GREAT AGAIN: New Life For Steel Plant Perks Up Depressed Illinois Town...

Quality jobs are out there for people with high tech skills and education to perform those tasks. America is pretty dumb and can't take advantage of what is offered.

Quality jobs are out there for people with high tech skills and education to perform those tasks.

Beside being a broken record, you don't address who we find those people when our education system continually cranks out hordes of mindless graduates who can't read or write at a 5th grade level. Employers are begging for qualified applicants who want to work.
I'm not crazy about tariffs as it is experimental at this point. But the truth of the matter is we could solve a lot of problems in this country if most of us decided to support American workers and American companies.

The problem is we are cheap consumers. Sell us the cheapest product you can and that's the product we will buy.

So what this tariff may do is exactly that; force us to support American workers and companies. Let's see how it works, because we American consumers will not do it ourselves.

As for the ripple effect, why is it that the left is never concerned about the ripple effect of a huge minimum wage increase, the cost to companies for buying more expensive green fuel, or the cost of Commie Care?

Do you think it is the job of the government to try and force its citizens to buy certain products?

I think it's their job to try and make all players play by the same rules.
...No. Sorry. Much has worked...
Incorrect. Our trade-imbalances, with respect to manufactured goods, and our closed factories, tell us what we need to know.

Not really, it just gives you one small part of a much larger picture.

We are at 104 straight months of economic expansion, the third longest such period in the history of our country and there is no end in sight.

We are at 89 straight months of positive job growth, which I belive is the longest such streak in our history, with no end in sight for that either.

We have a trade imbalance with respect to manufactured goods because other countries make shit we the citizens of this country want to buy, it is really that simple. It is the same reason I have a trade imbalance with my local BestBuy, they have shit I want to buy.

If you really believe all of that, I truly feel sorry for you.

If I believe the facts I just stated you feel sorry for me...that says a lot about you

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We know bringing quality jobs back to American Citizens doesn't excite Democrats. It's all about placating Non-Citizens for them now. But for most others, this is great news.

Go Trump!

Ever since the layoffs a few years ago, many residents here had wondered when the local steel plant would again fire up its furnaces—or close forever.

Not only were hundreds of steelworkers left jobless when United States Steel Corp. X -1.49% scaled down its operations in Granite City, Ill., in 2015, but lunch deliveries to the plant vanished for a local diner while a shoe store’s work-boot sales plummeted. At least 26 businesses closed within a year, according to an area chamber of commerce.

“We were in a deep state of depression here, and not sure if it would ever open again,” said Mayor Ed Hagnauer, who was first elected in 2005.

Suddenly things are looking up for Granite City, an industrial town with a population of about 30,000 across the Mississippi River from St. Louis...

Read More:
New Life for Steel Plant Perks Up Depressed Illinois Town, Workforce

Swap 100 steel jobs for minus 1000 jobs everywhere else. WOoooo go Trump. Making jobs and ignoring everything else since 2017!

That's just hateful Democrat Fake News talkin, kid. There is no credible evidence supporting the assertion that for every 100 steel jobs created, a 1000 jobs will be lost. Maybe try laying off Democrat Fake News for awhile. You're being manipulated. You're being lied to.

No, I didn't say there would be 100 jobs created for 1000 jobs lost. I don't know how many jobs will be created for how many jobs lost.

What I did was give an example of what COULD happen.

Certainly more jobs will be lost because of this than will be gained. But now I have time to actually go out and find out what people have predicted.

How Many American Jobs Could Be Lost Thanks to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

"According to a study by the Trade Partnership, the tariffs could ultimately cost more American jobs than they would create."

"The tariffs would increase U.S. iron and steel employment and non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminum) employment by 33,464 jobs, but cost 179,334 jobs throughout the rest of the economy, for a net loss of nearly 146,000 jobs;"

So the reality is gain 1,000 jobs and lose 5359 jobs.

Woo, waydago Trump.

Yeah like i said, lay off Democrat Fake News for awhile. You're being manipulated.

