Gray Hair: A Solution to the Pending World War

Would you favor a Council of Elders from East and West to reign in their respective immoral ranks?

  • No! Jihad/American unchecked freedoms until death!

  • Yeah, that would probably be an OK compromise, given what we all will get out of what we give up.

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Yeah, we are not going to tear apart the entire Constitution just to appease you and radical Islam. I guess you'll just have to craft another cockamamie scheme to harm gay people.

Like I said, don't wonder how the islamic extremists recruit. They don't have to. We're doing that for them.


So now Jenner is to blame for Islamic extremists recruiting? Too funny.

If Jenner is to blame than so are all the women in bikinis all along our pools/beaches. Are we to ban bikinis as well to appease radical Islam?

Thank goodness nobody is taking your outlandish compromise serious.

From an islamic point of view, a woman in a bikini is something only her husband should see. From the world's entire point of view, Bruce Jenner in a bikini is something NOBODY should EVER see, or even consider.

See the difference? One is objectionable. The other, patently insane. And insanity is what's causing fear in the islamic extremists. That fear is the mother of their violent reactions.
From an islamic point of view, a woman in a bikini is something only her husband should see. From the world's entire point of view, Bruce Jenner in a bikini is something NOBODY should EVER see, or even consider.

See the difference? One is objectionable. The other, patently insane. And insanity is what's causing fear in the islamic extremists. That fear is the mother of their violent reactions.

So you agree then? We'll have to end bikinis at the pool/beach as well b/c we would not want to offend radical Islam. Great idea. What other freedoms/rights are you willing to piss away in your crusade to harm gay people?
Yeah, we are not going to tear apart the entire Constitution just to appease you and radical Islam. I guess you'll just have to craft another cockamamie scheme to harm gay people.

Like I said, don't wonder how the islamic extremists recruit. They don't have to. We're doing that for them.


So now Jenner is to blame for Islamic extremists recruiting? Too funny.

If Jenner is to blame than so are all the women in bikinis all along our pools/beaches. Are we to ban bikinis as well to appease radical Islam?

Thank goodness nobody is taking your outlandish compromise serious.

From an islamic point of view, a woman in a bikini is something only her husband should see. From the world's entire point of view, Bruce Jenner in a bikini is something NOBODY should EVER see, or even consider.

See the difference? One is objectionable. The other, patently insane. And insanity is what's causing fear in the islamic extremists. That fear is the mother of their violent reactions.

What about this? Is this causing terrorism too?
From an islamic point of view, a woman in a bikini is something only her husband should see. From the world's entire point of view, Bruce Jenner in a bikini is something NOBODY should EVER see, or even consider.

See the difference? One is objectionable. The other, patently insane. And insanity is what's causing fear in the islamic extremists. That fear is the mother of their violent reactions.

So you agree then? We'll have to end bikinis at the pool/beach as well b/c we would not want to offend radical Islam. Great idea. What other freedoms/rights are you willing to piss away in your crusade to harm gay people?
Nope, stop putting words in my mouth. I said to rein the horse in from it's stampede. You can canter it on the bit or even at a hand gallop as long as it's still in hand. The Western horse has ripped the reins from its rider's hands, snapped them and has its head full out while the rider clings for dear life to its mane. So the islamic extremists' little arab horse is likewise spooked and running for the cliff's edge.

I'm not calling for an end to Western "freedoms". I'm calling for an end to Western insanity. A guy chopping his dick off and playing at being a woman is I-N-S-A-N-E. And only insane people believe it is "sane".
That is to say...wisdom. (sorry about the wall of text but it's kind of a big problem and two words won't do)

Let's face it: youth can be hot-headed; especially boys. But boys we hope eventually grow up to be men. When a society is overrun by its youth and their insane/rash idealisms who fail to respect their elders and their wisdom, that's when crap hits the fan. Oh, and this applies to muslim cultures too...

So I was thinking about this muslim jihad vs the West, since we all know where it's going. After numerous failed attempts by China and Russia through their islamic surrogates to bait and goad the US into its final act, teetering as it is so precariously on manufactured civil unrest to promote one youth agenda, and its economic woes, finally they found the way in: attack France. What do we know about the French? What are they known for around the world? When you fuck with them, they see red and their pride demands they retaliate. And how convenient; when they get in too deep, their allies will have to help...


