GREAT AGAIN: New Life For Steel Plant Perks Up Depressed Illinois Town...

Remember Carrier...yeah you don't. Dumb rednecks and their Putin agenda.

I remember Carrier. Do you remember we were all supposed to have affordable health insurance?

If you really remember Carrier you would know 1) $8M subsidy to stay in town 2) 700+ jobs gone after the subsidy. 3) Corporate Welfare scheme.

Healthcare - your own state had a chance to ensure lower healthcare costs. My healthcare is pretty damn good because the company I work for (based in California) has the balls to demand inexpensive healthcare. Where is Filthy Don taking aim at the pharmaceutical companies in drug prices, lower cost in supplies, and lower admin fees? He talked a good game and then ran off like a little bitch.

Filthy Don is great at dropping names though...but has no follow through skills. His Business Advisory Council told him to fvck off because he has no idea how to lead, people and projects, and his ideas are shady as shit.

Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort's $10 million fine and settlement deal with the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network over violations of the Bank Secrecy Act Trump Taj Mahal’s $10M FinCEN Deal Moves Forward - Law360

Donald Trump Agrees to Pay $25 Million in Trump University Settlement
Donald Trump Agrees to Pay $25 Million in Trump University Settlement

Filthy Don is a swindler and it shows. Especially to the FBI. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Remember Carrier...yeah you don't. Dumb rednecks and their Putin agenda.

I remember Carrier. Do you remember we were all supposed to have affordable health insurance?

If you really remember Carrier you would know 1) $8M subsidy to stay in town 2) 700+ jobs gone after the subsidy. 3) Corporate Welfare scheme.

Healthcare - your own state had a chance to ensure lower healthcare costs. My healthcare is pretty damn good because the company I work for (based in California) has the balls to demand inexpensive healthcare. Where is Filthy Don taking aim at the pharmaceutical companies in drug prices, lower cost in supplies, and lower admin fees? He talked a good game and then ran off like a little bitch.

Filthy Don is great at dropping names though...but has no follow through skills. His Business Advisory Council told him to fvck off because he has idea how to lead, people and projects, and his ideas are shady as shit.

Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort's $10 million fine and settlement deal with the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network over violations of the Bank Secrecy Act Trump Taj Mahal’s $10M FinCEN Deal Moves Forward - Law360

Donald Trump Agrees to Pay $25 Million in Trump University Settlement
Donald Trump Agrees to Pay $25 Million in Trump University Settlement

Filthy Don is a swindler. :abgg2q.jpg:

You're changing the subject.

The only reason Trump gave away the 25 mil is because he became President. You can't fight a lawsuit while being President.

If you have reasonably priced healthier insurance, it's only because it's provided to you by a private entity--not government. Commie Care has some of the worst plans at the highest cost. Now that it's a complete failure, don't try to blame states or the Republicans.
Hopefully this is just the beginning....

Amen. It's about time this country started fighting for American Workers again. The Globalists have decimated quality American Jobs for years. It's time to turn things around.

I watched Wilbur Ross on tv last week and he said more is coming....most likely taxes on cars bring imported is one

It's unbelievably refreshing having a US President daring to look out for American Workers. We haven't seen that in so many years. The Globalists in both Parties have decimated quality American Jobs. It's time to help our own again. Go Trump!
Trump doesn't produce one single item in the USA to sell in the USA...How is he helping when he is part of the problem?

At least the man's trying. We haven't seen that from a US President in many years. He's daring to take on the Globalists who've decimated quality American Jobs. It's incredibly brave. Good on em.
Yeah considering it was douchebag Reagan that started the fucking of main town USA..
We know bringing quality jobs back to American Citizens doesn't excite Democrats. It's all about placating Non-Citizens for them now. But for most others, this is great news.

Go Trump!

Ever since the layoffs a few years ago, many residents here had wondered when the local steel plant would again fire up its furnaces—or close forever.

Not only were hundreds of steelworkers left jobless when United States Steel Corp. X -1.49% scaled down its operations in Granite City, Ill., in 2015, but lunch deliveries to the plant vanished for a local diner while a shoe store’s work-boot sales plummeted. At least 26 businesses closed within a year, according to an area chamber of commerce.

“We were in a deep state of depression here, and not sure if it would ever open again,” said Mayor Ed Hagnauer, who was first elected in 2005.

Suddenly things are looking up for Granite City, an industrial town with a population of about 30,000 across the Mississippi River from St. Louis...

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New Life for Steel Plant Perks Up Depressed Illinois Town, Workforce

Swap 100 steel jobs for minus 1000 jobs everywhere else. WOoooo go Trump. Making jobs and ignoring everything else since 2017!

