Gray Hair: A Solution to the Pending World War

Would you favor a Council of Elders from East and West to reign in their respective immoral ranks?

  • No! Jihad/American unchecked freedoms until death!

  • Yeah, that would probably be an OK compromise, given what we all will get out of what we give up.

Results are only viewable after voting.
1. I'm pretty sure you don't have a realistic view of the situation. If this conflict was just over the last couple of years, your idea might have some merit. The "gray hairs" as you call them would remember how things were before any conflict,and would be able to tell how to get back to that. This has been building for a long time, and the "gray hairs" are the ones who built it to this point. In fact,they are the ones who are obstructing any change. Some young people are listening to them. They are being urged on to ever more violent opposition to any change.
2. Gay rights is a great example of how the older ones are causing the problems. We have reached a point where it is no longer acceptable to deny rights based on someone's sexual orientation. Allowing universal rights for our citizens is the right and moral thing to do. Young people are good with it. It's the " gray hairs" that are afraid to change and they fight for immoral things because they are afraid to admit that we can be better, and just because that's the way it has always been doesn't mean it is right.

1. Men change as they age. At least wise ones do.

2. Behaviors are not granted as "rights". If that was the case, it would be a "right" to vomit into an urn at a restaurant if you did bulimia; instead of being forced to the bathroom after every meal. Who are we to shove them in the closet?

You see, behaviors come in every type and variety. If the majority cannot regulate them, what again are the penal and civil codes for? Don't they just impinge upon people's "rights to practice their behavioral orientations?". And before you say "gay hurts nobody, (gay marriage)" remember that gay marriage permanently disenfranchises children drawn into it from either a mother or father for life. That harms them.
1. I'm pretty sure you don't have a realistic view of the situation. If this conflict was just over the last couple of years, your idea might have some merit. The "gray hairs" as you call them would remember how things were before any conflict,and would be able to tell how to get back to that. This has been building for a long time, and the "gray hairs" are the ones who built it to this point. In fact,they are the ones who are obstructing any change. Some young people are listening to them. They are being urged on to ever more violent opposition to any change.
2. Gay rights is a great example of how the older ones are causing the problems. We have reached a point where it is no longer acceptable to deny rights based on someone's sexual orientation. Allowing universal rights for our citizens is the right and moral thing to do. Young people are good with it. It's the " gray hairs" that are afraid to change and they fight for immoral things because they are afraid to admit that we can be better, and just because that's the way it has always been doesn't mean it is right.

1. Men change as they age. At least wise ones do.

2. Behaviors are not granted as "rights". If that was the case, it would be a "right" to vomit into an urn at a restaurant if you did bulimia; instead of being forced to the bathroom after every meal. Who are we to shove them in the closet?

You see, behaviors come in every type and variety. If the majority cannot regulate them, what again are the penal and civil codes for? Don't they just impinge upon people's "rights to practice their behavioral orientations?". And before you say "gay hurts nobody, (gay marriage)" remember that gay marriage permanently disenfranchises children drawn into it from either a mother or father for life. That harms them.

That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
What point are you tring to make with that comment? That a portion of Muslims are violent lunatics? A portion of EVERY group are violent lunatics. How many world wars did Muslims start in the last century versus non-Muslims?
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Cheney and Bush are the fathers of ISIS. One was a grey hair. Let's pass eh...

ISIS belongs to Obama....maybe that's why he's going gray.
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Cheney and Bush are the fathers of ISIS. One was a grey hair. Let's pass eh...

ISIS belongs to Obama....maybe that's why he's going gray.

You're an idiot.
I think you folks are missing the big picture here: America will be spared the horrors of radical Islam if we just force queers back into the closet...or something.
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
What point are you tring to make with that comment? That a portion of Muslims are violent lunatics? A portion of EVERY group are violent lunatics. How many world wars did Muslims start in the last century versus non-Muslims?
Muslim have started plenty of wars over the centuries 9/11 was started by Muslims, Eskimos didn't...