Ah, the easy answers for people who don't have shit.

Fake news huh? You haven't proven that it's fake. You just shout it because that's what people who can't think do.

This paper was written by Dr. Joseph Francois and Laura M. Baughman.

The former is a professor of the Department of Economics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz.

Joseph Francois - Google Scholar Citations

Here's written a lot of papers on economics going back to 2001.

The latter is President of The Trade Partnership and Trade Partnership Worldwide, LLC and she "She testifies before various U.S. government agencies regarding the likely impacts on competitiveness of prospective or actual trade policies. "

And then there's you. Someone who can't even respond properly to things and just shouts "fake news"

Who do you think I'm going to listen to?
...No. Sorry. Much has worked...
Incorrect. Our trade-imbalances, with respect to manufactured goods, and our closed factories, tell us what we need to know.

Not really, it just gives you one small part of a much larger picture.

We are at 104 straight months of economic expansion, the third longest such period in the history of our country and there is no end in sight.

We are at 89 straight months of positive job growth, which I belive is the longest such streak in our history, with no end in sight for that either.

We have a trade imbalance with respect to manufactured goods because other countries make shit we the citizens of this country want to buy, it is really that simple. It is the same reason I have a trade imbalance with my local BestBuy, they have shit I want to buy.

If you really believe all of that, I truly feel sorry for you.
Our colleague confuses economic expansion with national strategic imperatives.

Inflated stock values aren't going to do us one damned bit of good when the foreign supply of strategic materials and parts dries up.

To survive beyond that point, a substantive, self-sufficient domestic manufacturing capacity is required.

To reacquire such a capacity on the scale required to render it truly strategic, we're gonna have to sacrifice some coupon clippers.

Small price to pay... the sooner we throw 'em under the bus, the better.

Economics-obsessed shills don't understand the need for a strategic domestic manufacturing resource.
I'm not crazy about tariffs as it is experimental at this point. But the truth of the matter is we could solve a lot of problems in this country if most of us decided to support American workers and American companies.

The problem is we are cheap consumers. Sell us the cheapest product you can and that's the product we will buy.

So what this tariff may do is exactly that; force us to support American workers and companies. Let's see how it works, because we American consumers will not do it ourselves.

As for the ripple effect, why is it that the left is never concerned about the ripple effect of a huge minimum wage increase, the cost to companies for buying more expensive green fuel, or the cost of Commie Care?

Do you think it is the job of the government to try and force its citizens to buy certain products?
/——-/ You mean like healthcare?

That is a fine example. I will assume you were against that, yet you are for this...all that seems to matter to you is what party is doing these things
I'm not crazy about tariffs as it is experimental at this point. But the truth of the matter is we could solve a lot of problems in this country if most of us decided to support American workers and American companies.

The problem is we are cheap consumers. Sell us the cheapest product you can and that's the product we will buy.

So what this tariff may do is exactly that; force us to support American workers and companies. Let's see how it works, because we American consumers will not do it ourselves.

As for the ripple effect, why is it that the left is never concerned about the ripple effect of a huge minimum wage increase, the cost to companies for buying more expensive green fuel, or the cost of Commie Care?

Do you think it is the job of the government to try and force its citizens to buy certain products?
/——-/ You mean like healthcare?

That is a fine example. I will assume you were against that, yet you are for this...all that seems to matter to you is what party is doing these things
/----/ Yes i was against the Gubmint forcing people to buy a product in order to be a legal citizen. And yes I support Tariffs if they help US industries survive again the Chinkes and Japs dumping steel and Aluminium. And I support any policy that helps America in spite of the party that promotes it. So show me the democRATs solution to our steel industry problems.
I'm not crazy about tariffs as it is experimental at this point. But the truth of the matter is we could solve a lot of problems in this country if most of us decided to support American workers and American companies.

The problem is we are cheap consumers. Sell us the cheapest product you can and that's the product we will buy.

