Great article on how liberalism has torn England apart, and how we are next


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
UK riots 2011: Britain's liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value | Mail Online

That link is fantastic for anyone willing to read it through. It sounds like England's society is about 5-10 years ahead on the road we are travelling. Won't get too into the details of the article since it's linked. And I know its too in-depth and too analytical for the typical liberal to read, so I don't expect them to (which ironically the article discusses regarding libs and their "eduation" or lack of it).

Some fantastic articles lately on moral vs liberal culture in England and it's effects. All coming from the British media/press, of course, since our media would never hurt someone's feelings by doing a tough analysis of cultures.
UK riots 2011: The politics of envy was bound to end up in flames | Mail Online

Wow. The British media is on top of the threat of liberalism like nothing I've ever seen in US media. This guy is going to the top of my must-read list.

This article explains how the Politics of Envy always will lead to violence.
A few exerpts:

"He may claim he’s having a pop at bankers and non-doms, but on the streets the ‘rich’ are anyone who has achieved something in life, from the owners of the local family furniture store to the proprietors of Patel’s Multimart and Papandreou’s Hair Salon — anyone, in fact, who is perceived to have more than them. "

"We’ve heard the usual garbage about social exclusion and police hostility to minorities. Every lame excuse has been trotted out, from lack of job opportunities to tuition fees.
As I wrote on Tuesday, there’s no lack of job vacancies, it’s just that they’ve all been filled by hard-working Eastern Europeans attracted here after Labour tore up Britain’s border controls."

"As Max Hastings and Melanie Phillips have argued eloquently on these pages, this is the inevitable outcome of 30 years of Left-wing social experimentation, aimed deliberately at destroying the social fabric of our country."

"The police are hamstrung by legislation and terrified of being accused of racism. So it’s hardly surprising that instead of clubbing these looters like baby seals, which is what they deserved, they initially stood back and watched while shops were plundered and homes burned down"
The attitude he outlines is spot on. That to the typical left wing street walker, the interpretation of "the rich" isn't the billionaire CEO. It's anyone who has accomplished something, or anyone who simply has more than him/her.

This shit is headed our way unless we learn the lessons of London right now. ENOUGH class warfare and politics of envy.
You keep posting new threads about this. Why?

America has only moved right in the past 3 decades. America was much more liberal after WWII up until the Carter Administration. Even Republicans were moderate and accepted many of the New Deal policies. Heck, even Nixon was probably more liberal than Obama. Here is Eisenhower writing to his brother in 1954.

“Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

We have only moved to the right since the Reagan Revolution.
You keep posting new threads about this. Why?

America has only moved right in the past 3 decades. America was much more liberal after WWII up until the Carter Administration. Even Republicans were moderate and accepted many of the New Deal policies. Heck, even Nixon was probably more liberal than Obama. Here is Eisenhower writing to his brother in 1954.

“Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

We have only moved to the right since the Reagan Revolution.

Really? I disagree. We've grown into more of a left wing nanny state with each passing year.

In the 1950's we didn't have cops shutting down children's lemonade stands for not having the $300 permit. We didn't have such a fanatical push for tolerance of anything to the point that nothing is sacred or bad, but all is equal.

The number of people who are living off the gov't handouts has exploded. We've become a nanny state, and it's getting worse. We're headed down the exact same path England is.

Sorry for the 2 threads, but both articles I though were fantastic.
Really? I disagree. We've grown into more of a left wing nanny state with each passing year.

The nanny state isn't strictly a liberal ideal. Conservatives have been quite actively using the power of the government to shape market outcomes, never mind their bans on porn, birth control, drugs, smoking, etc.
The Conservative Nanny State

Let's not forget big government republicans and Terri Schiavo.

In the 1950's we didn't have cops shutting down children's lemonade stands for not having the $300 permit. We didn't have such a fanatical push for tolerance of anything to the point that nothing is sacred or bad, but all is equal.

The shutting down of lemonade stands is fucking idiotic. However, Affirmative Action was passed under the Kennedy administration. I am not sure why you hostile towards tolerance. Perhaps it stems from Republican xenophobia which is displayed very often here.

The number of people who are living off the gov't handouts has exploded. We've become a nanny state, and it's getting worse. We're headed down the exact same path England is.

Corporate welfare has increased over the years. However, I don't see Republicans going after this sort of welfare. Sometimes an occasional one will talk a good game, but that is about it. Instead, Republicans attack welfare aimed at the poor and elderly, showing their true colors all while bitching and moaning about welfare.

Sorry for the 2 threads, but both articles I though were fantastic.

I am sorry. I thought it was the same opinion piece article from the tabloid paper, the Daily Mail. They must be on a roll.
Got hysteria?