In one way I've been happy about Obama being president and being inert when it comes to riling up about these attacks. It's that he doesn't quickly rise to the obvious baiting. Republicans love to, because it means more money for their defense-contractor stocks and buddies, also a temporarily spurred economy. And republicans can be hot-headed and dumb when it comes to seeing someone obviously pissing on their shoes to instigate a fight that they aren't bolstered enough to take on. As the bull staggers, the matador swings the red cape hoping that wobbling bull will strike just one more time..

Anyway, a solution to this situation MIGHT be for the gray-haireds to get together. Nobody allowed in under age 55 to any of the discussions. And here's the proposal I would make for world peace:

Each side compromises and agrees to give up something. The muslim Imams agree to give up their abusive treatment of women, allowing them to at least not be physically abused; perhaps devising more creative and humane punishments for them when they step out of the islamic-woman role line. Also they agree to stop bombing and terrorizing the West. In exchange, the West agrees to completely remove all smut, LGBT propaganda, excessive eating shows and promotion of greed, vanity and any other wanton displays of "being flagrant infidels" that is so highly offensive to the muslims from media.

After all, violence always comes from fear. The fear the muslims have is that our far-reaching media influences, seen spreading all around the world for decades now, turning everything around into a "quasi-America", will finally take root and grow in their culture. And there's just no mixing oil and water. Perhaps they really do see this jihad as "fighting for their life".

On the other hand, they must also realize that the West fears the same type of thing from their less gray haired members: those that would so violently harm women (as repugnant to the west as the LGBT is to Islam), and so the Western non-grays sit pumped with testosterone and charged to launch in.

This is how wars have always started since the dawn of time. One group of monkeys develops a certain set of nasty habits, then another group has their own. And when those nasty habits piss off the other troop to a tipping point, off the males go. Only now instead of throwning stones and bashing each other with sticks, they throw bullets and bash each other with bombs. But it's really no different other than that at its core. The older silverbacks though are less quick to rile and usually employ a calming and potent effect on their troop so that all may live in peace.

Don't get me wrong, the young males are necessary, but they must not lead themselves. They must be led by gray-haireds. I envision the Pope, some prominent Imams and maybe the UN or an American Council to convene and discuss how the young hot heads can be reined in, fair trade and morality restored on both extremes. We have all, we gray-haireds, been negligent in checking the insane agendas of our youth. If we want a peaceful retirement, we should nut-up and start speaking sanity. If there is such a convening, it must be conspicuous and not secretive. The world must know that the gray-haireds are talking and assuming leadership roles as they rightfully should. This is taught both in the Bible and the Koran: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! Those who do not will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't know about you, but this world is way to beautiful to destroy completely and finally for some monkey-war where the silverbacks ignored too much for too long while they were napping. Allah/God commanded men to preserve what he created. The Devil is the one who snuck in the language through his human scribes and surrogates that "there shall be great destruction in the end times". It's time to sift out the Sublime from the monkey nonsense. Anyone who foolishly destroys God's creation thinking it's some manifest destiny from God has gotten it completely wrong. There are no end times; there is only time. And God wants it to continue, not end. Heaven is right here on earth, or at least it could be if we listen to wisdom.

Geriocracy think it's called. Governance by the oldest citizens. See it in Star Trek and babylon 5 for alien civilizations. See it in the real world to some degree in Asian cultures where they actually give a shit about their old people. :)
From an islamic point of view, a woman in a bikini is something only her husband should see. From the world's entire point of view, Bruce Jenner in a bikini is something NOBODY should EVER see, or even consider.

See the difference? One is objectionable. The other, patently insane. And insanity is what's causing fear in the islamic extremists. That fear is the mother of their violent reactions.

So you agree then? We'll have to end bikinis at the pool/beach as well b/c we would not want to offend radical Islam. Great idea. What other freedoms/rights are you willing to piss away in your crusade to harm gay people?
Nope, stop putting words in my mouth. I said to rein the horse in from it's stampede. You can canter it on the bit or even at a hand gallop as long as it's still in hand. The Western horse has ripped the reins from its rider's hands, snapped them and has its head full out while the rider clings for dear life to its mane. So the islamic extremists' little arab horse is likewise spooked and running for the cliff's edge.

I'm not calling for an end to Western "freedoms". I'm calling for an end to Western insanity. A guy chopping his dick off and playing at being a woman is I-N-S-A-N-E. And only insane people believe it is "sane".

Bullshit. You are calling for an end to freedoms we enjoy in this nation in a lame attempt to punish gay people. Thank goodness most people are not willing to piss our rights away so easily.

What other rights are willing to curtail to appease radical Islam?
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