So what this tariff may do is exactly that; force us to support American workers and companies. Let's see how it works, because we American consumers will not do it ourselves.

As for the ripple effect, why is it that the left is never concerned about the ripple effect of a huge minimum wage increase, the cost to companies for buying more expensive green fuel, or the cost of Commie Care?

Do you think it is the job of the government to try and force its citizens to buy certain products?
/——-/ You mean like healthcare?

That is a fine example. I will assume you were against that, yet you are for this...all that seems to matter to you is what party is doing these things
/----/ Yes i was against the Gubmint forcing people to buy a product in order to be a legal citizen. And yes I support Tariffs if they help US industries survive again the Chinkes and Japs dumping steel and Aluminium. And I support any policy that helps America in spite of the party that promotes it. So show me the democRATs solution to our steel industry problems.

It is not the job of the government to fix the problems of any industry, that is what socialist do, not free market conservatives.
I'm not crazy about tariffs as it is experimental at this point. But the truth of the matter is we could solve a lot of problems in this country if most of us decided to support American workers and American companies.

The problem is we are cheap consumers. Sell us the cheapest product you can and that's the product we will buy.

So what this tariff may do is exactly that; force us to support American workers and companies. Let's see how it works, because we American consumers will not do it ourselves.

As for the ripple effect, why is it that the left is never concerned about the ripple effect of a huge minimum wage increase, the cost to companies for buying more expensive green fuel, or the cost of Commie Care?

Do you think it is the job of the government to try and force its citizens to buy certain products?
/——-/ You mean like healthcare?

That is a fine example. I will assume you were against that, yet you are for this...all that seems to matter to you is what party is doing these things
/----/ Yes i was against the Gubmint forcing people to buy a product in order to be a legal citizen. And yes I support Tariffs if they help US industries survive again the Chinkes and Japs dumping steel and Aluminium. And I support any policy that helps America in spite of the party that promotes it. So show me the democRATs solution to our steel industry problems.

It is not the job of the government to fix the problems of any industry, that is what socialist do, not free market conservatives.
/----/ So you were against the Gubmint "fixing" healthcare. OK, so what are we supposed to do when foreign countries dump their products in the US crippling our own industries, roll over and play dead? Now it's school time for you Leftards:
The United States Constitution gives Congress the power to impose and collect taxes, tariffs, duties, and the like, and to regulate international commerce. ... Thus, because the President does not possess express constitutional authority to modify tariffs, he must find authority for tariff-related action in statute.Dec 9, 2016
Presidential Authority over Trade: Imposing Tariffs and Duties -
/----/ So you were against the Gubmint "fixing" healthcare. OK, so what are we supposed to do when foreign countries dump their products in the US crippling our own industries, roll over and play dead? Now it's school time for you Leftards:

The Govt didnt fix healthcare, they made it worse and need to stay out of it. I have been consistently against the ACA since my first day on this board.

The United States Constitution gives Congress the power to impose and collect taxes, tariffs, duties, and the like, and to regulate international commerce. ... Thus, because the President does not possess express constitutional authority to modify tariffs, he must find authority for tariff-related action in statute.Dec 9, 2016
Presidential Authority over Trade: Imposing Tariffs and Duties -

It also give congress the power to levy taxes, does that mean I have to agree with every tax the Govt puts on us? Do you agree with every tax that is levied upon, since after all the Constitution gave congress the power to do so.

But maybe you do, since a tariff is nothing but a tax on the people of this country who buy the item.

Well my friend...... Look at the current economy. Does it look like these companies that are in the steel and aluminum business are suffering? These are the casualties of success which is very good as far as in general are concerned.

Here is the reality. Forget that you are a Trump supporter for a second.
The bottom line:
1. Prices of steel and aluminum all over US may it be local or imports will increase tremendously favoring his buddies.
2. Prices of products that are heavily rely on steel and aluminum such as cars, can goods, medical instruments manufacturers, tools etc etc etc...... will increase.
3. Hard to compete overseas with our products as it is.
4. Our partners overseas will retaliate. Thus harder to sell our products as it is.
5. Remember some of those countries can live with less sacrifices without buying our products.
6. I’m in the medical instrumentation business. How much do you think I will increase the cost of my instruments? $5. $10........ How about maybe at the minimum $1,500 or $2,000.