Looks to me like the vast majority of people remained law abiding citizens.
It's conservative economic policies that caused those riots. Just like the way conservatives have trashed the economy here. Keep following those destructive policies and you will find riots happening all over America. Look at Wisconsin and Florida. Two states very close to riots.
The attitude he outlines is spot on. That to the typical left wing street walker, the interpretation of "the rich" isn't the billionaire CEO. It's anyone who has accomplished something, or anyone who simply has more than him/her.

This shit is headed our way unless we learn the lessons of London right now. ENOUGH class warfare and politics of envy.

I'm wondering if we might start having riots in this country... and what the political fallout will be.
You keep posting new threads about this. Why?

America has only moved right in the past 3 decades. America was much more liberal after WWII up until the Carter Administration. Even Republicans were moderate and accepted many of the New Deal policies. Heck, even Nixon was probably more liberal than Obama. Here is Eisenhower writing to his brother in 1954.

“Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

We have only moved to the right since the Reagan Revolution.

We're moving to the right because we can't afford to go any further left. Spending is out of control. People in England have had generations of social programs, they're rioting because they don't want to give up entitlements. They don't know anything else.

Guess what, England is broke too. They can no longer foot the bill for those social programs.

A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower, first inaugural address, 20 January 1953
The attitude he outlines is spot on. That to the typical left wing street walker, the interpretation of "the rich" isn't the billionaire CEO. It's anyone who has accomplished something, or anyone who simply has more than him/her.

This shit is headed our way unless we learn the lessons of London right now. ENOUGH class warfare and politics of envy.

I'm wondering if we might start having riots in this country... and what the political fallout will be.

Not a clue. But...

The last round of civil distrubances in the 60s facilitated the civil rights laws and Johnson's war on poverty.

Times have changed.

Now the war on poverty has become the war on the middle class.
Blackberry helpin' cops track young rioters...
Blackberry Helps UK Police Track Flash Mobs
August 13, 2011 - A media watchdog says who want to identify rioters in London and other cities through their smartphones.
Reporters Without Borders said Blackberry has already provided Scotland Yard with information about a number of Blackberry users. British rioters and looters were able to organize rapidly through Blackberry's encrypted text messages. The nights of rioting were sparked by a police shooting last Saturday in Tottenham.

Reporters Without Borders says it is not minimizing the "gravity of the situation" in the United Kingdom, but the group says it believes providing personal data to the police sets a "disturbing precedent" in a western country and could have "significant consequences" for setting an example for other kinds of government.

The media watchdog group said it was "shocked" by suggestions from several politicians that Blackberry should suspend its messaging service. The group urged British authorities "to rule out any possibility of shutting down or drastically restricting the use of social networks."

Reporters Without Borders also voiced concern about British Prime Minister David Cameron's suggestion that television broadcasters have a duty to hand over unused footage of the rioting to the police. The group said doing so would turn the television broadcasters into "police auxiliaries and seriously endanger their independence."

(Chart at link)
Posted on August 14, 2011 by John Hinderaker in Conservatism, European Decline

Does Excessive Welfare Spending Cause Riots?

That inference is suggested by this chart, showing welfare spending in the U.K. over the last 25 years, courtesy of U.K. Public

At a minimum, the facts certainly negate any suggestion that criminals can be kept out of sight and out of mind by being bribed with welfare money.

Does Excessive Welfare Spending Cause Riots? | Power Line
Posted on August 14, 2011 by John Hinderaker in European Decline

Death Throes of the Welfare State

The riots in London continue to shed light on the unraveling of a once-great nation. The U.K.’s Tory government has proposed to terminate the “benefits”–some of them, anyway–of those who are convicted of participating in the riots. This applies to those who are not sentenced to prison, as inmates are cared for by the state and automatically forfeit whatever benefits they may otherwise have received.

This seems like an unobjectionable plan. For one thing, all of the rioters that we saw in photos or on video appear to be perfectly able-bodied. Why are they on “benefits” in the first place? One would think that getting a job is precisely what these yobs, as the British call them, need. But in today’s England, reducing a criminal’s benefits is no easy thing:

[T]he proposals threaten to cause a row at the heart of the coalition government, with many Lib Dems uneasy about such draconian measures.

Suggesting to an able-bodied young man that he should work for a living rather than subsisting on the dole while burning cars and buildings in his spare time is “draconian?” One wonders what the Duke of Wellington would have made of that.

Julian Huppert, a Lib Dem MP, warned: “If you say to people there is no way for you to get money then that will lead to an increase in theft.”

“No way to get money?” How about employment?

Death Throes of the Welfare State | Power Line
It's conservative economic policies that caused those riots. Just like the way conservatives have trashed the economy here. Keep following those destructive policies and you will find riots happening all over America. Look at Wisconsin and Florida. Two states very close to riots.

I dropped in to the thread with the aim of pointing out that Richard Littlejohn is quite conservative in his views (however, that's the UK version of 'conservative' not ours) but your moronic bullshit makes me wonder whether I should bother.

This is definitely not one of the 6% of your posts that are factually accurate.


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