Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news
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Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news

Is this finally the "Summer of Recovery"? Green shoots?
We'll see- Perhaps the Pubs can have another debt limit crisis or sequester to bolster their 5 year obstruction/fear mongering fiesta. Azzholes and silly hater dupes!
The funny thing is that the radical left is in a hypocritical bind. They hate Wall Street and Corporate America and yet they depend on Wall Street figures to portray an economic recovery. Nobody in main stream America apparently feels all warm and fuzzy so we will have to chalk it up to camouflage for the impeachable scandals looming over the Hussein administration
We'll see what happens when Obama turns off his printing presses.

what makes you think that will be necessary, the stimulus has proven a Historical success - oh, you prefer crime, hunger and slavery ... ?
The stimulus was a monumental failure. The stock market is booming because of very low interest rates and the fed printing 40 million dollars a month backed by nothing at all. Incurious democrats don't even wonder where all that money is going. Unemployment is flat the GDP is static or negative. Democrats are so busy sucking obama's balls they can't even wonder where all the money made in the market is going.

You notice with Obama they say everything is Historical..

he takes 800BILLION of the taxpayers money doles it out to his cronies, unions and people who will vote for him, and that is HISTORICAL
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Went from losing 700k jobs/month to gaining jobs for 30 months straight in just 9 months, shyttehead dupes....WTF is wrong with you? Change the gd channel...

Party first, right GOP?
Well, apparently some people haven't noticed that the bureau of labor statistics reported that even though jobs had increased, the number of hours worked has decreased which indicated that the jobs created were for part time work, and that the shift from full time to part time is taking place at a rapid pace which further indicated that this was possibly due to the locomotive, Obama Care, heading down the tracks. The CPI and manufacturing index should be of concern, but then again some people only read what they are told.
Well, apparently some people haven't noticed that the bureau of labor statistics reported that even though jobs had increased, the number of hours worked has decreased which indicated that the jobs created were for part time work, and that the shift from full time to part time is taking place at a rapid pace which further indicated that this was possibly due to the locomotive, Obama Care, heading down the tracks. The CPI and manufacturing index should be of concern, but then again some people only read what they are told.

Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news

It takes 3 or 4 years for a President's policies to be seen as working or not. However, the right would be giving their guys credit, although they expected Obama to be successful immediately.
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Here, once again, we see the "Conservatives" wishing poverty and bankruptcy on their fellow Americans for political reasons. President Obama is a success. He got Bin Laden, and now the economy is coming back. And all you assholes can do is wail because we are having better times instead of the Depression your people set us up for.
Here, once again, we see the "Conservatives" wishing poverty and bankruptcy on their fellow Americans for political reasons. President Obama is a success. He got Bin Laden, and now the economy is coming back. And all you assholes can do is wail because we are having better times instead of the Depression your people set us up for.

ummmhummm, WISHING poverty and bankruptcy on their fellow Americans, we were in a Depression I guess Obama waved his magic wand and brought us out of that, the dramatics with you people..
and he got Bin laden..that is helping the high price of food and gas, brought unemployment down to 4% too..oh wait, it's still hovering around 8% after FIVE years in office...
you see people he's a RAGING success
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Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news

thats a real shame if you think the economy is in recovery.Obviously you just believe what you hear and don't keep updated on the real facts. There are millions of people out there unaware of the real facts, and thats a real shame.
Obama just hired 16 thousand more IRS people to handle his Obamacare. You ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait!!!!!!!! People are going to have less and less money to survive on and taxes are going to eat up everything you have./
Those who have their heads in the sand are going to have a rude awakening. If people continue to believe what this administration is feeding into their minds, then you are going to quite surprised when things fall to the bottom. Its bad enough now, but its about to get worse.

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