Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited

Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news

It takes 3 or 4 years for a President's policies to be seen as working or not. However, the right would be giving their guys credit, although they expected Obama to be successful immediately.

The right didnt say that about Obama, Obama said it himself, that he would quit after 4 years it he didnt turn it around.
The stimulus was a monumental failure. The stock market is booming because of very low interest rates and the fed printing 40 million dollars a month backed by nothing at all. Incurious democrats don't even wonder where all that money is going. Unemployment is flat the GDP is static or negative. Democrats are so busy sucking obama's balls they can't even wonder where all the money made in the market is going.


i am incline to agree with you. It is very unfortunate that the Democrats can't see the faults of their own party and this Muslim they put in the white house. These are people mentally being controlled by the power of words that Obama is using on them and they aren't smart enough to see it.
Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news


1st: What "great economic recovery news" are you talking about

and, 2: Are you saying that it would have happened, anyway, regardless of who was POTUS????
OK, it has been 3-4 years and Obama's policies are not working. Maybe he will be lucky and the stock market bubble will burst on the next president's watch.

Look around folks.

Bought gasoline lately?

Bought a steak?

Bought food?

Bought a car?

Big wigs were never hurt only the middle and lower class.
Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news


1st: What "great economic recovery news" are you talking about

and, 2: Are you saying that it would have happened, anyway, regardless of who was POTUS????

No, it would have happened faster.
Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news

yeah the right in this country has no sense of fairness left in them
Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news


1st: What "great economic recovery news" are you talking about

and, 2: Are you saying that it would have happened, anyway, regardless of who was POTUS????

No, it would have happened faster.

dude your party caused the crash with their policies
OK, it has been 3-4 years and Obama's policies are not working. Maybe he will be lucky and the stock market bubble will burst on the next president's watch.

Look around folks.

Bought gasoline lately? Yes. Moments ago. $3.38 per gallon.

Bought a steak? Bought 7 of them and grilled them on Monday. Mmmmm!

Bought food? Of course. We eat well.

Bought a car? Not this year. There are 5 in my driveway, though.

Big wigs were never hurt only the middle and lower class.

Awwww. Are you trying to spark a populist movement or something? Sorry, championing the cause of the middle class and poor is a liberal thang. You have to MEAN IT.
If Romney and Ryan had been elected you would see unemployment down in the low 6% range and continuing to fall throughout the rest of the year after 5 months of being in power and gas prices falling.

We would see it happing now if we would get rid of the new health care bill and what Bernanke is doing which is causing instability with companies and small businesses.
And today the market has fallen 155 points by the mere THOUGHT of the Feds stopping the $85,000,000,000 PER MONTH gravy train from this administration.
Fell 155 points - and no one has even said anything yet - this is just Wall Street reacting to the POSSIBILITY of losing our tax dollars as monthly windfall.

yeah - you Obamabots know it all. :eusa_hand:
We'll see what happens when Obama turns off his printing presses.

what makes you think that will be necessary, the stimulus has proven a Historical success - oh, you prefer crime, hunger and slavery ... ?

You're an idiot. The artificial "stimulus" has to end sometime, and when it does parasites like you can starve for all I care.

We've had this artificial "stimulus" plan going for over 4 years, and the first slight uptick has you bed wetters declaring victory? You're the most pathetic chumps since the crowds that adored hitler.

The world's dictators must be jealous of the moonbat messiah, and the incredible depth of ignorance his acolytes display.

Highest number of people on disability in history...Mission Accomplished!
Record payouts in unemployment compensation in history...Mission Accomplished!
Longest payouts in unemployment in history...Mission Accomplished!
Largest percentage of part-time employees to full time in history...Mission Accomplished!
Largest number of forced part-timers (7.8million April 2012) in history...Mission Accomplished! is great out there....yaaay...

1st: What "great economic recovery news" are you talking about

and, 2: Are you saying that it would have happened, anyway, regardless of who was POTUS????

No, it would have happened faster.

dude your party caused the crash with their policies

What "crash"?

You mean the one that Barney Frank (chairman of the House Financial Services Committee) said wasn't coming?
Or the one Chris Dodd (Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee) said wasn't coming?


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The stimulus was a monumental failure. The stock market is booming because of very low interest rates and the fed printing 40 million dollars a month backed by nothing at all. Incurious democrats don't even wonder where all that money is going. Unemployment is flat the GDP is static or negative. Democrats are so busy sucking obama's balls they can't even wonder where all the money made in the market is going.