World War I, 2, Korea, Vietnam were all started by socialists...
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That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
What point are you tring to make with that comment? That a portion of Muslims are violent lunatics? A portion of EVERY group are violent lunatics. How many world wars did Muslims start in the last century versus non-Muslims?
Muslim have started plenty of wars over the centuries 9/11 was started by Muslims, Eskimos didn't...

World War I, 2, Korea, Vietnam were all started by socialist...
Thanks for your opinion.
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
What point are you tring to make with that comment? That a portion of Muslims are violent lunatics? A portion of EVERY group are violent lunatics. How many world wars did Muslims start in the last century versus non-Muslims?
Muslims don't wage traditional war....there are rules when nations are at war and Muslim terrorists don't follow any rules. They target civilians, make human shields out of schools and hospitals, they don't take prisoners, they execute them, they burn people alive for their terrorist propaganda, convince their followers to commit suicide in order to kill as many as possible and they hide out in other countries in camps so they have no nation to actually defend. When countries make war on each other there is an eventual victor and loser and peace is attained, like with Germany and Japan. There can be no peace with Islamic extremists....peace is not the goal.
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
What point are you tring to make with that comment? That a portion of Muslims are violent lunatics? A portion of EVERY group are violent lunatics. How many world wars did Muslims start in the last century versus non-Muslims?
Muslim have started plenty of wars over the centuries 9/11 was started by Muslims, Eskimos didn't...

World War I, 2, Korea, Vietnam were all started by socialist...
Thanks for your opinion.
Your welcome
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
What point are you tring to make with that comment? That a portion of Muslims are violent lunatics? A portion of EVERY group are violent lunatics. How many world wars did Muslims start in the last century versus non-Muslims?
Muslims don't wage traditional war....there are rules when nations are at war and Muslim terrorists don't follow any rules. They target civilians, make human shields out of schools and hospitals, they don't take prisoners, they execute them, they burn people alive for their terrorist propaganda, convince their followers to commit suicide in order to kill as many as possible and they hide out in other countries in camps so they have no nation to actually defend. When countries make war on each other there is an eventual victor and loser and peace is attained, like with Germany and Japan. There can be no peace with Islamic extremists....peace is not the goal.
Imagine if they waged war the way westerners do. There would be millions dead by now.

These terrorists are broke ass sand dwellers whose greatest victory in the last 10 years is killing 150 people in Paris. Meanwhile the U.S. and Russia bombed over 500 ISIS targets in the last 2 days.

Try not to wet your bed tonight. That's what they want you to do.
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
What point are you tring to make with that comment? That a portion of Muslims are violent lunatics? A portion of EVERY group are violent lunatics. How many world wars did Muslims start in the last century versus non-Muslims?
Muslims don't wage traditional war....there are rules when nations are at war and Muslim terrorists don't follow any rules. They target civilians, make human shields out of schools and hospitals, they don't take prisoners, they execute them, they burn people alive for their terrorist propaganda, convince their followers to commit suicide in order to kill as many as possible and they hide out in other countries in camps so they have no nation to actually defend. When countries make war on each other there is an eventual victor and loser and peace is attained, like with Germany and Japan. There can be no peace with Islamic extremists....peace is not the goal.
Imagine if they waged war the way westerners do. There would be millions dead by now.

These terrorists are broke ass sand dwellers whose greatest victory in the last 10 years is killing 150 people in Paris. Meanwhile the U.S. and Russia bombed over 500 ISIS targets in the last 2 days.

Try not to wet your bed tonight. That's what they want you to do.

