Graham blasts DemonRAT colleague, Scumbag Hirono: You have ‘slandered’ Barr

How many Trump supporters were there? You brought it up. I say They were all Liberal Omar supporters. Prove me wrong.

ALL OF THEM were Trump supporters.


Link for what?

Link that they were all Trump supporters. Dummy

You are a Trump Humper and you have the nerve to call someone a dummy. :abgg2q.jpg:

Another Leftist tactic. Anyone who disagrees with you is a Trump sycophant. What an asshole you are.
The KKK is diminished and irrelevant. The Progressive Left anti Jew faction is alive and thriving.

The KKK might not walk around in sheets anywhere, but there are still many on the right who have the mindset of the sheetwearers.
Democratic leader takes heat as anti-Semitism vote roils Florida

Leftist politicians anti semites are in the open and no one says anything but they keep talking about Charlottesville. Amazing.
New York Times' Anti-Semitic Cartoon Is Shocking, but Not Surprising | National Review

They’ve been anti-Israel and anti-Jewish for years

This week, the New York Times got itself into hot water for printing a blatantly Jew-hating cartoon in its international edition. The cartoon depicted Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an elongated dachshund, a Star of David hanging around his neck, leading a fat, blind, yarmulke-wearing Donald Trump through the streets. The implication: The nefarious, animalistic Jew is in control of the Jew-perverted president of the United States.

The image is nothing new. In 1940, the Lustige Blatter, a weekly German humor magazine, printed an image of a tall, ugly, bearded Hasidic Jew taking a tiny Winston Churchill by the hand and leading him across the surface of the globe.

So, what would tempt the New York Times to print an illustration directly from the mind of Julius Streicher? The fact that the Times, like many of today’s mainstream media outlets, has been completely and utterly willing to cover for and, indeed, engage in anti-Semitism, so long as it is disguised as anti-Zionism. Undoubtedly, the editors at the Times believed that the cartoon was merely a criticism of Israel, not a criticism of Jews. That excuse found its logical apotheosis in a 2014 German regional-court ruling that characterized a firebombing of a synagogue as merely a protest against Israel, rather than act of anti-Semitism.

Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib

Yea they were leftist alright.

How many Democrats were at the embassy opening in Jerusalem? Zero.

Party of antisemitism
Legally, but not figuratively.
There's too many of you seditionists currently out there.
Your denial of her citizenship makes me a seditionist in your mind?
I didn't deny her citizenship. Only her allegiance to America and our rule of law.
If she chooses to spit venomous tripe in a Congressional hearing, her allegiance to the above is highly suspect.

Her spewage violates the oath she took to protect and defend the US Constitution. She is a traitor and needs to be dealt with along with several others in that party.
The Demmies wanted to give away the Panama Canal to Communist Dominance, and it worked. She's shilling for Hawaii to follow the same path. The woman proved herself untrustworthy by buying into the DNC's false scenario needs to prevent the public from guessing their sinister motives against the USA. America sleeps sometimes. :(


Wrestling is fake. Like you.
It’s awesome that the nutbags here have completely forgiven Graham for the things he said about Trump in the past.
We all will remember that when the Democrat's turn back to the light, and the darkness tries to drag them back down into the pit. Should they be dragged back down into the pit, and never see the light in order to stay in lock step with the darkness ????
Jibberish bullshit.

He spied on people for political purposes. His abuse of power is WORSE THAN WATERGATE. This is why the Dems are desperate to OBSTRUCT the Barr investigations.

Bullcrap. The FBI was led to certain people in the Trump campaign. It had to do with Russia.

It would only be considered political if you admit the Russians were helping Trump./

Think that if it gives you comfort...but that will be short-lived.

Barr will reveal that Obama Spied On Political Opponents.

The FBI spied on folks meeting with Russians.


They spied on the hiLIARy campaign?

Who knew?

Hillary met with Russians as her job as SoS. In the open. Records kept.

