the House, he has managed to still get some things accomplished. Had he not engaged in shady backroom deals during the Healthcare overhaul debate, not sent more troops to die in Afghanistan, not gotten us involved in Libya, and not caved to the right on extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, his grade probably would have been higher.

This. Though to be honest he only got a grade as high as a C because he's still far more sane than most of his political opponents who would take the worst of Bush and Obama and crank it up to 10.

If the GOP gives me a credible candidate in 2012 I'll likely vote against him. However with the vast majority of the field on the GOP side quite literally insane, I'll likely hold my nose and vote for Obama just like I held my nose and voted for Bush.

Dr.Traveler gives the Marxist a C. What an idiot!!!

Dr.? If you have a PHD, it must stand for Post Hole Digger

Obama gets an F for Fail

Let me know when you have something to say worth listening to. So far your contributions to the board seem to be childish insults, repetition of taking points, and a clear lack of reasoning. Truly a winner. You'll go far on the Internet kid.
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Whatever you say Dr. Post Hole Digger. The wisdom of a man who would give Obama a "C" is equal to that of a man who drinks down stream from the herd.
Obama is one of the the best "presidents" for liberty in American History. I say he needs to keep doing what he's doing. He is totally bankrupting the system and eliminating *some*(at least more) people's faith in the State more than any president ever. You're good at what you do Barry.

That is why I give him an A.
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Obama is one of the the best "presidents" for liberty in American History.

You might be the dumbest MFer in the world.

Obama is a Marxist dictator.

He wants to redistribute wealth and is forcing Americans to buy a product...just for starters

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