Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited

The stimulus was a monumental failure. The stock market is booming because of very low interest rates and the fed printing 40 million dollars a month backed by nothing at all. Incurious democrats don't even wonder where all that money is going. Unemployment is flat the GDP is static or negative. Democrats are so busy sucking obama's balls they can't even wonder where all the money made in the market is going.


You notice with Obama they say everything is Historical..

he takes 800BILLION of the taxpayers money doles it out to his cronies, unions and people who will vote for him, and that is HISTORICAL

You are two of the ones that the OP had in mind when he started this thread. You morons would be the first to sing Romney's praises and give him all the credit had he not been slaughtered by Obama. But since it's Obama all you have is more BS.


1st knob cobbler, Romney was not "slaughtered" by Obama, he won 332, Reagen won 525 in 1984 now that was a slaughter. 2nd, if Romney would have won, we would have witnessed alot more investing by people that are just holding on to their money with Obama as POTUS, thats a fact. 3rd, The Bussiness owners would have been relieved because they could start building more store's and not have had to worry about Obama care in its present form. thats a fact....

Welcome to Fantasy Island
You are two of the ones that the OP had in mind when he started this thread. You morons would be the first to sing Romney's praises and give him all the credit had he not been slaughtered by Obama. But since it's Obama all you have is more BS.


1st knob cobbler, Romney was not "slaughtered" by Obama, he won 332, Reagen won 525 in 1984 now that was a slaughter. 2nd, if Romney would have won, we would have witnessed alot more investing by people that are just holding on to their money with Obama as POTUS, thats a fact. 3rd, The Bussiness owners would have been relieved because they could start building more store's and not have had to worry about Obama care in its present form. thats a fact....

Welcome to Fantasy Island

Oh really? Romney would not have been sworn in till January 21st 2013, Obama could have his ended his legacy by doing what he did, make Bush tax cuts perment for the middle class and raise it for the rich.....and Lmao you would have seen the the same thing happen to the deficit today. The Rich guys like Al Gore would have dumped his tv. station before Jan 1st before taxes were raised...... Go back my friend and try again. and I do like your other post btw it does make sense to me now.
Conservative mantra seems to be: there is no good, there is only bad. Until there is no bad news there is no good news
Nutballand is the BizarroWorld of politics.

Good news for the United States is bad news for nutballs.
Bad news for the United States is good news for nutballs.

Nutball presidents can triple the debt, start wars, kill and maim tens of thousands of US citizens, then literally give corporations the keys to the US Treasury - and all that is a good thing.

Fake-liberal ReagaNUTs like Clinton and Obama can't even fuck the help or lie about a bad day at some embassy or let Wall Street keep the keys to the US Treasury without the Chicken Little set sounding an alarm a minute about stuff they took as gospel under nutball presidents.

Why is that?
Where is the recovery?

"Conventional homebuyers are also being muscled out by big investors who have been buying distressed properties in bulk and converting them to rentals."

"This is not a natural recovery. A lot of what is driving demand has nothing to do with a normal housing market. It's an anomaly caused by huge investment firms. This has kept families out of the housing market."

Analysis: Housing price gains mask lingering market weaknesses | Reuters
The Republicans cannot allow an economic recovery.
Republicans have filibustered, passed useless bills, tied up the House of Reps preached all the terrible things that are coming, yet the nation is still recovering. Now what do Republicans do?
Since their Truman was a Republican, thing didn't work, how about the argument that Bush's trickle-down is finally just starting to trickle down, or maybe, try the birth certificate thing one more time?
Well, apparently some people haven't noticed that the bureau of labor statistics reported that even though jobs had increased, the number of hours worked has decreased which indicated that the jobs created were for part time work, and that the shift from full time to part time is taking place at a rapid pace which further indicated that this was possibly due to the locomotive, Obama Care, heading down the tracks. The CPI and manufacturing index should be of concern, but then again some people only read what they are told.

The funny thing is that the radical left is in a hypocritical bind. They hate Wall Street and Corporate America and yet they depend on Wall Street figures to portray an economic recovery. Nobody in main stream America apparently feels all warm and fuzzy so we will have to chalk it up to camouflage for the impeachable scandals looming over the Hussein administration

When you decide to make any sense try and come back slowly
Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news

Dante comes back and reads through the thread and it appears Dante could claim psychic abilities, but Dante doesn't play like that...knowing your opponents is not proof of psychic abilities, it is proof of something the right wing will never understand...
Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news

Is this finally the "Summer of Recovery"? Green shoots?

Open up a paper Frank.

Market's breaking records..everyday.
Went from losing 700k jobs/month to gaining jobs for 30 months straight in just 9 months, shyttehead dupes....WTF is wrong with you? Change the gd channel...