Bad idea. Very bad idea.
/——-/ OK you convinced me. Let’s just roll over and play dead. Problem solved.

You’ve been listening to Trump and Hannity too much.

Look at the evidence...... The booming economy. Does it look like we are playing dead?
Trump tactics and style the way he sells his agenda is to scare people....... Countries are taking advantage of us, they are taking jobs away from us, look at the deficits..... If that is true then our country should be in shambles with high employment.
Don’t you think? Tell me where I’m wrong.
/——/ I grew up in South Carolina, textile center of the world. By the late 70s all those factories closed and the textiles came from overseas. Same story with the steel mills. But you’ll just dismiss it and come back tomorrow with the same arguments

I hear ya. Trump's trying. But the Globalists will obstruct. They don't care about American Citizens.
We know bringing quality jobs back to American Citizens doesn't excite Democrats. It's all about placating Non-Citizens for them now. But for most others, this is great news.

Go Trump!

Ever since the layoffs a few years ago, many residents here had wondered when the local steel plant would again fire up its furnaces—or close forever.

Not only were hundreds of steelworkers left jobless when United States Steel Corp. X -1.49% scaled down its operations in Granite City, Ill., in 2015, but lunch deliveries to the plant vanished for a local diner while a shoe store’s work-boot sales plummeted. At least 26 businesses closed within a year, according to an area chamber of commerce.

“We were in a deep state of depression here, and not sure if it would ever open again,” said Mayor Ed Hagnauer, who was first elected in 2005.

Suddenly things are looking up for Granite City, an industrial town with a population of about 30,000 across the Mississippi River from St. Louis...

Read More:
New Life for Steel Plant Perks Up Depressed Illinois Town, Workforce

Swap 100 steel jobs for minus 1000 jobs everywhere else. WOoooo go Trump. Making jobs and ignoring everything else since 2017!

That's just hateful Democrat Fake News talkin, kid. There is no credible evidence supporting the assertion that for every 100 steel jobs created, a 1000 jobs will be lost. Maybe try laying off Democrat Fake News for awhile. You're being manipulated. You're being lied to.

No, I didn't say there would be 100 jobs created for 1000 jobs lost. I don't know how many jobs will be created for how many jobs lost.

What I did was give an example of what COULD happen.

Certainly more jobs will be lost because of this than will be gained. But now I have time to actually go out and find out what people have predicted.

How Many American Jobs Could Be Lost Thanks to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

"According to a study by the Trade Partnership, the tariffs could ultimately cost more American jobs than they would create."

"The tariffs would increase U.S. iron and steel employment and non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminum) employment by 33,464 jobs, but cost 179,334 jobs throughout the rest of the economy, for a net loss of nearly 146,000 jobs;"

So the reality is gain 1,000 jobs and lose 5359 jobs.

Woo, waydago Trump.

Yeah like i said, lay off Democrat Fake News for awhile. You're being manipulated.

Ah, the easy answers for people who don't have shit.

Fake news huh? You haven't proven that it's fake. You just shout it because that's what people who can't think do.

This paper was written by Dr. Joseph Francois and Laura M. Baughman.

The former is a professor of the Department of Economics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz.

Joseph Francois - Google Scholar Citations

Here's written a lot of papers on economics going back to 2001.

The latter is President of The Trade Partnership and Trade Partnership Worldwide, LLC and she "She testifies before various U.S. government agencies regarding the likely impacts on competitiveness of prospective or actual trade policies. "

And then there's you. Someone who can't even respond properly to things and just shouts "fake news"

Who do you think I'm going to listen to?
sounds like probably Laura Baughman and her 80s hit "Gloria".

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