Grade the President - 2 1/2 years in

Grade the President

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Gave him an A. Last President we had couldn't stop a hair brained scheme of a religious nut to destroy some major real estate in NYC..killing over 3,000 people. And he fucked up FEMA so badly another 1,400 Americans died in New Orleans. Then he did a revenge thing for his father..and wound up killing another 4000 or so Americans. Then he took blood money from a guy that killed over 200 Americans.

I don't like when Americans die. Seems that Conservatives love it.
Gave him an A. Last President we had couldn't stop a hair brained scheme of a religious nut to destroy some major real estate in NYC..killing over 3,000 people. And he fucked up FEMA so badly another 1,400 Americans died in New Orleans. Then he did a revenge thing for his father..and wound up killing another 4000 or so Americans. Then he took blood money from a guy that killed over 200 Americans.

I don't like when Americans die. Seems that Conservatives love it.

They call it "Patriotism"....
Not quite an F. He did get Bin Laden so you have to give him some props for that. But he's made so many other things so much worse. He has created a very bleak future for our Nation. Many future generations will suffer for the awful things he did today. He simply put off and made worse all the terrible problems of today. He put it all off on future generations. So i give him a D.
I gave him a D.

It would have been an F but he ok'd the bin laden assasination and Ok'd going after those pirates a few years ago.

I really think he has failed domestically and has hurt our standing in the international community even more than it was hurt from bush.
Gave him an A. Last President we had couldn't stop a hair brained scheme of a religious nut to destroy some major real estate in NYC..killing over 3,000 people. And he fucked up FEMA so badly another 1,400 Americans died in New Orleans. Then he did a revenge thing for his father..and wound up killing another 4000 or so Americans. Then he took blood money from a guy that killed over 200 Americans.

I don't like when Americans die. Seems that Conservatives love it.

They call it "Patriotism"....

Generally comes in the form of a guy waving a flag and carrying a cross.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Ku Klux Klan 2010 Rally in South Georgia‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Indiana KKK Says Obama Will Be Assassinated‬‏[/ame]
Please explain how Ryans plan would add more to the debt.

I am well aware that the left wing actors are saying this without explaining....just saying it

But since you opted to regurgitate it, please explain how you know this as fact.

You haven't read the plan, have you?

That's a breakdown that Ryan provides, is Ryan a "left wing actor"? It clearly shows that under his plan there will be no balanced budget until 2063! Additionally, by the end of the decade, the debt will increase by about $6T, which would be a new record for a 10 year period.
I gave him an A.

Not because I truly believe that but simply to counteract the ridiculous amount of F's the kooks on this site gave him.

In reality I would give him a C+/B-

1) We are still in Iraq
2) GITMO is still open
3) The world likes us no more than they did pre Obama
4) Healthcare required a "bypass" tactic to get passed
5) Healthcare is split 50-50 as to whether or not it is constitutionalr
6) We are involved in a NEW military activity
7) Unemployment went above 8% despite his assurances that it wouldnt
8) THe stimulus did ntohing even close to what he promised
9) He did NOT review every bill with a scapel before signing as he promised
10) Deficit is at 14 .4 trillion
11) He IS a citizen and was able to finally prove it (thus why I gave him a D)

Exactly where do you see him worthy of a C+/B- ?
Few points.
Bc is not.split best its 3-1 in favor for it.
the world likes us just fine.
oh shut up about the BC, that'd just kills any argument you my of had.

A law requiring me to purchase a product from a private company in order to be a citizen in good standing is unconstitutional. The constitution NO WHERE gives the federal got that authority, if im wrong please tell me where the constitution gives the feds that authority.

you meant HC not Bc right ;).
Gave him an A. Last President we had couldn't stop a hair brained scheme of a religious nut to destroy some major real estate in NYC..killing over 3,000 people. And he fucked up FEMA so badly another 1,400 Americans died in New Orleans. Then he did a revenge thing for his father..and wound up killing another 4000 or so Americans. Then he took blood money from a guy that killed over 200 Americans.

I don't like when Americans die. Seems that Conservatives love it.
Your name should be Shallow, not Sallow.
Oh, and p.s., the amount of debt that Ryan's plan would add is on the low side, since his economic projections include unemployment at 2%. Ever seen it that low? Ever heard of it that low?
1) We are still in Iraq
2) GITMO is still open
3) The world likes us no more than they did pre Obama
4) Healthcare required a "bypass" tactic to get passed
5) Healthcare is split 50-50 as to whether or not it is constitutionalr
6) We are involved in a NEW military activity
7) Unemployment went above 8% despite his assurances that it wouldnt
8) THe stimulus did ntohing even close to what he promised
9) He did NOT review every bill with a scapel before signing as he promised
10) Deficit is at 14 .4 trillion
11) He IS a citizen and was able to finally prove it (thus why I gave him a D)

Exactly where do you see him worthy of a C+/B- ?
Few points.
Bc is not.split best its 3-1 in favor for it.
the world likes us just fine.
oh shut up about the BC, that'd just kills any argument you my of had.

A law requiring me to purchase a product from a private company in order to be a citizen in good standing is unconstitutional. The constitution NO WHERE gives the federal got that authority, if im wrong please tell me where the constitution gives the feds that authority.

you meant HC not Bc right ;).


Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
A law requiring me to purchase a product from a private company in order to be a citizen in good standing is unconstitutional.