That's just hateful Democrat Fake News talkin, kid. There is no credible evidence supporting the assertion that for every 100 steel jobs created, a 1000 jobs will be lost. Maybe try laying off Democrat Fake News for awhile. You're being manipulated. You're being lied to.

No, I didn't say there would be 100 jobs created for 1000 jobs lost. I don't know how many jobs will be created for how many jobs lost.

What I did was give an example of what COULD happen.

Certainly more jobs will be lost because of this than will be gained. But now I have time to actually go out and find out what people have predicted.

How Many American Jobs Could Be Lost Thanks to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

"According to a study by the Trade Partnership, the tariffs could ultimately cost more American jobs than they would create."

"The tariffs would increase U.S. iron and steel employment and non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminum) employment by 33,464 jobs, but cost 179,334 jobs throughout the rest of the economy, for a net loss of nearly 146,000 jobs;"

So the reality is gain 1,000 jobs and lose 5359 jobs.

Woo, waydago Trump.
We know bringing quality jobs back to American Citizens doesn't excite Democrats. It's all about placating Non-Citizens for them now. But for most others, this is great news.

Go Trump!

Ever since the layoffs a few years ago, many residents here had wondered when the local steel plant would again fire up its furnaces—or close forever.

Not only were hundreds of steelworkers left jobless when United States Steel Corp. X -1.49% scaled down its operations in Granite City, Ill., in 2015, but lunch deliveries to the plant vanished for a local diner while a shoe store’s work-boot sales plummeted. At least 26 businesses closed within a year, according to an area chamber of commerce.

“We were in a deep state of depression here, and not sure if it would ever open again,” said Mayor Ed Hagnauer, who was first elected in 2005.

Suddenly things are looking up for Granite City, an industrial town with a population of about 30,000 across the Mississippi River from St. Louis...

Read More:
New Life for Steel Plant Perks Up Depressed Illinois Town, Workforce

Swap 100 steel jobs for minus 1000 jobs everywhere else. WOoooo go Trump. Making jobs and ignoring everything else since 2017!
what jobs were lost?

U.S. Added 313,000 Jobs in February. Here’s What That Means.

None. But he or she heard it on Democrat Fake News. So it must be true. :cuckoo:

Except that he or she does not listen to "Democrat Fake News", he or she simply made an example which wasn't that bad an example, seeing as he or she said gain 1,000 jobs and lose 10,000 but it was gain 1,000 jobs and lose 5,000 jobs.
We know bringing quality jobs back to American Citizens doesn't excite Democrats. It's all about placating Non-Citizens for them now. But for most others, this is great news.

Go Trump!

Ever since the layoffs a few years ago, many residents here had wondered when the local steel plant would again fire up its furnaces—or close forever.

Not only were hundreds of steelworkers left jobless when United States Steel Corp. X -1.49% scaled down its operations in Granite City, Ill., in 2015, but lunch deliveries to the plant vanished for a local diner while a shoe store’s work-boot sales plummeted. At least 26 businesses closed within a year, according to an area chamber of commerce.

“We were in a deep state of depression here, and not sure if it would ever open again,” said Mayor Ed Hagnauer, who was first elected in 2005.

Suddenly things are looking up for Granite City, an industrial town with a population of about 30,000 across the Mississippi River from St. Louis...

Read More:
New Life for Steel Plant Perks Up Depressed Illinois Town, Workforce

Swap 100 steel jobs for minus 1000 jobs everywhere else. WOoooo go Trump. Making jobs and ignoring everything else since 2017!
what jobs were lost?

U.S. Added 313,000 Jobs in February. Here’s What That Means.

None. But he or she heard it on Democrat Fake News. So it must be true. :cuckoo:

Except that he or she does not listen to "Democrat Fake News", he or she simply made an example which wasn't that bad an example, seeing as he or she said gain 1,000 jobs and lose 10,000 but it was gain 1,000 jobs and lose 5,000 jobs.
38, 39...whatever it takes.
Amen. It's about time this country started fighting for American Workers again. The Globalists have decimated quality American Jobs for years. It's time to turn things around.

I watched Wilbur Ross on tv last week and he said more is coming....most likely taxes on cars bring imported is one

It's unbelievably refreshing having a US President daring to look out for American Workers. We haven't seen that in so many years. The Globalists in both Parties have decimated quality American Jobs. It's time to help our own again. Go Trump!
Trump doesn't produce one single item in the USA to sell in the USA...How is he helping when he is part of the problem?

