Graham to introduce bill that would restrict abortions nationwide


It would impose a 15 week NATION WIDE ban on states who allow abortions after that.

Of course Republicans would NEVER reduce that number if they had the chance...right?

Just like they'd never overturn Roe
So your original post is still wrong.
Oh and they would if given the chance
Of course their objective is total ban on abortion. But politics demand that the issue needs to be defused until after the election.
America's women have become a huge threat to the R party.

In the meantime it can be satisfying to listen to extremists like Marvin frothing at the mouth over what his party sees as necessary damage control.

Of course their objective is total ban on abortion. But politics demand that the issue needs to be defused until after the election.
America's women have become a huge threat to the R party.

In the meantime it can be satisfying to listen to extremists like Marvin frothing at the mouth over what his party sees as necessary damage control.


This is a HUGE hit to the left's black genocide project, and I can see it's got you emotional.

Too bad...
Just like they'd never overturn Roe
Conservatives / Republicans have never claimed that Roe shouldn’t and wouldn’t be overturned. Quite the contrary.

What Congress can do under the Constitution (and should do immediately) is ban all abortion in all federal territory under the control of Congress, like Washington DC and military bases.

Graham is set to introduce a national ban on abortion today

So much for the claims that states can decide that issue huh?
If Lindsey feels so strongly about it, he should just get on birth control so he doesn't get pregnant.

Iths tho thimpe!
Conservatives / Republicans have never claimed that Roe shouldn’t and wouldn’t be overturned. Quite the contrary.

What Congress can do under the Constitution (and should do immediately) is ban all abortion in all federal territory under the control of Congress, like Washington DC and military bases.
Of course they did. We’re you living under a rock?

Graham is set to introduce a national ban on abortion today

So much for the claims that states can decide that issue huh?
You left off "Late Term" There is a huge different in banning all abortions and banning just late term abortions. I suspect that even most people who are pro-choice agree that aborting a baby when viability has been reached is wrong.
Of course their objective is total ban on abortion. But politics demand that the issue needs to be defused until after the election.
America's women have become a huge threat to the R party.

In the meantime it can be satisfying to listen to extremists like Marvin frothing at the mouth over what his party sees as necessary damage control.

Many people would love to totally ban abortions. That said, there is unlikely enough political support for that. A large percentage of people are not on the extremes of pro-choice or pro-life and would support abortion early in a pregnancy and limit it to a given number of weeks.
That bitch will find a way to sabotage whatever advantage Republicans have going into the midterms to avoid the MAGA storm on the horizon. She knows the effect this will have. There is no other reason to talk about this bill that will never make it out of committee. Of course, Dems will also use this to call bullshit on all Republicans who talked about this as a state decision.
Call bullshit just as we did with every Supreme Court nominee who swore Roe was settled law.

You’re starting to get that Republicans can never be trusted. Ever.

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