Your fat assed orange buddy had his campaign people meeting IN SECRET with Russians while Trump lied about it.

I understand that you being such a fucking dumbass, you don't get the difference./

Trump said hack her emails on National TV in the open. It was a joke. But you’re too fat, ugly and stupid to understand that. See how that works? Fat Dave. No collusion and no conspiracy. Dumbass.
It’s awesome that the nutbags here have completely forgiven Graham for the things he said about Trump in the past.
We all will remember that when the Democrat's turn back to the light, and the darkness tries to drag them back down into the pit. Should they be dragged back down into the pit, and never see the light in order to stay in lock step with the darkness ????
Jibberish bullshit.

Yes all your posts are. FakeDave
The KKK might not walk around in sheets anywhere, but there are still many on the right who have the mindset of the sheetwearers.
Democratic leader takes heat as anti-Semitism vote roils Florida

Leftist politicians anti semites are in the open and no one says anything but they keep talking about Charlottesville. Amazing.
New York Times' Anti-Semitic Cartoon Is Shocking, but Not Surprising | National Review

They’ve been anti-Israel and anti-Jewish for years

This week, the New York Times got itself into hot water for printing a blatantly Jew-hating cartoon in its international edition. The cartoon depicted Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an elongated dachshund, a Star of David hanging around his neck, leading a fat, blind, yarmulke-wearing Donald Trump through the streets. The implication: The nefarious, animalistic Jew is in control of the Jew-perverted president of the United States.

The image is nothing new. In 1940, the Lustige Blatter, a weekly German humor magazine, printed an image of a tall, ugly, bearded Hasidic Jew taking a tiny Winston Churchill by the hand and leading him across the surface of the globe.

So, what would tempt the New York Times to print an illustration directly from the mind of Julius Streicher? The fact that the Times, like many of today’s mainstream media outlets, has been completely and utterly willing to cover for and, indeed, engage in anti-Semitism, so long as it is disguised as anti-Zionism. Undoubtedly, the editors at the Times believed that the cartoon was merely a criticism of Israel, not a criticism of Jews. That excuse found its logical apotheosis in a 2014 German regional-court ruling that characterized a firebombing of a synagogue as merely a protest against Israel, rather than act of anti-Semitism.

Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib

Yea they were leftist alright.

How many Democrats were at the embassy opening in Jerusalem? Zero.

Party of antisemitism

I get it. Disagreeing with Trump's stupid move means we are anti-semetic.

You actually get dumber every day.

You believe Trump knows more than every President ion the past. Trump did it to help Nitwitand yahoo get reelected.
It’s awesome that the nutbags here have completely forgiven Graham for the things he said about Trump in the past.
We all will remember that when the Democrat's turn back to the light, and the darkness tries to drag them back down into the pit. Should they be dragged back down into the pit, and never see the light in order to stay in lock step with the darkness ????
Jibberish bullshit.

Yes all your posts are. FakeDave
You forgeot to sccuse me of being anti-semite.
New York Times' Anti-Semitic Cartoon Is Shocking, but Not Surprising | National Review

They’ve been anti-Israel and anti-Jewish for years

This week, the New York Times got itself into hot water for printing a blatantly Jew-hating cartoon in its international edition. The cartoon depicted Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an elongated dachshund, a Star of David hanging around his neck, leading a fat, blind, yarmulke-wearing Donald Trump through the streets. The implication: The nefarious, animalistic Jew is in control of the Jew-perverted president of the United States.

The image is nothing new. In 1940, the Lustige Blatter, a weekly German humor magazine, printed an image of a tall, ugly, bearded Hasidic Jew taking a tiny Winston Churchill by the hand and leading him across the surface of the globe.