At least the man's trying. We haven't seen that from a US President in many years. He's daring to take on the Globalists who've decimated quality American Jobs. It's incredibly brave. Good on em.
Yeah considering it was douchebag Reagan that started the fucking of main town USA..

Reagan?! Really? You're old, dude. Get a life.
We know bringing quality jobs back to American Citizens doesn't excite Democrats. It's all about placating Non-Citizens for them now. But for most others, this is great news.

Go Trump!

Ever since the layoffs a few years ago, many residents here had wondered when the local steel plant would again fire up its furnaces—or close forever.

Not only were hundreds of steelworkers left jobless when United States Steel Corp. X -1.49% scaled down its operations in Granite City, Ill., in 2015, but lunch deliveries to the plant vanished for a local diner while a shoe store’s work-boot sales plummeted. At least 26 businesses closed within a year, according to an area chamber of commerce.

“We were in a deep state of depression here, and not sure if it would ever open again,” said Mayor Ed Hagnauer, who was first elected in 2005.

Suddenly things are looking up for Granite City, an industrial town with a population of about 30,000 across the Mississippi River from St. Louis...

Read More:
New Life for Steel Plant Perks Up Depressed Illinois Town, Workforce

Swap 100 steel jobs for minus 1000 jobs everywhere else. WOoooo go Trump. Making jobs and ignoring everything else since 2017!

That's just hateful Democrat Fake News talkin, kid. There is no credible evidence supporting the assertion that for every 100 steel jobs created, a 1000 jobs will be lost. Maybe try laying off Democrat Fake News for awhile. You're being manipulated. You're being lied to.

No, I didn't say there would be 100 jobs created for 1000 jobs lost. I don't know how many jobs will be created for how many jobs lost.

What I did was give an example of what COULD happen.

Certainly more jobs will be lost because of this than will be gained. But now I have time to actually go out and find out what people have predicted.

How Many American Jobs Could Be Lost Thanks to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

"According to a study by the Trade Partnership, the tariffs could ultimately cost more American jobs than they would create."

"The tariffs would increase U.S. iron and steel employment and non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminum) employment by 33,464 jobs, but cost 179,334 jobs throughout the rest of the economy, for a net loss of nearly 146,000 jobs;"

So the reality is gain 1,000 jobs and lose 5359 jobs.

Woo, waydago Trump.

Yeah like i said, lay off Democrat Fake News for awhile. You're being manipulated.
At least he's trying to bring quality American Jobs back to our country.

To what detriment?

Why steel tariffs failed when Bush was president

Well my friend...... Look at the current economy. Does it look like these companies that are in the steel and aluminum business are suffering? These are the casualties of success which is very good as far as in general are concerned.

Here is the reality. Forget that you are a Trump supporter for a second.
The bottom line:
1. Prices of steel and aluminum all over US may it be local or imports will increase tremendously favoring his buddies.
2. Prices of products that are heavily rely on steel and aluminum such as cars, can goods, medical instruments manufacturers, tools etc etc etc...... will increase.
3. Hard to compete overseas with our products as it is.
4. Our partners overseas will retaliate. Thus harder to sell our products as it is.
5. Remember some of those countries can live with less sacrifices without buying our products.
6. I’m in the medical instrumentation business. How much do you think I will increase the cost of my instruments? $5. $10........ How about maybe at the minimum $1,500 or $2,000.

Bad idea. Very bad idea.
/——-/ OK you convinced me. Let’s just roll over and play dead. Problem solved.

You’ve been listening to Trump and Hannity too much.

Look at the evidence...... The booming economy. Does it look like we are playing dead?
Trump tactics and style the way he sells his agenda is to scare people....... Countries are taking advantage of us, they are taking jobs away from us, look at the deficits..... If that is true then our country should be in shambles with high employment.
Don’t you think? Tell me where I’m wrong.
Yeah. We lost it, but now that we have tariffs, steel mills will be back up in no time! Ask a Trombie.
Nothing else has worked... so now we go to the matresses...

No. Sorry. Much has worked. What hasn't worked is TRICKLE DOWN economics. But that's what we are now trying AGAIN.

See ya on the other side.
/——/ And when it does work will you have the balls to admit it?

Do you have the balls to admit it has not worked in the past?
/——/ it did work in the past but libtards are in full denial.

Okay you convince me. Can you tell us how this 25% tariffs increase help us?
At least he's trying to bring quality American Jobs back to our country.

To what detriment?

Why steel tariffs failed when Bush was president

Well my friend...... Look at the current economy. Does it look like these companies that are in the steel and aluminum business are suffering? These are the casualties of success which is very good as far as in general are concerned.