That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.
Great idea let the people who got us into this mess in the first place get together and decide how to fix it. Oh wait those people have been "fixing" it for decades.
Well, Muslims have gotten along fabulously with each other and those they disagreed with for centuries...
What point are you tring to make with that comment? That a portion of Muslims are violent lunatics? A portion of EVERY group are violent lunatics. How many world wars did Muslims start in the last century versus non-Muslims?
Muslims don't wage traditional war....there are rules when nations are at war and Muslim terrorists don't follow any rules. They target civilians, make human shields out of schools and hospitals, they don't take prisoners, they execute them, they burn people alive for their terrorist propaganda, convince their followers to commit suicide in order to kill as many as possible and they hide out in other countries in camps so they have no nation to actually defend. When countries make war on each other there is an eventual victor and loser and peace is attained, like with Germany and Japan. There can be no peace with Islamic extremists....peace is not the goal.
Imagine if they waged war the way westerners do. There would be millions dead by now.

These terrorists are broke ass sand dwellers whose greatest victory in the last 10 years is killing 150 people in Paris. Meanwhile the U.S. and Russia bombed over 500 ISIS targets in the last 2 days.

Try not to wet your bed tonight. That's what they want you to do. I supposed to feel sorry for these poor, misunderstood murderers now? You think killing 150 Westerners is their "greatest victory?" ISIS has killed tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims and made many more thousands refugees. They've tortured and raped their way throughout the ME and destroyed infrastructure and irreplaceable historic monuments They're not "poor" either they're making millions from selling oil. The U.S. and other countries have been conducting pin-prick bombings and drone strikes on these guys for years with very little effect and for a couple of days have gotten more serious about targeting them. Hopefully, they'll do some real damage for a change.
You and Obama are wrong when you try to portray terrorists as "JV" and nothing to worry about. While I don't feel particularly threatened by these killers....I just want for them the same thing they want for us be wiped from the face of the earth.
Sorry sil, that proposal is a non starter. Neither side would be willing to agree to that.

More to the point, why should we sacrifice free speech for peace anyway? Do you honestly think they are attacking the west because of the smut on tv? Give me a break. If they did, they wouldn't be found in strip clubs so much.

No. What they want is power. They want to rule over us because they think they have the right to govern us. They don't. We can govern ourselves. But if they do that we may choose a religion that isn't theirs. They are insecure with themselves and their faith in God so they can't let us choose otherwise. They need us to submit. Until we do that, they will not stop.

World war is coming. And we are not prepared
Sorry sil, that proposal is a non starter. Neither side would be willing to agree to that.

More to the point, why should we sacrifice free speech for peace anyway? Do you honestly think they are attacking the west because of the smut on tv? Give me a break. If they did, they wouldn't be found in strip clubs so much.

No. What they want is power. They want to rule over us because they think they have the right to govern us...

No, all violence is born from fear. And these young men (and now women) are afraid of what the West represents. They've even said this is the case. They call us "infidels" because to them we are the epitome of insanity. So, the more manifestly insane we appear, the easier it is for them to recruit people so extreme that they would blow themselves up to save their fellows from their (now) common fear. That fear boiled down to a didactic epitome: Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner moving in next door.

Russia has banned Americans from adopting children when the gay marriage thing looked solid. Other countries have joined them. We act like helter-skelter is the same thing as "freedom". It isn't. There has never been true freedom in the US since its inception. For instance, you are not free to commit treason...though today those laws are so lax that you might as well be free to. Citizen's United was a law created to embody treason: a back door to other countries influencing our elections in a very real and potent way. ie: other countries essentially governing us from without. This is the embodiment of how relaxing laws around freedoms can become fatal to a nation.

Other laws curb wanton freedoms; and rightfully they should. The harm gay marriage does to others is that it institutionalizes the final destruction of the nuclear family. It institutionalizes perpetually fatherless or motherless children. This is seen as abhorrent to all but the most perverse minds.

Exacerbating the problem is that the LGBT machine has a stronghold on the media through their iron fist in Hollywood. So islamic extremists, also plugged into the expanding media (internet) where their membership is more difficult to keep true to their fold, would FEAR the spread of Western culture to such an extreme that it would feel to them like impending annihilation. Because that's exactly what it is. Given enough time and a generation or two influenced by this rainbow iron fist, gay marriage would come to their shores as a challenge. That is the death of all they believe in at its core.

