Zone1 "Grandpa what's the meaning of life?"


Gold Member
Boy, the meaning of life is getting to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

The meaning of life is to live.

Then why are so many people like you doing things that God clearly promised would result in death, a curse, (according to scripture), for setting aside Divine instruction and worshipping a trinity, or a human being, and then getting down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo, made by human hands, and then eating it for spiritual life? Derp! Hello? WTF!

Then why are so many people like you doing things that God clearly promised would result in death, a curse, (according to scripture), for

Are you mad? What do you know about me what I do not know about me?

setting aside Divine instruction and worshipping a trinity,

Huh? You are mad!

or a human being, and then getting down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo,

Of a what?

made by human hands, and then eating it for spiritual life? Derp! Hello? WTF!

What about if you would try to follow the commandement which suggests not to defame others in public - specially if you know less than nothing about them and their Christian rebound in god because of your own brainwash. What kind of atheism is what you believe?

What about if you would try to follow the commandement which suggests not to defame others in public -

It is not defamation to point out reprehensible things that you goofy Christians openly profess to believe. You worship a trinity in a human being and celebrate his torture and death professing to believe that his death in some mysterious way absolves you of your own sins. Do you deny this?

If people said that they wanted to torture and crucify you, even though you had absolutely nothing whatever to do with their sins, so they could be absolved from accountability for their own screw ups wouldn't you think that that was reprehensible and that anyone who even suggested such a thing were either completely mad or deliberately evil? What are you?

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wind=e and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them" Jeremiah 25:15


Bottoms up!
"Crush you enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women."
"No Grandpa really."
"Ok, ok. Its TexMex."
It is not defamation

Do you really think god believes in you? ... Good grieve - all mankind is totally mad. ...

to point out reprehensible things


that you goofy Christians openly profess to believe. You worship a trinity in a human being and celebrate his torture and death professing to believe that his death in some mysterious way absolves you of your own sins. Do you deny this?

Let me say it this way: The internet is a garlic free zone - so be happy.

If people said that they wanted to torture and crucify you,

even though you had absolutely nothing whatever to do with their sins,

Except that I would be dead because of such sins - like millions of my best friends.

so they could be absolved from accountability for their own screw ups wouldn't you think that that was reprehensible and that anyone who even suggested such a thing were either completely mad or deliberately evil? What are you?

I am the universe - but not sure about whether this is the whole story.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wind=e and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them" Jeremiah 25:15


Bottoms up!

Sorry: But what exactly made my good old friend Frankenstein wrong when he tried to save you?

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How's Russia, Russian? Still alive? Putin makes no sense, isn't it?
Why I spend so much time tryng to gve remedial attention to our resident disadvantaged brain amputees is beyond me to fully understand .
However, I will pass on your news to my family that I am not a now middle aged, good looking and intelligent professional woman living in south east England -- born, schooled and fully bred -- but rather some variant of a russian bot .
I have a feeling that they might want me to seek help if I persist with that narrative .

Do you swim? Be careful when out of your depth .
Why I spend so much time tryng to gve remedial attention to our resident disadvantaged brain amputees is beyond me to fully understand .

Perhaps this information is in an self-amputated part of your own brain.

However, I will pass on your news to my family that I am not a now middle aged, good looking and intelligent professional woman living in south east England -- born, schooled and fully bred -- but rather some variant of a russian bot .

If you say so, Russian.

I have a feeling that they might want me to seek help if I persist with that narrative .

Do you swim? Be careful when out of your depth .

Boy, the meaning of life is getting to know the Lord Jesus Christ.


too bad for you, the crucifiers wrote the c-bible instead and removed the liberation theology, self determination jesus and those others in the 1st century who were persecuted gave their lives for -

as the meaning to life they truly believed in the triumph over evil, judgement and remission to paradise.

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