Here is the reality. Forget that you are a Trump supporter for a second.
The bottom line:
1. Prices of steel and aluminum all over US may it be local or imports will increase tremendously favoring his buddies.
2. Prices of products that are heavily rely on steel and aluminum such as cars, can goods, medical instruments manufacturers, tools etc etc etc...... will increase.
3. Hard to compete overseas with our products as it is.
4. Our partners overseas will retaliate. Thus harder to sell our products as it is.
5. Remember some of those countries can live with less sacrifices without buying our products.
6. I’m in the medical instrumentation business. How much do you think I will increase the cost of my instruments? $5. $10........ How about maybe at the minimum $1,500 or $2,000.

Bad idea. Very bad idea.
/——-/ OK you convinced me. Let’s just roll over and play dead. Problem solved.

That's already happened. The Globalists threw American Workers overboard years ago. Trump's trying to repair the awful damage. But it won't be easy. The Globalists won't go down without a bitter fight. They'll side with foreign entities, rather than help fellow Americans out.

Globalists are not Patriotic folks by any means. They'll sell a fellow American out at the drop of a hat. Trump's going up against some very nasty powerful forces. But hopefully he'll prevail. It's time to turn things around. Time to fight back.

There are about 100 GOPs that sent a letter to that president urging him not to proceed because it’s a disastrous.
Did you include them in your list anti Trump hateful list?
Quality jobs are out there for people with high tech skills and education to perform those tasks. America is pretty dumb and can't take advantage of what is offered.

There were many more before the Globalists systematically sold American Workers out. It's time to turn that around. It's great finally having a US President willing to take on the Globalists. There will be some painful moments in the process, but it's what's best for the future.

American workers out..... right on bro. HYPOCRITE Trump hired and keep hiring foreign workers for his Maralago and vineyards. Because he said he can’t find cook, waiters, janitors in Florida.
And he also claimed that cannot find locals to work in his vineyard.
Quality jobs are out there for people with high tech skills and education to perform those tasks. America is pretty dumb and can't take advantage of what is offered.

There were many more before the Globalists systematically sold American Workers out. It's time to turn that around. It's great finally having a US President willing to take on the Globalists. There will be some painful moments in the process, but it's what's best for the future.

Filthy Don is a globalist himself. Most of his products are made overseas; he's pandering to the dumb racist masses and ran his campaign as such.

Anyways, most automotive plants are subsidied here in the USA anyways (can you say the South?)....we are pushing to a more socialistic economy day in and day to compete worldwide and pay extra taxes to put our people to work.

Do you know why he has his products made overseas? Because if he has them made in America, it would cost more and the American consumers won't buy them. All those Democrats are not packing Walmart because of the quality of their goods.

So what you are saying is...... Trump is no different than what everyone else are doing. Giving up American jobs to foreign countries. So he can sell his products at reasonable cost. Meaning Deschurte’s arguments thus became worthless.
A very good example of that is the steel and aluminum........... We currently buy them from foreign countries at lower cost. So we can make our products at the current prices.
If we buy all these materials locally it cost more. Current prices of goods that rely on these materials will cost more. Not to mention the ripple effect for the rest of other products and services. That said........ How is this tariffs increase helps us?

Also If buying steel and aluminum from foreign countries is such a very bad to our economy....... Why in the world our economy is booming big time?
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Quality jobs are out there for people with high tech skills and education to perform those tasks. America is pretty dumb and can't take advantage of what is offered.

There were many more before the Globalists systematically sold American Workers out. It's time to turn that around. It's great finally having a US President willing to take on the Globalists. There will be some painful moments in the process, but it's what's best for the future.

Filthy Don is a globalist himself. Most of his products are made overseas; he's pandering to the dumb racist masses and ran his campaign as such.

Anyways, most automotive plants are subsidied here in the USA anyways (can you say the South?)....we are pushing to a more socialistic economy day in and day to compete worldwide and pay extra taxes to put our people to work.

Do you know why he has his products made overseas? Because if he has them made in America, it would cost more and the American consumers won't buy them. All those Democrats are not packing Walmart because of the quality of their goods.

So what you are saying is...... Trump is no different than what everyone ales are doing. Giving up American jobs to foreign countries. So he can sell his products at reasonable cost. Meaning Deschurte’s arguments thus became worthless.
A very good example of that is the steel and aluminum........... We currently buy them from foreign countries at lower cost. So we can make our products at the current prices.
If we buy all these materials locally it cost more. Current prices of goods that rely on these materials will cost more. Not to mention the ripple effect for the rest of other products and services. That said........ How is this tariffs increase helps us?

Also If buying steel and aluminum from foreign countries is such a very bad to our economy....... Why in the world our economy is booming big time?