Party first, right GOP?

with many it is not even party first anymore, it is ideology first
This is because only Conservatism is the absolute immutable truth. Liberalism is based on nothing but lies, intentions, and emotions. conservatism demands results.
The Republicans cannot allow an economic recovery.
Republicans have filibustered, passed useless bills, tied up the House of Reps preached all the terrible things that are coming, yet the nation is still recovering. Now what do Republicans do?
Since their Truman was a Republican, thing didn't work, how about the argument that Bush's trickle-down is finally just starting to trickle down, or maybe, try the birth certificate thing one more time?

Naw..they've been flooding a compliant MSM with "scandals".

Well, apparently some people haven't noticed that the bureau of labor statistics reported that even though jobs had increased, the number of hours worked has decreased which indicated that the jobs created were for part time work, and that the shift from full time to part time is taking place at a rapid pace which further indicated that this was possibly due to the locomotive, Obama Care, heading down the tracks. The CPI and manufacturing index should be of concern, but then again some people only read what they are told.

Kevin Phillips (political commentator) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Phillips uses the term financialization to describe how the U.S. economy has been radically restructured from a focus on production, manufacturing and wages, to a focus on speculation, debt, and profits. Since the 1980s, Phillips argues in American Theocracy,

the underlying Washington strategy… was less to give ordinary Americans direct sums than to create a low-interest-rate boom in real estate, thereby raising the percentage of American home ownership, ballooning the prices of homes, and allowing householders to take out some of that increase through low-cost refinancing. This triple play created new wealth to take the place of that destroyed in the 2000-2002 stock-market crash and simultaneously raised consumer confidence.

Nothing similar had ever been engineered before. Instead of a recovery orchestrated by Congress and the White House and aimed at the middle- and bottom-income segments, this one was directed by an appointed central banker, a man whose principal responsibility was to the banking system. His relief, targeted on financial assets and real estate, was principally achieved by monetary stimulus. This in itself confirmed the massive realignment of preferences and priorities within the American system….

Likewise, huge and indisputable but almost never discussed, were the powerful political economics lurking behind the stimulus: the massive rate-cut-driven post-2000 bailout of the FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate) sector, with its ever-climbing share of GDP and proximity to power. No longer would Washington concentrate stimulus on wages or public-works employment. The Fed's policies, however shrewd, were not rooted in an abstraction of the national interest but in pursuit of its statutory mandate to protect the U.S. banking and payments system, now inseparable from the broadly defined financial-services sector.
Went from losing 700k jobs/month to gaining jobs for 30 months straight in just 9 months, shyttehead dupes....WTF is wrong with you? Change the gd channel...

Party first, right GOP?

with many it is not even party first anymore, it is ideology first
This is because only Conservatism is the absolute immutable truth. Liberalism is based on nothing but lies, intentions, and emotions. conservatism demands results.

The truth is..Conservatives are reptiles. Liberals are mammals.

Went from losing 700k jobs/month to gaining jobs for 30 months straight in just 9 months, shyttehead dupes....WTF is wrong with you? Change the gd channel...

Party first, right GOP?

with many it is not even party first anymore, it is ideology first
This is because only Conservatism is the absolute immutable truth. Liberalism is based on nothing but lies, intentions, and emotions. conservatism demands results.

I'm sorry I neg-repped you before. It's pretty obvious you're really one of us just on here to make Cons look even worse than they already do.

Keep up the good work, dude!

with many it is not even party first anymore, it is ideology first
This is because only Conservatism is the absolute immutable truth. Liberalism is based on nothing but lies, intentions, and emotions. conservatism demands results.

I'm sorry I neg-repped you before. It's pretty obvious you're really one of us just on here to make Cons look even worse than they already do.

Keep up the good work, dude!

Communist douche.
Went from losing 700k jobs/month to gaining jobs for 30 months straight in just 9 months, shyttehead dupes....WTF is wrong with you? Change the gd channel...

Party first, right GOP?

with many it is not even party first anymore, it is ideology first
This is because only Conservatism is the absolute immutable truth. Liberalism is based on nothing but lies, intentions, and emotions. conservatism demands results.

whatever. Did you come here from yahoo groups?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
with many it is not even party first anymore, it is ideology first
This is because only Conservatism is the absolute immutable truth. Liberalism is based on nothing but lies, intentions, and emotions. conservatism demands results.

whatever. Did you come here from yahoo groups?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Naw, can't ya tell? He's a Sorosbot plant from CommieLib HQ who's helping us by giving an obvious unhinged wingnut to point at and laugh.


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