So, what would tempt the New York Times to print an illustration directly from the mind of Julius Streicher? The fact that the Times, like many of today’s mainstream media outlets, has been completely and utterly willing to cover for and, indeed, engage in anti-Semitism, so long as it is disguised as anti-Zionism. Undoubtedly, the editors at the Times believed that the cartoon was merely a criticism of Israel, not a criticism of Jews. That excuse found its logical apotheosis in a 2014 German regional-court ruling that characterized a firebombing of a synagogue as merely a protest against Israel, rather than act of anti-Semitism.

Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib

Yea they were leftist alright.

How many Democrats were at the embassy opening in Jerusalem? Zero.

Party of antisemitism

I get it. Disagreeing with Trump's stupid move means we are anti-semetic.

You actually get dumber every day.

You believe Trump knows more than every President ion the past. Trump did it to help Nitwitand yahoo get reelected.

Dumbass. Obama said we should move it there too but never did. You missed that point eh? Love how your blatant antisemitic views just came out in the open. So easy to get you rattled, you fat old Jew hating fool.
It’s awesome that the nutbags here have completely forgiven Graham for the things he said about Trump in the past.
We all will remember that when the Democrat's turn back to the light, and the darkness tries to drag them back down into the pit. Should they be dragged back down into the pit, and never see the light in order to stay in lock step with the darkness ????
Jibberish bullshit.

Yes all your posts are. FakeDave
You forgeot to sccuse me of being anti-semite.

No need. You just exposed yourself. FakeDave, I own you. You’re my little lapdog. Go fetch.

Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib

Yea they were leftist alright.

How many Democrats were at the embassy opening in Jerusalem? Zero.

Party of antisemitism

I get it. Disagreeing with Trump's stupid move means we are anti-semetic.

You actually get dumber every day.

You believe Trump knows more than every President ion the past. Trump did it to help Nitwitand yahoo get reelected.

Dumbass. Obama said we should move it there too but never did. You missed that point eh? Love how your blatant antisemitic views just came out in the open. So easy to get you rattled, you fat old Jew hating fool.
But Naruonal Security concerns stopped the move. Littledick Donnie doesn't give a shit how many might die in our embassy if it gets attacked in a rocket attack.
Look like Leftists to me. Likely friends of Omar and Tlaib

Yea they were leftist alright.

How many Democrats were at the embassy opening in Jerusalem? Zero.

Party of antisemitism
I get it. Disagreeing with Trump's stupid move means we are anti-semetic.

You actually get dumber every day.

You believe Trump knows more than every President ion the past. Trump did it to help Nitwitand yahoo get reelected.

Dumbass. Obama said we should move it there too but never did. You missed that point eh? Love how your blatant antisemitic views just came out in the open. So easy to get you rattled, you fat old Jew hating fool.
But Naruonal Security concerns stopped the move. Littledick Donnie doesn't give a shit how many might die in our embassy if it gets attacked in a rocket attack.

What concerns? Embassy is there and life goes on. There were no concerns for security just concerns that the nasty and filthy Jews would get their way. FakeDave, fat and stupid is no way to go through life. If Hamas attacks the embassy they will again expose themselves for the terrorist assholes they are and we will kill them. Don’t be such a coward
It’s awesome that the nutbags here have completely forgiven Graham for the things he said about Trump in the past.
We all will remember that when the Democrat's turn back to the light, and the darkness tries to drag them back down into the pit. Should they be dragged back down into the pit, and never see the light in order to stay in lock step with the darkness ????
Jibberish bullshit.

Yes all your posts are. FakeDave
You forgot to accuse me of being anti-semite.

No need. You just exposed yourself. FakeDave, I own you. You’re my little lapdog. Go fetch.

Only in your fantasies did I expose myself to you. Did you get off?
We all will remember that when the Democrat's turn back to the light, and the darkness tries to drag them back down into the pit. Should they be dragged back down into the pit, and never see the light in order to stay in lock step with the darkness ????
Jibberish bullshit.

Yes all your posts are. FakeDave
You forgot to accuse me of being anti-semite.