I'm not crazy about tariffs as it is experimental at this point. But the truth of the matter is we could solve a lot of problems in this country if most of us decided to support American workers and American companies.

The problem is we are cheap consumers. Sell us the cheapest product you can and that's the product we will buy.

So what this tariff may do is exactly that; force us to support American workers and companies. Let's see how it works, because we American consumers will not do it ourselves.

As for the ripple effect, why is it that the left is never concerned about the ripple effect of a huge minimum wage increase, the cost to companies for buying more expensive green fuel, or the cost of Commie Care?
Nothing else has worked... so now we go to the matresses...

No. Sorry. Much has worked. What hasn't worked is TRICKLE DOWN economics. But that's what we are now trying AGAIN.

See ya on the other side.
/——/ And when it does work will you have the balls to admit it?

Do you have the balls to admit it has not worked in the past?
/——/ it did work in the past but libtards are in full denial.

Okay you convince me. Can you tell us how this 25% tariffs increase help us?
/——/ No, I’m done with that argument after 20 years. Libs will never concede the point. So believe what you want.
I'm not crazy about tariffs as it is experimental at this point. But the truth of the matter is we could solve a lot of problems in this country if most of us decided to support American workers and American companies.

The problem is we are cheap consumers. Sell us the cheapest product you can and that's the product we will buy.

So what this tariff may do is exactly that; force us to support American workers and companies. Let's see how it works, because we American consumers will not do it ourselves.

As for the ripple effect, why is it that the left is never concerned about the ripple effect of a huge minimum wage increase, the cost to companies for buying more expensive green fuel, or the cost of Commie Care?

Do you think it is the job of the government to try and force its citizens to buy certain products?
At least he's trying to bring quality American Jobs back to our country.

To what detriment?

Why steel tariffs failed when Bush was president

Well my friend...... Look at the current economy. Does it look like these companies that are in the steel and aluminum business are suffering? These are the casualties of success which is very good as far as in general are concerned.

Here is the reality. Forget that you are a Trump supporter for a second.
The bottom line:
1. Prices of steel and aluminum all over US may it be local or imports will increase tremendously favoring his buddies.
2. Prices of products that are heavily rely on steel and aluminum such as cars, can goods, medical instruments manufacturers, tools etc etc etc...... will increase.
3. Hard to compete overseas with our products as it is.
4. Our partners overseas will retaliate. Thus harder to sell our products as it is.
5. Remember some of those countries can live with less sacrifices without buying our products.
6. I’m in the medical instrumentation business. How much do you think I will increase the cost of my instruments? $5. $10........ How about maybe at the minimum $1,500 or $2,000.

Bad idea. Very bad idea.
/——-/ OK you convinced me. Let’s just roll over and play dead. Problem solved.

You’ve been listening to Trump and Hannity too much.

Look at the evidence...... The booming economy. Does it look like we are playing dead?
Trump tactics and style the way he sells his agenda is to scare people....... Countries are taking advantage of us, they are taking jobs away from us, look at the deficits..... If that is true then our country should be in shambles with high employment.
Don’t you think? Tell me where I’m wrong.
/——/ I grew up in South Carolina, textile center of the world. By the late 70s all those factories closed and the textiles came from overseas. Same story with the steel mills. But you’ll just dismiss it and come back tomorrow with the same arguments
I'm not crazy about tariffs as it is experimental at this point. But the truth of the matter is we could solve a lot of problems in this country if most of us decided to support American workers and American companies.

The problem is we are cheap consumers. Sell us the cheapest product you can and that's the product we will buy.

So what this tariff may do is exactly that; force us to support American workers and companies. Let's see how it works, because we American consumers will not do it ourselves.

As for the ripple effect, why is it that the left is never concerned about the ripple effect of a huge minimum wage increase, the cost to companies for buying more expensive green fuel, or the cost of Commie Care?

Do you think it is the job of the government to try and force its citizens to buy certain products?
/——-/ You mean like healthcare?
...No. Sorry. Much has worked...
Incorrect. Our trade-imbalances, with respect to manufactured goods, and our closed factories, tell us what we need to know.

Not really, it just gives you one small part of a much larger picture.

We are at 104 straight months of economic expansion, the third longest such period in the history of our country and there is no end in sight.

We are at 89 straight months of positive job growth, which I belive is the longest such streak in our history, with no end in sight for that either.

We have a trade imbalance with respect to manufactured goods because other countries make shit we the citizens of this country want to buy, it is really that simple. It is the same reason I have a trade imbalance with my local BestBuy, they have shit I want to buy.

If you really believe all of that, I truly feel sorry for you.

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