You should read the law. It does not require you to purchase anything. It requires you to have insurance, and if your employer provides it (which most do) then you don't have to buy anything. If your employer doesn't provide it, you still don't have to buy it if you can get your employer to provide it instead.
Gave him an A. Last President we had couldn't stop a hair brained scheme of a religious nut to destroy some major real estate in NYC..killing over 3,000 people. And he fucked up FEMA so badly another 1,400 Americans died in New Orleans. Then he did a revenge thing for his father..and wound up killing another 4000 or so Americans. Then he took blood money from a guy that killed over 200 Americans.

I don't like when Americans die. Seems that Conservatives love it.
Your name should be Shallow, not Sallow.

Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush funded that son of a bitch when he was fighting against the Russians. George W. Bush had a mandate to get him..and let him slide for almost a decade.

Shallow as that's the truth.

I gave him a D.
If I agreed with what he believes in I guess I would rate him a C.
Anyone who graded him above a C, is either joking or is in worship mode.
Few points.
Bc is not.split best its 3-1 in favor for it.
the world likes us just fine.
oh shut up about the BC, that'd just kills any argument you my of had.

A law requiring me to purchase a product from a private company in order to be a citizen in good standing is unconstitutional. The constitution NO WHERE gives the federal got that authority, if im wrong please tell me where the constitution gives the feds that authority.

you meant HC not Bc right ;).


Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
Yes. The Obama admin is playing the fiddle with two Constitutional bows.
First they claimed Obamacare was ok under the commerce clause, insistin the plan is not a tax. When that failed, they claimed it was ok under the "power to lay and collect taxes clause claiming the government's right to lay and collect taxes.
Yet these geniuses insist Obamacare is not a tax.
Either way, Obamacare is on shaky ground.
over 25 states are in the process of challenging the law under the "states rights" clause.
Why is it you are so inclined to see a single payer health insurance system in light of the serious problems other nations are facing with such plans?
Please don't start with "45 million uninsured".....That argument doesn't wash.
Half of those people are illegal immigrants. Some 10 million are people who elect not to buy insurance from their employers. Funny math only gets you so far.
A law requiring me to purchase a product from a private company in order to be a citizen in good standing is unconstitutional. The constitution NO WHERE gives the federal got that authority, if im wrong please tell me where the constitution gives the feds that authority.

you meant HC not Bc right ;).


Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
Yes. The Obama admin is playing the fiddle with two Constitutional bows.
First they claimed Obamacare was ok under the commerce clause, insistin the plan is not a tax. When that failed, they claimed it was ok under the "power to lay and collect taxes clause claiming the government's right to lay and collect taxes.
Yet these geniuses insist Obamacare is not a tax.
Either way, Obamacare is on shaky ground.
over 25 states are in the process of challenging the law under the "states rights" clause.Why is it you are so inclined to see a single payer health insurance system in light of the serious problems other nations are facing with such plans?
Please don't start with "45 million uninsured".....That argument doesn't wash.
Half of those people are illegal immigrants. Some 10 million are people who elect not to buy insurance from their employers. Funny math only gets you so far.

That's fine.

I'd be shocked if they won. Even Scalia knows that it would be lunacy to even entertain this nonsense.
A law requiring me to purchase a product from a private company in order to be a citizen in good standing is unconstitutional.

You should read the law. It does not require you to purchase anything. It requires you to have insurance, and if your employer provides it (which most do) then you don't have to buy anything. If your employer doesn't provide it, you still don't have to buy it if you can get your employer to provide it instead.
It's defacto banned.
While individuals will be permitted to buy insurance privately, the Obamacare law permits this purchase through the "insurance exchange" which mandates types of coverage. In effect, the Obamacare law dictates what type of coverage must be purchased.
Furthermore, the federal insurance is non competitive in that the reimbursements to providers will be lower and the coverage will be subsidized by taxes. That creates and unfair advantage over private insurers. Eventually, insurance carriers will be forced into a market where they cannot compete which will eventually force them out of the health lines business.
The goal of Obamcare is to create a single payer government run taxpayer funded health insurance system.
Obamacare also promises to control "costs". It may do that, but it cannot control prices.
Obamcare simply pays less in reimbusements to providers leaving them to write off the remainder. Such is the case with Medicare. Reimbusrements have falled by 25% over the last two years.
When prices rise and costs cannot be recouped, the eventuality is rationing of the product. Such is the case in every socialized medicine nation.
Few points.
Bc is not.split best its 3-1 in favor for it.
the world likes us just fine.
oh shut up about the BC, that'd just kills any argument you my of had.

A law requiring me to purchase a product from a private company in order to be a citizen in good standing is unconstitutional. The constitution NO WHERE gives the federal got that authority, if im wrong please tell me where the constitution gives the feds that authority.

you meant HC not Bc right ;).


Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

That doesnt give the federal government the autority to make me purchase a product (health insurance) from a private company (health insurance providors) in order to be a citizen in good standing (if i dont buy i face govt fines). If you think it does break it down for me because I dont see it in that language.
Few points.
Bc is not.split best its 3-1 in favor for it.
the world likes us just fine.
oh shut up about the BC, that'd just kills any argument you my of had.

A law requiring me to purchase a product from a private company in order to be a citizen in good standing is unconstitutional. The constitution NO WHERE gives the federal got that authority, if im wrong please tell me where the constitution gives the feds that authority.

you meant HC not Bc right ;).
That is your opinion and has no basis on the actual rulings.

No I meant bc.

The bill forces me to either buy a product from a private company or face fines imposed by the govt, that is fact not opinion.

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