No need. You just exposed yourself. FakeDave, I own you. You’re my little lapdog. Go fetch.

Only in your fantasies did I expose myself to you. Did you get off?

LMAO. You’re deflecting because you lost the debate. What a pathetic, fat and stupid old man you are.
Yea they were leftist alright.

How many Democrats were at the embassy opening in Jerusalem? Zero.

Party of antisemitism
I get it. Disagreeing with Trump's stupid move means we are anti-semetic.

You actually get dumber every day.

You believe Trump knows more than every President ion the past. Trump did it to help Nitwitand yahoo get reelected.

Dumbass. Obama said we should move it there too but never did. You missed that point eh? Love how your blatant antisemitic views just came out in the open. So easy to get you rattled, you fat old Jew hating fool.
But Naruonal Security concerns stopped the move. Littledick Donnie doesn't give a shit how many might die in our embassy if it gets attacked in a rocket attack.

What concerns? Embassy is there and life goes on. There were no concerns for security just concerns that the nasty and filthy Jews would get their way. FakeDave, fat and stupid is no way to go through life. If Hamas attacks the embassy they will again expose themselves for the terrorist assholes they are and we will kill them. Don’t be such a coward
So the dangers that stopped other Presidents are no longer there. Wow who knew?
How many Democrats were at the embassy opening in Jerusalem? Zero.

Party of antisemitism
I get it. Disagreeing with Trump's stupid move means we are anti-semetic.

You actually get dumber every day.

You believe Trump knows more than every President ion the past. Trump did it to help Nitwitand yahoo get reelected.

Dumbass. Obama said we should move it there too but never did. You missed that point eh? Love how your blatant antisemitic views just came out in the open. So easy to get you rattled, you fat old Jew hating fool.
But Naruonal Security concerns stopped the move. Littledick Donnie doesn't give a shit how many might die in our embassy if it gets attacked in a rocket attack.

What concerns? Embassy is there and life goes on. There were no concerns for security just concerns that the nasty and filthy Jews would get their way. FakeDave, fat and stupid is no way to go through life. If Hamas attacks the embassy they will again expose themselves for the terrorist assholes they are and we will kill them. Don’t be such a coward
So the dangers that stopped other Presidents are no longer there. Wow who knew?

It wasn’t danger but political posturing. Hamas will attack Israel no matter where the embassy is. FakeDave, you suck at this. Do you have any smart Leftist friends that will give me a better debate? You’re really dumb.
Jibberish bullshit.

Yes all your posts are. FakeDave
You forgot to accuse me of being anti-semite.

No need. You just exposed yourself. FakeDave, I own you. You’re my little lapdog. Go fetch.

Only in your fantasies did I expose myself to you. Did you get off?

LMAO. You’re deflecting because you lost the debate. What a pathetic, fat and stupid old man you are.

Your debate was based on the premise that if you say anything negative about a Jewish person or the Israeli government that you were antisemite.

How stiupid,m ignorant can you get
Yes all your posts are. FakeDave
You forgot to accuse me of being anti-semite.

No need. You just exposed yourself. FakeDave, I own you. You’re my little lapdog. Go fetch.

Only in your fantasies did I expose myself to you. Did you get off?

LMAO. You’re deflecting because you lost the debate. What a pathetic, fat and stupid old man you are.

Your debate was based on the premise that if you say anything negative about a Jewish person or the Israeli government that you were antisemite.

How stiupid,m ignorant can you get

If the negative remark is fair then of course you may make it. But when you criticize Jews and Israel and ignore that for women, Israel is the safest country in the Middle East and that includes Muslim women then you’re not being fair. You’re the ignorant one FakeDave. You should listen to Candace Owens.
That feeling when you look up and just about every racist on the board agrees with you politically.

Maybe some self evaluation is in order.
One is not every, asshole. Have you punched a MAGA wearing old man yet today? Time is wasting while you post your witless garbage.

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