You notice with Obama they say everything is Historical..

he takes 800BILLION of the taxpayers money doles it out to his cronies, unions and people who will vote for him, and that is HISTORICAL

You are two of the ones that the OP had in mind when he started this thread. You morons would be the first to sing Romney's praises and give him all the credit had he not been slaughtered by Obama. But since it's Obama all you have is more BS.

The stimulus was a monumental failure. The stock market is booming because of very low interest rates and the fed printing 40 million dollars a month backed by nothing at all. Incurious democrats don't even wonder where all that money is going. Unemployment is flat the GDP is static or negative. Democrats are so busy sucking obama's balls they can't even wonder where all the money made in the market is going.


You notice with Obama they say everything is Historical..

he takes 800BILLION of the taxpayers money doles it out to his cronies, unions and people who will vote for him, and that is HISTORICAL

You are two of the ones that the OP had in mind when he started this thread. You morons would be the first to sing Romney's praises and give him all the credit had he not been slaughtered by Obama. But since it's Obama all you have is more BS.


:doubt: record part-time employees, record food stamps, record forced think this all is just BS?
Great Economic Recovery News Today and If Romney/Ryan had won they would be credited...

but President Obama beat Romney/Ryan. Conservatives should be celebrating but they won't. Their butts hurt too much.

Yet imagine what the noise machine would be saying of this economic news was released 4 1/2 months into a Romney/Ryan admin. The politics of it all exposes the right as incapable of celebrating American recovery if it means proving the other guy had a good plan and stayed the course into good economic news

I heard an interesting analysis on a financial radio show the other day; the broker was saying that investors, most of whom voted for Romney, should instead be happy that Obama is in the White House. Why? Well, his reasoning was that, no matter who was elected, the stock market was going up as long as the Fed continued its accommodative monetary policy. He pointed out that Obama has been largely silent about the gains on Wall Street because it generally does not benefit his constituency, but since he is president his supporters generally won’t criticize him for it, even though unemployment and other measures are still far behind any meaningful recovery. However, if Romney had been elected, the left would be screaming about how he was only benefiting his wealthy constituents (and himself as well), and the result would be much greater pressure on the government to raise taxes and redistribute these “unfair” gains. Sort of like “Only Nixon could go to China”, his theory seems to be “Only Obama could preside over a run-up in investment gains while so many are still out of work and suffering.” Ironic.

Personally, I’m very happy that the stock market and housing prices are up; it’s been of great benefit to me. I wouldn’t want to be out of work right now, but don’t worry; the trickle down has already started.
Here, once again, we see the "Conservatives" wishing poverty and bankruptcy on their fellow Americans for political reasons. President Obama is a success. He got Bin Laden, and now the economy is coming back. And all you assholes can do is wail because we are having better times instead of the Depression your people set us up for.

He got bin Laden, but is in no way responsible for Benghazi or the IRS scandals, right?
Here, once again, we see the "Conservatives" wishing poverty and bankruptcy on their fellow Americans for political reasons. President Obama is a success. He got Bin Laden, and now the economy is coming back. And all you assholes can do is wail because we are having better times instead of the Depression your people set us up for.

He got bin Laden, but is in no way responsible for Benghazi or the IRS scandals, right?

Obama doesn't control the military for rescue missions. Only for attack missions

The stimulus was a monumental failure. The stock market is booming because of very low interest rates and the fed printing 40 million dollars a month backed by nothing at all. Incurious democrats don't even wonder where all that money is going. Unemployment is flat the GDP is static or negative. Democrats are so busy sucking obama's balls they can't even wonder where all the money made in the market is going.


You notice with Obama they say everything is Historical..

he takes 800BILLION of the taxpayers money doles it out to his cronies, unions and people who will vote for him, and that is HISTORICAL

You are two of the ones that the OP had in mind when he started this thread. You morons would be the first to sing Romney's praises and give him all the credit had he not been slaughtered by Obama. But since it's Obama all you have is more BS.


1st knob cobbler, Romney was not "slaughtered" by Obama, he won 332, Reagen won 525 in 1984 now that was a slaughter. 2nd, if Romney would have won, we would have witnessed alot more investing by people that are just holding on to their money with Obama as POTUS, thats a fact. 3rd, The Bussiness owners would have been relieved because they could start building more store's and not have had to worry about Obama care in its present form. thats a fact....
Must have something to do with those tax increases on billionaires

Every time the economy improved after a tax cut, Republicans took credit. So it is obvious that the Obama tax increase caused an economic boom

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