Now, I'm not apologizing for these islamic extremists as a whole. Their justification of torturing and beating down their own citizens is equally as crazy. A soul cannot be properly tested without freedoms, or if it is constantly being tortured or beaten down. God would not want this. This testing ground has different cultures though for different reasons. So I feel certain that islam, reined in, could exist just perfectly next to Western values, reined in. The problem is that suicide bombers and gay marriage are the manifestations of effect and cause, creating polarized extremes that almost seem like they are in competition to outdo each other. The end result will be nothing but global destruction. And I feel certain that the destruction of God/Allah's sacred creation would not be approved by God/Allah.

As I said before, religions are around to keep the troop in check, not to spur it on to total destruction of the whole world. Any edicts that report to do that are Satan's clever insertions through It's very human surrogates posing as sublime prophets. There is only one entity of the two Beings who would thrive, get off on and urge global destruction. If you think you're going to Heaven for destroying God's creation (the family or the earth) "as you read in Revelations" or wherever, you have been sold a raw bill of goods. And, you are unfortunately and eternally wrong.

Perhaps though you are right, that "neither side would be willing" to come to the table, even the gray-haireds...certainly the youth wouldn't. But they will come to the table eventually, as the insanity escalates. My point is that it's always best to rein in a runaway horse before you're right to the edge of a precipice, not after..

Long story short, gay marriage and Islam cannot exist in the same world without total destruction. I didn't create this reality; it is a reality that simply exists. Denying it is a fool's errand.
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No, all violence is born from fear. And these young men (and now women) are afraid of what the West represents. They've even said this is the case. They call us "infidels" because to them we are the epitome of insanity. So, the more manifestly insane we appear, the easier it is for them to recruit people so extreme that they would blow themselves up to save their fellows from their (now) common fear. That fear boiled down to a didactic epitome: Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner moving in next door.

Russia has banned Americans from adopting children when the gay marriage thing looked solid. Other countries have joined them. We act like helter-skelter is the same thing as "freedom". It isn't. There has never been true freedom in the US since its inception. For instance, you are not free to commit treason...though today those laws are so lax that you might as well be free to. Citizen's United was a law created to embody treason: a back door to other countries influencing our elections in a very real and potent way. ie: other countries essentially governing us from without.

Other laws curb wanton freedoms; and rightfully they should. The harm gay marriage does to others is that it institutionalizes the final destruction of the nuclear family. It institutionalizes perpetually fatherless or motherless children. This is seen as abhorrent to all but the most perverse minds.

Exacerbating the problem is that the LGBT machine has a stronghold on the media through their iron fist in Hollywood. So islamic extremists, also plugged into the expanding media (internet) where their membership is more difficult to keep true to their fold, would FEAR the spread of Western culture to such an extreme that it would feel to them like impending annihilation. Because that's exactly what it is. Given enough time and a generation or two influenced by this rainbow iron fist, gay marriage would come to their shores as a challenge. That is the death of all they believe in at its core.

Now, I'm not apologizing for these islamic extremists as a whole. Their justification of torturing and beating down their own citizens is equally as crazy. A soul cannot be properly tested without freedoms, or if it is constantly being tortured or beaten down. God would not want this. This testing ground has different cultures though for different reasons. So I feel certain that islam, reined in, could exist just perfectly next to Western values, reined in. The problem is that suicide bombers and gay marriage are the manifestations of effect and cause, creating polarized extremes that almost seem like they are in competition to outdo each other.

Perhaps though you are right, that "neither side would be willing" to come to the table, even the gray-haireds...certainly the youth wouldn't. But they will come to the table eventually, as the insanity escalates. My point is that it's always best to rein in a runaway horse before you're right to the edge of a precipice, not after..

Yeah, we are not going to tear apart the entire Constitution just to appease you and radical Islam. I guess you'll just have to craft another cockamamie scheme to harm gay people.
Yeah, we are not going to tear apart the entire Constitution just to appease you and radical Islam. I guess you'll just have to craft another cockamamie scheme to harm gay people.

Like I said, don't wonder how the islamic extremists recruit. They don't have to. We're doing that for them.

Sorry sil, that proposal is a non starter. Neither side would be willing to agree to that.

More to the point, why should we sacrifice free speech for peace anyway? Do you honestly think they are attacking the west because of the smut on tv? Give me a break. If they did, they wouldn't be found in strip clubs so much.

No. What they want is power. They want to rule over us because they think they have the right to govern us...

No, all violence is born from fear. And these young men (and now women) are afraid of what the West represents. They've even said this is the case. They call us "infidels" because to them we are the epitome of insanity. So, the more manifestly insane we appear, the easier it is for them to recruit people so extreme that they would blow themselves up to save their fellows from their (now) common fear. That fear boiled down to a didactic epitome: Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner moving in next door.

Russia has banned Americans from adopting children when the gay marriage thing looked solid. Other countries have joined them. We act like helter-skelter is the same thing as "freedom". It isn't. There has never been true freedom in the US since its inception. For instance, you are not free to commit treason...though today those laws are so lax that you might as well be free to. Citizen's United was a law created to embody treason: a back door to other countries influencing our elections in a very real and potent way. ie: other countries essentially governing us from without. This is the embodiment of how relaxing laws around freedoms can become fatal to a Taboola

Other laws curb wanton freedoms; and rightfully they should. The harm gay marriage does to others is that it institutionalizes the final destruction of the nuclear family. It institutionalizes perpetually fatherless or motherless children. This is seen as abhorrent to all but the most perverse minds.

Exacerbating the problem is that the LGBT machine has a stronghold on the media through their iron fist in Hollywood. So islamic extremists, also plugged into the expanding media (internet) where their membership is more difficult to keep true to their fold, would FEAR the spread of Western culture to such an extreme that it would feel to them like impending annihilation. Because that's exactly what it is. Given enough time and a generation or two influenced by this rainbow iron fist, gay marriage would come to their shores as a challenge. That is the death of all they believe in at its core.

Now, I'm not apologizing for these islamic extremists as a whole. Their justification of torturing and beating down their own citizens is equally as crazy. A soul cannot be properly tested without freedoms, or if it is constantly being tortured or beaten down. God would not want this. This testing ground has different cultures though for different reasons. So I feel certain that islam, reined in, could exist just perfectly next to Western values, reined in. The problem is that suicide bombers and gay marriage are the manifestations of effect and cause, creating polarized extremes that almost seem like they are in competition to outdo each other. The end result will be nothing but global destruction. And I feel certain that the destruction of God/Allah's sacred creation would not be approved by God/Allah.

As I said before, religions are around to keep the troop in check, not to spur it on to total destruction of the whole world. Any edicts that report to do that are Satan's clever insertions through It's very human surrogates posing as sublime prophets. There is only one entity of the two Beings who would thrive, get off on and urge global destruction. If you think you're going to Heaven for destroying God's creation (the family or the earth) "as you read in Revelations" or wherever, you have been sold a raw bill of goods. And, you are unfortunately and eternally wrong.

Perhaps though you are right, that "neither side would be willing" to come to the table, even the gray-haireds...certainly the youth wouldn't. But they will come to the table eventually, as the insanity escalates. My point is that it's always best to rein in a runaway horse before you're right to the edge of a precipice, not after..

Long story short, gay marriage and Islam cannot exist in the same world without total destruction. I didn't create this reality; it is a reality that simply exists. Denying it is a fool's errand.
Yeah, we are not going to tear apart the entire Constitution just to appease you and radical Islam. I guess you'll just have to craft another cockamamie scheme to harm gay people.

Like I said, don't wonder how the islamic extremists recruit. They don't have to. We're doing that for them.


So now Jenner is to blame for Islamic extremists recruiting? Too funny.

If Jenner is to blame than so are all the women in bikinis all along our pools/beaches. Are we to ban bikinis as well to appease radical Islam?

Thank goodness nobody is taking your outlandish compromise serious.

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